Kyle Rittenhouse is an American Political Hero far wise and mature beyond his years.

who's a better citizen floyd or rittenhouse ?

  • floyd

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • rittenhouse

    Votes: 32 76.2%

  • Total voters
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...
He didn't own the firearm, so how was it illegal?

The manner in which he obtained the gun makes it illegal.

Black put the gun in his name (which was stupid) simply because he knew Rittenhouse couldn't legally own it.

Also, it's illegal for Rittenhouse to possess a firearm due to his age...
Also, the forearm wasn't "obtained." Rittenhouse doesn't own it.

Both Rittenhouse and Black have confessed that Rittenhouse gave Black the money to buy the gun since Rittenhouse couldn't buy it himself. You can parse words, I suppose, but they both admitted why Rittenhouse gave him the money. It was so Black could buy him a gun.

Now, that's a separate issue altogether from the possession of a firearm, though, which cannot be argued. Rittenhouse had possession of the firearm and he shouldn't have, and the fact that he had it resulted in the deaths of two people...

I would say that the violent and criminal actions of those two people are what led to their deaths.

Yes, at the hands of a criminal wielding an illegal firearm...

Illegal because he was 17 instead 18. ANd if not for that, not a criminal.

Meanwhile you want to take responsibility for a violent assault, away from the people that made the violent assault and place the responsibility for the assault on their intended victim, who defended himself.

Yeah, I don't see the moral justification for your position. It seems to be based primarily on legal technicalities.

That's because you have some weird need to see this in terms of one party being right and the other party being wrong when, in fact, both parties were in the wrong...
You're in the wrong. Rittenhouse exercised his constitutional right to defend himself.

If you believe that it was perfectly okay for him to conspire to illegally get a hold of a rifle, break curfew, and end up killing people, then you and I have nothing to discuss. I can sit back and wait for the outcome of the case...

The way you leave out the violent mob attack, is not ok.



That a violent mob attacked the kid, is relevant to the events of that night.

Pointing that out is not deflection.

The more you want to leave out that, the more you undermine your credibility in your desire to focus elsewhere.
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
Can't wait for him to be in jail and be that BOYFRIEND you always wanted.

So, you are gloating at the idea of a young man being raped in prison?

He thought he was BMF when he was the only one with a gun. What I saw was People trying to disarm him and he shot and killed another human being with an illegal firearm, Mom should have made him stay home. no such thing as bad children just bad parents.
Fuck them, the rotten vermin got what they earned.
Yes, Kyle from Antioch will get his ass just what it needs.

People who believe Kyle to be a "hero" can keep him supplied with KY Jelly. :)
you seem infatuated/enchanted by prison sex. is there something you'd like to tell us. ?

are u any good at explaining climate change ?
What specifically do you need to know about prison sex?

Apparently it often involves a ginormous dude who's your cellie named "Bubba".
I'm more familiar with lesbian prison sex having once watched a porn flick on the subject.
Hopefully Don the Con and Rudy become more familiarized soon with the former. :)
Rittenhouse is more of a man than you could ever be.

He'll be whining like the little bitch he is when Bubba comes looking for him.

Another liberal happy with the thought of using rape to punish her political enemies.

This proves that all your talk of racism, or homophobia was always bullshit.

Rittenhouse isn't my "political enemy". He piece of human excrement on the bootheels of time.

He wanted a good time, shooting liberals, well, he's gonna get a "good time" for the rest of his life. You talk about this kid like he disagreed with liberals He went out and murdered people for the fun of it.

Rittenhouse probably doesn't have a political belief in his head. He's just a kid all jacked up on hate and testostorone and he got himself a gun. You're trying to make this young shitstain into some kind of folk hero. It reflects so badly on you that you are glorifying this thug.

He went there to help protect the community from violent rioters.

YOu know, rioters, like in dc. Rioters are bad, right?

He did not shoot anyone until he was attacked.

And now you want him to go to jail and be raped for hte rest of his life.

My point stands.

ALL, you talk of ANY racism, or homophobia, is revealed to be bullshit.

YOu don't care about Civil Rights as a principle. You only use a pretense of caring about them, to attack your enemies.

THe moment you have the power to violate the civil rights of one of your enemies, you are gloating with glee like a saturday matinee villain, at the thought of them suffering rape for the rest of their lives.

You are a tyrant, your side is one of tyranny.

We conservatives have seen this for years. We tried to warn people. But they dismissed us as alarmists and red baiters.

Now as you feel power coming to you, because of demographic shift, you pull of your mask and reveal the monsters you truly are.

Shit is going to get real.

Actually, I haven't though much about the fate of this thug at all. But I do recall you staunchly defending Brock Turner and his 6 month jail sentence for raping that women behind a dumpster. You seem to have a real problem holding white thuggery and violence to account for anything.

White boys can do no wrong in your eyes. At the same time you denigrate left wing protests, you glorify thugs and terrorists calling themselves "militias", and call the violence being perpetrated by these terrorists "patriotism". The rest of the world calls this "patriotism" right wing terrorism.
White Thuggery? White well actually hispanic 17 year shoots 3 violent convicted felons who attacked him?

