L.A. Launches Nation's First Israel Divestment Campaign

So much animosity. So much hate.

Why do any of you bother trying to discuss the issue? It never ends well for either side and always descends into nothing more that name calling and insults.
Ah I hope you are not implying I said that.


Not you. It is interesting that people are up in arms about money going to Israel, and not a peep about funding going to Islamic organizations that possibly have connections to terrorists.:eusa_whistle:
If your definition of terrorism includes killing or threatening civilians to achieve political (and economic) objectives, Israel and the US are the biggest terrorists on the planet.
That would be your definition, Einstein. My definition would be ramming jets into buildings, burning embassies over cartoons, suicide bombings and such.
As for the money issue...

"Perhaps the largest divestment initiative is taking shape in California. The California Israel Divestment initiative is seeking to put a ballot measure to California voters that requires the state pension funds, the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) and the California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS), to divest from companies enabling or profiting from Israeli occupation and systematic violations of Palestinians' human rights.
It would be shot down by the supreme court. It's a violation of free speech to force people to divest from Israeli funding. Israel is an ally, and sending funds to a cause you believe in is a symbolic form of speech, much like political campaign contributions. Sorry to burst your bubble.
"Although not a university-based effort, it is being led in large part by faculty members and students. Their goal is clear: faced by stonewalling from university administrations, the case is being taken directly to California voters."

Got a problem with economic democracy?
Or is that anti-Semitic, too

I've got no problem with economic democracy. Economic democracy that violates the constitution is another matter. This won't last very long at all. :cuckoo:
It would be shot down by the supreme court. It's a violation of free speech to force people to divest from Israeli funding. Israel is an ally, and sending funds to a cause you believe in is a symbolic form of speech
Alright, then I suppose I won't be arrested if I choose to provide financial support for the IRA or the Caucasus Emirate. Great news!
So much animosity. So much hate.

Why do any of you bother trying to discuss the issue? It never ends well for either side and always descends into nothing more that name calling and insults.

It could be worse, we could be witnessing virtual rocket attacks and air strike retaliation. Think of all those innocent bits and bytes caught in the middle.
So much animosity. So much hate.

Why do any of you bother trying to discuss the issue? It never ends well for either side and always descends into nothing more that name calling and insults.
If the first principle of all government is to socialize risk while privatizing profit, it's hard to overestimate the importance of Big Lies to the welfare of those who profit most from war and private debt.

Since June of 1967 the only lie I've seen bigger than "plucky Israel" fighting back against the Arab Goliath is the Official Conspiracy Theory on the attacks of 911.

Until now, I think you're exactly right about trying to discuss issues like Israel/Palestine or 911 Truth. The Internet has the potential to change that, probably in ways most of us aren't even aware of yet.

Should a majority of US voters become convinced that Republicans AND Democrats have lied to them about Israel's occupation of Palestine AND 911, it might produce a political awakening that would FLUSH Obama and Sarah Palin into history's cess pool.
Who invented the Semtex vest, Einstein?

Oh, they've been around a long time. But the splodeydopes have made it a family affair:


*sigh* They blow up so fast...
Twelve and Up.

"Some Israeli soldiers have admitted that the army gives them 'carte blanche' to shoot and kill Palestinian above the age of 12.

"The noted Israeli award-wining journalist Amira Hass interviewed an Israeli sniper nearly two years ago in which the soldier described the commands he received from his superiors:

“Twelve and up, you are allowed to shoot. That’s what they tell us,' he said. 'So,' responded the reporter, 'according to the IDF, the appropriate minimum age group at which to shoot is 12.'

The soldier replied: 'This is according to what the IDF says to its soldiers. I do not know if this is what the IDF says to the media.'

"Many Palestinians are convinced that these atrocities fuel the fire of further attacks against Israel.

Palestinian Children Killed...
Did you ever think that if Palestinians wouldn't use their children as munitions, the IDF wouldn't be forced to kill them?

