Kyle Rittenhouse is an American Political Hero far wise and mature beyond his years.

who's a better citizen floyd or rittenhouse ?

  • floyd

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • rittenhouse

    Votes: 32 76.2%

  • Total voters
I have no illusions that George Floyd was some sort of saint. But at least he never killed anyone.
are you sure ?

Yeah, someone who would point a gun at a pregnant woman's unborn baby...

I would not bet that he never pulled the trigger.
I have no illusions that George Floyd was some sort of saint. But at least he never killed anyone.
are you sure ?

Yeah, someone who would point a gun at a pregnant woman's unborn baby...

I would not bet that he never pulled the trigger.
i found this...
I have no illusions that George Floyd was some sort of saint. But at least he never killed anyone.
are you sure ?

Yeah, someone who would point a gun at a pregnant woman's unborn baby...

I would not bet that he never pulled

i guess he did invade a home withadeadly weapon.. arresred 9 times
the argument seems to be.. there's no evidence she was pregnant.. snopes said he was a great guy..
there was no toxicology report.
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
Can't wait for him to be in jail and be that BOYFRIEND you always wanted.

So, you are gloating at the idea of a young man being raped in prison?

He thought he was BMF when he was the only one with a gun. What I saw was People trying to disarm him and he shot and killed another human being with an illegal firearm, Mom should have made him stay home. no such thing as bad children just bad parents.
Fuck them, the rotten vermin got what they earned.
Yes, Kyle from Antioch will get his ass just what it needs.

People who believe Kyle to be a "hero" can keep him supplied with KY Jelly. :)
you seem infatuated/enchanted by prison sex. is there something you'd like to tell us. ?

are u any good at explaining climate change ?
What specifically do you need to know about prison sex?

Apparently it often involves a ginormous dude who's your cellie named "Bubba".
I'm more familiar with lesbian prison sex having once watched a porn flick on the subject.
Hopefully Don the Con and Rudy become more familiarized soon with the former. :)
Rittenhouse is more of a man than you could ever be.

He'll be whining like the little bitch he is when Bubba comes looking for him.

Another liberal happy with the thought of using rape to punish her political enemies.

This proves that all your talk of racism, or homophobia was always bullshit.

Rittenhouse isn't my "political enemy". He piece of human excrement on the bootheels of time.

He wanted a good time, shooting liberals, well, he's gonna get a "good time" for the rest of his life. You talk about this kid like he disagreed with liberals He went out and murdered people for the fun of it.

Rittenhouse probably doesn't have a political belief in his head. He's just a kid all jacked up on hate and testostorone and he got himself a gun. You're trying to make this young shitstain into some kind of folk hero. It reflects so badly on you that you are glorifying this thug.

He went there to help protect the community from violent rioters.

YOu know, rioters, like in dc. Rioters are bad, right?

He did not shoot anyone until he was attacked.

And now you want him to go to jail and be raped for hte rest of his life.

My point stands.

ALL, you talk of ANY racism, or homophobia, is revealed to be bullshit.

YOu don't care about Civil Rights as a principle. You only use a pretense of caring about them, to attack your enemies.

THe moment you have the power to violate the civil rights of one of your enemies, you are gloating with glee like a saturday matinee villain, at the thought of them suffering rape for the rest of their lives.

You are a tyrant, your side is one of tyranny.

We conservatives have seen this for years. We tried to warn people. But they dismissed us as alarmists and red baiters.

Now as you feel power coming to you, because of demographic shift, you pull of your mask and reveal the monsters you truly are.

Shit is going to get real.

Actually, I haven't though much about the fate of this thug at all. But I do recall you staunchly defending Brock Turner and his 6 month jail sentence for raping that women behind a dumpster. You seem to have a real problem holding white thuggery and violence to account for anything.

White boys can do no wrong in your eyes. At the same time you denigrate left wing protests, you glorify thugs and terrorists calling themselves "militias", and call the violence being perpetrated by these terrorists "patriotism". The rest of the world calls this "patriotism" right wing terrorism.
White Thuggery? White well actually hispanic 17 year shoots 3 violent convicted felons who attacked him?

You are to ignorant to know what thuggery is.........Kid isn't a thug idiot----------he was trying to defend businesses and a burning city from violent stupid thugs who attacked him for his trouble.

I know what thuggery is. This kid is a thug. He wasn't there to protect businesses regardless of what he said. He was there for the fight. To kick liberal butt. He was going to be a badass with his new gun!!!!!

