Labor Leaders Fear Trump May Draw Large Numbers of Union Voters

Labor Leaders Fear Trump May Draw Large Numbers of Union Voters

Of all the voters who might be expected to resist the charms of Donald J. Trump, the two million members of the Service Employees International Union would most likely be near the top of the list.

But the union’s president, Mary Kay Henry, acknowledged that Mr. Trump holds appeal even for some of her members. “There is deep economic anxiety among our members and the people we’re trying to organize that I believe Donald Trump’s message is tapping into,” Ms. Henry said.

In expressing her concern, Ms. Henry reflected a different form of anxiety that is weighing on some union leaders and Democratic operatives: their fear that Mr. Trump, if not effectively countered, may draw an unusually large number of union voters in a possible general election matchup. This could, in turn, give Republicans a boost in swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, all of which Mr. Obama won twice

This is a bitter pill for the Democrats and Union leaders. Trump resonates with people because he says what people are thinking.
Union workers in dying old, low tech jobs are afraid of losing their jobs to China, and Trump promises protectionism.
Aren't you guys supposed to be all about the "Free market"? What do the Austrians say about tariffs and protectionism?

The establishment is...I have never been.

The only logical outcome of out current free trade system is that manufacturing flows out of the United States chasing cheap labor. Wages in those countries will increase while wages in our country must decrease (stagnation while inflation increases is a form of decrease) until an equilibrium is reached.

That is also the reason there is no intention by the establishment GOP to secure our border. Another source of cheap labor.

What you're saying is essentially that the government should essentially subsidize failing businesses that can't compete on a global scale.

Your side believes the government should subsidize individuals that failed in life.

"Fair market" = "Market controlled by government regulations"

This is what I mean.
"Fair Market" is NOT getting screwed on trade deals.


You sound like a Socialist.
Fair Market would be more of a nationalist stand. You know love of country and all. One of those things you see as backward.

Protectionism isn't "patriotic", it's acknowledging that this country can't compete in the world economy.
Well YOUR dear leader traded FIVE TERRORISTS for a traitor.
If that is your idea of "free trade" we NEED someone else at the table.


The only explanation for your incredibly unsubtle attempt to change the topic that I can come up with is that this conversation has started to go over your head.
"Fair Market" is NOT getting screwed on trade deals.


You sound like a Socialist.
Fair Market would be more of a nationalist stand. You know love of country and all. One of those things you see as backward.

Protectionism isn't "patriotic", it's acknowledging that this country can't compete in the world economy.
Well YOUR dear leader traded FIVE TERRORISTS for a traitor.
If that is your idea of "free trade" we NEED someone else at the table.


The only explanation for your incredibly unsubtle attempt to change the topic that I can come up with is that this conversation has started to go over your head.
It was the MOST watched and reported trade deal in the world last year. FAIR game, but damn sure NOT a smart trade now was it?

You sound like a Socialist.
Fair Market would be more of a nationalist stand. You know love of country and all. One of those things you see as backward.

Protectionism isn't "patriotic", it's acknowledging that this country can't compete in the world economy.
Well YOUR dear leader traded FIVE TERRORISTS for a traitor.
If that is your idea of "free trade" we NEED someone else at the table.


The only explanation for your incredibly unsubtle attempt to change the topic that I can come up with is that this conversation has started to go over your head.
It was the MOST watched and reported trade deal in the world last year. FAIR game, but damn sure NOT a smart trade now was it?

You can't possibly really be this stupid. This is a joke, right?
Labor Leaders Fear Trump May Draw Large Numbers of Union Voters

Of all the voters who might be expected to resist the charms of Donald J. Trump, the two million members of the Service Employees International Union would most likely be near the top of the list.

But the union’s president, Mary Kay Henry, acknowledged that Mr. Trump holds appeal even for some of her members. “There is deep economic anxiety among our members and the people we’re trying to organize that I believe Donald Trump’s message is tapping into,” Ms. Henry said.

In expressing her concern, Ms. Henry reflected a different form of anxiety that is weighing on some union leaders and Democratic operatives: their fear that Mr. Trump, if not effectively countered, may draw an unusually large number of union voters in a possible general election matchup. This could, in turn, give Republicans a boost in swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, all of which Mr. Obama won twice

This is a bitter pill for the Democrats and Union leaders. Trump resonates with people because he says what people are thinking.

He's saying what undereducated, uninformed and angry people are thinking.

Those filthy unwashed masses.....

Fair Market would be more of a nationalist stand. You know love of country and all. One of those things you see as backward.

Protectionism isn't "patriotic", it's acknowledging that this country can't compete in the world economy.
Well YOUR dear leader traded FIVE TERRORISTS for a traitor.
If that is your idea of "free trade" we NEED someone else at the table.


The only explanation for your incredibly unsubtle attempt to change the topic that I can come up with is that this conversation has started to go over your head.
It was the MOST watched and reported trade deal in the world last year. FAIR game, but damn sure NOT a smart trade now was it?

