Laid Off

Of course, but when the system becomes so perverted and stacked in favor of the wealthy and connected, along with big government's terribly corrupt influences, we all don't get a fair shot.

There is no such thing as fair ... Life is not fair and never will be.
There are people who have made the extra sacrifices necessary to overcome obstacles that others never have to worry about.
People who sell their car to make their first investment in a business are not the same as people born into wealth ... But they can end up at the same place.

That's not fair ... But it is equitable ... And if you are not born with a silver spoon in your mouth, the more sacrifices you will have to make.
Of course some people are better connected ... And most likely because they did what was necessary to make those connections.
To sustain those connections and opportunities takes effort no matter whether or not your born into it ... And some people are more responsible than others.

I just don't waste what time I do have thinking about the way people doing the wrong things are screwing up.
I think of better processes to provide better products and services with the appropriate amount of accountability and responsibility.
I am not going to let some big-wig half assed jack-off tell me what I can or cannot do ... I am going to come in and slice the top off of the market for myself and let the jack-offs fight over the dregs at the bottom of the barrel.

If they want to make their millions screwing the people ... That is not how I run my business and not my problem.

I know it is just a stupid Nike commercial ... But whatever it takes ... People need to start dreaming, then buckle down and do what it takes to get there.
There will be pain and sacrifice ... And better yet, in business when you get the gold medal ... Some jack-ass will come along and say you don't deserve it.

Screw Them!

. is unfair no matter the system in effect.

However life becomes more and more unfair and unjust, when government becomes bigger and more powerful. This causes great dissatisfaction among the people and likely leads to bloodshed.

Life is always "unfair" however, capitalism and states greatly add to this problem is unfair no matter the system in effect.

However life becomes more and more unfair and unjust, when government becomes bigger and more powerful. This causes great dissatisfaction among the people and likely leads to bloodshed.
You think in absolutes. Eliminating government will lead to more bloodshed, not less. If someone wants your shit they'll just kill you and take it.
Yeah, nothing is absolute, and any revolution has bloodshed.
I agree, which is why we need the people to make decisions without a state.

Shit ... I don't know about you, but I make decisions in everything I do.
I don't need a federal, state or local government ... Or any change in policy to achieve that.

In the healthcare industry? Yes. This distributor was part of the disaster relief for Katrina and several other disasters. Customer service , warehouse workers and plenty of others worked around the clock to get supplies out.

Some might not be... But thatwas not the case here.
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Good thing they are replacing hard working and dedicated Americans with slackers then huh?
What do you mean? The heavily exploited workers in third world countries?

Yeah, damn us for providing them with jobs that allow them to be - at the least - part of their nation's middle class and to support their families in a growing, healthy economy.

The horror! We're such evil, exploitative bastards!
Part of their nations middle class? Child labor? South African miners? Chinese factory workers? Sweat shops? Capitalists literally cannot afford to let these countries gain decent wages, labor unions... Growing economy? Oh, not like 2008 didn't happen. Growing economy for the capitalists, tell me all about these wage increases..

No.....every society goes through stages of development....sweatshops.....get replaced as a country becomes increasingly wealthy...dittos pollution and all the other social happened in Europe and the U.S....and the more free the economy from government interferencee the faster things get better for everyone.......but when the marxist/socialists forcing their notion of equality on others...usually at the point of a gun and ending in mass graves.....those workers they are so concerned about live out lives in generational poverty with no relief for future generations.....
No.....every society goes through stages of development....sweatshops.....get replaced as a country becomes increasingly wealthy...dittos pollution and all the other social happened in Europe and the U.S....and the more free the economy from government interferencee the faster things get better for everyone.......but when the marxist/socialists forcing their notion of equality on others...usually at the point of a gun and ending in mass graves.....those workers they are so concerned about live out lives in generational poverty with no relief for future generations.....

Most of that is correct with the fact that there are always exceptions to the rule.
I think people would be surprised at the degree to which some third world and growing countries have addressed issues in growth regarding environmental protection.

In fact some of those countries are completely skipping the part where it is necessary to destroy the environment in the process of industrialization.
They have the benefit of responsible and effective tools or policies developed and provided by first world countries that did the dirty-work getting there.

Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Good thing they are replacing hard working and dedicated Americans with slackers then huh?
What do you mean? The heavily exploited workers in third world countries?

Yeah, damn us for providing them with jobs that allow them to be - at the least - part of their nation's middle class and to support their families in a growing, healthy economy.

The horror! We're such evil, exploitative bastards!
Part of their nations middle class? Child labor? South African miners? Chinese factory workers? Sweat shops? Capitalists literally cannot afford to let these countries gain decent wages, labor unions... Growing economy? Oh, not like 2008 didn't happen. Growing economy for the capitalists, tell me all about these wage increases..

