Laid Off

Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?
I didn't know you are a Christian.
I'm not, but if you think like I do, apparently your a nut job.
Not a nut job...well unless you think GOVERNMENT should impose your belief by force.
The people would own production and distribution methods, and the workers would own the state, you're an anarchist, so we have a similar goal in the end anyways.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
"You snooze, you loose" ... People have to stay ahead of the curve to survive in a Capitalistic system.

Perhaps they just need to understand that everyone cannot keep up.
It is still a matter of what you do when your part breaks ... Because it will (even if it is your own business).
It is also a matter of how you view the break ... And what it means to your ability to overcome.

Plenty of people get pissed off when their air conditioner fails ... They just fix it and move on.
They don't try to reorder the nature of events to eliminate the possibility of failure.
Yes, you snooze you loose. Why should someone pay you to snooze? Capitalism made the US number one in the world, it's the competitive drive that got us there, being innovators and hard workers. As we increasingly move towards funding the snoozers the economy shrinks. Why can't some people understand that?

why can't they understand it? because liberalism is a mental disease.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

It reflects reality, which is infinitely better than a system predicated on assuming reality will alter itself to suit you.
Reality as observed under capitalism In a time when we have methods to provide for everyone. Human nature doesn't exist in a stone way, it isn't inheritenly all greed, capitalism motivates the worst parts of humanity. It doesn't assume reality will alter, you don't even know what socialism is.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
How exactly does a slave do his job if he was "skilled"?

Does not compute
You must have been homeschooled under a rock. Slaves were often skilled.
You're clearly too stupid to be posting online. There are no slaves working for American corporations moron. You're as dumb as the op
Yeah, careful what shit you say. I'd consider child labor slavery these days.
Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?
I didn't know you are a Christian.
I'm not, but if you think like I do, apparently your a nut job.
Not a nut job...well unless you think GOVERNMENT should impose your belief by force.
The people would own production and distribution methods, and the workers would own the state, you're an anarchist, so we have a similar goal in the end anyways.
Agreed, but the problem lies in the execution of your belief. The only way it can happen is by force...government force..and government force is merely giving certain individuals power. When power is granted to humans, they ALWAYS misuse it.
Would you statist lovers please tell me where this guy got the capitol that you say cannot be found by the lowest level of one handed him anything......try doing what he did....and you'll be have to stop bitching about the success of other much easier to take someone elses stuff than to earn it yourself....

Chicago Tribune
A man who lives In a first world capitalist and imperialist country happening to succeed by your standards.. Good to know.

"Happening". Like he just took a walk one dark night and tripped and fell into success.

No wonder you couldn't define success earlier. It'd be hard to see anything with the walls of your colon surrounding your head like that.
No, this story puts forth a ridiculous scenario, the real world doesn't work like this story. I don't define success as becoming a capitalist, you can't follow the thread, sorry.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
"You snooze, you loose" ... People have to stay ahead of the curve to survive in a Capitalistic system.

Perhaps they just need to understand that everyone cannot keep up.
It is still a matter of what you do when your part breaks ... Because it will (even if it is your own business).
It is also a matter of how you view the break ... And what it means to your ability to overcome.

Plenty of people get pissed off when their air conditioner fails ... They just fix it and move on.
They don't try to reorder the nature of events to eliminate the possibility of failure.
Yes, you snooze you loose. Why should someone pay you to snooze? Capitalism made the US number one in the world, it's the competitive drive that got us there, being innovators and hard workers. As we increasingly move towards funding the snoozers the economy shrinks. Why can't some people understand that?

why can't they understand it? because liberalism is a mental disease.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.
It reflects reality, which is infinitely better than a system predicated on assuming reality will alter itself to suit you.
Reality as observed under capitalism In a time when we have methods to provide for everyone. Human nature doesn't exist in a stone way, it isn't inheritenly all greed, capitalism motivates the worst parts of humanity. It doesn't assume reality will alter, you don't even know what socialism is.
I think you need more coffee. Sounds like you don't know what a backbone is.