No, you didn't. You don't think at all. Useful idiots are incapable of thought; they just blindly parrot what they're programmed with.

Congratulations, George. You're the tool of people who think killing their own children is a glorious thing.
Oh, they've been around a long time. But the splodeydopes have made it a family affair:


*sigh* They blow up so fast...
Twelve and Up.

"Some Israeli soldiers have admitted that the army gives them 'carte blanche' to shoot and kill Palestinian above the age of 12.

"The noted Israeli award-wining journalist Amira Hass interviewed an Israeli sniper nearly two years ago in which the soldier described the commands he received from his superiors:

“Twelve and up, you are allowed to shoot. That’s what they tell us,' he said. 'So,' responded the reporter, 'according to the IDF, the appropriate minimum age group at which to shoot is 12.'

The soldier replied: 'This is according to what the IDF says to its soldiers. I do not know if this is what the IDF says to the media.'

"Many Palestinians are convinced that these atrocities fuel the fire of further attacks against Israel.

Palestinian Children Killed...
Did you ever think that if Palestinians wouldn't use their children as munitions, the IDF wouldn't be forced to kill them?

No, you didn't. You don't think at all. Useful idiots are incapable of thought; they just blindly parrot what they're programmed with.

Congratulations, George. You're the tool of people who think killing their own children is a glorious thing.
Because nothing is ever, ever the IDF's fault. It's not as if they can just stop killing children; those children might have bombs and must be shot on sight!
Not you. It is interesting that people are up in arms about money going to Israel, and not a peep about funding going to Islamic organizations that possibly have connections to terrorists.:eusa_whistle:
If your definition of terrorism includes killing or threatening civilians to achieve political (and economic) objectives, Israel and the US are the biggest terrorists on the planet.
That would be your definition, Einstein. My definition would be ramming jets into buildings, burning embassies over cartoons, suicide bombings and such.
As for the money issue...

"Perhaps the largest divestment initiative is taking shape in California. The California Israel Divestment initiative is seeking to put a ballot measure to California voters that requires the state pension funds, the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) and the California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS), to divest from companies enabling or profiting from Israeli occupation and systematic violations of Palestinians' human rights.
It would be shot down by the supreme court. It's a violation of free speech to force people to divest from Israeli funding. Israel is an ally, and sending funds to a cause you believe in is a symbolic form of speech, much like political campaign contributions. Sorry to burst your bubble.
"Although not a university-based effort, it is being led in large part by faculty members and students. Their goal is clear: faced by stonewalling from university administrations, the case is being taken directly to California voters."

Got a problem with economic democracy?
Or is that anti-Semitic, too

I've got no problem with economic democracy. Economic democracy that violates the constitution is another matter. This won't last very long at all. :cuckoo:
My definition of terrorism comes from official US Code:

'''act of terrorism' means an activity that -- (A) involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life that is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State; and (B) appears to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping."

A US Army manual defines "terrorism" as "the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature, (often accomplished) through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear."

Flying planes into buildings is certainly as act of terror just as Operations Shock and Awe and Cast Lead represent attempts to intimidate or coerce a civilian population.

How is a campaign to divest from certain investments in Israel less constitutional than the campaign two decades ago to divest from apartheid South Africa?

Individuals would still be free to donate to Israel, except where their donations advance the illegal occupation of Palestine.

No doubt those who prefer a status quo that profits from collective punishment and other war crimes will resist; however, as more and more citizens become aware of the facts on the ground in Palestine the forces of the status quo will find the moral and intellectual ground beneath their feet shrinking rapidly.

International Terrorism
We need to divest from apartheid Israel just like we divested from apartheid South Africa.

The Zionist government of Israel is just as racist and fascist as the former government of South Africia.
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Oh, they've been around a long time. But the splodeydopes have made it a family affair:


*sigh* They blow up so fast...
Twelve and Up.