No.....every society goes through stages of development....sweatshops.....get replaced as a country becomes increasingly wealthy...dittos pollution and all the other social happened in Europe and the U.S....and the more free the economy from government interferencee the faster things get better for everyone.......but when the marxist/socialists forcing their notion of equality on others...usually at the point of a gun and ending in mass graves.....those workers they are so concerned about live out lives in generational poverty with no relief for future generations.....
Your analysis fails to realize that the "development" involves relocating the sweatshops to other countries, capitalism literally couldn't function if countries np became highly developed like we are today. The more free the economy? Tell me all about America with its free economy in the past. Marxists interfere with mass graves... Yeah, mass graves never happened under any capitalist state. Capitalism relies on systemic poverty, and expansion that is beginning to end
No.....every society goes through stages of development....sweatshops.....get replaced as a country becomes increasingly wealthy...dittos pollution and all the other social happened in Europe and the U.S....and the more free the economy from government interferencee the faster things get better for everyone.......but when the marxist/socialists forcing their notion of equality on others...usually at the point of a gun and ending in mass graves.....those workers they are so concerned about live out lives in generational poverty with no relief for future generations.....

Most of that is correct with the fact that there are always exceptions to the rule.
I think people would be surprised at the degree to which some third world and growing countries have addressed issues in growth regarding environmental protection.

In fact some of those countries are completely skipping the part where it is necessary to destroy the environment in the process of industrialization.
They have the benefit of responsible and effective tools or policies developed and provided by first world countries that did the dirty-work getting there.

Read my other reply.
No.....every society goes through stages of development....sweatshops.....get replaced as a country becomes increasingly wealthy...dittos pollution and all the other social happened in Europe and the U.S....and the more free the economy from government interferencee the faster things get better for everyone.......but when the marxist/socialists forcing their notion of equality on others...usually at the point of a gun and ending in mass graves.....those workers they are so concerned about live out lives in generational poverty with no relief for future generations.....

Most of that is correct with the fact that there are always exceptions to the rule.
I think people would be surprised at the degree to which some third world and growing countries have addressed issues in growth regarding environmental protection.

In fact some of those countries are completely skipping the part where it is necessary to destroy the environment in the process of industrialization.
They have the benefit of responsible and effective tools or policies developed and provided by first world countries that did the dirty-work getting there.


Yes.....all the miracle of captialism....people like nice things...they like to live in nice places and captialism.....freedom...the free exchange of goods and services, has accomplished that more than any other economic system...........much like many third world countries don't have to use telephone cables....they are just going straight to cell technology....

innovation and creativity are the hall mark of a free market system.....fuck the marxists.......
No.....every society goes through stages of development....sweatshops.....get replaced as a country becomes increasingly wealthy...dittos pollution and all the other social happened in Europe and the U.S....and the more free the economy from government interferencee the faster things get better for everyone.......but when the marxist/socialists forcing their notion of equality on others...usually at the point of a gun and ending in mass graves.....those workers they are so concerned about live out lives in generational poverty with no relief for future generations.....

Most of that is correct with the fact that there are always exceptions to the rule.
I think people would be surprised at the degree to which some third world and growing countries have addressed issues in growth regarding environmental protection.

In fact some of those countries are completely skipping the part where it is necessary to destroy the environment in the process of industrialization.
They have the benefit of responsible and effective tools or policies developed and provided by first world countries that did the dirty-work getting there.

Read my other reply.

Get out more often ... Environmental protection in third world countries going through industrialization is primarily driven by the corporations moving there.
They have technologies, capital and policies necessary to achieve the goal ... The states don't.

In terms of owning production. Making distribution decisions..

Yeah ... I do that ... It is my job.
Anyone else is welcome to do the same ... They just need to do it.

It's not that easy, and controlling distribution of food is not done properly at all, same with providing shelter... You're lucky to be a capitalist, the factors to become one become increasingly more difficult as time goes on.. It really is based on connections, social status, education available, initial money... Maybe you'll get lucky.
No.....every society goes through stages of development....sweatshops.....get replaced as a country becomes increasingly wealthy...dittos pollution and all the other social happened in Europe and the U.S....and the more free the economy from government interferencee the faster things get better for everyone.......but when the marxist/socialists forcing their notion of equality on others...usually at the point of a gun and ending in mass graves.....those workers they are so concerned about live out lives in generational poverty with no relief for future generations.....

Most of that is correct with the fact that there are always exceptions to the rule.
I think people would be surprised at the degree to which some third world and growing countries have addressed issues in growth regarding environmental protection.

