Kyle Rittenhouse Is Extradited To Face Homicide Charges In Wisconsin

The one guy that Rittenhouse shot was a convicted child molester, and Rittenhouse is a child.

Did Rittenhouse know that when he shot him? Was the guy putting the moves on him? Even so, how does that justify him firing wildly into a crowd killing two other people.
The term person of color does not mean black.
It certainly includes blacks

and American cities are not being torn up night after night because of Persons of Color Lives Matter protesters

if you are an off suit no one is rioting for you
Only in Moon Bat Land is clear cut self defense "murder".

Kyle is a political prisoner.

Help me out. I am confused. When we are talking about Blacks they are supposed to trust the Courts will determine the truth. When it is a White, they are political prisoners. If salvation for innocent Blacks is found not in protests and public demands, but in courts, why are the right objecting to the same for Kyle?
You seem to be conflating things.
As far as I can tell, blacks fight the police, instead of having their day in court like people recommend. Are blacks being charged with crimes based on political motivations?
This kid didn’t fight the police, he actually turned himself in. He was charged with bullshit due to political factors, when it’s plainly obvious he was defending himself.

He turned himself in across state lines and fought extradition. I believe that is called fleeing isn’t it?
He turned himself In where he lives, which is where he was when he found out they wanted to arrest him. So no, it’s not fleeing.

And the fighting of extradition is just a normal part of the process?

Look. Let’s be honest for a change shall we? If he told the cops in Wisconsin that he had fired on three people and hit them. If they told him to get out of there that is obstruction of justice on the part of the police. If he said nothing than he withheld information on a death which is a crime.

Crossing state lines is a Federal Felony. Fleeing across state lines means you bring in additional charges.

The whole time I said the youngster was a fool. Headed down there to get his badass on. Now he is headed to Prison. And instead of a lifetime of whatever he has many years of incarceration and restrictions on him.

The lesson you all on the he was a hero side need to learn is this. Contrary to the propaganda, the Snowflakes are not going to run and flee at the mere sight of a gun.

This nation is on the brink of collapse. And both sides are too stupid to realize that their own propaganda is pushing us onward as fast as they can manage. Kyle was a victim of that propaganda as much as he was a fool. Now he is suffering the first consequences of that idiocy. I don’t feel sorry for him. I hope that people will wake up and realize what path we are on.
Seventeen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who's charged with fatally shooting two men and wounding a third during a protest in Kenosha, Wis., was extradited from Illinois to Wisconsin following the ruling of Lake County Judge Paul Novak.

Novak denied Rittenhouse's request to remain in Illinois, according to The Associated Press, noting that the defense had characterized the charges as politically motivated. "This Illinois court shall not examine any potential political impact a Wisconsin District Attorney potentially considered in his charging decision," Novak's ruling read.

Until Friday, Rittenhouse had been held in Lake County, Ill., which borders Kenosha, where the shootings took place on Aug. 25. He is now in Wisconsin where he faces life imprisonment if convicted of his most serious crime, first degree intentional homicide. Rittenhouse has also been charged with attempted intentional homicide as well as underage possession of a firearm.

Life in prison. No parole.

Extradition does not mean guilt. Innocent until proven guilty, remember we are still Americans living in America.

It is sad that partisan nut jobs are losing this perspective. I hope most American don’t feel the same as you about our Constitution and country. You are a dangerous menace to what makes America.
Only in Moon Bat Land is clear cut self defense "murder".

Kyle is a political prisoner.

Help me out. I am confused. When we are talking about Blacks they are supposed to trust the Courts will determine the truth. When it is a White, they are political prisoners. If salvation for innocent Blacks is found not in protests and public demands, but in courts, why are the right objecting to the same for Kyle?
You seem to be conflating things.
As far as I can tell, blacks fight the police, instead of having their day in court like people recommend. Are blacks being charged with crimes based on political motivations?
This kid didn’t fight the police, he actually turned himself in. He was charged with bullshit due to political factors, when it’s plainly obvious he was defending himself.

He turned himself in across state lines and fought extradition. I believe that is called fleeing isn’t it?
He turned himself In where he lives, which is where he was when he found out they wanted to arrest him. So no, it’s not fleeing.

And the fighting of extradition is just a normal part of the process?

Look. Let’s be honest for a change shall we? If he told the cops in Wisconsin that he had fired on three people and hit them. If they told him to get out of there that is obstruction of justice on the part of the police. If he said nothing than he withheld information on a death which is a crime.

Crossing state lines is a Federal Felony. Fleeing across state lines means you bring in additional charges.

The whole time I said the youngster was a fool. Headed down there to get his badass on. Now he is headed to Prison. And instead of a lifetime of whatever he has many years of incarceration and restrictions on him.