You can't possibly really be this stupid. This is a joke, right?

If you support that traitor Bergdahl being released for 5 terrorists, you may as well join them traitor. You support them.
Fair Market would be more of a nationalist stand. You know love of country and all. One of those things you see as backward.

Protectionism isn't "patriotic", it's acknowledging that this country can't compete in the world economy.
Well YOUR dear leader traded FIVE TERRORISTS for a traitor.
If that is your idea of "free trade" we NEED someone else at the table.


The only explanation for your incredibly unsubtle attempt to change the topic that I can come up with is that this conversation has started to go over your head.
It was the MOST watched and reported trade deal in the world last year. FAIR game, but damn sure NOT a smart trade now was it?

You can't possibly really be this stupid. This is a joke, right?
Did we or did we not trade?
Did we give what I said and get what I said?
Who made that trade?
Did we get screwed on that trade or not?
Did YOUR party not BRAG about that trade?

The issue, the REAL issue is NOT what is being traded but how well your trader does for you.

How do you think your boy did on that?
Labor Leaders Fear Trump May Draw Large Numbers of Union Voters

Of all the voters who might be expected to resist the charms of Donald J. Trump, the two million members of the Service Employees International Union would most likely be near the top of the list.

But the union’s president, Mary Kay Henry, acknowledged that Mr. Trump holds appeal even for some of her members. “There is deep economic anxiety among our members and the people we’re trying to organize that I believe Donald Trump’s message is tapping into,” Ms. Henry said.

In expressing her concern, Ms. Henry reflected a different form of anxiety that is weighing on some union leaders and Democratic operatives: their fear that Mr. Trump, if not effectively countered, may draw an unusually large number of union voters in a possible general election matchup. This could, in turn, give Republicans a boost in swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, all of which Mr. Obama won twice

This is a bitter pill for the Democrats and Union leaders. Trump resonates with people because he says what people are thinking.

He's saying what undereducated, uninformed and angry people are thinking.

Those filthy unwashed masses.....


Not to be blunt, but kinda - and I'm not limiting this to just right-winger Trump supporters. Most Americans are uninformed when it comes to civics or politics - in fact, most Americans readily admit that.

I imagine that most of them do bathe regularly, though.
Aren't you guys supposed to be all about the "Free market"? What do the Austrians say about tariffs and protectionism?

The establishment is...I have never been.

The only logical outcome of out current free trade system is that manufacturing flows out of the United States chasing cheap labor. Wages in those countries will increase while wages in our country must decrease (stagnation while inflation increases is a form of decrease) until an equilibrium is reached.

That is also the reason there is no intention by the establishment GOP to secure our border. Another source of cheap labor.

What you're saying is essentially that the government should essentially subsidize failing businesses that can't compete on a global scale.

I'm saying "global scale" is a shame. We are the engine that drives the global market. A governments first responsibility is to protect the interests of IT'S CITIZENS...let the rest of the globe go hang.

How is the United States being served by outsourcing and corporate inversion? It is in our National interest to keep manufacturing and corporate entities base here on American soil.

Make an argument that contradicts that. Not a politically motivated argument to win an election or score political points...that's exactly what we have too much of in this country. A factual, from the heart argument that you personally believe that this is wrong thinking.
Protectionism isn't "patriotic", it's acknowledging that this country can't compete in the world economy.
Well YOUR dear leader traded FIVE TERRORISTS for a traitor.
If that is your idea of "free trade" we NEED someone else at the table.


The only explanation for your incredibly unsubtle attempt to change the topic that I can come up with is that this conversation has started to go over your head.
It was the MOST watched and reported trade deal in the world last year. FAIR game, but damn sure NOT a smart trade now was it?

You can't possibly really be this stupid. This is a joke, right?

If you support that traitor Bergdahl being released for 5 terrorists, you may as well join them traitor. You support them.

I have no opinion on the Bergdahl prisoner swap, because I'm not in a position to have all the relevant information (neither are you, or anyone else on this message board).

I'm just incredulous that DarkFury thinks that's what we're talking about when I say "trade deals".
Labor Leaders Fear Trump May Draw Large Numbers of Union Voters

Of all the voters who might be expected to resist the charms of Donald J. Trump, the two million members of the Service Employees International Union would most likely be near the top of the list.

But the union’s president, Mary Kay Henry, acknowledged that Mr. Trump holds appeal even for some of her members. “There is deep economic anxiety among our members and the people we’re trying to organize that I believe Donald Trump’s message is tapping into,” Ms. Henry said.

In expressing her concern, Ms. Henry reflected a different form of anxiety that is weighing on some union leaders and Democratic operatives: their fear that Mr. Trump, if not effectively countered, may draw an unusually large number of union voters in a possible general election matchup. This could, in turn, give Republicans a boost in swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, all of which Mr. Obama won twice

This is a bitter pill for the Democrats and Union leaders. Trump resonates with people because he says what people are thinking.