In fact some of those countries are completely skipping the part where it is necessary to destroy the environment in the process of industrialization.
They have the benefit of responsible and effective tools or policies developed and provided by first world countries that did the dirty-work getting there.

Read my other reply.

Get out more often ... Environmental protection in third world countries going through industrialization is primarily driven by the corporations moving there.
They have technologies and policies necessary to achieve the goal ... The states don't.

Driven by corporations moving there? Evidence please. I don't support the states either.
No.....every society goes through stages of development....sweatshops.....get replaced as a country becomes increasingly wealthy...dittos pollution and all the other social happened in Europe and the U.S....and the more free the economy from government interferencee the faster things get better for everyone.......but when the marxist/socialists forcing their notion of equality on others...usually at the point of a gun and ending in mass graves.....those workers they are so concerned about live out lives in generational poverty with no relief for future generations.....

Most of that is correct with the fact that there are always exceptions to the rule.
I think people would be surprised at the degree to which some third world and growing countries have addressed issues in growth regarding environmental protection.

In fact some of those countries are completely skipping the part where it is necessary to destroy the environment in the process of industrialization.
They have the benefit of responsible and effective tools or policies developed and provided by first world countries that did the dirty-work getting there.


Yes.....all the miracle of captialism....people like nice things...they like to live in nice places and captialism.....freedom...the free exchange of goods and services, has accomplished that more than any other economic system...........much like many third world countries don't have to use telephone cables....they are just going straight to cell technology....

innovation and creativity are the hall mark of a free market system.....fuck the marxists.......
Ah, the typical Freedom argument. Fuck you to.
I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.

As if anyone gives a big enough fuck about you to bother "keeping you down". Please.

Name me ANY group that socialism "brought out of extreme poverty". Name me a socialist country that has a healthcare system I'd allow to treat my dog, let alone my children.

For someone who keeps playing this misty, uber-vague "what is socialism?" game, you sure seem to know what it is when you're telling us - also vaguely - about how wonderful it is.

You can't have it both ways, Chuckles. You either know what it is, and therefore think it's marvelous, and therefore need to start providing some concrete examples of said marvelousness (marvelocity?), or you need us to clarify what socialism is for you, in which case you can't possibly know it's terrific, and should stop telling us so.
Capitalists love child labor, they loved relying on slavery, they hate labor organizers. History is a beautiful thing. Any group? Venezuela has reduced extreme poverty, increased education, healthcare, food distribution.. And these countries are just socialist by claim, not in practice. I know what socialism is, all we have are claimed socialist states that actually did improve life for the poor. I don't care what you think of Cuba or Venezuela, they have healthcare that works for their people, despite all the hardships they have faced.


Human rights violations, adjusted GDP, 2% lower than in 1970, rioting in the streets, sounds like fun.

Venezuela What s the crisis about -

How Bad Are Venezuela s Economic Problems - Forbes

Venezuela After Chavez Poverty Violence Among Problems Facing The Country
Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.

As if anyone gives a big enough fuck about you to bother "keeping you down". Please.

Name me ANY group that socialism "brought out of extreme poverty". Name me a socialist country that has a healthcare system I'd allow to treat my dog, let alone my children.

For someone who keeps playing this misty, uber-vague "what is socialism?" game, you sure seem to know what it is when you're telling us - also vaguely - about how wonderful it is.

You can't have it both ways, Chuckles. You either know what it is, and therefore think it's marvelous, and therefore need to start providing some concrete examples of said marvelousness (marvelocity?), or you need us to clarify what socialism is for you, in which case you can't possibly know it's terrific, and should stop telling us so.
Capitalists love child labor, they loved relying on slavery, they hate labor organizers. History is a beautiful thing. Any group? Venezuela has reduced extreme poverty, increased education, healthcare, food distribution.. And these countries are just socialist by claim, not in practice. I know what socialism is, all we have are claimed socialist states that actually did improve life for the poor. I don't care what you think of Cuba or Venezuela, they have healthcare that works for their people, despite all the hardships they have faced.


Human rights violations, adjusted GDP, 2% lower than in 1970, rioting in the streets, sounds like fun.

Venezuela What s the crisis about -

How Bad Are Venezuela s Economic Problems - Forbes
Yeah, human rights violations occur in every country, it's typical of the capitalist media to only point out Venezuela as being bad In all ways. 2% Lower then in 1970? Oh wow. Ignore everything above about healthcare, education, the hardship faced in Venezuelans pasts. is unfair no matter the system in effect.

However life becomes more and more unfair and unjust, when government becomes bigger and more powerful. This causes great dissatisfaction among the people and likely leads to bloodshed.
You think in absolutes. Eliminating government will lead to more bloodshed, not less. If someone wants your shit they'll just kill you and take it.
You must learn to think differently. In the 21st century, it is time to eliminate government. Government is an antiquated idea whose time has come for elimination. We need to evolve our thinking. Government is a 10k year old idea.