Why should anyone provide for you? So you won't call them greedy? I don't care, you can call me greedy and go ahead and starve, I'll just step over your withering body.
Of course, but when the system becomes so perverted and stacked in favor of the wealthy and connected, along with big government's terribly corrupt influences, we all don't get a fair shot.

There is no such thing as fair ... Life is not fair and never will be.
There are people who have made the extra sacrifices necessary to overcome obstacles that others never have to worry about.
People who sell their car to make their first investment in a business are not the same as people born into wealth ... But they can end up at the same place.

That's not fair ... But it is equitable ... And if you are not born with a silver spoon in your mouth, the more sacrifices you will have to make.
Of course some people are better connected ... And most likely because they did what was necessary to make those connections.
To sustain those connections and opportunities takes effort no matter whether or not your born into it ... And some people are more responsible than others.

I just don't waste what time I do have thinking about the way people doing the wrong things are screwing up.
I think of better processes to provide better products and services with the appropriate amount of accountability and responsibility.
I am not going to let some big-wig half assed jack-off tell me what I can or cannot do ... I am going to come in and slice the top off of the market for myself and let the jack-offs fight over the dregs at the bottom of the barrel.

If they want to make their millions screwing the people ... That is not how I run my business and not my problem.

I know it is just a stupid Nike commercial ... But whatever it takes ... People need to start dreaming, then buckle down and do what it takes to get there.
There will be pain and sacrifice ... And better yet, in business when you get the gold medal ... Some jack-ass will come along and say you don't deserve it.

Screw Them!

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No, this story puts forth a ridiculous scenario, the real world doesn't work like this story. I don't define success as becoming a capitalist, you can't follow the thread, sorry.
Guys like you live off of capitalism so you can bitch about it to anyone that will listen. You're using a computer with all the capitalist bells and whistles, clothes, food, house (basement?) etc. all brought to your worthless ass by way of capitalism. You're an idiot.
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?
I didn't know you are a Christian.
I'm not, but if you think like I do, apparently your a nut job.
Not a nut job...well unless you think GOVERNMENT should impose your belief by force.
The people would own production and distribution methods, and the workers would own the state, you're an anarchist, so we have a similar goal in the end anyways.
Agreed, but the problem lies in the execution of your belief. The only way it can happen is by force...government force..and government force is merely giving certain individuals power. When power is granted to humans, they ALWAYS misuse it.
I, in the end, want to remove the state completely, but it can't be done immediately, I'm realistic.
No, this story puts forth a ridiculous scenario, the real world doesn't work like this story. I don't define success as becoming a capitalist, you can't follow the thread, sorry.
Guys like you live off of capitalism so you can bitch about it to anyone that will listen. You're using a computer with all the capitalist bells and whistles, clothes, food, house (basement?) etc. all brought to your worthless ass by way of capitalism. You're an idiot.
Here we go with this again.. Yeah, tell me all about how you live off of child labor, destroyed d
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

Exploitation, as in "giving people the opportunity to get what they want by giving you what you want"? God, I hope my boss doesn't stop "exploiting" me any time soon, in that case.
Yeah. Someone who isn't a Marxist wouldn't understand.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.

As if anyone gives a big enough fuck about you to bother "keeping you down". Please.

Name me ANY group that socialism "brought out of extreme poverty". Name me a socialist country that has a healthcare system I'd allow to treat my dog, let alone my children.

For someone who keeps playing this misty, uber-vague "what is socialism?" game, you sure seem to know what it is when you're telling us - also vaguely - about how wonderful it is.

You can't have it both ways, Chuckles. You either know what it is, and therefore think it's marvelous, and therefore need to start providing some concrete examples of said marvelousness (marvelocity?), or you need us to clarify what socialism is for you, in which case you can't possibly know it's terrific, and should stop telling us so.
Capitalists love child labor, they loved relying on slavery, they hate labor organizers. History is a beautiful thing. Any group? Venezuela has reduced extreme poverty, increased education, healthcare, food distribution.. And these countries are just socialist by claim, not in practice. I know what socialism is, all we have are claimed socialist states that actually did improve life for the poor. I don't care what you think of Cuba or Venezuela, they have healthcare that works for their people, despite all the hardships they have faced.
Would you statist lovers please tell me where this guy got the capitol that you say cannot be found by the lowest level of one handed him anything......try doing what he did....and you'll be have to stop bitching about the success of other much easier to take someone elses stuff than to earn it yourself....