He's saying what undereducated, uninformed and angry people are thinking.

Those filthy unwashed masses.....


Not to be blunt, but kinda - and I'm not limiting this to just right-winger Trump supporters. Most Americans are uninformed when it comes to civics or politics - in fact, most Americans readily admit that.

I imagine that most of them do bathe regularly, though.

How charitable of you. Thanks for coming down from your Ivory tower to grace us with your brilliance! :rofl:

It doesn't take a great deal of knowledge to recognize dysfunctional, broken, incompetent governance. The people are smarter than you think.
Protectionism isn't "patriotic", it's acknowledging that this country can't compete in the world economy.

Of course we can't compete...we have a first world standard of living. The average American worker makes $25 dollars an hour. The only way we can compete is if we are willing to live in hovels and make a dollar a day!
Protectionism isn't "patriotic", it's acknowledging that this country can't compete in the world economy.

Of course we can't compete...we have a first world standard of living. The average American worker makes $25 dollars an hour. The only way we can compete is if we are willing to live in hovels and make a dollar a day!
The way we compete is by educating our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not for their daddy's jobs.
Union workers should love Trump. He is protectionist and will enact socialized medicine.
Well YOUR dear leader traded FIVE TERRORISTS for a traitor.
If that is your idea of "free trade" we NEED someone else at the table.


The only explanation for your incredibly unsubtle attempt to change the topic that I can come up with is that this conversation has started to go over your head.
It was the MOST watched and reported trade deal in the world last year. FAIR game, but damn sure NOT a smart trade now was it?

You can't possibly really be this stupid. This is a joke, right?

If you support that traitor Bergdahl being released for 5 terrorists, you may as well join them traitor. You support them.

I have no opinion on the Bergdahl prisoner swap, because I'm not in a position to have all the relevant information (neither are you, or anyone else on this message board).

I'm just incredulous that DarkFury thinks that's what we're talking about when I say "trade deals".
Strange stance you are taking. I THOUGHT forums or message boards were for ALL levels of education and were about being the sharing various thoughts and how they base them.

I THOUGHT only democrats demanded certain things said certain ways.
Protectionism isn't "patriotic", it's acknowledging that this country can't compete in the world economy.

Of course we can't compete...we have a first world standard of living. The average American worker makes $25 dollars an hour. The only way we can compete is if we are willing to live in hovels and make a dollar a day!
The way we compete is by educating our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not for their daddy's jobs.

Well...a lot of their daddy's jobs involved making things. Which we don't do as much of these days....if you're not making something, but need it, and someone else're at their mercy.
Aren't you guys supposed to be all about the "Free market"? What do the Austrians say about tariffs and protectionism?

The establishment is...I have never been.

The only logical outcome of out current free trade system is that manufacturing flows out of the United States chasing cheap labor. Wages in those countries will increase while wages in our country must decrease (stagnation while inflation increases is a form of decrease) until an equilibrium is reached.

That is also the reason there is no intention by the establishment GOP to secure our border. Another source of cheap labor.

What you're saying is essentially that the government should essentially subsidize failing businesses that can't compete on a global scale.

I'm saying "global scale" is a shame. We are the engine that drives the global market. A governments first responsibility is to protect the interests of IT'S CITIZENS...let the rest of the globe go hang.

How is the United States being served by outsourcing and corporate inversion? It is in our National interest to keep manufacturing and corporate entities base here on American soil.

Make an argument that contradicts that. Not a politically motivated argument to win an election or score political points...that's exactly what we have too much of in this country. A factual, from the heart argument that you personally believe that this is wrong thinking.

To be honest, I'm not arguing my personal opinion here, I'm playing devil's advocate. I don't really have a strong opinion either way - I require full understanding of the situation before I commit to a firm opinion, which is something that neither you nor I have - and I'm far from a free market purist.

But I'll do my best to present an argument.

As Right-wingers are normally happy to point out, competition drives innovation - and the more competition, the more innovation. Innovation is something that the US has always been very good at.

Blocking ourselves off from the rest of the world, protecting ourselves from competition is in effect, subsidizing failure. Integrating ourselves into the position of being the engine of the world market has caused our economy to grow at an exponential rate along with the rest of the world, even as our manufacturing base has decreased.

As for the second part of your question - the US is "served" by outsourcing and corporate inversion by the increased profits of that company and all it's stockholders, which likely includes more American citizens than that company employed.
Protectionism isn't "patriotic", it's acknowledging that this country can't compete in the world economy.

Of course we can't compete...we have a first world standard of living. The average American worker makes $25 dollars an hour. The only way we can compete is if we are willing to live in hovels and make a dollar a day!
The way we compete is by educating our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not for their daddy's jobs.

Well...a lot of their daddy's jobs involved making things. Which we don't do as much of these days....if you're not making something, but need it, and someone else're at their mercy.
We make more stuff than ever before. I don't know who has filled your head with this bogus meme we don't.

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