L.A. Launches Nation's First Israel Divestment Campaign

Jews really start to look desperate when attacking "culturally diverse coalitions" seeking to divest from Israel as "anti-Semites."

I love it. Jews were the No. 1 driver of turning America into a "diversity paradise"; now it's biting them on the ass. Whoops.

kkk white trash really start to look desperate when attacking jews repeatedly because they're terrified that they're marginal and jews are smarter. :thup:

what a sicko you are. how are things on stormfront, loser?

glad you found your fellow antisemite garbage, though.

Are you sure you still need to be hanging with the demonRats?
Preferably Saudis, because Saudis are good, Jews is bad.:cuckoo:

Ah I hope you are not implying I said that.


Not you. It is interesting that people are up in arms about money going to Israel, and not a peep about funding going to Islamic organizations that possibly have connections to terrorists.:eusa_whistle:
If your definition of terrorism includes killing or threatening civilians to achieve political (and economic) objectives, Israel and the US are the biggest terrorists on the planet.

As for the money issue...

"Perhaps the largest divestment initiative is taking shape in California. The California Israel Divestment initiative is seeking to put a ballot measure to California voters that requires the state pension funds, the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) and the California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS), to divest from companies enabling or profiting from Israeli occupation and systematic violations of Palestinians' human rights.

"Although not a university-based effort, it is being led in large part by faculty members and students. Their goal is clear: faced by stonewalling from university administrations, the case is being taken directly to California voters."

Got a problem with economic democracy?
Or is that anti-Semitic, too

Jews really start to look desperate when attacking "culturally diverse coalitions" seeking to divest from Israel as "anti-Semites."

I love it. Jews were the No. 1 driver of turning America into a "diversity paradise"; now it's biting them on the ass. Whoops.

kkk white trash really start to look desperate when attacking jews repeatedly because they're terrified that they're marginal and jews are smarter. :thup:

what a sicko you are. how are things on stormfront, loser?

glad you found your fellow antisemite garbage, though.

Are you sure you still need to be hanging with the demonRats?

i need to not be part of any party that the kkk'er would find acceptable.
Got a problem with economic democracy?
Or is that anti-Semitic, too


i'm sorry, dimbulb, you don't know me, but i don't 'debate' idiots like you. waste of breath... i'll just keep making fun of you and pointing out that you're a moron. :thup:

but if you want your boycott to be effective, i really think you should boycott everything in the video i posted. :thup:
The apartheid state of IsraHell was the lone supporter of rascist South Africa in it's last few years.

An now runs the worlds largest open air nazi style concentration camp called Gaza.

Yet they still want to brag about how many Nobel Prizes they have won and how wonderful of a gift they are to humanity.

The Zionist psychopaths who rule IsraHell need to be arrested and put on trial in the World Court for crimes against humanity.
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These threads are great, they separate the wheat from the chaff like nothing else.
The apartheid state of IsraHell was the lone supporter of rascist South Africa in it's last few years.

An now runs the worlds largest open air nazi style concentration camp called Gaza.

Yet they still want to brag about how many Nobel Prizes they have won and how wonderful of a gift they are to humanity.
Well, granted, they didn't give the world such a useful and life-affirming invention as the Semtex vest, but they get by.
The Zionist psychopaths who rule IsraHell need to be arrested and put on trial in the World Court for crimes against humanity.
Just type "Burn all Jews". Save you some keystrokes.
Got a problem with economic democracy?
Or is that anti-Semitic, too


i'm sorry, dimbulb, you don't know me, but i don't 'debate' idiots like you. waste of breath... i'll just keep making fun of you and pointing out that you're a moron. :thup:

but if you want your boycott to be effective, i really think you should boycott everything in the video i posted. :thup:
If Jews are so smart, why don't more of them read Chomsky?

"As the worst year of terror ended, Reagan and Israeli Prime Minister Peres condemned 'the evil scourge of terrorism' in a news conference in Washington. A few days before Peres had sent his bombers to Tunis, where they killed 75 people on no credible pretext, a mission expedited by Washington and praised by Secretary of State Shultz, though he chose silence after the Security Council condemned the attack as an 'act of armed aggression' (US abstaining). That was only one of the contenders for the prize of major terrorist atrocity in the peak year of terror.

"A second was a car-bomb outside a mosque in Beirut that killed 80 people and wounded 250 others, timed to explode as people were leaving, killing mostly women and girls, traced back to the CIA and British intelligence.

"The third contender is Peres’s Iron Fist operations in southern Lebanon, fought against 'terrorist villagers,' the high command explained, 'reaching new depths of calculated brutality and arbitrary murder' according to a Western diplomat familiar with the area, a judgment amply supported by direct coverage."

War of Terror
Got a problem with economic democracy?
Or is that anti-Semitic, too


i'm sorry, dimbulb, you don't know me, but i don't 'debate' idiots like you. waste of breath... i'll just keep making fun of you and pointing out that you're a moron. :thup:

but if you want your boycott to be effective, i really think you should boycott everything in the video i posted. :thup:
If Jews are so smart, why don't more of them read Chomsky?

"As the worst year of terror ended, Reagan and Israeli Prime Minister Peres condemned 'the evil scourge of terrorism' in a news conference in Washington. A few days before Peres had sent his bombers to Tunis, where they killed 75 people on no credible pretext, a mission expedited by Washington and praised by Secretary of State Shultz, though he chose silence after the Security Council condemned the attack as an 'act of armed aggression' (US abstaining). That was only one of the contenders for the prize of major terrorist atrocity in the peak year of terror.

"A second was a car-bomb outside a mosque in Beirut that killed 80 people and wounded 250 others, timed to explode as people were leaving, killing mostly women and girls, traced back to the CIA and British intelligence.

"The third contender is Peres’s Iron Fist operations in southern Lebanon, fought against 'terrorist villagers,' the high command explained, 'reaching new depths of calculated brutality and arbitrary murder' according to a Western diplomat familiar with the area, a judgment amply supported by direct coverage."

War of Terror

first off, "if you jews are so smart" implies Jews are not. yet Chomsky's Jewish. odd.

and since you brought Noam up....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwZ-vIaW6Bc]YouTube - Chomsky dispels 9/11 conspiracies with sheer logic[/ame]

maybe you should listen to him about 9/11 conspiracy theories.
Ah I hope you are not implying I said that.


Not you. It is interesting that people are up in arms about money going to Israel, and not a peep about funding going to Islamic organizations that possibly have connections to terrorists.:eusa_whistle:

rational people complain about all of the above. if we stopped propping up the ruling family of saudi arabi, the coutnry would crumble overnight. it would be a great thing to see as the family got french revolution type treatment

Yes and the wonderful Bloody Civil war that would follow. To determine who controls all that oil. Would just be peachy as well.

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