Government at it's essence, is force. It is power given to certain select people who will ultimately and always abuse it. When something is inherently morally wrong, one should terminate it entirely. You can't adjust it...modify it....change it....

We do not need government to protect us.
You have never enjoyed capitalism? That's too bad. It seems the company and, apparently the Phillipines, enjoy capitalism. How about the fact that we are edging toward socialism, which is causing this unfortunate situation for your friend?
Oh god... Capitalism literally cannot sustain itself as time goes on, it's inevitable we progress towards socialism.

please list the successful socialist countries in the history of the world.
How are you defining success?

You don't know how to define success? That's pathetic. No wonder you're confused enough to be a Marxist.
No, I'm sorry that you are stuck in your little world where you want to call "socialist countries" which are simply socialist by claim failures. Venezuela has Improved for the people under Hugo, Cuban healthcare and infant mortality..

Venezuela has Improved for the people under Hugo, Cuban healthcare and infant mortality..


Yeah, high inflation always helps the little people. LOL!
So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.

As if anyone gives a big enough fuck about you to bother "keeping you down". Please.

Name me ANY group that socialism "brought out of extreme poverty". Name me a socialist country that has a healthcare system I'd allow to treat my dog, let alone my children.

For someone who keeps playing this misty, uber-vague "what is socialism?" game, you sure seem to know what it is when you're telling us - also vaguely - about how wonderful it is.

You can't have it both ways, Chuckles. You either know what it is, and therefore think it's marvelous, and therefore need to start providing some concrete examples of said marvelousness (marvelocity?), or you need us to clarify what socialism is for you, in which case you can't possibly know it's terrific, and should stop telling us so.
Capitalists love child labor, they loved relying on slavery, they hate labor organizers. History is a beautiful thing. Any group? Venezuela has reduced extreme poverty, increased education, healthcare, food distribution.. And these countries are just socialist by claim, not in practice. I know what socialism is, all we have are claimed socialist states that actually did improve life for the poor. I don't care what you think of Cuba or Venezuela, they have healthcare that works for their people, despite all the hardships they have faced.


Human rights violations, adjusted GDP, 2% lower than in 1970, rioting in the streets, sounds like fun.

Venezuela What s the crisis about -

How Bad Are Venezuela s Economic Problems - Forbes
Yeah, human rights violations occur in every country, it's typical of the capitalist media to only point out Venezuela as being bad In all ways. 2% Lower then in 1970? Oh wow. Ignore everything above about healthcare, education, the hardship faced in Venezuelans pasts.

The World Health Organization ranks Venezuela 57 in healthcare and is ranked 58 out of 128 in education. Both well behind most capitalist countries.

Besides with the rioting, and the soldiers with guns, I'm not to keen on walking the streets.

Anything else?
It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.

As if anyone gives a big enough fuck about you to bother "keeping you down". Please.

Name me ANY group that socialism "brought out of extreme poverty". Name me a socialist country that has a healthcare system I'd allow to treat my dog, let alone my children.

For someone who keeps playing this misty, uber-vague "what is socialism?" game, you sure seem to know what it is when you're telling us - also vaguely - about how wonderful it is.

You can't have it both ways, Chuckles. You either know what it is, and therefore think it's marvelous, and therefore need to start providing some concrete examples of said marvelousness (marvelocity?), or you need us to clarify what socialism is for you, in which case you can't possibly know it's terrific, and should stop telling us so.
Capitalists love child labor, they loved relying on slavery, they hate labor organizers. History is a beautiful thing. Any group? Venezuela has reduced extreme poverty, increased education, healthcare, food distribution.. And these countries are just socialist by claim, not in practice. I know what socialism is, all we have are claimed socialist states that actually did improve life for the poor. I don't care what you think of Cuba or Venezuela, they have healthcare that works for their people, despite all the hardships they have faced.


Human rights violations, adjusted GDP, 2% lower than in 1970, rioting in the streets, sounds like fun.

Venezuela What s the crisis about -

How Bad Are Venezuela s Economic Problems - Forbes
Yeah, human rights violations occur in every country, it's typical of the capitalist media to only point out Venezuela as being bad In all ways. 2% Lower then in 1970? Oh wow. Ignore everything above about healthcare, education, the hardship faced in Venezuelans pasts.

The World Health Organization ranks Venezuela 57 in healthcare and is ranked 58 out of 128 in education. Both well behind most capitalist countries.

Anything else?
Look at venezuelas healthcare for the poor before Hugo, the rate of extreme poverty, rate of malnutrition.. It's a vast improvement by any means

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