You are to ignorant to know what thuggery is.........Kid isn't a thug idiot----------he was trying to defend businesses and a burning city from violent stupid thugs who attacked him for his trouble.

I know what thuggery is. This kid is a thug. He wasn't there to protect businesses regardless of what he said. He was there for the fight. To kick liberal butt. He was going to be a badass with his new gun!!!!!

Every thug has a justification for his thuggery. I'm just protecting businesses. George Zimmerman was just a guy from neighbourhood watch. These people are THUGS looking for a fight. That is all they are - nothing more.
Bullshit. If you actually watched video of the kid, he was out cleaning walls of graffiti by BLM. He helped protesters by providing medical attention to them on the same night. He did nothing to be belligerent. Meanwhile the crowd of “protesters” were armed with guns, setting things on fire, and the pedo guy was looking for a fight, yelling out “shoot me n*gger, shoot me nig**r”.

Claiming the kid was looking for a fight is a total lie and disinformation. Spreading such disinformation is dangerous and could lead to violent attacks against Kyle. We may need to notify the Canadian authorities.
are you saying state laws over rule the constitution???

cause the last I heard the constitution is the supreme law of the land

If that's true, why does Rittenhouse have a $2 million bail?
nice dodge,,

if what youre saying is true and states can over rule the constitution I am sure youre OK with eliminating due process and jailing or executing people without a trial,,

you either support it or you dont,,, there is no middle ground,,

I didn't dodge anything. Your position is one which dictates that Rittenhouse should be released and all charges dropped, but that hasn't happened, nor does it look likely. I'm simply asking why that is.

And then, if you would be so kind, please explain how it is that different states have different laws pertaining to firearms. Some mirror federal law, but many do not. Surely, if all of these laws were unconstitutional, they'd have been successfully challenged by now.

If your position is one which dictates that individual states cannot enact laws, then you're truly lost...
you either support the constitution or you dont,, I support it and it seems like you dont,,,

on a side note I looked up the age requirement for the wis. national guard and low and behold you can join at 17

"Be between the ages of 17 and 35. Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Be at least a junior in high school, or have a high school diploma or a GED certificate."

so I guess its OK to be armed if youre working for the government but not as a private citizen,,,

Essentially, yes.

You can join the Marines at age 17 if you have parent's consent (that's the same with the Guard, unless you're emancipated).

Why don't you look up the law regarding possession of a firearm by a minor...

I posted the law on guns/arms in this country,,,

Child gun laws in Wisconsin, and how adults could face jail time

Possession of a gun by anyone under 18 is a misdemeanor, unless that gun is being used for target practice, hunting or the child is a member of the armed forces.

(I'm pretty sure if the gun is then used in a homicide it's a felony; still working that one)

Giving, loaning or selling a dangerous weapon to someone under 18 is a felony and carries a sentence of up to 3½ years in prison and a $10,000 fine unless the firearm is used for target practice or hunting. If that gun is used in a homicide or suicide, the person can be charged with a felony carrying up to six years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Like it or not, the law in Wisconsin is quite clear. Rittenhouse and Black both broke the law.

And individual states have every right to enact their own laws...
we will check you off as anti 2nd A and anti- constitution,,,

And that's all you'd have to do to prove that you're a fucking ignorant dipshit.

I'm a strong proponent of the 2nd Amendment, dickbag. And the Constitution? I spent 20 years defending it. Unless you can say the same, eat my shit, you ignorant cocksucker...
from what youre pushing you have no respect for the 2nd or the constitution,, and all the insults and name calling is gonna change that,, in fact it proves i'm right,,

and if you as you say defended it for 20 yrs makes you a disgrace to the uniform and an embarrassment,,,

If you had any respect for the 2nd Amendment, you'd understand that this is the very kind of thing which gives the left the argument they to attack it. How simple was it for a minor to get a hold of that gun? That's the very kind of thing the left concerns themselves with. Hey, had there been a 30 day waiting period, Rittenhouse probably wouldn't have had the gun that night. Well, as far as the left is concerned, a 30 day waiting period would've saved two lives.

Well, when I go into a gun store, I like knowing that I'm going to walk out of the store with my purchase the same day. But dipshits like Black and Rittenhouse, and the stupid things they do, jeopardize that and, well, fuck them.

As for your opinion of me and the uniform, I'll invite you to go fuck off and die, you little pussy fuck. The only uniform you're worthy of wearing is a Girl Scout uniform...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...
He didn't own the firearm, so how was it illegal?

The manner in which he obtained the gun makes it illegal.

Black put the gun in his name (which was stupid) simply because he knew Rittenhouse couldn't legally own it.

Also, it's illegal for Rittenhouse to possess a firearm due to his age...
Also, the forearm wasn't "obtained." Rittenhouse doesn't own it.