"Some Israeli soldiers have admitted that the army gives them 'carte blanche' to shoot and kill Palestinian above the age of 12.

"The noted Israeli award-wining journalist Amira Hass interviewed an Israeli sniper nearly two years ago in which the soldier described the commands he received from his superiors:

“Twelve and up, you are allowed to shoot. That’s what they tell us,' he said. 'So,' responded the reporter, 'according to the IDF, the appropriate minimum age group at which to shoot is 12.'

The soldier replied: 'This is according to what the IDF says to its soldiers. I do not know if this is what the IDF says to the media.'

"Many Palestinians are convinced that these atrocities fuel the fire of further attacks against Israel.

Palestinian Children Killed...
Did you ever think that if Palestinians wouldn't use their children as munitions, the IDF wouldn't be forced to kill them?

No, you didn't. You don't think at all. Useful idiots are incapable of thought; they just blindly parrot what they're programmed with.

Congratulations, George. You're the tool of people who think killing their own children is a glorious thing.
How many Palestinian suicide bombers under the age of 12 are you aware of?

IDF snipers are told as a matter of policy to target any Palestinian over the age of 12.

Is that because a majority of 12 year-olds in the OT are wearing suicide vests, or are the suicide vests a response to official IDF policy?

Anyone who has spent twenty years in the USAF calling someone else a "useful idiot" can only be a blind parrot's projection.

The last twenty years of my life have not enabled the death of a single 12 year old.

How about yours?

Because nothing is ever, ever the IDF's fault. It's not as if they can just stop killing children; those children might have bombs and must be shot on sight!

as opposed to terrorist scum blowing up babies in carriages and children in school buses, of course.

the difference is, that children aren't the israeli's TARGET.... unlike the terrorists in hamas.

but that's ok, right? cause its only dead jewish children.

The real difference? If the terrorists stopped lobbing missiles at innocents, there would be peace. If the israeli's stopped fighting back, the terrorists would destroy israel.
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as opposed to terrorist scum blowing up babies in carriages and children in school buses, of course.

the difference is, that children aren't the israeli's TARGET.... unlike the terrorists in hamas.
Israel targets children every bit as much as Hamas. Show me any example of a Hamas militant shooting a little Israeli girl then emptying the rest of his magazine into her as she tries to get away. That is what you support.

Either way, the only one who cares about good intentions is God. The fact is that Israel kills far more children and does not appear to be making any effort to avoid doing this.

but that's ok, right? cause its only dead jewish children.
I'm unsympathetic to whining and playing victim. The occupier is never the victim.
"For over four decades, since the 1967 Six Day War, propagandized as a victorious miracle on par with David v. Goliath, Americans have ingested a distorted media diet of Israelis portrayed as victims and Palestinians portrayed as villains.

"But with the launch of domestic and international outlets for independent journalism and new media, the truth is now accessible. More and more Americans have come to realize that Israelis are the oppressors and Palestinians are the oppressed.

"In addition, more and more Americans are learning that the relationship between the United States and Israel is not really in America’s best interests – a previously untenable concept.

"What is occurring as a result of Americans’ new knowledge is their widespread anger over being misled for so long. Many Americans, myself included, feel a sense of guilt at being unwitting pawns in Israel’s forty year occupation and systematic torture, deprivation, and dare I say, ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

"Many Americans are further incensed that our legislators have voted annually to award Israel, a wealthy and thriving nation, 3 billion of our tax dollars which go directly into its military."

Los Angeles Launches
I'm unsympathetic to whining and playing victim. The occupier is never the victim.

And I lack sympathy for dead terrorists who can't fight a real war but target children.

you know, jordan occupied gaza til the 6 day war. they could have easily 'freed' them. instead, israel won the territory when they won the 6 day war.

and if scum in mexico were sending missiles into california, they'd be flattened into dirt.
I wonder what Spielberg thinks of this LA initiative?

he probably thinks the people behind it are wackos. but the city of L.A. isn't behind it... it's a bunch of nutbars.

i can demand that weput something on the ballot saying that rush limbaugh shoudl be banned from the airwaves in L.A. and get more than a few people to support me.

