Laid Off

Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
"You snooze, you loose" ... People have to stay ahead of the curve to survive in a Capitalistic system.

Perhaps they just need to understand that everyone cannot keep up.
It is still a matter of what you do when your part breaks ... Because it will (even if it is your own business).
It is also a matter of how you view the break ... And what it means to your ability to overcome.

Plenty of people get pissed off when their air conditioner fails ... They just fix it and move on.
They don't try to reorder the nature of events to eliminate the possibility of failure.
Yes, you snooze you loose. Why should someone pay you to snooze? Capitalism made the US number one in the world, it's the competitive drive that got us there, being innovators and hard workers. As we increasingly move towards funding the snoozers the economy shrinks. Why can't some people understand that?

why can't they understand it? because liberalism is a mental disease.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

It reflects reality, which is infinitely better than a system predicated on assuming reality will alter itself to suit you.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

Exploitation, as in "giving people the opportunity to get what they want by giving you what you want"? God, I hope my boss doesn't stop "exploiting" me any time soon, in that case.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.

As if anyone gives a big enough fuck about you to bother "keeping you down". Please.

Name me ANY group that socialism "brought out of extreme poverty". Name me a socialist country that has a healthcare system I'd allow to treat my dog, let alone my children.

For someone who keeps playing this misty, uber-vague "what is socialism?" game, you sure seem to know what it is when you're telling us - also vaguely - about how wonderful it is.

You can't have it both ways, Chuckles. You either know what it is, and therefore think it's marvelous, and therefore need to start providing some concrete examples of said marvelousness (marvelocity?), or you need us to clarify what socialism is for you, in which case you can't possibly know it's terrific, and should stop telling us so.
Would you statist lovers please tell me where this guy got the capitol that you say cannot be found by the lowest level of one handed him anything......try doing what he did....and you'll be have to stop bitching about the success of other much easier to take someone elses stuff than to earn it yourself....

Chicago Tribune
A man who lives In a first world capitalist and imperialist country happening to succeed by your standards.. Good to know.

"Happening". Like he just took a walk one dark night and tripped and fell into success.

No wonder you couldn't define success earlier. It'd be hard to see anything with the walls of your colon surrounding your head like that.
Creepy how everything is being sent over there..Even our food and water. They are sending chickens and meat over there to be processed and sent back to well as Nestle sucking the Great Lakes dry and bottled over there. This is wrong........
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

The topic is NAFTA. It was signed by all parties. Only Ross Perot voted against it.

Knowing America got big by being an "Industrial Nation" and then allowing big pockets to sell us out is hard to watch.

We all saw the attempt in 2010 to stop tax breaks for outsourcing and tax incentives for insourcing and it was turned down. America should have learned a lot about that.

Your "friends husband" will be considered a "Lazy welfare recipient" (note I haven't read the responses yet).

I know this because INDUSTRY has OFFICES filled with COLLEGE LEVEL WORKERS. I'm fully aware the Right is willing to write off useless jobs others can do for less. But trashing College level jobs FROM what use to be the worlds Industrial nation should make a few THINK!

And we wonder why a high percentage of Wal-Mart and McDonalds workers are "making a scene" for higher wages. The uneducated work for what they can get. The educated work for their worth. (Insight, a lot of the workers at Wal-Mart and McDonalds are now College Educated)
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
How exactly does a slave do his job if he was "skilled"?

Does not compute
You must have been homeschooled under a rock. Slaves were often skilled.
You're clearly too stupid to be posting online. There are no slaves working for American corporations moron. You're as dumb as the op
Creepy how everything is being sent over there..Even our food and water. They are sending chickens and meat over there to be processed and sent back to well as Nestle sucking the Great Lakes dry and bottled over there. This is wrong........

Wow dude. Do you need an umbrella to protect you from the falling sky or will a tissue suffice?
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
How exactly does a slave do his job if he was "skilled"?

Does not compute
You must have been homeschooled under a rock. Slaves were often skilled.
You're clearly too stupid to be posting online. There are no slaves working for American corporations moron. You're as dumb as the op

^ A LOT of Americans use to think that. Until they wondered why they spent more time at work instead of with their family. Then they wondered what was truly important in life. Errr, some of them. :suck:
I know it's 25 pages in but damn. There are people left and right who are disabled and can't get the benefits they paid for. This guy is able bodied. He needs to get a job not apply for unemployment.
Humanity is a dog-eat-dog system. Do leftists expect us all to have a nice cry because surviving in life requires one to get up and work at it every day?

Maybe they are pissed because getting up and working is not the same for everyone.
I think it comes from the silly idea that fairness and equality are equitable terms.

