Kushner got $285 million loan from Russia-linked bank facing charges, (1 month before the election)

All patriots - and that does not include OKTexas and others who seek to stifle the current investigations - want to know if there was a quid quo pro between Russians and the Trump Campaign.

Well we know that Putin personally ordered his people to help elect Trump. And we know that Trump has tried to deny and cover up Russia's interference in the election. Constantly calling it "fake news" and saying that Russia didn't try to hack the election.

So we have Putin ordering the hack, and Trump saying it didn't happen. Even though we now know that Trump received security briefings telling him all about it. And what did Trump say about what the 17 intelligence agencies were reporting?

Trump said he didn't trust the 17 intelligence agencies. And instead trusted Putin saying he didn't order the hacking of the American election. Which of course we now know Putin personally ordered.
Trying to link this to Russia is hilarious. A German bank with more than 27 million private clients, yet this one loan has to be because of Russia.

Whomever came up with this conspiracy really needs to have their head checked.
All patriots - and that does not include OKTexas and others who seek to stifle the current investigations - want to know if there was a quid quo pro between Russians and the Trump Campaign.

Well we know that Putin personally ordered his people to help elect Trump. And we know that Trump has tried to deny and cover up Russia's interference in the election. Constantly calling it "fake news" and saying that Russia didn't try to hack the election.

So we have Putin ordering the hack, and Trump saying it didn't happen. Even though we now know that Trump received security briefings telling him all about it. And what did Trump say about what the 17 intelligence agencies were reporting?

Trump said he didn't trust the 17 intelligence agencies. And instead trusted Putin saying he didn't order the hacking of the American election. Which of course we now know Putin personally ordered.

For those of you with a really really short memory.
LOL, SO if what Obama did was legal, why didn't he just wire money to Iran electronically, or simply give them American Dollars? And why did he need to do it under the dead of night?.

Because we had no diplomatic relations with Iran. There were no embassy's, no ambassadors, no financial structures in place through which to wire money. We would have to pay either in cash or in gold bullion. We chose cash.
So how exactly did Putin help Trump?

Nobody seems to know.

Nobody seems to be able to show any evidence.

The allegations came from The Democrat Party

The Russian Collusion Narrative created by The Clinton Campaign as a last ditch effort to save a loser of a candidate was already proven false.

Hillary Clinton & George Soros spent millions paying Twitter Trolls, Facebook Trolls, and Message Board Trolls to trash Trump.
How'd that work out for them?

So exactly what is the accusation against Russia?

Because I have to tell you, Russia isn't doing damn thing to help Trump now.
But The Left sure as hell are working with our enemies to attempt to destablize our Democracy.

So again, what did Russia do?

Because if they did anything, they did it poorly and aren't half as effective, hateful and violent as The Left is.
, why didn't he just wire money to Iran electronically, or simply give them American Dollars? And why did he need to do it under the dead of night?.

Iran wanted cash, and the new currency of trade is the euro, since they were still under sanctions as far as buying stuff with American dollars. As far as the timing? They're on the other side of the world. They would have either had to leave in the dead of night, or arrive in the dead of night. Days are not 24 hours of daylight, except in Alaska.
LOL, SO if what Obama did was legal, why didn't he just wire money to Iran electronically, or simply give them American Dollars? And why did he need to do it under the dead of night?.

Because we had no diplomatic relations with Iran. There were no embassy's, no ambassadors, no financial structures in place through which to wire money. We would have to pay either in cash or in gold bullion. We chose cash.

Why would IRAN need Cash when Electronically Wired money spends the same?

Why did we have to convert American Dollars to Euros and fly them there personally without notifying Congress, or letting The American People know until it was leaked that this was occurring?

We aren't even allowed to accept gifts from Iran. You know like The Priceless Persian Rugs Obama Received.

So why "Euros On A Plane"?
Is there a law that Americans can't deal with Deutsche Bank because it has "ties" to Russia? How absurd.
Actually not. It's called money laundering. We have sanctions in place, and laws preventing third parties from getting around those sanctions by working as intermediaries.

Remember Iran-Contra. We couldn't sell weapons to Iran, since that was against the law, there was the 'trading with the enemies act' we had to follow. But we could sell weapons to Israel, if Israel "nudge nudge, wink wink" promised not to sell them to Iran.

Are you STUPID, or did you miss the whole Iranian hostage crisis from the late 1970's. It made all the newspapers.
You don't like being proven wrong very much, do you? So now you resort to insults?
I'll accept that as a sign of your surrender.

The Iranian Hostage Crisis? LMAO.

That was back in the 70s, so why do we have NO DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH IRAN NOW?

We aren't allowed to buy anything from Iran, Accept gifts from them like The Priceless Persian Rugs Obama was given worth Millions of Dollars from Iran.
We aren't allowed to wire them money electronically, or send them American Dollars for any reason at all.
And Congress is supposed to be notified of any conversations or discussions about any kinds of potential transactions with Iran, and has to approve them, so why didn't Obama ask Congress to approve this "transaction" since it was in clear violation of Sanctions and International Law?

Why wasn't Obama impeached for this? Why didn't Lynch or Comey comment about the obvious illegalities of this and the violations of International Law and The Sanctions in place at the time?
Oh gee. A real estate firm took out a loan from a multinational bank.

Who has ever heard of such a thing happening?
Kushner got $285 million loan from Russia-linked bank facing charges, (1 month before the election)

Lock him up.....Lock him up
So,given your logic, Tesla, Starwood Capital, Cove Properties, Strategic Hotels, and 27 million other clients are all involved in money laundering. Lol
Is there a law that Americans can't deal with Deutsche Bank because it has "ties" to Russia? How absurd.
Actually not. It's called money laundering. We have sanctions in place, and laws preventing third parties from getting around those sanctions by working as intermediaries.

Remember Iran-Contra. We couldn't sell weapons to Iran, since that was against the law, there was the 'trading with the enemies act' we had to follow. But we could sell weapons to Israel, if Israel "nudge nudge, wink wink" promised not to sell them to Iran.
Wow, the jails are gonna be awfully crowded with 27 million clients locked up! Are you footing the bill?
Kushner got $285 million loan from Russia-linked bank facing charges, (1 month before the election)

Lock him up.....Lock him up
The Iranian Hostage Crisis? LMAO.

That was back in the 70s, so why do we have NO DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH IRAN NOW?

Good point. We now have diplomatic relations with Iran and Cuba. Everybody except for North Korea. But those are fairly recent events, not in place when we had to deal with the sailors Iran held hostage.

I haven't checked everybody on the list, but Tesla had a fantastic credit rating. Their stock is way up, and people are flocking to lend them money. As they say, electricity is hot.
So how exactly did Putin help Trump?

Nobody seems to know.

Nobody seems to be able to show any evidence.

The allegations came from The Democrat Party

The Russian Collusion Narrative created by The Clinton Campaign as a last ditch effort to save a loser of a candidate was already proven false.

Hillary Clinton & George Soros spent millions paying Twitter Trolls, Facebook Trolls, and Message Board Trolls to trash Trump.
How'd that work out for them?

So exactly what is the accusation against Russia?

Because I have to tell you, Russia isn't doing damn thing to help Trump now.
But The Left sure as hell are working with our enemies to attempt to destablize our Democracy.

So again, what did Russia do?

Because if they did anything, they did it poorly and aren't half as effective, hateful and violent as The Left is.


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