"LA is Filled With Closet Trumpies"


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
There are millions of Trump supporters who remain firmly in the closet so their friends wont ostracize them.

Bret Easton Ellis on Twitter

Just back from a dinner in West Hollywood: shocked the majority of the table was voting for Trump but they would never admit it publicly.
It's what's called the "hidden vote", and Trump is gonna win by an even bigger margin than expected because of it.
"LA is Filled With Closet Trumpies"

Ah yes, Grasshopper...

... but are the female closet trumpies

... called strumpets?
It's what's called the "hidden vote", and Trump is gonna win by an even bigger margin than expected because of it.

Everyone I'm talking to is just vibing now that Bush is out AND they are cocked locked and ready to rock. I was listening to the Wild today and they are finally ready to come out for the Donald. It's been dicey out here.

Even after Cruz fucked over Carson they have been hesitant to place their hearts. But with SC going so big for him I know we can sweep the west.
It's what's called the "hidden vote", and Trump is gonna win by an even bigger margin than expected because of it.

Yuppers. I\m working the comment sections like crazy. You would not believe Hillary's people. Holy toledo. Jumpin Jesus palominoes you should see the lies they are spreading about Bernie. Half the time instead of posting truths I'm having to undo the crap the Clintonistas are doing with their hit jobs on Bernie.

Well they are the Clintons after all. But hells bells I didn\t think I'd be defending Bernie in comment sections. :lol:
The number one reason there are millions of closet Trump voters in Hollywood is.........money.
Polls repeatedly show that people involved in the movie industry care more about money than fame.
"There are two reasons I'm an actor. One, I can't do anything else. Two it's the only way to make a lot of money. Being famous is a pain in the ass. Being rich is the point".
Question: You are a 'B-list' character actor. You depend on getting lots of work to survive in the Hollywood scene.
Which President is going to do more to get the economy moving again>people with disposable income who will pay to watch the movies you are in>meaning more money in your pocket? President Trump or President Clinton or President Sanders? GOLD STAR!!!!
I know this goes without saying, but Trump's popularity is the result of the liberals' race-baiting, PC-psychotic, anti-free speech, crybully malice and their ghoulish muslim fellatio every time that genocidal hate ideology kills fellow westerners. Of course, liberals' massive egos prevent them from having the self-awareness to realize this.

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