Chicago Tribune

Wilson is a Louisiana sharecropper's son who has said he left home at 13. He's a janitor who rose to owning McDonald's franchises and now heads a multimillion-dollar plastic glove distribution business.

"He's totally blind to obstacles," said Roland Jones, a former McDonald's corporate consultant who met Wilson in the 1970s and remains a friend.

"Willie Wilson is the kind of guy who 'no' means 'not now,'" Jones added. "If we said, 'You can't do this,' it means not immediately."

Wilson said his bedrock is his faith. He begins and ends public appearances, including debates, with a prayer.

"When a show goes out, people get saved," said Wilson, who added that he loses money on the broadcasts. "It's an inspiration."

"Most of it is because he didn't have the formal education. People didn't see him as an intelligent person," Jones said. "But Willie's very fortunate he didn't get a lot of formal education. It might have put a lid on his vision. He rises to the occasion. … I don't know of anything that he's set out to do that he hasn't done."

Wilson clearly has done a lot. In an interview in his penthouse apartment on East Wacker Drive, the 66-year-old recounted his humble beginnings.

Born into a Louisiana share-cropping family, Wilson said he left school in the seventh grade to help in the fields. He had a series of discouraging experiences working menial jobs in Florida and then later New York and Chicago, where he said he first arrived in 1965.

He ended up with an entry-level job at a McDonald's, which abruptly turned into a management position when other employees walked off the job and the owner gave Wilson a chance, according to Wilson and Jones.

Throughout the 1970s Wilson managed McDonald's stores for other people but wanted to own one. Without enough savings or the wherewithal to get financing, Wilson tried an unconventional tactic: he tracked down McDonald's founder Ray Kroc at a shareholders' meeting and asked the burger mogul for a store of his own.

According to Jones, Kroc took a liking to Wilson, partly because he himself had dropped out of school at an early age.

"Most people would not call Ray Kroc, or be as persistent in meeting him as Willie Wilson was," Jones said. At first, managers in McDonald's franchise department rejected Wilson's application because of his lack of education, Jones said. But Kroc overruled them, Jones said, and eventually Wilson opened his first McDonald's, on the South Side, around 1980.

Yeah...that evil capitalist Ray Kroc.....and willie wilson...where the hell was his silver spoon................he made it by working hard and believing in the capitalist system.....

You should try might actually succeed........

Yep. Darn that Bill Gates for forcing computers on us all, and then giving away billions in charitable contributions. Darn that Danny Thomas for using his money to build St. Jude. And the nerve of that supreme capitalist, Warren Buffett for giving away his fortune to the less fortunate, instead of handing it down through the family. And that sister of his! Sitting around with her friends, hunting for those in need, to spend her money on. Carnegie building libraries, and halls for concerts. Who needs 'em.
Theirs good In every system, doesn't mean that the base idea of the system isn't bad.
Because American workers these days are so famous for their company loyalty and willingness to go above and beyond?

In the healthcare industry? Yes. This distributor was part of the disaster relief for Katrina and several other disasters. Customer service , warehouse workers and plenty of others worked around the clock to get supplies out.

Some might not be... But thatwas not the case here.
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Good thing they are replacing hard working and dedicated Americans with slackers then huh?
What do you mean? The heavily exploited workers in third world countries?

Yeah, damn us for providing them with jobs that allow them to be - at the least - part of their nation's middle class and to support their families in a growing, healthy economy.

