Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

Note my laughing at both your source being a Tik Tok blogger and your juvenile claim that anyone has surrendered.

Off of your mommy’s computer, dear. Go do your homework.
Republicans always surrender. A whole bunch of them did it at the fulton county jail just a few days ago.
I'm not sure why someone acting in self-defense should be sued. Granted, I can't say I'm surprised by this. America and the West in general has been insane for a while now.
Your typical desperate ploy as you’re not equipped to address the topic.
Im not using any ploy. Yu said no one had surrendered, I showed you where some folks had.

Maybe this way you won't feel so bad about your surrender.
Im not using any ploy. Yu said no one had surrendered, I showed you where some folks had.

Maybe this way you won't feel so bad about your surrender.
Another desperate ploy to avoid addressing the topic. .
Well we are dealing with a radical leftist government at the moment, so don't be surprised.
Basically. The current state of the US is just the natural consequence of leftist influences that originated as far back as the French Revolution. The Progressive Era of the US is where things started falling apart here more specifically.
Factually incorrect.

I was wrong about the Catholics it seems. Turns out you'd have better luck finding one at a republican convention.

Embrace your diversity. Isn't that what you sick fucks preach to everyone else?
I'm not sure why someone acting in self-defense should be sued. Granted, I can't say I'm surprised by this. America and the West in general has been insane for a while now.
It’s likely an attempt at money-making. It’s a long term ploy. A suit targeting Rittenhouse won’t get the family a big pay day, even with the unlikely event of a guilty verdict. But the lawyers would quickly move to hold the city, as a legal entity, responsible as the riots, burning and looting went on for more than a week.
It’s likely an attempt at money-making. It’s a long term ploy. A suit targeting Rittenhouse won’t get the family a big pay day, even with the unlikely event of a guilty verdict. But the lawyers would quickly move to hold the city, as a legal entity, responsible as the riots, burning and looting went on for more than a week.
I am not sure how the family thinks they will win. You have a guy who has documented mental issues, convictions for sex with teen boys, and was clearly the aggressor.

He set a dumpster on fire and was pushing it towards cop cars and was ripping up curbing to throw at cops. He went after Rittenhouse by all eyewitness accounts.
Yeah, contrary to what you posted the weapon was not a high powered rifle. It is exact What I said it was. A semi automatic rifle that fires an intermediate cartridge.
You jave consistently demonstrated an ignorance of the purpose of this weapon.
Not only do you think you are a lawyer you have become a psychiatrist as well.

Legally speaking a jury found him not guilty. Next, in each shooting, he was retreating, which is important when claiming self defense using deadly force. In each case he was retreating when attacked.

We can argue whether or not he should have been carrying a rifle (he shouldn’t) or whether the others should have been there, as they shouldn’t have been either, one of which was also armed AND pointed his weapon at him.

You mention mental capacity. 2 of the ”victims” had documented mental issues and criminal histories.

One of us has an enviable're on the 6th year of an epic losing streak.
As you gleefully look forward to civil actions you may want to brush up on what pissed Rosenbaum off:

You may wish to read the entire article. Good luck convincing the jury that Ritte house was at fault.

What is your record in these contests?
Again, if your party would act like it's got some sense, then there is no Kyle Rittenhouse... How hard is that for you to comprehend ? Yes, yes there are incidents that are of course fire starters in which sparks the protest, but when protestors become the very thing that they are protesting, then it invites the kind of hijacking characters who take over the protest (never let a good crisis go to waste remember), and they inturn ruin it for the one's who might have had good intentions about making their voices heard.
Again, if your party would act like it's got some sense, then there is no Kyle Rittenhouse
That is correct.

I'm a Republican.

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