The lesson you all on the he was a hero side need to learn is this. Contrary to the propaganda, the Snowflakes are not going to run and flee at the mere sight of a gun.

This nation is on the brink of collapse. And both sides are too stupid to realize that their own propaganda is pushing us onward as fast as they can manage. Kyle was a victim of that propaganda as much as he was a fool. Now he is suffering the first consequences of that idiocy. I don’t feel sorry for him. I hope that people will wake up and realize what path we are on.

So he already had his trial? Was he already been found guilty? Is he going to prison for life like Zimmerman did?
What does liking something have to do with the law? You do understand we live in a Constitutional Republic, where the Rule of Law is not subjugated by lefty/fascist emotions?
Facts are stubborn things & your feelings cannot negate the actual facts of a case or the applicable laws.
I know this is a tough fact for an emo to comprehend

Fact is, he shot three unarmed people.... and wildly fired into a crowd.

It's nothing to do with emotion... there's a legal case to be made for murder, and frankly, that's probably all a Wisconsin jury would need to hang the little punk.
Dude, I saw the tapes. Everybody has seen them. I trust the actual evidence. If you think that is what actually happened there then you are both delusional & stupid.
You are delupid.
Look, another subtype for you all.
In many cases they at not even paying a fine

no charges are filed

Oh, well. Why am I supposed to be upset again?

You guys are more upset about damaged property than lost lives... that's why you have riots.
The one guy that Rittenhouse shot was a convicted child molester, and Rittenhouse is a child.

Did Rittenhouse know that when he shot him? Was the guy putting the moves on him? Even so, how does that justify him firing wildly into a crowd killing two other people.

No, he just knew that the guy threw a fire bomb at him and the other one hit him with the edge of a skateboard, in the head, and the last guy had a gun pointed at doofus.
Dude, I saw the tapes. Everybody has seen them. I trust the actual evidence. If you think that is what actually happened there then you are both delusional & stupid.
You are delupid.

I saw the tapes, too. So did the law enforcement professionals who filed an arrest warrent for Rittenhouse.

Are they delusional?
No, he just knew that the guy threw a fire bomb at him and the other one hit him with the edge of a skateboard, in the head, and the last guy had a gun pointed at doofus.

Except no one threw a firebomb at him, and no, wrestling with a skateboarder isn't an assault.

Again, your newest Second Amendment Hero is going down.... He shouldn't have been there to start with.
Dude, I saw the tapes. Everybody has seen them. I trust the actual evidence. If you think that is what actually happened there then you are both delusional & stupid.
You are delupid.

I saw the tapes, too. So did the law enforcement professionals who filed an arrest warrent for Rittenhouse.

Are they delusional?

The democrats filed the warrants.......cause he shot joe biden voters trying to kill him...
Dude, I saw the tapes. Everybody has seen them. I trust the actual evidence. If you think that is what actually happened there then you are both delusional & stupid.
You are delupid.

I saw the tapes, too. So did the law enforcement professionals who filed an arrest warrent for Rittenhouse.

Are they delusional?

Not at all. Police and district attorneys follow the instructions from local leftist politicians.
No, he just knew that the guy threw a fire bomb at him and the other one hit him with the edge of a skateboard, in the head, and the last guy had a gun pointed at doofus.

Except no one threw a firebomb at him, and no, wrestling with a skateboarder isn't an assault.

Again, your newest Second Amendment Hero is going down.... He shouldn't have been there to start with.

He wasn't wrestling with the skateboarder, the violent thug, who we now know is a convicted felon, hit him with the edge of the skateboard, which can be lethal force was doofus.

At the beginning of the video, they throw a fire bomb at him.
No, he just knew that the guy threw a fire bomb at him and the other one hit him with the edge of a skateboard, in the head, and the last guy had a gun pointed at doofus.

Except no one threw a firebomb at him, and no, wrestling with a skateboarder isn't an assault.

Again, your newest Second Amendment Hero is going down.... He shouldn't have been there to start with.

He likely walks on all 3 shootings.
No, he just knew that the guy threw a fire bomb at him and the other one hit him with the edge of a skateboard, in the head, and the last guy had a gun pointed at doofus.

Except no one threw a firebomb at him, and no, wrestling with a skateboarder isn't an assault.

Again, your newest Second Amendment Hero is going down.... He shouldn't have been there to start with.

He likely walks on all 3 shootings.

I don't think the case gets to trial. The liberals have to make available the name and information of the witnesses on the scene- and they want to protect those who were looting and burning as well as the police officers allowing the event to take place. I don't see the Wisconsin prosecutors wanting to honor Mr. Rittenhouse's 8th Amendment rights for his defense and decide to drop the matter "quietly".

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