The horror! We're such evil, exploitative bastards!
Part of their nations middle class? Child labor? South African miners? Chinese factory workers? Sweat shops? Capitalists literally cannot afford to let these countries gain decent wages, labor unions... Growing economy? Oh, not like 2008 didn't happen. Growing economy for the capitalists, tell me all about these wage increases..
Yes, you snooze you loose. Why should someone pay you to snooze? Capitalism made the US number one in the world, it's the competitive drive that got us there, being innovators and hard workers. As we increasingly move towards funding the snoozers the economy shrinks. Why can't some people understand that?

why can't they understand it? because liberalism is a mental disease.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.
It reflects reality, which is infinitely better than a system predicated on assuming reality will alter itself to suit you.
Reality as observed under capitalism In a time when we have methods to provide for everyone. Human nature doesn't exist in a stone way, it isn't inheritenly all greed, capitalism motivates the worst parts of humanity. It doesn't assume reality will alter, you don't even know what socialism is.
I think you need more coffee. Sounds like you don't know what a backbone is.

Why should anyone provide for you? So you won't call them greedy? I don't care, you can call me greedy and go ahead and starve, I'll just step over your withering body.
Such is the way of the capitalist. I have a backbone, and want everyone to be provided for, tell me, are you Christian?
Here we go with this again.. Yeah, tell me all about how you live off of child labor
When did I? You talk a lot of shit but can't back it up with anything more than more shit. You want to get rid of the state and you want to lecture people about reality? You must be sniffing glue.
Capitalists love child labor, they loved relying on slavery, they hate labor organizers. History is a beautiful thing. Any group? Venezuela has reduced extreme poverty, increased education, healthcare, food distribution.. And these countries are just socialist by claim, not in practice. I know what socialism is, all we have are claimed socialist states that actually did improve life for the poor. I don't care what you think of Cuba or Venezuela, they have healthcare that works for their people, despite all the hardships they have faced.
Venezuela? Their economy is in freefall. I knew you were a moron, that removes any doubt.

And fuck you for saying I love slavery and child labor. Go suck a eColi infested salami.
Agreed, but the problem lies in the execution of your belief. The only way it can happen is by force...government force..and government force is merely giving certain individuals power. When power is granted to humans, they ALWAYS misuse it.

I think that goes back to the old adage ... "Power Corrupts" ... When in reality it is not true.

Power only gives you the tools necessary to corrupt if so choose to.
It is weakness that corrupts ... Fear, deceit, and the inability to do what is correct or responsible.
Desire and greed also corrupt weak people ... Power just allows them the ability to corrupt, use and abuse others.

Here we go with this again.. Yeah, tell me all about how you live off of child labor
When did I? You talk a lot of shit but can't back it up with anything more than more shit. You want to get rid of the state and you want to lecture people about reality? You must be sniffing glue.
Do you have anything with cotton? You're making ridiculous connections. I can't back it up? Child labor is very real, sorry. I want to get rid of the state at some point, yes, as a state by nature is oppressive.
Capitalists love child labor, they loved relying on slavery, they hate labor organizers. History is a beautiful thing. Any group? Venezuela has reduced extreme poverty, increased education, healthcare, food distribution.. And these countries are just socialist by claim, not in practice. I know what socialism is, all we have are claimed socialist states that actually did improve life for the poor. I don't care what you think of Cuba or Venezuela, they have healthcare that works for their people, despite all the hardships they have faced.
Venezuela? Their economy is in freefall. I knew you were a moron, that removes any doubt.

And fuck you for saying I love slavery and child labor. Go suck a eColi infested salami.
Capitalists love child labor, they loved relying on slavery, they hate labor organizers. History is a beautiful thing. Any group? Venezuela has reduced extreme poverty, increased education, healthcare, food distribution.. And these countries are just socialist by claim, not in practice. I know what socialism is, all we have are claimed socialist states that actually did improve life for the poor. I don't care what you think of Cuba or Venezuela, they have healthcare that works for their people, despite all the hardships they have faced.
Venezuela? Their economy is in freefall. I knew you were a moron, that removes any doubt.

And fuck you for saying I love slavery and child labor. Go suck a eColi infested salami.
Do you own production? Only a few people are capitalists.. I'm talking about Venezuela improving life for its poor citizens, not its economic status.
Such is the way of the capitalist. I have a backbone, and want everyone to be provided for, tell me, are you Christian?
I don't want you provided for. I want the opportunities you rail against provided for. Whether you use your supposed backbone and do something with it is your choice. and what has religion got to do with it?

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