Every thug has a justification for his thuggery. I'm just protecting businesses. George Zimmerman was just a guy from neighbourhood watch. These people are THUGS looking for a fight. That is all they are - nothing more.

"I know what thuggery is . . . It's anything I don't agree with!!!! And I know what he was thinking and doing from another country better than he does . . . because it fits my talking points!!!"

Go play at moral outrage with people who might believe you have morals, LizardBitch. No one here thinks you have anything to say on the subject.
Wrong, it's the mind-numbing bullshit of knee jerk conservatives that everyone is tired of .
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
Can't wait for him to be in jail and be that BOYFRIEND you always wanted.

So, you are gloating at the idea of a young man being raped in prison?

He thought he was BMF when he was the only one with a gun. What I saw was People trying to disarm him and he shot and killed another human being with an illegal firearm, Mom should have made him stay home. no such thing as bad children just bad parents.
Fuck them, the rotten vermin got what they earned.
Yes, Kyle from Antioch will get his ass just what it needs.

People who believe Kyle to be a "hero" can keep him supplied with KY Jelly. :)
you seem infatuated/enchanted by prison sex. is there something you'd like to tell us. ?

are u any good at explaining climate change ?
What specifically do you need to know about prison sex?

Apparently it often involves a ginormous dude who's your cellie named "Bubba".
I'm more familiar with lesbian prison sex having once watched a porn flick on the subject.
Hopefully Don the Con and Rudy become more familiarized soon with the former. :)
Rittenhouse is more of a man than you could ever be.

He'll be whining like the little bitch he is when Bubba comes looking for him.

Another liberal happy with the thought of using rape to punish her political enemies.

This proves that all your talk of racism, or homophobia was always bullshit.

Rittenhouse isn't my "political enemy". He piece of human excrement on the bootheels of time.

He wanted a good time, shooting liberals, well, he's gonna get a "good time" for the rest of his life. You talk about this kid like he disagreed with liberals He went out and murdered people for the fun of it.

Rittenhouse probably doesn't have a political belief in his head. He's just a kid all jacked up on hate and testostorone and he got himself a gun. You're trying to make this young shitstain into some kind of folk hero. It reflects so badly on you that you are glorifying this thug.

He went there to help protect the community from violent rioters.

YOu know, rioters, like in dc. Rioters are bad, right?

He did not shoot anyone until he was attacked.

And now you want him to go to jail and be raped for hte rest of his life.

My point stands.

ALL, you talk of ANY racism, or homophobia, is revealed to be bullshit.

YOu don't care about Civil Rights as a principle. You only use a pretense of caring about them, to attack your enemies.

THe moment you have the power to violate the civil rights of one of your enemies, you are gloating with glee like a saturday matinee villain, at the thought of them suffering rape for the rest of their lives.

You are a tyrant, your side is one of tyranny.

We conservatives have seen this for years. We tried to warn people. But they dismissed us as alarmists and red baiters.

Now as you feel power coming to you, because of demographic shift, you pull of your mask and reveal the monsters you truly are.

Shit is going to get real.

Actually, I haven't though much about the fate of this thug at all. But I do recall you staunchly defending Brock Turner and his 6 month jail sentence for raping that women behind a dumpster. You seem to have a real problem holding white thuggery and violence to account for anything.

White boys can do no wrong in your eyes. At the same time you denigrate left wing protests, you glorify thugs and terrorists calling themselves "militias", and call the violence being perpetrated by these terrorists "patriotism". The rest of the world calls this "patriotism" right wing terrorism.
White Thuggery? White well actually hispanic 17 year shoots 3 violent convicted felons who attacked him?

You are to ignorant to know what thuggery is.........Kid isn't a thug idiot----------he was trying to defend businesses and a burning city from violent stupid thugs who attacked him for his trouble.

I know what thuggery is. This kid is a thug. He wasn't there to protect businesses regardless of what he said. He was there for the fight. To kick liberal butt. He was going to be a badass with his new gun!!!!!

Every thug has a justification for his thuggery. I'm just protecting businesses. George Zimmerman was just a guy from neighbourhood watch. These people are THUGS looking for a fight. That is all they are - nothing more.

"I know what thuggery is . . . It's anything I don't agree with!!!! And I know what he was thinking and doing from another country better than he does . . . because it fits my talking points!!!"