Both Rittenhouse and Black have confessed that Rittenhouse gave Black the money to buy the gun since Rittenhouse couldn't buy it himself. You can parse words, I suppose, but they both admitted why Rittenhouse gave him the money. It was so Black could buy him a gun.

Now, that's a separate issue altogether from the possession of a firearm, though, which cannot be argued. Rittenhouse had possession of the firearm and he shouldn't have, and the fact that he had it resulted in the deaths of two people...

I would say that the violent and criminal actions of those two people are what led to their deaths.

Yes, at the hands of a criminal wielding an illegal firearm...

Illegal because he was 17 instead 18. ANd if not for that, not a criminal.

Meanwhile you want to take responsibility for a violent assault, away from the people that made the violent assault and place the responsibility for the assault on their intended victim, who defended himself.

Yeah, I don't see the moral justification for your position. It seems to be based primarily on legal technicalities.

That's because you have some weird need to see this in terms of one party being right and the other party being wrong when, in fact, both parties were in the wrong...
You're in the wrong. Rittenhouse exercised his constitutional right to defend himself.

If you believe that it was perfectly okay for him to conspire to illegally get a hold of a rifle, break curfew, and end up killing people, then you and I have nothing to discuss. I can sit back and wait for the outcome of the case...

The way you leave out the violent mob attack, is not ok.



That a violent mob attacked the kid, is relevant to the events of that night.

Pointing that out is not deflection.

The more you want to leave out that, the more you undermine your credibility in your desire to focus elsewhere.

My concern is more for the 2nd Amendment, and how the little dipshit's actions actually threaten it.

Fuck Rittenhouse. He could die for all I care. You're just too fucking stupid to understand how his actions that night, and Black's actions, as well, could threaten your Constitutional rights.

You're fucking retarded...
are you saying state laws over rule the constitution???

cause the last I heard the constitution is the supreme law of the land

If that's true, why does Rittenhouse have a $2 million bail?
nice dodge,,

if what youre saying is true and states can over rule the constitution I am sure youre OK with eliminating due process and jailing or executing people without a trial,,

you either support it or you dont,,, there is no middle ground,,

I didn't dodge anything. Your position is one which dictates that Rittenhouse should be released and all charges dropped, but that hasn't happened, nor does it look likely. I'm simply asking why that is.

And then, if you would be so kind, please explain how it is that different states have different laws pertaining to firearms. Some mirror federal law, but many do not. Surely, if all of these laws were unconstitutional, they'd have been successfully challenged by now.

If your position is one which dictates that individual states cannot enact laws, then you're truly lost...
you either support the constitution or you dont,, I support it and it seems like you dont,,,

on a side note I looked up the age requirement for the wis. national guard and low and behold you can join at 17

"Be between the ages of 17 and 35. Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Be at least a junior in high school, or have a high school diploma or a GED certificate."

so I guess its OK to be armed if youre working for the government but not as a private citizen,,,

Essentially, yes.

You can join the Marines at age 17 if you have parent's consent (that's the same with the Guard, unless you're emancipated).

Why don't you look up the law regarding possession of a firearm by a minor...

I posted the law on guns/arms in this country,,,

Child gun laws in Wisconsin, and how adults could face jail time

Possession of a gun by anyone under 18 is a misdemeanor, unless that gun is being used for target practice, hunting or the child is a member of the armed forces.

(I'm pretty sure if the gun is then used in a homicide it's a felony; still working that one)

Giving, loaning or selling a dangerous weapon to someone under 18 is a felony and carries a sentence of up to 3½ years in prison and a $10,000 fine unless the firearm is used for target practice or hunting. If that gun is used in a homicide or suicide, the person can be charged with a felony carrying up to six years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Like it or not, the law in Wisconsin is quite clear. Rittenhouse and Black both broke the law.

And individual states have every right to enact their own laws...
we will check you off as anti 2nd A and anti- constitution,,,

And that's all you'd have to do to prove that you're a fucking ignorant dipshit.

I'm a strong proponent of the 2nd Amendment, dickbag. And the Constitution? I spent 20 years defending it. Unless you can say the same, eat my shit, you ignorant cocksucker...
from what youre pushing you have no respect for the 2nd or the constitution,, and all the insults and name calling is gonna change that,, in fact it proves i'm right,,

and if you as you say defended it for 20 yrs makes you a disgrace to the uniform and an embarrassment,,,

If you had any respect for the 2nd Amendment, you'd understand that this is the very kind of thing which gives the left the argument they to attack it. How simple was it for a minor to get a hold of that gun? That's the very kind of thing the left concerns themselves with. Hey, had there been a 30 day waiting period, Rittenhouse probably wouldn't have had the gun that night. Well, as far as the left is concerned, a 30 day waiting period would've saved two lives.

Well, when I go into a gun store, I like knowing that I'm going to walk out of the store with my purchase the same day. But dipshits like Black and Rittenhouse, and the stupid things they do, jeopardize that and, well, fuck them.

