Kyle Rittenhouse defense again tries, fails to get gun possession charge dropped

KENOSHA — Kyle Rittenhouse's defense team has tried again to get a charge for possession of a dangerous weapon by a minor dropped. Again, Kenosha County Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder denied the motion, and the charge remains.

The charge in question on Tuesday was possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18, connected to Rittenhouse's possession of an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle during the shootings. Rittenhouse, who is now 18, was 17 at the time.

According to Wisconsin Statute 948.60(2)(a): "These restrictions only apply to a person under age 18 who possesses or is armed with a rifle or a shotgun if the firearm is a short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun, or if the person is not in compliance with the hunting regulations."

An AR-15 is classified as a rifle.

The defense has disputed this charge since early in the case, including right out of the gate when nationally recognized and controversial attorney John Pierce made himself available to defend Rittenhouse. A Second Amendment argument was raised, arguing that the law itself banning minors from carrying rifles is unconstitutional, but that argument has thus far been unsuccessful.

Do you think the law banning minors from carrying weapons violates the Second Amendment?

6 year olds with AR15s?
You have the statute right before nose you dumb fucker, his AR15 is NOT a short barreled rifle or shotgun, and the hunting regulations merely refers to his having attended the mandatory hunter classes required of youthful hunters! :auiqs.jpg:
I dont remember seeing an age restriction in the constitution.

The constitution does not create or grant rights, but simply bans federal violation of rights.
Age restrictions are supposed to be state or local.
WI has 18 for minimum firearm possession age.
But is lists exceptions, like at a range, if in the military, under adult supervision, hunting with a valid license.
There is really no mention of a short barrel except in conjunction with a valid hunting license, so has no bearing on Kyle.
Not sure that either one of them should be, and the past particle of run is run, not ran.

Ebonics perhaps?

It is past participle, not past particle.

past participle
[past ˈpärdəˌsipəl]

  1. the form of a verb, typically ending in -ed in English, which is used in forming perfect and passive tenses and sometimes as an adjective, e.g. looked in have you looked?, lost in lost property.

You have the statute right before nose you dumb fucker, his AR15 is NOT a short barreled rifle or shotgun, and the hunting regulations merely refers to his having attended the mandatory hunter classes required of youthful hunters! :auiqs.jpg:

No, the part about hunting means you have to be awarded a valid license and be out a valid hunting forest.
The hunting exception does not apply in an urban setting.

As to the short barrel, the 3(c) exception for hunting is saying it also allows a short barrel while hunting.
It does not turn the whole statue into being about short barrels.
No, the part about hunting means you have to be awarded a valid license and be out a valid hunting forest.
The hunting exception does not apply in an urban setting.

As to the short barrel, the 3(c) exception for hunting is saying it also allows a short barrel while hunting.
It does not turn the whole statue into being about short barrels.
Do you even know that Little Finger agreed that the law didn't apply to Kyle? The Defense asked him to measure the length of the firearm and he refused to do so and conceded that the law didn't apply to Kyle. That is when the Judge dismissed the charge.

You can claim that the Wisconsin law prohibits a 17 year old from possessing an AR-15 all you want. We expect reality denial like that from you Moon Bats. We see it all the time.

The fact of the matter is that a court determined Kyle had the legal right to have possession of the AR and that is a fact and your denial doesn't mean jackshit.

On another thread I posted a legal examination of the law that looked at it in detail including the references and exemptions and came to the conclusion Kyle was legal. Just like everything else you ignored it because it didn't tell you what you wanted to hear. Typical for a Moon Bat.
Do you even know that Little Finger agreed that the law didn't apply to Kyle? The Defense asked him to measure the length of the firearm and he refused to do so and conceded that the law didn't apply to Kyle. That is when the Judge dismissed the charge.

You can claim that the Wisconsin law prohibits a 17 year old from possessing an AR-15 all you want. We expect reality denial like that from you Moon Bats. We see it all the time.

The fact of the matter is that a court determined Kyle had the legal right to have possession of the AR and that is a fact and your denial doesn't mean jackshit.

On another thread I posted a legal examination of the law that looked at it in detail including the references and exemptions and came to the conclusion Kyle was legal. Just like everything else you ignored it because it didn't tell you what you wanted to hear. Typical for a Moon Bat.

Who is "Little Finger"?
Any WI resident already should know the law is extremely clear that minors can't legally possess firearms.
There can be absolutely no doubt about that, in any way, ( except under the few conditions listed).

No one cares what the prosecution thinks, because prosecutors usually are ex-police, and work with the police so closely, they do what the police want.

But no lawyer could possibly think this subsection allowed Kyle to be in possession at a riot.
Tom Grieve, a Milwaukee attorney and a former Waukesha County prosecutor, speculated that the long-gun exception was drafted to ensure children could hunt and lawmakers didn't envision it could be used to protect children who carry long guns at protests like the demonstrations in Kenosha.

“I think it was designed with an eye toward hunting and enabling law enforcement to add additional charges against minors hunting without a license,” he said. “Wisconsin is a hunting state. When people talk about long arms, they’re thinking in the hunting context.”
Who is "Little Finger"?
Any WI resident already should know the law is extremely clear that minors can't legally possess firearms.
There can be absolutely no doubt about that, in any way, ( except under the few conditions listed).

No one cares what the prosecution thinks, because prosecutors usually are ex-police, and work with the police so closely, they do what the police want.

But no lawyer could possibly think this subsection allowed Kyle to be in possession at a riot.
Tom Grieve, a Milwaukee attorney and a former Waukesha County prosecutor, speculated that the long-gun exception was drafted to ensure children could hunt and lawmakers didn't envision it could be used to protect children who carry long guns at protests like the demonstrations in Kenosha.