Go play at moral outrage with people who might believe you have morals, LizardBitch. No one here thinks you have anything to say on the subject.
Wrong, it's the mind-numbing bullshit of knee jerk conservatives that everyone is tired of .
i know right ? we always seem to want it all.

next thing you know we'll insist on honest elections and trufhful journalism... we're in crazyland that way !!
dare to dream right ?
Last edited:
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
Can't wait for him to be in jail and be that BOYFRIEND you always wanted.

So, you are gloating at the idea of a young man being raped in prison?

He thought he was BMF when he was the only one with a gun. What I saw was People trying to disarm him and he shot and killed another human being with an illegal firearm, Mom should have made him stay home. no such thing as bad children just bad parents.
Fuck them, the rotten vermin got what they earned.
Yes, Kyle from Antioch will get his ass just what it needs.

People who believe Kyle to be a "hero" can keep him supplied with KY Jelly. :)
you seem infatuated/enchanted by prison sex. is there something you'd like to tell us. ?

are u any good at explaining climate change ?
What specifically do you need to know about prison sex?

Apparently it often involves a ginormous dude who's your cellie named "Bubba".
I'm more familiar with lesbian prison sex having once watched a porn flick on the subject.
Hopefully Don the Con and Rudy become more familiarized soon with the former. :)
Rittenhouse is more of a man than you could ever be.

He'll be whining like the little bitch he is when Bubba comes looking for him.

Another liberal happy with the thought of using rape to punish her political enemies.

This proves that all your talk of racism, or homophobia was always bullshit.

Rittenhouse isn't my "political enemy". He piece of human excrement on the bootheels of time.

He wanted a good time, shooting liberals, well, he's gonna get a "good time" for the rest of his life. You talk about this kid like he disagreed with liberals He went out and murdered people for the fun of it.

Rittenhouse probably doesn't have a political belief in his head. He's just a kid all jacked up on hate and testostorone and he got himself a gun. You're trying to make this young shitstain into some kind of folk hero. It reflects so badly on you that you are glorifying this thug.

He went there to help protect the community from violent rioters.

YOu know, rioters, like in dc. Rioters are bad, right?

He did not shoot anyone until he was attacked.

And now you want him to go to jail and be raped for hte rest of his life.

My point stands.

ALL, you talk of ANY racism, or homophobia, is revealed to be bullshit.

YOu don't care about Civil Rights as a principle. You only use a pretense of caring about them, to attack your enemies.

THe moment you have the power to violate the civil rights of one of your enemies, you are gloating with glee like a saturday matinee villain, at the thought of them suffering rape for the rest of their lives.

You are a tyrant, your side is one of tyranny.

We conservatives have seen this for years. We tried to warn people. But they dismissed us as alarmists and red baiters.

Now as you feel power coming to you, because of demographic shift, you pull of your mask and reveal the monsters you truly are.

Shit is going to get real.

Actually, I haven't though much about the fate of this thug at all. But I do recall you staunchly defending Brock Turner and his 6 month jail sentence for raping that women behind a dumpster. You seem to have a real problem holding white thuggery and violence to account for anything.

White boys can do no wrong in your eyes. At the same time you denigrate left wing protests, you glorify thugs and terrorists calling themselves "militias", and call the violence being perpetrated by these terrorists "patriotism". The rest of the world calls this "patriotism" right wing terrorism.
White Thuggery? White well actually hispanic 17 year shoots 3 violent convicted felons who attacked him?

You are to ignorant to know what thuggery is.........Kid isn't a thug idiot----------he was trying to defend businesses and a burning city from violent stupid thugs who attacked him for his trouble.

I know what thuggery is. This kid is a thug. He wasn't there to protect businesses regardless of what he said. He was there for the fight. To kick liberal butt. He was going to be a badass with his new gun!!!!!

Every thug has a justification for his thuggery. I'm just protecting businesses. George Zimmerman was just a guy from neighbourhood watch. These people are THUGS looking for a fight. That is all they are - nothing more.

"I know what thuggery is . . . It's anything I don't agree with!!!! And I know what he was thinking and doing from another country better than he does . . . because it fits my talking points!!!"

Go play at moral outrage with people who might believe you have morals, LizardBitch. No one here thinks you have anything to say on the subject.
Wrong, it's the mind-numbing bullshit of knee jerk conservatives that everyone is tired of .
i know right ? we always seem to want it all.

next thing you know we'll insist on honest elections and trufhful journalism... we're in crazyland that way !!
dare to dream right ?
You got both last year and still puked bullshit.

Truth!? You can’t handle the truth!!!

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