As for your opinion of me and the uniform, I'll invite you to go fuck off and die, you little pussy fuck. The only uniform you're worthy of wearing is a Girl Scout uniform...
there ya go again dbling down on the anti 2nd stuff,,

at least I took the time to explain in detail without name calling or insults,, you not so much,,
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...
He didn't own the firearm, so how was it illegal?

The manner in which he obtained the gun makes it illegal.

Black put the gun in his name (which was stupid) simply because he knew Rittenhouse couldn't legally own it.

Also, it's illegal for Rittenhouse to possess a firearm due to his age...
Also, the forearm wasn't "obtained." Rittenhouse doesn't own it.

Both Rittenhouse and Black have confessed that Rittenhouse gave Black the money to buy the gun since Rittenhouse couldn't buy it himself. You can parse words, I suppose, but they both admitted why Rittenhouse gave him the money. It was so Black could buy him a gun.

Now, that's a separate issue altogether from the possession of a firearm, though, which cannot be argued. Rittenhouse had possession of the firearm and he shouldn't have, and the fact that he had it resulted in the deaths of two people...

I would say that the violent and criminal actions of those two people are what led to their deaths.

Yes, at the hands of a criminal wielding an illegal firearm...

Illegal because he was 17 instead 18. ANd if not for that, not a criminal.

Meanwhile you want to take responsibility for a violent assault, away from the people that made the violent assault and place the responsibility for the assault on their intended victim, who defended himself.

Yeah, I don't see the moral justification for your position. It seems to be based primarily on legal technicalities.

That's because you have some weird need to see this in terms of one party being right and the other party being wrong when, in fact, both parties were in the wrong...
You're in the wrong. Rittenhouse exercised his constitutional right to defend himself.

If you believe that it was perfectly okay for him to conspire to illegally get a hold of a rifle, break curfew, and end up killing people, then you and I have nothing to discuss. I can sit back and wait for the outcome of the case...

The way you leave out the violent mob attack, is not ok.



That a violent mob attacked the kid, is relevant to the events of that night.

Pointing that out is not deflection.

The more you want to leave out that, the more you undermine your credibility in your desire to focus elsewhere.

My concern is more for the 2nd Amendment, and how the little dipshit's actions actually threaten it.

Fuck Rittenhouse. He could die for all I care. You're just too fucking stupid to understand how his actions that night, and Black's actions, as well, could threaten your Constitutional rights.

You're fucking retarded...
youre the only threat to the 2nd I see,,,
The leftists are enraged because Rittenhouse didn't volunteer to be murdered. They expect everyone to give them room and approval to destroy.
are you saying state laws over rule the constitution???

cause the last I heard the constitution is the supreme law of the land

If that's true, why does Rittenhouse have a $2 million bail?
nice dodge,,

if what youre saying is true and states can over rule the constitution I am sure youre OK with eliminating due process and jailing or executing people without a trial,,

you either support it or you dont,,, there is no middle ground,,

I didn't dodge anything. Your position is one which dictates that Rittenhouse should be released and all charges dropped, but that hasn't happened, nor does it look likely. I'm simply asking why that is.

And then, if you would be so kind, please explain how it is that different states have different laws pertaining to firearms. Some mirror federal law, but many do not. Surely, if all of these laws were unconstitutional, they'd have been successfully challenged by now.

If your position is one which dictates that individual states cannot enact laws, then you're truly lost...
you either support the constitution or you dont,, I support it and it seems like you dont,,,

on a side note I looked up the age requirement for the wis. national guard and low and behold you can join at 17

"Be between the ages of 17 and 35. Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Be at least a junior in high school, or have a high school diploma or a GED certificate."

so I guess its OK to be armed if youre working for the government but not as a private citizen,,,

Essentially, yes.

You can join the Marines at age 17 if you have parent's consent (that's the same with the Guard, unless you're emancipated).

Why don't you look up the law regarding possession of a firearm by a minor...

I posted the law on guns/arms in this country,,,

Child gun laws in Wisconsin, and how adults could face jail time

Possession of a gun by anyone under 18 is a misdemeanor, unless that gun is being used for target practice, hunting or the child is a member of the armed forces.

(I'm pretty sure if the gun is then used in a homicide it's a felony; still working that one)

Giving, loaning or selling a dangerous weapon to someone under 18 is a felony and carries a sentence of up to 3½ years in prison and a $10,000 fine unless the firearm is used for target practice or hunting. If that gun is used in a homicide or suicide, the person can be charged with a felony carrying up to six years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Like it or not, the law in Wisconsin is quite clear. Rittenhouse and Black both broke the law.

And individual states have every right to enact their own laws...
we will check you off as anti 2nd A and anti- constitution,,,

And that's all you'd have to do to prove that you're a fucking ignorant dipshit.

