la Pen, France's Trump

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
in the forrest
Trump is better than laPen, he is not a deliberate anti semite. that said...

La LaPen's ascendency is the same as Trump's. The establishment ignored ordinary folk's anger, fear, desperation to get someone who gets it. 4 years ago laPen was marginal and ignored. People are listening to her now.

Trump is not a Republican. He is National Front like LaPen. He is more like Peron or Castro. His policies are diametrically opposed to Republicanism. He shares policy with Bernie Sanders mare than any other candidate.

Bush and the establishment candidates thought Trump was a clown. Maybe he is. People thought Hitler was a clown too. The establishment candidates are going to whistle through the graveyard. But they may not get their way through it.
Trump is better than laPen, he is not a deliberate anti semite. that said...

La LaPen's ascendency is the same as Trump's. The establishment ignored ordinary folk's anger, fear, desperation to get someone who gets it. 4 years ago laPen was marginal and ignored. People are listening to her now.

Trump is not a Republican. He is National Front like LaPen. He is more like Peron or Castro. His policies are diametrically opposed to Republicanism. He shares policy with Bernie Sanders mare than any other candidate.

Bush and the establishment candidates thought Trump was a clown. Maybe he is. People thought Hitler was a clown too. The establishment candidates are going to whistle through the graveyard. But they may not get their way through it.
they are utterly different. Their ascent was caused by polar opposite circumstances.
Trump is better than laPen, he is not a deliberate anti semite. that said...

La LaPen's ascendency is the same as Trump's. The establishment ignored ordinary folk's anger, fear, desperation to get someone who gets it. 4 years ago laPen was marginal and ignored. People are listening to her now.

Trump is not a Republican. He is National Front like LaPen. He is more like Peron or Castro. His policies are diametrically opposed to Republicanism. He shares policy with Bernie Sanders mare than any other candidate.

Bush and the establishment candidates thought Trump was a clown. Maybe he is. People thought Hitler was a clown too. The establishment candidates are going to whistle through the graveyard. But they may not get their way through it.
You're not getting any argument out of me that the gop base demands a clown.
Trump is better than laPen, he is not a deliberate anti semite. that said...

La LaPen's ascendency is the same as Trump's. The establishment ignored ordinary folk's anger, fear, desperation to get someone who gets it. 4 years ago laPen was marginal and ignored. People are listening to her now.

Trump is not a Republican. He is National Front like LaPen. He is more like Peron or Castro. His policies are diametrically opposed to Republicanism. He shares policy with Bernie Sanders mare than any other candidate.

Bush and the establishment candidates thought Trump was a clown. Maybe he is. People thought Hitler was a clown too. The establishment candidates are going to whistle through the graveyard. But they may not get their way through it.
A great quote from USA today.

Enter Donald Trump. People who are unhappy with the things Trump is saying need to understand that he’s only getting so much traction because he’s filling a void. If the responsible people would talk about these issues, and take action, Trump wouldn’t take up so much space.

And there’s a lesson for our ruling class there: Calling Trump a fascist is a bit much (fascism, as Tom Wolfe once reported, is forever descending upon the United States, but somehow it always lands on Europe), but movements like fascism and communism get their start because the mechanisms of liberal democracy seem weak and ineffectual and dishonest. If you don’t want Trump — or, perhaps, some post-Trump figure who really is a fascist — to dominate things, you need to stop being weak and ineffectual and dishonest.

Trump is a stooge for Hillary. If he stays too long, a democrat who is truly terrifying will arise in her place
they are utterly different. Their ascent was caused by polar opposite circumstances.
How are they different? She is anti immigrant, he is anti immigrant. She is anti islamic, so is he. don't just say it, demonstrate it.
good for LaPen , good for the French that support her .

She is anti jewish too. Not so good for you.
He told a group of lobbyists to go fuck themselves. He didn't say anything that was anti-jewish. Grow up.
You're not getting any argument out of me that the gop base demands a clown
This is not the GOP base. This is everybody. Ignore the problem at your peril. Say that is is just a republican problem. But when trump goes third party, watch hillary's numbers go down.
You're not getting any argument out of me that the gop base demands a clown
This is not the GOP base. This is everybody. Ignore the problem at your peril. Say that is is just a republican problem. But when trump goes third party, watch hillary's numbers go down.
If the Donald goes off the reservation, say hello to her Queeness of Mean.
The best way I can fit this square peg into a round hole, is

Trump is to Henry Ford as Le Pen is to Hitlers granddaughter
browsing deethirdst: 13000709 said:
You're not getting any argument out of me that the gop base demands a clown
This is not the GOP base. This is everybody. Ignore the problem at your peril. Say that is is just a republican problem. But when trump goes third party, watch hillary's numbers go down.
Well I hope he goes third party then. We dont need megalomaniacs like Hillary in charge.
they are utterly different. Their ascent was caused by polar opposite circumstances.
How are they different? She is anti immigrant, he is anti immigrant. She is anti islamic, so is he. don't just say it, demonstrate it.
good for LaPen , good for the French that support her .

She is anti jewish too. Not so good for you.
She is so anti jewish she is dating a half jew!.....troll more idiot.
More on that...

What to Make of Jewish Support

I have personally known Sephardic Jews who vote FN. They are earnestly hoping for a protector to stop the Islamicization of France. Like so many other French, they put their faith in Sarkozy to do this and were bitterly disappointed. However, when a Jewish millionaire, such as the owner of the BFM media empire gives a helping hand to the FN, his motivations are not necessarily the same.

While FN supporters look to Marine Le Pen with the faith that she can stop the invasion of France and perhaps even begin the remigration of some of these invaders, the Ashkenazi oligarchs likely have a more jaded view of the capability of politicians, particularly a politician in a party which has never governed at the national level. Observers of any ideological persuasion may have confidence that Marine Le Pen’s arrival as the most dynamic force in French politics will increase community tension. Like a chess player thinking several moves ahead, these strategists are aware of the next moves. The Sephardic middle class and Orthodox Jews will be increasingly victimized at the hands of Arabs and Blacks. The political cadre and owners of capital among the Ashkenazi will cringe with neurotic fears of another Third Reich. And the Aliyah that Israel desperately needs will continue to flow at ever increasing rates.
The thing to remember about this is there is a long time on the elites ignoring the common folks. And the common folks are tired of it. If the elites in Paris (and Washington) wad been more responsive they wouldn't have Trump and LaPen to contend with now.

Boener and McConnell have a great deal to do with Trump, as much as Obama does

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