Kyle Rittenhouse Is Extradited To Face Homicide Charges In Wisconsin

the black guy in Philly had a weapon and Black Lies Matter led riots anyway
That's ONE GUY.
Lets discuss the real issue thats been happening for decades.
Police executing UNARMED black people.
Lets discuss the real issue thats been happening for decades.
Police executing UNARMED black people.

99% of the time when facts are presented to a jury the cops are found not guilty

even in this example which you you must agree is questionable

but notice that the unarmed victim is not black

however white people did not loot walmart for the big screen TV’s because of one bad cop
Which is why they continue to murder unarmed black people.
there are very few cases of police misconduct as clear cut as this one

in most cases the criminal is resisting arrest and contributes to his own demise

here the white guy was not resisting

black criminals have a choice

if they resist arrest they might die
there are very few cases of police misconduct as clear cut as this one
How about this one?
A 20 year old person of color gets his van towed away on a Friday evening.
He comes back for his van, sees it is no longer there, gets upset and hits a trash can with his fist.
A cop who was driving by at the time stops, gets out and starts beating the young man.
Puts him in his car, drives him to the station, brings him in a room.
He then proceeds to break the guys arm and crack 2 ribs.
That person of color was me.
I've never trusted police since that night.
That person of color was me.
I've never trusted police since that night.

I once had a person of color point a gun at my wife and then rob the cash register

but I dont hate all black people for that

btw, I strongly suspect you didnt calm down as soon as the cop approached you and may have had some choice words for him too before you got pinched
btw, I strongly suspect you didnt calm down as soon as the cop approached you and may have had some choice words for him too before you got pinched
The first time I saw his face was after he grabbed me.
After that I was in no condition to say a word.
The first time I saw his face was after he grabbed me.
After that I was in no condition to say a word.

the cop is not here to tell his side of the story

if you say it was only because you are black nothing I can say will dissuade you
the cop is not here to tell his side of the story
No he isn't. I hope he's dead.
if you say it was only because you are black nothing I can say will dissuade you
I'm not black. I've only said that here about 700 times and yet you trumpers assume I am.
Punching a trash can is not a felony. There was no reason for him to assault me.
Seventeen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who's charged with fatally shooting two men and wounding a third during a protest in Kenosha, Wis., was extradited from Illinois to Wisconsin following the ruling of Lake County Judge Paul Novak.

Novak denied Rittenhouse's request to remain in Illinois, according to The Associated Press, noting that the defense had characterized the charges as politically motivated. "This Illinois court shall not examine any potential political impact a Wisconsin District Attorney potentially considered in his charging decision," Novak's ruling read.

Until Friday, Rittenhouse had been held in Lake County, Ill., which borders Kenosha, where the shootings took place on Aug. 25. He is now in Wisconsin where he faces life imprisonment if convicted of his most serious crime, first degree intentional homicide. Rittenhouse has also been charged with attempted intentional homicide as well as underage possession of a firearm.

Life in prison. No parole.
Nope. Exceptional training to be jailer for Demonrats convicted of treason against the people of the USA.
I'm not black.

I've only said that here about 700 times and yet you trumpers assume I am.
Punching a trash can is not a felony. There was no reason for him to assault me.
Your words:

How about this one?
A 20 year old person of color gets his van towed away on a Friday evening...

That person of color was me.
Only in Moon Bat Land is clear cut self defense "murder".

Kyle is a political prisoner.

Help me out. I am confused. When we are talking about Blacks they are supposed to trust the Courts will determine the truth. When it is a White, they are political prisoners. If salvation for innocent Blacks is found not in protests and public demands, but in courts, why are the right objecting to the same for Kyle?
You seem to be conflating things.
As far as I can tell, blacks fight the police, instead of having their day in court like people recommend. Are blacks being charged with crimes based on political motivations?
This kid didn’t fight the police, he actually turned himself in. He was charged with bullshit due to political factors, when it’s plainly obvious he was defending himself.

He turned himself in across state lines and fought extradition. I believe that is called fleeing isn’t it?
He turned himself In where he lives, which is where he was when he found out they wanted to arrest him. So no, it’s not fleeing.
The rioters could have stayed home and millions of dollars of destruction would not have happened

Yes, how dare they express their first amendment rights.

Unless the trial is rigged because of politicas. Novak is a fucking moron and should be impeached. THe charges are obviously political.

Novak only ruled on the issue of extradition... he was on solid legal ground.

Even Shittenhouse's mommy didn't testify for him.
What does liking something have to do with the law? You do understand we live in a Constitutional Republic, where the Rule of Law is not subjugated by lefty/fascist emotions?
Facts are stubborn things & your feelings cannot negate the actual facts of a case or the applicable laws.
I know this is a tough fact for an emo to comprehend

Fact is, he shot three unarmed people.... and wildly fired into a crowd.

It's nothing to do with emotion... there's a legal case to be made for murder, and frankly, that's probably all a Wisconsin jury would need to hang the little punk.
Looting big screen tv’s from walmart or torching car dealerships is not a constitutionally protected activity

I agree. Those people should be arrested.

The people who Shittenhouse shot weren't anywhere near Walmart.
What does liking something have to do with the law? You do understand we live in a Constitutional Republic, where the Rule of Law is not subjugated by lefty/fascist emotions?
Facts are stubborn things & your feelings cannot negate the actual facts of a case or the applicable laws.
I know this is a tough fact for an emo to comprehend

Fact is, he shot three unarmed people.... and wildly fired into a crowd.

It's nothing to do with emotion... there's a legal case to be made for murder, and frankly, that's probably all a Wisconsin jury would need to hang the little punk.

The one guy that Rittenhouse shot was a convicted child molester, and Rittenhouse is a child.

What do you think the molester wanted to do? Why wouldn't that be self-defense.

IMHO, they should just dismiss this case. Child shoots child molester and they want to hang the child? LOL

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