I'm a strong proponent of the 2nd Amendment, dickbag. And the Constitution? I spent 20 years defending it. Unless you can say the same, eat my shit, you ignorant cocksucker...
from what youre pushing you have no respect for the 2nd or the constitution,, and all the insults and name calling is gonna change that,, in fact it proves i'm right,,

and if you as you say defended it for 20 yrs makes you a disgrace to the uniform and an embarrassment,,,

If you had any respect for the 2nd Amendment, you'd understand that this is the very kind of thing which gives the left the argument they to attack it. How simple was it for a minor to get a hold of that gun? That's the very kind of thing the left concerns themselves with. Hey, had there been a 30 day waiting period, Rittenhouse probably wouldn't have had the gun that night. Well, as far as the left is concerned, a 30 day waiting period would've saved two lives.

Well, when I go into a gun store, I like knowing that I'm going to walk out of the store with my purchase the same day. But dipshits like Black and Rittenhouse, and the stupid things they do, jeopardize that and, well, fuck them.

As for your opinion of me and the uniform, I'll invite you to go fuck off and die, you little pussy fuck. The only uniform you're worthy of wearing is a Girl Scout uniform...
there ya go again dbling down on the anti 2nd stuff,,

at least I took the time to explain in detail without name calling or insults,, you not so much,,

What did I say that's anti-2nd Amendment?
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
Can't wait for him to be in jail and be that BOYFRIEND you always wanted.

So, you are gloating at the idea of a young man being raped in prison?

He thought he was BMF when he was the only one with a gun. What I saw was People trying to disarm him and he shot and killed another human being with an illegal firearm, Mom should have made him stay home. no such thing as bad children just bad parents.
Fuck them, the rotten vermin got what they earned.
Yes, Kyle from Antioch will get his ass just what it needs.

People who believe Kyle to be a "hero" can keep him supplied with KY Jelly. :)
you seem infatuated/enchanted by prison sex. is there something you'd like to tell us. ?

are u any good at explaining climate change ?
What specifically do you need to know about prison sex?

Apparently it often involves a ginormous dude who's your cellie named "Bubba".
I'm more familiar with lesbian prison sex having once watched a porn flick on the subject.
Hopefully Don the Con and Rudy become more familiarized soon with the former. :)
Rittenhouse is more of a man than you could ever be.

He'll be whining like the little bitch he is when Bubba comes looking for him.

Another liberal happy with the thought of using rape to punish her political enemies.

This proves that all your talk of racism, or homophobia was always bullshit.

Rittenhouse isn't my "political enemy". He piece of human excrement on the bootheels of time.

He wanted a good time, shooting liberals, well, he's gonna get a "good time" for the rest of his life. You talk about this kid like he disagreed with liberals He went out and murdered people for the fun of it.

Rittenhouse probably doesn't have a political belief in his head. He's just a kid all jacked up on hate and testostorone and he got himself a gun. You're trying to make this young shitstain into some kind of folk hero. It reflects so badly on you that you are glorifying this thug.

He went there to help protect the community from violent rioters.

YOu know, rioters, like in dc. Rioters are bad, right?

He did not shoot anyone until he was attacked.

And now you want him to go to jail and be raped for hte rest of his life.

My point stands.

ALL, you talk of ANY racism, or homophobia, is revealed to be bullshit.

YOu don't care about Civil Rights as a principle. You only use a pretense of caring about them, to attack your enemies.

THe moment you have the power to violate the civil rights of one of your enemies, you are gloating with glee like a saturday matinee villain, at the thought of them suffering rape for the rest of their lives.

You are a tyrant, your side is one of tyranny.

We conservatives have seen this for years. We tried to warn people. But they dismissed us as alarmists and red baiters.

Now as you feel power coming to you, because of demographic shift, you pull of your mask and reveal the monsters you truly are.

Shit is going to get real.

Actually, I haven't though much about the fate of this thug at all. But I do recall you staunchly defending Brock Turner and his 6 month jail sentence for raping that women behind a dumpster. You seem to have a real problem holding white thuggery and violence to account for anything.

White boys can do no wrong in your eyes. At the same time you denigrate left wing protests, you glorify thugs and terrorists calling themselves "militias", and call the violence being perpetrated by these terrorists "patriotism". The rest of the world calls this "patriotism" right wing terrorism.
White Thuggery? White well actually hispanic 17 year shoots 3 violent convicted felons who attacked him?

You are to ignorant to know what thuggery is.........Kid isn't a thug idiot----------he was trying to defend businesses and a burning city from violent stupid thugs who attacked him for his trouble.

I know what thuggery is. This kid is a thug. He wasn't there to protect businesses regardless of what he said. He was there for the fight. To kick liberal butt. He was going to be a badass with his new gun!!!!!

Every thug has a justification for his thuggery. I'm just protecting businesses. George Zimmerman was just a guy from neighbourhood watch. These people are THUGS looking for a fight. That is all they are - nothing more.
The dead guys were thugs and indeed, one was a pedophile to boot.

It doesn't matter if the guy was a pedophile. All he had to do was yell for help, and he didn't do that, he shot the guy. It is NOT legal to shoot a pedophile on sight, with your illegal gun, while in a crowd of people.
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...
He didn't own the firearm, so how was it illegal?

The manner in which he obtained the gun makes it illegal.

