Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

You need to realize it is not about heroes it is about the smallest of us having the right to defend ourselves

Your condemnation of honest self defense is grotesque. You are a foul and rotten person
I'm sorry, I have to go read your next post!
sure, that's why so many more Americans were better off before your Demafacsit party and leader took over the Oval office
He figures that the buck doesn't stop with Biden, but it did literally, otherwise the value of it.
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A mindless riot with no justification is not airing a grievance.

That is what the BLM looting was all about especially in Kenosha
It sure set off a pattern too. Now we have mobs robbing and looting at will without proper consequences being rendered.

Have you ever understood the mindset of "hey let's go loot, rob, burn, and kill in order to get attention" for a cause ????

It's about as ignorant, primitive, and neanderthal as it gets when found in such deranged types of thinking. We have had many societies come and go in America, but this bull crap is something many just can't wrap their minds around in any kind of lawfully minded way.

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