Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

Rosenbaum wasn't participating in the protests at all. He was a mentally ill homeless person who found hundreds of angry people screaming near the dumpster he was sleeping near. At Shooty McFlopsweat freaked out and shot him, an unarmed homeless man half his size.
He was a mentally ill homeless person who found hundreds of angry people screaming near the dumpster he was sleeping near.
is that why he set it on fire?
Rosenbaum wasn't participating in the protests at all.

But he was setting fires in dumpsters.
He was a mentally ill homeless person who found hundreds of angry people screaming near the dumpster he was sleeping near.

Was that the same dumpster he tried to burn? Wasn't very bright, was he?
At Shooty McFlopsweat freaked out and shot him, an unarmed homeless man half his size.

Irrelevant. If you don't believe that a person smaller than you can do damage or even kill you then you're more of an idiot than I thought.
Rosenbaum wasn't participating in the protests at all. He was a mentally ill homeless person who found hundreds of angry people screaming near the dumpster he was sleeping near. At Shooty McFlopsweat freaked out and shot him, an unarmed homeless man half his size.
Two eyewitnesses interviewed by Wisconsin Right Now say Rosenbaum was enraged because Rittenhouse, and others, were using fire extinguishers to put out an arson fire in a dumpster that Rosenbaum, and others, were trying to push toward police squad cars.

They also believe that Rosenbaum may have been determined to rob Rittenhouse because the teenager seemed like the “weak” member of the herd and had walked off by himself. They think this because they say Rosenbaum, 36, “intricately” tied his shirt around his face, they believed to conceal his identity. Whether that would have been the case is obviously an unknown, but it was their perception.

i was a fetus.. and if my mother miscarried, she would not have considered me the same as the children she did have. (She actually did have a miscarriage between my sisters.)

They had been peacefully protesting for a decade, and the cops were still going around shooting unarmed black people. The sad reality is, white people only pay attention if black people threaten to burn their stuff. Shouldn't be that way. But it is. Same thing in 1992, with the Rodney King Riots, same thing in the 1960's with the civil rights riots. Want to make things better, have a riot.

More unarmed whites are killed and most unarmed peoople killed were also justified and in self defense such as Darren wilson/ Micheal Brown

This was not some desperate plea to stop an epidemic of violence it was an unjustified excuse to loot and pillage
Rosenbaum wasn't participating in the protests at all. He was a mentally ill homeless person who found hundreds of angry people screaming near the dumpster he was sleeping near. At Shooty McFlopsweat freaked out and shot him, an unarmed homeless man half his size.
He fired at an unarmed homeless man who attacked him and attempted to take his rifle away which is a lethal threat.

He set the fire in the dumpster andwas angry that rittenhouse extinguished it

You have to consistently dream up lies bhecause you know yiou are a racist pig
It was a terrible decision. The defense found a legal pretext under which his plainly irrational possession was "justified".
And they were heard by an ammosexual judge.

This little douche does not possess the mental capacity to be walking around with a tool SPECIFICALLY designed to tear people up. That he is considered some kind of model defies common sense.

No one will stop you from hiding behind that decision. But it doesn't make it sound policy.

Accordingly, it is entirely appropriate that he be facing a civil action. I hope it strips him clean.
As you gleefully look forward to civil actions you may want to brush up on what pissed Rosenbaum off:
Two eyewitnesses interviewed by Wisconsin Right Now say Rosenbaum was enraged because Rittenhouse, and others, were using fire extinguishers to put out an arson fire in a dumpster that Rosenbaum, and others, were trying to push toward police squad cars.

They also believe that Rosenbaum may have been determined to rob Rittenhouse because the teenager seemed like the “weak” member of the herd and had walked off by himself. They think this because they say Rosenbaum, 36, “intricately” tied his shirt around his face, they believed to conceal his identity. Whether that would have been the case is obviously an unknown, but it was their perception.

You may wish to read the entire article. Good luck convincing the jury that Ritte house was at fault.
A plastic bag. Seriously? That justified shooting him multiple time, including once after he already hit the ground?
How long will you lie like a cowradly motherfucker?

The goddamned bag had nothiung to do with it

Chasing cornering him and reaching for rittenhouse weapon is why he was shot and he was not shot after hitting the ground you absolutely unediucated piece of shit
A plastic bag. Seriously? That justified shooting him multiple time, including once after he already hit the ground?
Here ya go:

Two eyewitnesses interviewed by Wisconsin Right Now say Rosenbaum was enraged because Rittenhouse, and others, were using fire extinguishers to put out an arson fire in a dumpster that Rosenbaum, and others, were trying to push toward police squad cars.

They also believe that Rosenbaum may have been determined to rob Rittenhouse because the teenager seemed like the “weak” member of the herd and had walked off by himself. They think this because they say Rosenbaum, 36, “intricately” tied his shirt around his face, they believed to conceal his identity. Whether that would have been the case is obviously an unknown, but it was their perception.

Read the entire article.
No, every shot he fired was a direct and correct response to an attack or lethal threat.
He is a great hero in that he used his self defense weapon to stop the direct threats to his life without harming any by standers.

For somebody that had limited training using the AR he did an excellent job under stress. Better than many professionals could have done. He even cleared a jam during an attack.

The stupid Moon Bats that say that the AR is not a good self defense weapon need to study what Kyle did that night.
Not exactly.
The current wording of the overarching law seems clear: “Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.” A lead-in paragraph defines dangerous weapon as several things, including “any firearm, loaded or unloaded.”

The subsection that defense attorneys relied upon to seek dismissal reads: “This section applies only to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a rifle or a shotgun if the person is in violation of s. 941.28 …” That section of law isn’t specific to minors, but rather forbids any person from having a short-barreled shotgun or rifle.

The weapon was neither a short barreled rifle or shotgun.

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