Black put the gun in his name (which was stupid) simply because he knew Rittenhouse couldn't legally own it.

Also, it's illegal for Rittenhouse to possess a firearm due to his age...
Also, the forearm wasn't "obtained." Rittenhouse doesn't own it.

Both Rittenhouse and Black have confessed that Rittenhouse gave Black the money to buy the gun since Rittenhouse couldn't buy it himself. You can parse words, I suppose, but they both admitted why Rittenhouse gave him the money. It was so Black could buy him a gun.

Now, that's a separate issue altogether from the possession of a firearm, though, which cannot be argued. Rittenhouse had possession of the firearm and he shouldn't have, and the fact that he had it resulted in the deaths of two people...

I would say that the violent and criminal actions of those two people are what led to their deaths.

Yes, at the hands of a criminal wielding an illegal firearm...

Illegal because he was 17 instead 18. ANd if not for that, not a criminal.

Meanwhile you want to take responsibility for a violent assault, away from the people that made the violent assault and place the responsibility for the assault on their intended victim, who defended himself.

Yeah, I don't see the moral justification for your position. It seems to be based primarily on legal technicalities.

That's because you have some weird need to see this in terms of one party being right and the other party being wrong when, in fact, both parties were in the wrong...
You're in the wrong. Rittenhouse exercised his constitutional right to defend himself.

If you believe that it was perfectly okay for him to conspire to illegally get a hold of a rifle, break curfew, and end up killing people, then you and I have nothing to discuss. I can sit back and wait for the outcome of the case...

The way you leave out the violent mob attack, is not ok.



That a violent mob attacked the kid, is relevant to the events of that night.

Pointing that out is not deflection.

The more you want to leave out that, the more you undermine your credibility in your desire to focus elsewhere.

My concern is more for the 2nd Amendment, and how the little dipshit's actions actually threaten it.

Fuck Rittenhouse. He could die for all I care. You're just too fucking stupid to understand how his actions that night, and Black's actions, as well, could threaten your Constitutional rights.

You're fucking retarded...
youre the only threat to the 2nd I see,,,

You're a fucking idiot...
are you saying state laws over rule the constitution???

cause the last I heard the constitution is the supreme law of the land

If that's true, why does Rittenhouse have a $2 million bail?
nice dodge,,

if what youre saying is true and states can over rule the constitution I am sure youre OK with eliminating due process and jailing or executing people without a trial,,

you either support it or you dont,,, there is no middle ground,,

I didn't dodge anything. Your position is one which dictates that Rittenhouse should be released and all charges dropped, but that hasn't happened, nor does it look likely. I'm simply asking why that is.

And then, if you would be so kind, please explain how it is that different states have different laws pertaining to firearms. Some mirror federal law, but many do not. Surely, if all of these laws were unconstitutional, they'd have been successfully challenged by now.

If your position is one which dictates that individual states cannot enact laws, then you're truly lost...
you either support the constitution or you dont,, I support it and it seems like you dont,,,

on a side note I looked up the age requirement for the wis. national guard and low and behold you can join at 17

"Be between the ages of 17 and 35. Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Be at least a junior in high school, or have a high school diploma or a GED certificate."

so I guess its OK to be armed if youre working for the government but not as a private citizen,,,

Essentially, yes.

You can join the Marines at age 17 if you have parent's consent (that's the same with the Guard, unless you're emancipated).

Why don't you look up the law regarding possession of a firearm by a minor...

I posted the law on guns/arms in this country,,,

Child gun laws in Wisconsin, and how adults could face jail time

Possession of a gun by anyone under 18 is a misdemeanor, unless that gun is being used for target practice, hunting or the child is a member of the armed forces.

(I'm pretty sure if the gun is then used in a homicide it's a felony; still working that one)

Giving, loaning or selling a dangerous weapon to someone under 18 is a felony and carries a sentence of up to 3½ years in prison and a $10,000 fine unless the firearm is used for target practice or hunting. If that gun is used in a homicide or suicide, the person can be charged with a felony carrying up to six years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Like it or not, the law in Wisconsin is quite clear. Rittenhouse and Black both broke the law.

And individual states have every right to enact their own laws...
we will check you off as anti 2nd A and anti- constitution,,,

And that's all you'd have to do to prove that you're a fucking ignorant dipshit.

I'm a strong proponent of the 2nd Amendment, dickbag. And the Constitution? I spent 20 years defending it. Unless you can say the same, eat my shit, you ignorant cocksucker...
from what youre pushing you have no respect for the 2nd or the constitution,, and all the insults and name calling is gonna change that,, in fact it proves i'm right,,

and if you as you say defended it for 20 yrs makes you a disgrace to the uniform and an embarrassment,,,

If you had any respect for the 2nd Amendment, you'd understand that this is the very kind of thing which gives the left the argument they to attack it. How simple was it for a minor to get a hold of that gun? That's the very kind of thing the left concerns themselves with. Hey, had there been a 30 day waiting period, Rittenhouse probably wouldn't have had the gun that night. Well, as far as the left is concerned, a 30 day waiting period would've saved two lives.