But it wouldn't go anywhere.

I'm guessing Spielberg isn't losing sleep over it.
Because nothing is ever, ever the IDF's fault. It's not as if they can just stop killing children; those children might have bombs and must be shot on sight!
That's right. The IDF just started to arbitrarily snipe children...THEN the Palestinians had NO CHOICE but to strap bombs to their kids.

It's astounding how people can make themselves believe such stupid shit.
Twelve and Up.

"Some Israeli soldiers have admitted that the army gives them 'carte blanche' to shoot and kill Palestinian above the age of 12.

"The noted Israeli award-wining journalist Amira Hass interviewed an Israeli sniper nearly two years ago in which the soldier described the commands he received from his superiors:

“Twelve and up, you are allowed to shoot. That’s what they tell us,' he said. 'So,' responded the reporter, 'according to the IDF, the appropriate minimum age group at which to shoot is 12.'

The soldier replied: 'This is according to what the IDF says to its soldiers. I do not know if this is what the IDF says to the media.'

"Many Palestinians are convinced that these atrocities fuel the fire of further attacks against Israel.

Palestinian Children Killed...
Did you ever think that if Palestinians wouldn't use their children as munitions, the IDF wouldn't be forced to kill them?

No, you didn't. You don't think at all. Useful idiots are incapable of thought; they just blindly parrot what they're programmed with.

Congratulations, George. You're the tool of people who think killing their own children is a glorious thing.
How many Palestinian suicide bombers under the age of 12 are you aware of?
Here's one.
IDF snipers are told as a matter of policy to target any Palestinian over the age of 12.
Any child? Or one who looks like he might be carrying explosives?
Is that because a majority of 12 year-olds in the OT are wearing suicide vests, or are the suicide vests a response to official IDF policy?
:lol: You're completely incapable of saying Palestinians blowing up their own children is a bad thing.

That's pretty fucked up, man.
Anyone who has spent twenty years in the USAF calling someone else a "useful idiot" can only be a blind parrot's projection.
Wassa matter, George? Recruiter laugh at you? Soldier steal your girl because you think crying is foreplay and she wanted a real man?
The last twenty years of my life have not enabled the death of a single 12 year old.
But you're sure as hell cheering for it, aren't you? You don't give a damn how many Palestinian kids are blown up by their parents, as long as they take some Jews with them.
How about yours?
It's entirely possible. The difference between the Air Force and your "heroes", though, is the Air Force doesn't deliberately target children. The terrorists you love do.

And you support that. Scum.
Coming from a tool who's utterly incapable of thinking anything more complex than would fit on a protest sign, that's utterly meaningless.

Oh, and you might want to take a look at these. This is the death cult you support:

Child suicide bombers in the Israeli?Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

palestinian child martyrs children suicide bombers

Palestinian children's TV show: Suicide bomber "has become a role model for any Palestinian girl who harbors the spirit of self-sacrifice, national sentiment, and love of death for the sake of Allah and in defense of the homeland" - Jihad Watch

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPU4UN03t7E]YouTube - Israeli TV - 14 year old Suicide Bomber[/ame]
Because nothing is ever, ever the IDF's fault. It's not as if they can just stop killing children; those children might have bombs and must be shot on sight!

as opposed to terrorist scum blowing up babies in carriages and children in school buses, of course.

the difference is, that children aren't the israeli's TARGET.... unlike the terrorists in hamas.

but that's ok, right? cause its only dead jewish children.

The real difference? If the terrorists stopped lobbing missiles at innocents, there would be peace. If the israeli's stopped fighting back, the terrorists would destroy israel.

I expect Kalam, like most death cultists, justifies the murder of Israeli children by saying they'll grow up to serve in the IDF.

Well, that, and they're Jews.

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