LA Times says White conservative men worst then terrorist

Wow, I better tell hubby he better watch his back , plus he is a retired Vet as well.. He might even be on Obama's kill list LA Times says conservative white men worse than terrorists, monitoring needed - Spokane Conservative |

Way to misrepresent what the OP ED said. It did not say that conservative white men are worse than terrorists, it said that the vehemently anti government groups that have popped up in ever increasing numbers "may represent a greater danger to the lives of American civilians than international terrorists."

Considering that more Americans have died at the hands of "home grown" terrorists than from outside our borders, do you not find it conceivable that the OP ED has a point?

Really? How many people have these "neanderthals" (conservative white males) killed?

The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of mass shootings in the United States have been committed by men — most of whom were white. “There’s a feeling of entitlement that white men have that black men don’t,” says Fox, a professor at Northeastern University and co-author of “Extreme Killing.” “They often complain that their job was taken by blacks or Mexicans or Jews. They feel that a well-paid job is their birthright. It’s a blow to their psyche when they lose that. . . . If you’re a member of a group that hasn’t historically experienced unemployment, there’s a far greater stigma to [losing a job] than those who have.”

A perhaps telling statistic: About 60 percent of mass killers are older than 30, an indication, Fox says, that “it takes years to develop the level of frustration and anger” that expresses itself as indiscriminate murder.

It’s not just the killer whose race matters, he says, but the victims’, too. Incidents in which the dead are poor, nonwhite or of immigrant background tend to get less attention from the media than other mass shootings.

The killing of five children (and wounding of 29) at an elementary school in Stockton, Calif., in 1989, for example, was forgotten long before the attacks at Columbine High School in suburban Denver a decade later, he says, possibly because the young victims in the first crime were refugees from Southeast Asia, and in the latter, the victims were middle- and upper-middle-class teens. The Stockton shooter was a white, unemployed man.

Similarly, the massacres of 13 people in Binghamton, N.Y., in 2009 and seven people at a small college in Oakland, Calif., this year attracted far less attention than the Aurora killings, despite similar body counts. In both of those cases, the alleged perpetrators and almost all of the victims were poor or working-class immigrants.

Adam Lanza, and others who committed mass shootings, were white males - Washington Post
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Wow, I better tell hubby he better watch his back , plus he is a retired Vet as well.. He might even be on Obama's kill list LA Times says conservative white men worse than terrorists, monitoring needed - Spokane Conservative |

From the op-ed:
What can be done to reverse this tide of belligerent ignorance? Not much. The typical patriot acts within his free-speech and 2nd Amendment rights, and in fact most patriot activity consists of venting steam by meeting with like-minded Neanderthals and firing off blog posts threatening civil war.

Those darn patriots typically act within their rights? How dare they? No wonder the author is so worried about them. Well, at least the author doesn't exhibit bias and prejudice in this article at all, and doesn't jump to conclusions about the inherent dangers of allowing "Neanderthals" to "vent steam".

Corrupt reporters compete to be the official mouthpiece of the government; like "Pravda" used to be to the old Soviet Union, like "Granma" is to Cuba and "Gaceta Oficial de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela" is to Venezuela.

Fiscal Conservatives support policies which benefit themselves alone. It's the age old ideology of the royal courts, "I got mine, screw the rest of them".

Social Conservatives believe their time on the earth is hell and pray for the rapture. Most are mentally slow and don't understand they've been used and abused by the Clergy and the GOP.

Tea Party Conservatives are slow too, most want to be like fiscal conservatives but will never "get theirs", like the Social Conservatives they don't understand they too are being used by "wall street suits" and retired members of Congress.

The Radical Conservatives still believe the Civil War was just and seem to have an active fantasy life wherein they heroically save Nell from the evil liberal. Of course Nell has no interest in a roustabout who spends most of his monthly income on a one ton pick up with a gun rack, smokes marlboros and drinks whiskey in his morning coffee.

Your depictions are just tired cliches that have been trotted out by liberals for years. I know you have better material than this, WC.
Wow, I better tell hubby he better watch his back , plus he is a retired Vet as well.. He might even be on Obama's kill list LA Times says conservative white men worse than terrorists, monitoring needed - Spokane Conservative |

Way to misrepresent what the OP ED said. It did not say that conservative white men are worse than terrorists, it said that the vehemently anti government groups that have popped up in ever increasing numbers "may represent a greater danger to the lives of American civilians than international terrorists."

Considering that more Americans have died at the hands of "home grown" terrorists than from outside our borders, do you not find it conceivable that the OP ED has a point?

Really? How many people have these "neanderthals" (conservative white males) killed?

Tim McVeigh killed 168 (including 19 children under six)

Eric Rudolph killed one and wounded 111 innocents at the Atlanta Olympics; he killed a police officer, a security guard and critically injured a nurse at an abortion clinic in Atlanta in 1997; and the next year bombed a lesbian bar injuring five.

Scott Roeder murdered Dr. Tiller in church.

And then there were these:

A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

How many of the above were conservatives? We will never know but nearly all were white guys.
Way to misrepresent what the OP ED said. It did not say that conservative white men are worse than terrorists, it said that the vehemently anti government groups that have popped up in ever increasing numbers "may represent a greater danger to the lives of American civilians than international terrorists."

Considering that more Americans have died at the hands of "home grown" terrorists than from outside our borders, do you not find it conceivable that the OP ED has a point?

Really? How many people have these "neanderthals" (conservative white males) killed?

