LA McDonald’s under attack

One person with a machine gun could have put an end to that.

Well, the thing is, theres another group of kids who have just learned they can vandalize, rob and steal and get away with it. Now many of them will just do it again. And meanwhile Liberals will be wringing their hands together saying we should ask ourselves why they were driven to do it. On their watch, crime as it always done will skyrocket, businesses will suffer and close down, communities that are poor will then have even less resources, completing and strengthening a new cycle of violence.

I would go for the singapore style punishment for these kids or anyone who robs from a business. The very painful caning punishment. they wouldnt walk for days.. and they all damn well deserve it.
Well, the thing is, theres another group of kids who have just learned they can vandalize, rob and steal and get away with it. Now many of them will just do it again. And meanwhile Liberals will be wringing their hands together saying we should ask ourselves why they were driven to do it. On their watch, crime as it always done will skyrocket, businesses will suffer and close down, communities that are poor will then have even less resources, completing and strengthening a new cycle of violence.

I would go for the singapore style punishment for these kids or anyone who robs from a business. The very painful caning punishment. they wouldnt walk for days.. and they all damn well deserve it.
Even seeing them on TV is enough to shoot your anxiety and anger up and hate them for life
Even seeing them on TV is enough to shoot your anxiety and anger up and hate them for life

i sure would never want to hire ONE of them for a job. They are light years away from the concept of work and what a society even is.
Well, the thing is, theres another group of kids who have just learned they can vandalize, rob and steal and get away with it. Now many of them will just do it again. And meanwhile Liberals will be wringing their hands together saying we should ask ourselves why they were driven to do it. On their watch, crime as it always done will skyrocket, businesses will suffer and close down, communities that are poor will then have even less resources, completing and strengthening a new cycle of violence.

I would go for the singapore style punishment for these kids or anyone who robs from a business. The very painful caning punishment. they wouldnt walk for days.. and they all damn well deserve it.
To these, they believe they have a right to behave like this. No one can complain.
I actually lived 1 miserable year in both Atlanta and Chicago .. LEt me tell you something. They are complete SAVAGES . You have no idea unless you lived near them.
Completely low IQ, genetically damaged race of SUBHUMANS

While there are many black Americans that were able to both identify, socialize & blend in with other American ethnicities the ghetto blacks were not able to do so. The ghetto blacks have retained a more 'herd mentality' & along with this mentality have not been able to advance culturally. They appear to be suspicious of everything & everyone else which leads to paranoia & paranoia leads to fear & fear leads to aggressiveness & or violence. The early Irish immigrants had a similar reputation, @ least in N/E America as did the Chinese immigrants(China towns) but both the Irish & Chinese folks pulled out of it & today fit in great with American society. The ghetto blacks have been locked into the 'herd mentality' situation for so long that their plight appears to be irreparable.

The below link is a "Pew Research Project" & in my opinion is REALLY worth reading as the research goes into depth. The FIRST WORD IN THE HEADER ON PAGE ONE SHOULD TELL YOU WHAT THE PROBLEM IS with the ghetto black communities.

These young thugs believed they were celebrating Juneteenth. They were having fun and attacking slavers at the same time.

I gave up on blacks sometime ago. I just don't let them encroach on my space.
Blacks sure do love to celebrate by stealing, destroying shit and basically being nword criminals. But oh I forgot, it's all whities fault.

happy junettenth look what the black kids were up too.
i heard the tapes of this.....somebody shoulda slapped that screaming banshie of a bitch before someone got shot.........who the fuck cares about 140 in cash in the register...........christ no one uses cash at these cardiologist feeding centers
If they robbed less than $950 , why is the LAPD even investigating? Isn't that a "non crime"?

happy junettenth look what the black kids were up too.
McDonalds ought to close in store dining in bad neighborhoods and become drive through only, adding more drive through lanes instead, for security purposes.
Blacks sure do love to celebrate by stealing, destroying shit and basically being nword criminals. But oh I forgot, it's all whities fault.
just an excuse for these wastes of society who should have been terminted in the 9th month with pair of foreceps smashing their brains
Why do the Media never mention the race of the perps unless they are "white" and victimizing POC's?
I dont blame the African Americans. They been under the thumb of democrats for generations. The live in a culture where unless you are criminal or sports star, you are nothing. Sure, they can be rappers, but even then you must have street cred.

They get inundated with propaganda all their life. They are told there is no way out, and when does get out and becomes a successful Supreme Court Judge, they are called Uncle Toms. If they become president, they are told the GOP, the Republicans hate the black president, when it was many of the republicans that voted for Obama and got him elected.

Their heads are filled with lies, housing is so expensive they live in slums.

The Democrats destroy the African Americans, hence, I do not blame them at all. I blame the Democrat politician and the Democrat controlled media that lies to African Americans every single day.

They are reminded of slavery every day, it is no wonder they believe they are still slaves.

Your condemnation is misdirected at these thieves, blame the puppet masters, blame the Democrat Party
i heard the tapes of this.....somebody shoulda slapped that screaming banshie of a bitch before someone got shot.........who the fuck cares about 140 in cash in the register...........christ no one uses cash at these cardiologist feeding centers
What does your diet consist of?
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i heard the tapes of this.....somebody shoulda slapped that screaming banshie of a bitch before someone got shot.........who the fuck cares about 140 in cash in the register...........christ no one uses cash at these cardiologist feeding centers
because it is steeling. why dont you understand that.

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