Kushner got $285 million loan from Russia-linked bank facing charges, (1 month before the election)

A Russia-linked bank facing charges in a New York court lent Donald Trump's son in law a boatload of money shortly before the 2016 Presidential elections, the Washington Post is reporting. Kushner firm’s $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day

The German bank is suspected of loaning money to Trump and his minions on behalf of Russia, so as to avoid making Putin suspicious.

Hey, if I wanted someone to lift sanctions on my country, I would do exactly the same thing! Especially if I know that my hackers have hacked the opposing party's computers and my bots have planted fake news in favor of my borrower's soon-to-be-President on social media.

No wonder Orangino wants to lift sanctions on Russia.
Here's Mueller's shovel. Kushner's inside. :dig:

Who knew that German owned Deutsche Bank was secretly owned by Russia?


Somehow a business man's son, running a business getting a business loan from a world class bank is odd, unethical or illegal?

Have you douchebag's really gotten that desperate?

Clinton accepted $125 Million from a group of Russian Buinessmen as a reward for selling Russia our Uranium.

And Obama got $64 Million from Russian backed publisher for a so called "book deal" for his part in the whole scenario.

Podesta received millions of dollars in stock offerings and other compensation from Russia for work he did, and allegedly some favors too.

Obama received priceless Persian Rugs from Iran in exchange for his sweetheart Nuclear Weapons Enablement deal.

And gave Iran Billions.

And gave numerous terrorists groups Millions. Hamas, Mulsim Broterhood, Al Nusra, and Al Queda, as well as some ISIS affiliated groups.

But lol, this looks nothing like any of that. It's actually quite normal for the type of business he's in.

Thanks for the thread fail.
dude, you lowered your standards to facts.
Please provide the quote where anyone in the Trump administration said they were going to lift sanctions.

Be embarrassed, you lazy moron who can't even google shit:

Trump administration relaxes U.S. sanctions on Russia imposed under Obama

Former diplomats: Trump team sought to lift sanctions on Russia

Trump On Russian Sanctions: 'Time For Our Country To Move On'

From you first link:

White House press secretary Sean Spicer was asked at his daily press briefing about why the U.S. is easing sanctions against Russia, but he said that the move is a “fairly common practice” in which the Treasury Department looks for “specific carve-outs” for certain industries after sanctions are put in place. He said it’s a “regular course of action that Treasury does quite often.”

Wow, they engage in what have been a standard practice that you've never objected to before, and suddenly their bad. The over all sanction weren't lifted.

From the second link, nothing but speculation and assumptions:

He said State Department colleagues approached him, "concerned that the Trump administration, the incoming team was going to unilaterally rescind the sanctions on Russia, which had been placed there because of Russia's aggression on Ukraine. And it was further said by these people that there would be no action required from Russia."

Of course they had no evidence for their concerns.

Now from the third link:

President-elect Donald Trump said Thursday it’s time for the United States to “move on” regarding the sanctions announced by the Obama administration against Russia, but said he would meet with intelligence officials next week to be briefed on the situation.

A statement made before the inauguration, which no meaningful action has been taken.

You regressives are so gullible it's breathtaking. You believe anything the commiecrat parvda throws your way.


You are relying in Sean Spicer to tell the truth. Never mind the fact that Trump has contradicted Spicer a number of times. We had Spicer hiding in the bushes trying to come up with a story after Trump contradicted him regarding the firing of Comey.

There is no doubt that Trump's team was trying to lift the sanctions almost immediately.

The trouble with you is there will never be enough evidence for you. You are a Trump sycophant and nothing else. If Mueller found that it was true, you would attack him. As Trump himself said, if Trump shot someone in broad view of everybody, you would deny it.
A Russia-linked bank facing charges in a New York court lent Donald Trump's son in law a boatload of money shortly before the 2016 Presidential elections, the Washington Post is reporting. Kushner firm’s $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day

The German bank is suspected of loaning money to Trump and his minions on behalf of Russia, so as to avoid making Putin suspicious.

Hey, if I wanted someone to lift sanctions on my country, I would do exactly the same thing! Especially if I know that my hackers have hacked the opposing party's computers and my bots have planted fake news in favor of my borrower's soon-to-be-President on social media.

No wonder Orangino wants to lift sanctions on Russia.
Here's Mueller's shovel. Kushner's inside. :dig:

You really are dumber than a box of rocks! Look at the red text. Does it say Russia? No. It says the German word for "German"! Holy mother of God! Do they let you out without a keeper?

You proved nothing you claimed. You libs sure are good a proving your own stupidity, I will say!
Umm.. that would be why Kushner is under investigation for money laundering. :eusa_doh:

By getting a loan on a NYC property??
According to the investigation, by funneling Russian funds through Deutsche Bank.
A Russia-linked bank facing charges in a New York court lent Donald Trump's son in law a boatload of money shortly before the 2016 Presidential elections, the Washington Post is reporting. Kushner firm’s $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day

The German bank is suspected of loaning money to Trump and his minions on behalf of Russia, so as to avoid making Putin suspicious.