“I think it was designed with an eye toward hunting and enabling law enforcement to add additional charges against minors hunting without a license,” he said. “Wisconsin is a hunting state. When people talk about long arms, they’re thinking in the hunting context.”

Little Finger (Binger) should have brought in Tom Grieve to argue the case for him because he fucking lost that argument when Richards demanded that the AR be measured.

Give it up Moon Bat. You lost. You just look a fool arguing something that has already been settled in court.

Just because you are too chickenshit to own an AR don't mean others are.

Binger is the slimy lying filthy ass Prosecutor that tried (miserably) to fuck Kyle. He looks just like the slimy character Little Finger (Balish) from the Game of Thrones.

First he ran towards several groups of rioters, and only ran away from them later, after they expressed their displeasure at his rifle.

He still ran from them.
He went over to see if anyone needed medical attention and then he put out the dumpster fire they had started which they didnt care for.
But the fact remains,he was trying to avoid a conflict and only fired when he tripped and the pedos caught up with him and attacked.
Even half bicep man admitted in court that Kyle didnt shoot until he pointed his gun at fact that was the best part of the trial watching the prosecutor pull a facepalm when he admitted it. He knew at that moment his case was fucked.
It is past participle, not past particle.

past participle
[past ˈpärdəˌsipəl]

  1. the form of a verb, typically ending in -ed in English, which is used in forming perfect and passive tenses and sometimes as an adjective, e.g. looked in have you looked?, lost in lost property.
Have you "ran" with that?

Do you even know that Little Finger agreed that the law didn't apply to Kyle? The Defense asked him to measure the length of the firearm and he refused to do so and conceded that the law didn't apply to Kyle. That is when the Judge dismissed the charge.

You can claim that the Wisconsin law prohibits a 17 year old from possessing an AR-15 all you want. We expect reality denial like that from you Moon Bats. We see it all the time.

The fact of the matter is that a court determined Kyle had the legal right to have possession of the AR and that is a fact and your denial doesn't mean jackshit.

On another thread I posted a legal examination of the law that looked at it in detail including the references and exemptions and came to the conclusion Kyle was legal. Just like everything else you ignored it because it didn't tell you what you wanted to hear. Typical for a Moon Bat.

Yeah...Rigby is suffering from Rittenhouse can explain it to them over and over and it just isn't going to register....
No, the part about hunting means you have to be awarded a valid license and be out a valid hunting forest.
The hunting exception does not apply in an urban setting.

As to the short barrel, the 3(c) exception for hunting is saying it also allows a short barrel while hunting.
It does not turn the whole statue into being about short barrels.
No, it does not dumb ass, all kids must have the "hunter safety certificate" or they cannot tote the rifle.... Checkmate! :auiqs.jpg:
Little Finger (Binger) should have brought in Tom Grieve to argue the case for him because he fucking lost that argument when Richards demanded that the AR be measured.

Give it up Moon Bat. You lost. You just look a fool arguing something that has already been settled in court.

Just because you are too chickenshit to own an AR don't mean others are.

Binger is the slimy lying filthy ass Prosecutor that tried (miserably) to fuck Kyle. He looks just like the slimy character Little Finger (Balish) from the Game of Thrones.

View attachment 566846

One foolish judgement by one judge does not establish law or even decide this one case.
The prosecutor is in on the fix, so likely will not appeal, but it should be, and Kyle should be convicted.
It is a terrible precedent for 17 year old kids to be running around riots with an AR.
No one needs a 30 shot magazine for civilian use, and he almost emptied it.
That's ridiculous.
If you are going to be armed at a riot, you stay put and stay away from the other side.
What Kyle did was all wrong and extremely dangerous.
He should never even chambered a round with so many people around him.
One foolish judgement by one judge does not establish law or even decide this one case.
The prosecutor is in on the fix, so likely will not appeal, but it should be, and Kyle should be convicted.
It is a terrible precedent for 17 year old kids to be running around riots with an AR.
No one needs a 30 shot magazine for civilian use, and he almost emptied it.
That's ridiculous.
If you are going to be armed at a riot, you stay put and stay away from the other side.
What Kyle did was all wrong and extremely dangerous.
He should never even chambered a round with so many people around him.

It did decide this one case........

He obviously needed a 30 round magazine because there were a lot of violent thugs in that crowd.......had they rushed him, even seeing the other idiots get shot......30 rounds would barely be enough....

If he hadn't chambered a round, the child rapist would likely have gotten his gun.....and very likely would have used it to murder Rittenhouse...........

the prosecutor was not in on the fix...... treatment for your Rittenhouse Syndrome.......
He still ran from them.
He went over to see if anyone needed medical attention and then he put out the dumpster fire they had started which they didnt care for.
But the fact remains,he was trying to avoid a conflict and only fired when he tripped and the pedos caught up with him and attacked.
Even half bicep man admitted in court that Kyle didnt shoot until he pointed his gun at fact that was the best part of the trial watching the prosecutor pull a facepalm when he admitted it. He knew at that moment his case was fucked.View attachment 566854

He had no business pretending to ask if people "needed medical attention".
That was obviously a ruse to show off his AR.
He was deliberately attempting to intimidate and provoke.

Grosskreutz did NOT admit he pointed his pistol at Kyle, and testified he was too traumatized by the wound to be able to remember, but the angle of the wound proves his hands were up in the air when shot.

Your image is also silly because it shows Grosskreutz is not the one testifying a the moment.
No, it does not dumb ass, all kids must have the "hunter safety certificate" or they cannot tote the rifle.... Checkmate! :auiqs.jpg:

Or they can not tote the rifle, while hunting.
And only while hunting with a permit, is this exception to the ban on minors being in possession, valid.

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