Another left wing Radical group Mom's Demand Action, are saying that Kyle Rittenhouse was not held accountable. For what?

You need to watch the video you stupid asshat...

What part of HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE WITH AN ILLEGAL GUN, are you not getting.

Yeah, I saw the video. He was walking around with his AR15 acting like King Shit, threatening protestors, pointing his gun at them.

But if you're committing a crime by having a gun threatening people, you have no self defence excuse, when people think you're a danger to others and try to stop you. You don't get to shoot them and claim self defense.
In Wisconsin it was not an Illegal Weapon and he was not a prohibited person

Yeah that's why he had a friend purchase it for him and drive it across the state line until they arrived at the protest, His possession of the weapon was fully legal.
What part of HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE WITH AN ILLEGAL GUN, are you not getting.

Yeah, I saw the video. He was walking around with his AR15 acting like King Shit, threatening protestors, pointing his gun at them.

But if you're committing a crime by having a gun threatening people, you have no self defence excuse, when people think you're a danger to others and try to stop you. You don't get to shoot them and claim self defense.

It wasn’t illegal as the judge ruled you thick clod….

He only pointed the rifle at the two felons, one a repeat child rapist and two other idiots who actually did try to kill Rittenhouse.

Those idiots tried to set the gas station on fire and had been rioting, burning and looting all night you lying asshole.
Yeah that's why he had a friend purchase it for him and drive it across the state line until they arrived at the protest, His possession of the weapon was fully legal.
And if he were lookin for trouble he would have had Level IV Body Armor and 6-12 Mags and a sidearm
MSN Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself from criminals that wanted to take his life. If the thugs were not there during the riots, then they would still be alive today, but since those Mom's that demand action probably raised those criminals, they are now without their EVIL sons. Kyle was found not guilty in a court of law. You do stupid things, bad things are going to happen to you. Actions have consequences...

The guy with the gun approaching Kyle was a felon with an illegal gun he was not supposed to have.

I just replied to a post where I commented about the divide & conquer politick'n associated with both the global warming/climate change & gun control hot button topics. Believe me when I say this, "moms demand action" faction did NOT come up with this all on their own. They were TARGETED by bigger brains further up in the lefty chain of command. The lefty power & command personnel are looking for;

1) Sensationalism(propaganda).

2) $$$$$.

3) More Power & Control.

With our American constituency divided into two warring factions these type of politically motivated allegations & counter suits have to continue as the legal system itself has been compromised due to the divide. With America's strong military there remains only one way to defeat America, & that is from within.

Good read below about how divide & conquer has worked throughout the ages!

Rittenhouse went out looking for someone to shoot.

That's a crime.
Kyle went out to defend a friends car dealership from being burned to the ground. If those RADICAL progressives would of stayed home, they would be alive today.

Down here in Florida a Radical Progressive that goes out and burns buildings is considered a TERRORIST and can be shot on sight. I would have no problem putting a Radical progressive in the ground....Let Lucifer deal with their sorry asses.
Bullshit. Kyle Rittenhouse was not legally allowed to own an AR15, and he crossed state lines looking for trouble. Rittenhouse, shouldn't have been there and had been told to leave, shouldn't have been armed, threatened multiple witnesses, and committed murder, with his illegal gun.

The only felon in this scenario was Rittenhouse. He got away with murder.
The Felon that was chasing him was not legally allowed to have a gun, so what you are saying is that Kyle should of been murdered by that felon.....You are a criminal lover and hate all legal US citizens even their children. Why do you hate kids so much?

Is it that you cant have any?
What part of HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE WITH AN ILLEGAL GUN, are you not getting.

Yeah, I saw the video. He was walking around with his AR15 acting like King Shit, threatening protestors, pointing his gun at them.

But if you're committing a crime by having a gun threatening people, you have no self defence excuse, when people think you're a danger to others and try to stop you. You don't get to shoot them and claim self defense.
Those thugs SHOULD NOT OF BEEN THERE BURNING DOWN MINORITY BUSINESSES, what part of that are you not getting?

What part of HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE WITH AN ILLEGAL GUN, are you not getting.

Yeah, I saw the video. He was walking around with his AR15 acting like King Shit, threatening protestors, pointing his gun at them.

But if you're committing a crime by having a gun threatening people, you have no self defence excuse, when people think you're a danger to others and try to stop you. You don't get to shoot them and claim self defense.

What part of your pedophile friend shouldn't have been there committing arson do you not understand?
He went looking for an excuse.

Meanwhile, the democrats are driving 95% of our gun murder by releasing violent gun offenders, they are trapping children, especially black and Hispanic children, in generational poverty and crime, they are driving the killing of millions of black babies, and pushing the mutilation and sterilization of children with gender dysohoria…..they are supplying the sex trafficking industry and the forced labor industry for children because they are giving control of our border to the Mexican cartels…………..

So sell you bullshit to Biden voters…
Another left wing Radical group Mom's Demand Action, are saying that Kyle Rittenhouse was not held accountable. For what?

Killing only 2 of them?
Another left wing Radical group Mom's Demand Action, are saying that Kyle Rittenhouse was not held accountable. For what?

Killing only 2 of them?

Considering the adrenaline pumping through his system, shooting at night, while in a non-standard firing position, and it being his first ever act of self defense.....he did amazingly well.....hitting 3 of the violent felons, without any injuries to the other criminals in the crowd.........
Considering the adrenaline pumping through his system, shooting at night, while in a non-standard firing position, and it being his first ever act of self defense.....he did amazingly well.....hitting 3 of the violent felons, without any injuries to the other criminals in the crowd.........
Agreed. He should put out a line of shitbag-stopper guns and open a shooting school.
What part of HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE WITH AN ILLEGAL GUN, are you not getting.

Yeah, I saw the video. He was walking around with his AR15 acting like King Shit, threatening protestors, pointing his gun at them.

But if you're committing a crime by having a gun threatening people, you have no self defence excuse, when people think you're a danger to others and try to stop you. You don't get to shoot them and claim self defense.
A bad idea doesn't a crime make, necessarily. In this, it doesn't. A jury said so.

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