Well, when I go into a gun store, I like knowing that I'm going to walk out of the store with my purchase the same day. But dipshits like Black and Rittenhouse, and the stupid things they do, jeopardize that and, well, fuck them.

As for your opinion of me and the uniform, I'll invite you to go fuck off and die, you little pussy fuck. The only uniform you're worthy of wearing is a Girl Scout uniform...
there ya go again dbling down on the anti 2nd stuff,,

at least I took the time to explain in detail without name calling or insults,, you not so much,,

What did I say that's anti-2nd Amendment?
pretty much all of it,,,
The leftists are enraged because Rittenhouse didn't volunteer to be murdered. They expect everyone to give them room and approval to destroy.

The people chasing Rittenhouse weren't trying to kill him. They were trying to hold him for shooting the first guy. Running from the scene of the crime, Rittenhouse fell down. Again, he didn't call anyone for help, he just started shooting at people.
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...
He didn't own the firearm, so how was it illegal?

The manner in which he obtained the gun makes it illegal.

Black put the gun in his name (which was stupid) simply because he knew Rittenhouse couldn't legally own it.

Also, it's illegal for Rittenhouse to possess a firearm due to his age...
Also, the forearm wasn't "obtained." Rittenhouse doesn't own it.

Both Rittenhouse and Black have confessed that Rittenhouse gave Black the money to buy the gun since Rittenhouse couldn't buy it himself. You can parse words, I suppose, but they both admitted why Rittenhouse gave him the money. It was so Black could buy him a gun.

Now, that's a separate issue altogether from the possession of a firearm, though, which cannot be argued. Rittenhouse had possession of the firearm and he shouldn't have, and the fact that he had it resulted in the deaths of two people...

I would say that the violent and criminal actions of those two people are what led to their deaths.

Yes, at the hands of a criminal wielding an illegal firearm...

Illegal because he was 17 instead 18. ANd if not for that, not a criminal.

Meanwhile you want to take responsibility for a violent assault, away from the people that made the violent assault and place the responsibility for the assault on their intended victim, who defended himself.

Yeah, I don't see the moral justification for your position. It seems to be based primarily on legal technicalities.

That's because you have some weird need to see this in terms of one party being right and the other party being wrong when, in fact, both parties were in the wrong...
You're in the wrong. Rittenhouse exercised his constitutional right to defend himself.

If you believe that it was perfectly okay for him to conspire to illegally get a hold of a rifle, break curfew, and end up killing people, then you and I have nothing to discuss. I can sit back and wait for the outcome of the case...

The way you leave out the violent mob attack, is not ok.



That a violent mob attacked the kid, is relevant to the events of that night.

Pointing that out is not deflection.

The more you want to leave out that, the more you undermine your credibility in your desire to focus elsewhere.

My concern is more for the 2nd Amendment, and how the little dipshit's actions actually threaten it.

Fuck Rittenhouse. He could die for all I care. You're just too fucking stupid to understand how his actions that night, and Black's actions, as well, could threaten your Constitutional rights.

You're fucking retarded...
youre the only threat to the 2nd I see,,,

You're a fucking idiot...
and youre a constitution hating moron,,
The leftists are enraged because Rittenhouse didn't volunteer to be murdered. They expect everyone to give them room and approval to destroy.

The people chasing Rittenhouse weren't trying to kill him. They were trying to hold him for shooting the first guy. Running from the scene of the crime, Rittenhouse fell down. Again, he didn't call anyone for help, he just started shooting at people.
how would you know their intentions??
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
Can't wait for him to be in jail and be that BOYFRIEND you always wanted.

So, you are gloating at the idea of a young man being raped in prison?

He thought he was BMF when he was the only one with a gun. What I saw was People trying to disarm him and he shot and killed another human being with an illegal firearm, Mom should have made him stay home. no such thing as bad children just bad parents.
Fuck them, the rotten vermin got what they earned.
Yes, Kyle from Antioch will get his ass just what it needs.

People who believe Kyle to be a "hero" can keep him supplied with KY Jelly. :)
you seem infatuated/enchanted by prison sex. is there something you'd like to tell us. ?

are u any good at explaining climate change ?
What specifically do you need to know about prison sex?

Apparently it often involves a ginormous dude who's your cellie named "Bubba".
I'm more familiar with lesbian prison sex having once watched a porn flick on the subject.
Hopefully Don the Con and Rudy become more familiarized soon with the former. :)
Rittenhouse is more of a man than you could ever be.

He'll be whining like the little bitch he is when Bubba comes looking for him.

Another liberal happy with the thought of using rape to punish her political enemies.

This proves that all your talk of racism, or homophobia was always bullshit.

Rittenhouse isn't my "political enemy". He piece of human excrement on the bootheels of time.

He wanted a good time, shooting liberals, well, he's gonna get a "good time" for the rest of his life. You talk about this kid like he disagreed with liberals He went out and murdered people for the fun of it.