Tim McVeigh killed 168 (including 19 children under six)

Eric Rudolph killed one and wounded 111 innocents at the Atlanta Olympics; he killed a police officer, a security guard and critically injured a nurse at an abortion clinic in Atlanta in 1997; and the next year bombed a lesbian bar injuring five.

Scott Roeder murdered Dr. Tiller in church.

And then there were these:

A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

How many of the above were conservatives? We will never know but nearly all were white guys.

Abraham Lincoln slaughtered over 600,000 Americans - the worst act of domestic terrorism in our nation's history

90 Davidians incinerated alive in Waco, Texas circa 1993

millions of Americans unnecessarily incarcerated and harassed by the police state

Really? How many people have these "neanderthals" (conservative white males) killed?

Tim McVeigh killed 168 (including 19 children under six)

Eric Rudolph killed one and wounded 111 innocents at the Atlanta Olympics; he killed a police officer, a security guard and critically injured a nurse at an abortion clinic in Atlanta in 1997; and the next year bombed a lesbian bar injuring five.

Scott Roeder murdered Dr. Tiller in church.

And then there were these:

A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

How many of the above were conservatives? We will never know but nearly all were white guys.

Abraham Lincoln slaughtered over 600,000 Americans - the worst act of domestic terrorism in our nation's history

90 Davidians incinerated alive in Waco, Texas circa 1993

millions of Americans unnecessarily incarcerated and harassed by the police state


Lincoln? Really? Are you so brainwashed you believe the Civil War was his doing? Read a book whydon'tya.

As for the "Davidians", see: Waco siege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fiscal Conservatives support policies which benefit themselves alone. It's the age old ideology of the royal courts, "I got mine, screw the rest of them".

Social Conservatives believe their time on the earth is hell and pray for the rapture. Most are mentally slow and don't understand they've been used and abused by the Clergy and the GOP.

Tea Party Conservatives are slow too, most want to be like fiscal conservatives but will never "get theirs", like the Social Conservatives they don't understand they too are being used by "wall street suits" and retired members of Congress.

The Radical Conservatives still believe the Civil War was just and seem to have an active fantasy life wherein they heroically save Nell from the evil liberal. Of course Nell has no interest in a roustabout who spends most of his monthly income on a one ton pick up with a gun rack, smokes marlboros and drinks whiskey in his morning coffee.

Your depictions are just tired cliches that have been trotted out by liberals for years. I know you have better material than this, WC.

Though they may seem trite and hackneyed to you that does not make them untrue. How would you describe the four heads of the modern conservative movement?
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Tim McVeigh killed 168 (including 19 children under six)

Eric Rudolph killed one and wounded 111 innocents at the Atlanta Olympics; he killed a police officer, a security guard and critically injured a nurse at an abortion clinic in Atlanta in 1997; and the next year bombed a lesbian bar injuring five.

Scott Roeder murdered Dr. Tiller in church.

And then there were these:

A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

How many of the above were conservatives? We will never know but nearly all were white guys.

Abraham Lincoln slaughtered over 600,000 Americans - the worst act of domestic terrorism in our nation's history

90 Davidians incinerated alive in Waco, Texas circa 1993

millions of Americans unnecessarily incarcerated and harassed by the police state


Lincoln? Really? Are you so brainwashed you believe the Civil War was his doing? Read a book whydon'tya.

As for the "Davidians", see: Waco siege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When folks are that far off in the mental wilderness, there really is no talking to them.

You just nod knowingly and move along.
Fiscal Conservatives support policies which benefit themselves alone. It's the age old ideology of the royal courts, "I got mine, screw the rest of them".

Social Conservatives believe their time on the earth is hell and pray for the rapture. Most are mentally slow and don't understand they've been used and abused by the Clergy and the GOP.

Tea Party Conservatives are slow too, most want to be like fiscal conservatives but will never "get theirs", like the Social Conservatives they don't understand they too are being used by "wall street suits" and retired members of Congress.

The Radical Conservatives still believe the Civil War was just and seem to have an active fantasy life wherein they heroically save Nell from the evil liberal. Of course Nell has no interest in a roustabout who spends most of his monthly income on a one ton pick up with a gun rack, smokes marlboros and drinks whiskey in his morning coffee.

Your depictions are just tired cliches that have been trotted out by liberals for years. I know you have better material than this, WC.

Though they may seem trite and hackneyed to you that does not make them untrue. How would you describe the four heads of the modern conservative movement?

I wouldn't describe them as four groups. I wouldn't describe them all as completely right either. Your portrayal only describes the fringes. If we jettisoned the social engineering aspect out of govt and focused on the fiscal nature, we wouldn't be in this shameful mess. However, both R's and D's are content on wedging and driving the country into the ground.....indirectly, probably.
Your depictions are just tired cliches that have been trotted out by liberals for years. I know you have better material than this, WC.

Though they may seem trite and hackneyed to you that does not make them untrue. How would you describe the four heads of the modern conservative movement?

I wouldn't describe them as four groups. I wouldn't describe them all as completely right either. Your portrayal only describes the fringes. If we jettisoned the social engineering aspect out of govt and focused on the fiscal nature, we wouldn't be in this shameful mess. However, both R's and D's are content on wedging and driving the country into the ground.....indirectly, probably.

I admit my post described the fringe, sadly the GOP has moved so far right it has become a fringe party. Anyone who disagrees with a member of the fringe is immediately called a RINO.

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