Hey, if I wanted someone to lift sanctions on my country, I would do exactly the same thing! Especially if I know that my hackers have hacked the opposing party's computers and my bots have planted fake news in favor of my borrower's soon-to-be-President on social media.

No wonder Orangino wants to lift sanctions on Russia.
Here's Mueller's shovel. Kushner's inside. :dig:

You really are dumber than a box of rocks! Look at the red text. Does it say Russia? No. It says the German word for "German"! Holy mother of God! Do they let you out without a keeper?

You proved nothing you claimed. You libs sure are good a proving your own stupidity, I will say!
Umm.. that would be why Kushner is under investigation for money laundering. :eusa_doh:

By getting a loan on a NYC property??
According to the investigation, by funneling Russian funds through Deutsche Bank.

If that's what he's "investigating" Mueller should be fired immediately.

Please tell me how Deutsche Bank is only sending Putin dollars to Kushner
Coincidence. Mere coincidence. LOL

Yes! Who ever loans against Manhattan real estate??? Great work, Columbo!
The lenders were beatin down Jared's doors, genius.

What do you mean? Who would lend against Manhattan real estate? Isn't that what you're telling us, that DB went to extraordinary lengths to funnel the money to the Kushner

The only person I am aware that went to "EXTRAORDINARY LENGTHS" to funnel money to anyone was OBAMA BIN LYING, funneling money to IRAN.

Worst yet, in order to accomplish this, he had to illegally circumvent Sanctions Against Iran to do it.

In other words, it is illegal for The United States to give American Dollars to Iran or to electronically transmit any money to Iran from The United States. Iran was under sanctions because of violations of International Law and treaties they signed concerning their Nuclear Weapons Program.

So what does Obama do? He gets cute. Flies Pallets of American Dollars to Europe, and with The Help of Banks Like Deutsche Bank converted those American Dollars in to Euros, then loads pallets of Euros on a plane and delivers them to Iran in clear violation of International Law and Sanctions in place against Iran.

And Iran, to thank Obama for his treachery, again violates their agreement, the sanctions, and the new piece of shit "legacy" agreement Obama wanted, and launches two ICMBs, one with the writing "Death to America" on it, and the other with "Death to Israel" on it.

Right there he should have been impeached for that.

But you don't have a problem with that at all, Do You OP?
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So now the Russians control GERMAN banks?
A Russia-linked bank facing charges in a New York court lent Donald Trump's son in law a boatload of money shortly before the 2016 Presidential elections, the Washington Post is reporting. Kushner firm’s $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day

The German bank is suspected of loaning money to Trump and his minions on behalf of Russia, so as to avoid making Putin suspicious.

Hey, if I wanted someone to lift sanctions on my country, I would do exactly the same thing! Especially if I know that my hackers have hacked the opposing party's computers and my bots have planted fake news in favor of my borrower's soon-to-be-President on social media.

No wonder Orangino wants to lift sanctions on Russia.
Here's Mueller's shovel. Kushner's inside. :dig:

You really are dumber than a box of rocks! Look at the red text. Does it say Russia? No. It says the German word for "German"! Holy mother of God! Do they let you out without a keeper?

You proved nothing you claimed. You libs sure are good a proving your own stupidity, I will say!
Umm.. that would be why Kushner is under investigation for money laundering. :eusa_doh:

By getting a loan on a NYC property??
According to the investigation, by funneling Russian funds through Deutsche Bank.

If that's what he's "investigating" Mueller should be fired immediately.

Please tell me how Deutsche Bank is only sending Putin dollars to Kushner
Then you should call Mueller immediately and tell him he's fired.
The stealth Ruskie bank gave Jared a "good guy loan," cause he's really a good guy. LOL
Please provide the quote where anyone in the Trump administration said they were going to lift sanctions.


The evidence Mr. Mueller seeks will exculpate Trump&Co, find Trump&Co culpable, or find a criminal act. Only the former will prevent Mr. Trump from facing a possible impeachment and possible criminal indictment of his inner circle and or family.

All patriots - and that does not include OKTexas and others who seek to stifle the current investigations - want to know if there was a quid quo pro between Russians and the Trump Campaign.
So what does Obama do? He gets cute. Flies Pallets of American Dollars to Europe, and with The Help of Banks Like Deutsche Bank converted those American Dollars in to Euros, then loads pallets of Euros on a plane and delivers them to Iran in clear violation of International Law and Sanctions in place against Iran.

Again in denial of reality. Obama was following international law, and the treaty put in place to free the American hostages, which set up a tribunal to settle financial disputes stemming from our freezing Iranian assets, and holding onto their escrow accounts. The tribunal said we owed Iran about $1.8 billion, and Obama made a deal for Iran to settle for only $1.6 billion
LOL, SO if what Obama did was legal, why didn't he just wire money to Iran electronically, or simply give them American Dollars? And why did he need to do it under the dead of night?

Be careful here, because I don't think you have read the language of the sanctions against Iran, or realize that they were in violation before this deal, and made violations during and after the deal.

Legally we could not do any business with them, or unfreeze any assets they had frozen in THE US, because they were still in violation. They still are to this day.

And why did Obama Bin Lying give millions of dollars to terrorist groups, while Lynch and Comey looked the other way? That is another Illegal act.

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