Kyle Rittenhouse tears for victims or himself?

Otis Mayfield

Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2021

to many, the emotion of Rittenhouse’s testimony seemed to stem not from his memories of the incident, but from the indignant entitlement of a white man thwarted in the enforcement of his own privilege.

Many compared Rittenhouse’s tears during his testimony to those of Brett Kavanaugh, who shouted, red-faced and spitting, during his confirmation hearings, when he was asked questions about his alleged assault of Christine Blasey Ford, back when he was Rittenhouse’s age. Both of the displays prompted questions about their sincerity and opportunism.


The common thread in these rightwing expressions of masculine emotion is that when conservative men express their feelings, they don’t do so as a gesture of humility or need. Instead, they wield their feelings as a threat.

I think he was a stupid kid who left the safety of his fellow militia members and ran off into a crowd of hostile demonstrators. Something was bound to happen and it did.

Were Kyle's tears for his victims?


He was afraid.

to many, the emotion of Rittenhouse’s testimony seemed to stem not from his memories of the incident, but from the indignant entitlement of a white man thwarted in the enforcement of his own privilege.

Many compared Rittenhouse’s tears during his testimony to those of Brett Kavanaugh, who shouted, red-faced and spitting, during his confirmation hearings, when he was asked questions about his alleged assault of Christine Blasey Ford, back when he was Rittenhouse’s age. Both of the displays prompted questions about their sincerity and opportunism.

View attachment 563581

The common thread in these rightwing expressions of masculine emotion is that when conservative men express their feelings, they don’t do so as a gesture of humility or need. Instead, they wield their feelings as a threat.

I think he was a stupid kid who left the safety of his fellow militia members and ran off into a crowd of hostile demonstrators. Something was bound to happen and it did.

Were Kyle's tears for his victims?


He was afraid.

No tears for dead communist child molesters.

Only cheers.

to many, the emotion of Rittenhouse’s testimony seemed to stem not from his memories of the incident, but from the indignant entitlement of a white man thwarted in the enforcement of his own privilege.

Many compared Rittenhouse’s tears during his testimony to those of Brett Kavanaugh, who shouted, red-faced and spitting, during his confirmation hearings, when he was asked questions about his alleged assault of Christine Blasey Ford, back when he was Rittenhouse’s age. Both of the displays prompted questions about their sincerity and opportunism.

View attachment 563581

The common thread in these rightwing expressions of masculine emotion is that when conservative men express their feelings, they don’t do so as a gesture of humility or need. Instead, they wield their feelings as a threat.

I think he was a stupid kid who left the safety of his fellow militia members and ran off into a crowd of hostile demonstrators. Something was bound to happen and it did.

Were Kyle's tears for his victims?


He was afraid.
It's called contrition and regret.

You liberoidals are some seriously fucked up lowlifes.
So what ???? He's a 17 year old kid who is being stomped on by fake murder charges and will likely be harassed for the rest of his life by the lowest and vilest demographics of filthy vermin sociopaths and terrorists in the country. I bet you would cry a lot more in his shoes, being a bourgeois twat who opposes self-defense for the peasants.
He's a kid .........Later on in life he will shed no tears for those scumbags Burning and Looting and received the Darwin Award.

I tried to well up ONE WHOLE TEAR for them didn't work. Maybe I'll cut and cook onions later and try that way.
So what ???? He's a 17 year old kid who is being stomped on by fake murder charges and will likely be harassed for the rest of his life by the lowest and vilest demographics of filthy vermin sociopaths and terrorists in the country. I bet you would cry a lot more in his shoes, being a bourgeois twat who opposes self-defense for the peasants.
Well he did break the law by carrying a gun in the first place.

If he had just obeyed WI gun laws he wouldn't be crying in court right now would he?
He's a kid .........Later on in life he will shed no tears for those scumbags Burning and Looting and received the Darwin Award.

I tried to well up ONE WHOLE TEAR for them didn't work. Maybe I'll cut and cook onions later and try that way.
Which is why he wasn't legally allowed to open carry a rifle in WI.

He should have obeyed the law in the first place
I’ll bet he wishes he had stayed home instead of having mommy drive across state lines so he could go to the riot and hopefully shoot someone and get away with it.
People love to bask in the misery of other people, especially perceived enemies.
Should should the rest of the morons there. Had they stayed home and not burned shit maybe they wouldn't be taking a DIRT NAP.

Don't Loot. Don't Burn. And Don't chase a guy with a gun.

So it's OK for one guy to break the law because other people were?

It was his act of illegally carrying a gun that got him into the shit.

He wanted to play cop hero and then found out that real life ain't like X Box

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