Ladies and gents, Future Trump supporters.....thanks to Donald's bad behavior


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
High School Boys Make ‘Rape’ Joke At Breast Cancer Awareness Football Game
“There is no place in any school or in any community for those types of actions,” a spokesperson for the high school said.

Four South Carolina students recently spelled out the word “rape” with spray painted letters on their chests as an apparent joke during a football game for their district’s annual Breast Cancer Awareness Night.

When you have a pussy grabbing president, who denegrades women, marry brainless imports and who has no problem tweeting a video with violent attack against Hillary, expect young WHITE AMERICAN BOYS to not only find this acceptable, but also a rallying call for their hero Trump....cause we all know if these was black boys.....heads would role...but its white, so its alright!!
That's quite a case you've made there genius. Let's just go with: anything bad happens, must be Trump's fault.

As though there isn't enough to reasonably criticize about the man.
High School Boys Make ‘Rape’ Joke At Breast Cancer Awareness Football Game
“There is no place in any school or in any community for those types of actions,” a spokesperson for the high school said.

Four South Carolina students recently spelled out the word “rape” with spray painted letters on their chests as an apparent joke during a football game for their district’s annual Breast Cancer Awareness Night.

When you have a pussy grabbing president, who denegrades women, marry brainless imports and who has no problem tweeting a video with violent attack against Hillary, expect young WHITE AMERICAN BOYS to not only find this acceptable, but also a rallying call for their hero Trump....cause we all know if these was black boys.....heads would role...but its white, so its alright!!
What about their freedom of expression?
High School Boys Make ‘Rape’ Joke At Breast Cancer Awareness Football Game
“There is no place in any school or in any community for those types of actions,” a spokesperson for the high school said.

Four South Carolina students recently spelled out the word “rape” with spray painted letters on their chests as an apparent joke during a football game for their district’s annual Breast Cancer Awareness Night.

When you have a pussy grabbing president, who denegrades women, marry brainless imports and who has no problem tweeting a video with violent attack against Hillary, expect young WHITE AMERICAN BOYS to not only find this acceptable, but also a rallying call for their hero Trump....cause we all know if these was black boys.....heads would role...but its white, so its alright!!
They probably are laughing at liberal support of Clinton sticking cigars in pussies. Get a life you stupid racist.
That's quite a case you've made there genius. Let's just go with: anything bad happens, must be Trump's fault.

As though there isn't enough to reasonably criticize about the man.
Welcome to fuckin Obama's people blamed Obama for every motherfuckin thing under the sun......karma damit.
High School Boys Make ‘Rape’ Joke At Breast Cancer Awareness Football Game
“There is no place in any school or in any community for those types of actions,” a spokesperson for the high school said.

Four South Carolina students recently spelled out the word “rape” with spray painted letters on their chests as an apparent joke during a football game for their district’s annual Breast Cancer Awareness Night.

When you have a pussy grabbing president, who denegrades women, marry brainless imports and who has no problem tweeting a video with violent attack against Hillary, expect young WHITE AMERICAN BOYS to not only find this acceptable, but also a rallying call for their hero Trump....cause we all know if these was black boys.....heads would role...but its white, so its alright!!
They probably are laughing at liberal support of Clinton sticking cigars in pussies. Get a life you stupid racist.
First off, I'm not a Clinton fan, never ever ever will you ever see me supporting a Trump, he's a man next stupid comment
That's quite a case you've made there genius. Let's just go with: anything bad happens, must be Trump's fault.

As though there isn't enough to reasonably criticize about the man.
Welcome to fuckin Obama's people blamed Obama for every motherfuckin thing under the sun......karma damit.
He is the one that wanted to transform America, and leave blacks worse off when he left. With your overwhelming support.
High School Boys Make ‘Rape’ Joke At Breast Cancer Awareness Football Game
“There is no place in any school or in any community for those types of actions,” a spokesperson for the high school said.

Four South Carolina students recently spelled out the word “rape” with spray painted letters on their chests as an apparent joke during a football game for their district’s annual Breast Cancer Awareness Night.

When you have a pussy grabbing president, who denegrades women, marry brainless imports and who has no problem tweeting a video with violent attack against Hillary, expect young WHITE AMERICAN BOYS to not only find this acceptable, but also a rallying call for their hero Trump....cause we all know if these was black boys.....heads would role...but its white, so its alright!!
They probably are laughing at liberal support of Clinton sticking cigars in pussies. Get a life you stupid racist.
First off, I'm not a Clinton fan, never ever ever will you ever see me supporting a Trump, he's a man next stupid comment
Clinton is the Democrat party representative.
That's quite a case you've made there genius. Let's just go with: anything bad happens, must be Trump's fault.

As though there isn't enough to reasonably criticize about the man.
Welcome to fuckin Obama's people blamed Obama for every motherfuckin thing under the sun......karma damit.

Strange how Obama supporters didn't mind giving Obama credit when he didn't do a damn thing.
That's quite a case you've made there genius. Let's just go with: anything bad happens, must be Trump's fault.

As though there isn't enough to reasonably criticize about the man.
Welcome to fuckin Obama's people blamed Obama for every motherfuckin thing under the sun......karma damit.
The only thing we blamed Obama for was,
Inherited a mess from George Bush, while it was Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank who caused it.
Obama blamed Bush for 8 years of Obama's failed economic policies.
Obama created a failed healthcare system(only stupid liberals thought it was good) to replace the best health system in the world.
Obama's cash for clunkers which was supposed to save Detroit, which it didn't.
Obama's solyndra donation of 1/2 billion dollars yet still went bankrupt.
Fast and Furious that had 10 of 1000s of Mexicans killed, and 1 border agent.
IRS attacking conservatives
Spying on US citizens
Killing of US citizens without due process
GM bailout
And many more, just tired of typing.