Rittenhouse probably doesn't have a political belief in his head. He's just a kid all jacked up on hate and testostorone and he got himself a gun. You're trying to make this young shitstain into some kind of folk hero. It reflects so badly on you that you are glorifying this thug.

He went there to help protect the community from violent rioters.

YOu know, rioters, like in dc. Rioters are bad, right?

He did not shoot anyone until he was attacked.

And now you want him to go to jail and be raped for hte rest of his life.

My point stands.

ALL, you talk of ANY racism, or homophobia, is revealed to be bullshit.

YOu don't care about Civil Rights as a principle. You only use a pretense of caring about them, to attack your enemies.

THe moment you have the power to violate the civil rights of one of your enemies, you are gloating with glee like a saturday matinee villain, at the thought of them suffering rape for the rest of their lives.

You are a tyrant, your side is one of tyranny.

We conservatives have seen this for years. We tried to warn people. But they dismissed us as alarmists and red baiters.

Now as you feel power coming to you, because of demographic shift, you pull of your mask and reveal the monsters you truly are.

Shit is going to get real.

Actually, I haven't though much about the fate of this thug at all. But I do recall you staunchly defending Brock Turner and his 6 month jail sentence for raping that women behind a dumpster. You seem to have a real problem holding white thuggery and violence to account for anything.

White boys can do no wrong in your eyes. At the same time you denigrate left wing protests, you glorify thugs and terrorists calling themselves "militias", and call the violence being perpetrated by these terrorists "patriotism". The rest of the world calls this "patriotism" right wing terrorism.
White Thuggery? White well actually hispanic 17 year shoots 3 violent convicted felons who attacked him?

You are to ignorant to know what thuggery is.........Kid isn't a thug idiot----------he was trying to defend businesses and a burning city from violent stupid thugs who attacked him for his trouble.

I know what thuggery is. This kid is a thug. He wasn't there to protect businesses regardless of what he said. He was there for the fight. To kick liberal butt. He was going to be a badass with his new gun!!!!!

Every thug has a justification for his thuggery. I'm just protecting businesses. George Zimmerman was just a guy from neighbourhood watch. These people are THUGS looking for a fight. That is all they are - nothing more.
The dead guys were thugs and indeed, one was a pedophile to boot.

It doesn't matter if the guy was a pedophile. All he had to do was yell for help, and he didn't do that, he shot the guy. It is NOT legal to shoot a pedophile on sight, with your illegal gun, while in a crowd of people.

The crowd was the other rioters. They were on the side of the pedophile. Not that anyone there knew he was a pedophile.

Your assumption that people would have helped Rittenhouse is unsupported, at best.
The leftists are enraged because Rittenhouse didn't volunteer to be murdered. They expect everyone to give them room and approval to destroy.

The people chasing Rittenhouse weren't trying to kill him. They were trying to hold him for shooting the first guy. Running from the scene of the crime, Rittenhouse fell down. Again, he didn't call anyone for help, he just started shooting at people.
how would you know their intentions??

Because they were yelling "Stop him!!!!" You can hear it on the video. When the police were helping him up, they were yelling at the cops that he shot people.
The leftists are enraged because Rittenhouse didn't volunteer to be murdered. They expect everyone to give them room and approval to destroy.

The people chasing Rittenhouse weren't trying to kill him. They were trying to hold him for shooting the first guy. Running from the scene of the crime, Rittenhouse fell down. Again, he didn't call anyone for help, he just started shooting at people.
how would you know their intentions??

Because they were yelling "Stop him!!!!" You can hear it on the video. When the police were helping him up, they were yelling at the cops that he shot people.
then why didnt they just follow him to the cops and have the cops stop him?? kyle was running to them not away,,,
The leftists are enraged because Rittenhouse didn't volunteer to be murdered. They expect everyone to give them room and approval to destroy.

The people chasing Rittenhouse weren't trying to kill him. They were trying to hold him for shooting the first guy. Running from the scene of the crime, Rittenhouse fell down. Again, he didn't call anyone for help, he just started shooting at people.
how would you know their intentions??

Because they were yelling "Stop him!!!!" You can hear it on the video. When the police were helping him up, they were yelling at the cops that he shot people.

Some people were yelling "stop". What would those people have done, if half the mob, once they "stopped" him, started kicking him and kicking him, and stomping him?

Would they have protected Kyle or stood there watching while he was killed?
The leftists are enraged because Rittenhouse didn't volunteer to be murdered. They expect everyone to give them room and approval to destroy.

The people chasing Rittenhouse weren't trying to kill him. They were trying to hold him for shooting the first guy. Running from the scene of the crime, Rittenhouse fell down. Again, he didn't call anyone for help, he just started shooting at people.
how would you know their intentions??

Because they were yelling "Stop him!!!!" You can hear it on the video. When the police were helping him up, they were yelling at the cops that he shot people.
That isn't proof that they didn't intend to do him harm. In fact, it appears to be exactly the opposite.

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