Yea, we blamed Obama the socialist, because just like with Venezuela, we the people didn't want the fundamental transformation, which is why Hillary didn't get elected. Now stop being a whiney as losing bitch, and go to Cuba, because we don't want you here any more. Cry fucking babies, all of you liberals.

Remember all the Righties blaming B. Clinton for their kids redefining what sex is?
Remember all the Righties blaming B. Clinton for their kids redefining what sex is?
Remember when Bill Clinton was wagging his finger in your face demanding that you believe him when he said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Worse part about it, is that idiots like you actually believed him.
This poor little girl was just hoping some adult would step in. But there were only Democrats around.

That's quite a case you've made there genius. Let's just go with: anything bad happens, must be Trump's fault.

As though there isn't enough to reasonably criticize about the man.
Welcome to fuckin Obama's people blamed Obama for every motherfuckin thing under the sun......karma damit.
He is the one that wanted to transform America, and leave blacks worse off when he left. With your overwhelming support.
High School Boys Make ‘Rape’ Joke At Breast Cancer Awareness Football Game
“There is no place in any school or in any community for those types of actions,” a spokesperson for the high school said.

Four South Carolina students recently spelled out the word “rape” with spray painted letters on their chests as an apparent joke during a football game for their district’s annual Breast Cancer Awareness Night.

When you have a pussy grabbing president, who denegrades women, marry brainless imports and who has no problem tweeting a video with violent attack against Hillary, expect young WHITE AMERICAN BOYS to not only find this acceptable, but also a rallying call for their hero Trump....cause we all know if these was black boys.....heads would role...but its white, so its alright!!
What about their freedom of expression? tell that to the Trumps!!
That's quite a case you've made there genius. Let's just go with: anything bad happens, must be Trump's fault.

As though there isn't enough to reasonably criticize about the man.
Welcome to fuckin Obama's people blamed Obama for every motherfuckin thing under the sun......karma damit.
The only thing we blamed Obama for was,
Inherited a mess from George Bush, while it was Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank who caused it.
Obama blamed Bush for 8 years of Obama's failed economic policies.
Obama created a failed healthcare system(only stupid liberals thought it was good) to replace the best health system in the world.
Obama's cash for clunkers which was supposed to save Detroit, which it didn't.
Obama's solyndra donation of 1/2 billion dollars yet still went bankrupt.
Fast and Furious that had 10 of 1000s of Mexicans killed, and 1 border agent.
IRS attacking conservatives
Spying on US citizens
Killing of US citizens without due process
GM bailout
And many more, just tired of typing.

Yea, we blamed Obama the socialist, because just like with Venezuela, we the people didn't want the fundamental transformation, which is why Hillary didn't get elected. Now stop being a whiney as losing bitch, and go to Cuba, because we don't want you here any more. Cry fucking babies, all of you liberals.

thank you sir. I still enjoy watching them bawl.
That's quite a case you've made there genius. Let's just go with: anything bad happens, must be Trump's fault.

As though there isn't enough to reasonably criticize about the man.
Welcome to fuckin Obama's people blamed Obama for every motherfuckin thing under the sun......karma damit.
He is the one that wanted to transform America, and leave blacks worse off when he left. With your overwhelming support.
Lets get something, every president, since George Washington, has left blacks behind, why yaw keep pushing all this shit on Obama, only God knows....Unlike Trump who caters exclusively to white trash only, had Obama just targeted an agenda to white whiney mf's would have a epic meltdown and you know it!! So save your Obama bullshit for somebody that gives a damn
High School Boys Make ‘Rape’ Joke At Breast Cancer Awareness Football Game
“There is no place in any school or in any community for those types of actions,” a spokesperson for the high school said.

Four South Carolina students recently spelled out the word “rape” with spray painted letters on their chests as an apparent joke during a football game for their district’s annual Breast Cancer Awareness Night.

When you have a pussy grabbing president, who denegrades women, marry brainless imports and who has no problem tweeting a video with violent attack against Hillary, expect young WHITE AMERICAN BOYS to not only find this acceptable, but also a rallying call for their hero Trump....cause we all know if these was black boys.....heads would role...but its white, so its alright!!
Two words are all the explanation anyone needs: SOUTH CAROLINA.
That's quite a case you've made there genius. Let's just go with: anything bad happens, must be Trump's fault.

As though there isn't enough to reasonably criticize about the man.
Welcome to fuckin Obama's people blamed Obama for every motherfuckin thing under the sun......karma damit.
He is the one that wanted to transform America, and leave blacks worse off when he left. With your overwhelming support.
Lets get something, every president, since George Washington, has left blacks behind, why yaw keep pushing all this shit on Obama, only God knows....Unlike Trump who caters exclusively to white trash only, had Obama just targeted an agenda to white whiney mf's would have a epic meltdown and you know it!! So save your Obama bullshit for somebody that gives a damn

Left blacks behind? You have black college, black tv, affirmative action.
When you're looking for a job , blacks must be hired first. Blacks get to do all the looting. Black fathers get to have babies with no responsibilities to provide for them. Blacks get priority over others when applying for government handouts.
Sounds like blacks have it pretty good.

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