Everyone is a product of their efforts in combination with the resources they have chosen to utilize.
The idea that everyone will have the same results is ludicrous.

If you want to reach the top of any scale ... You have to apply the appropriate effort and make sacrifices along the way.
If you want to maximize your potential ... It will supersede other desires in some way.
Mobility, adaptation, innovation and secured sustainability require logistics, diligence, ambition and responsibility.

We don't all have those things to the same degree ... And will never be equal in that manner.

Humanity is a dog-eat-dog system. Do leftists expect us all to have a nice cry because surviving in life requires one to get up and work at it every day?

Maybe they are pissed because getting up and working is not the same for everyone.
I think it comes from the silly idea that fairness and equality are equitable terms.

Everyone is a product of their efforts in combination with the resources they have chosen to utilize.
The idea that everyone will have the same results is ludicrous.

If you want to reach the top of any scale ... You have to apply the appropriate effort and make sacrifices along the way.
If you want to maximize your potential ... It will supersede other desires in some way.
Mobility, adaptation, innovation and secured sustainability require logistics, diligence, ambition and responsibility.

We don't all have those things to the same degree ... And will never be equal in that manner.

Of course, but when the system becomes so perverted and stacked in favor of the wealthy and connected, along with big government's terribly corrupt influences, we all don't get a fair shot.
I'd bet the average sixth grader in the Philippines would score higher on an ACT type test than the typical American 12th grader.

I'd bet the entry level worker in the Philippines knows to get to work on time.

Your friend needs to retool, he obviously can't even compete with "slaves".

Tell your friend to embrace globalism and diversity, and get on management track at a fast food place.

Get to work on time? Yes... They however will only do the min required AND they will not stay to finish any work not done. Terrible work ethic.

Because American workers these days are so famous for their company loyalty and willingness to go above and beyond?

In the healthcare industry? Yes. This distributor was part of the disaster relief for Katrina and several other disasters. Customer service , warehouse workers and plenty of others worked around the clock to get supplies out.

Some might not be... But thatwas not the case here.
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
"You snooze, you loose" ... People have to stay ahead of the curve to survive in a Capitalistic system.

Perhaps they just need to understand that everyone cannot keep up.
It is still a matter of what you do when your part breaks ... Because it will (even if it is your own business).
It is also a matter of how you view the break ... And what it means to your ability to overcome.

Plenty of people get pissed off when their air conditioner fails ... They just fix it and move on.
They don't try to reorder the nature of events to eliminate the possibility of failure.


Humanity is a dog-eat-dog system. Do leftists expect us all to have a nice cry because surviving in life requires one to get up and work at it every day?
Capitalism is a dog eat dog system, and most people work..
Humanity is a dog-eat-dog system. Do leftists expect us all to have a nice cry because surviving in life requires one to get up and work at it every day?

Maybe they are pissed because getting up and working is not the same for everyone.
I think it comes from the silly idea that fairness and equality are equitable terms.

Everyone is a product of their efforts in combination with the resources they have chosen to utilize.
The idea that everyone will have the same results is ludicrous.

If you want to reach the top of any scale ... You have to apply the appropriate effort and make sacrifices along the way.
If you want to maximize your potential ... It will supersede other desires in some way.
Mobility, adaptation, innovation and secured sustainability require logistics, diligence, ambition and responsibility.

We don't all have those things to the same degree ... And will never be equal in that manner.

Fairness and equality are achievable goals, in terms of making sure everyone receives nutritional requirements, shelter. Yeah, efforts in terms of acquiring capital in a capitalist society, the top of the scale? Billions will never reach the top, it doesn't matter how hard they try, and it mainly depends on their connections, socioeconomic status, the country... I just want everyone to have access to food requirements, guaranteed work based on the needs of the people, water, resources not being wasted.
Get to work on time? Yes... They however will only do the min required AND they will not stay to finish any work not done. Terrible work ethic.

Because American workers these days are so famous for their company loyalty and willingness to go above and beyond?

In the healthcare industry? Yes. This distributor was part of the disaster relief for Katrina and several other disasters. Customer service , warehouse workers and plenty of others worked around the clock to get supplies out.

Some might not be... But thatwas not the case here.
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?
I didn't know you are a Christian.
No he was not union...unfortunately this happened in one of these fancy "right to work states" he has no rights.
I am not a republican neither is he.
I have NEVER enjoyed nor wanted capitalism...
I suggested that but they said no lol...

You have never enjoyed capitalism? That's too bad. It seems the company and, apparently the Phillipines, enjoy capitalism. How about the fact that we are edging toward socialism, which is causing this unfortunate situation for your friend?
Oh god... Capitalism literally cannot sustain itself as time goes on, it's inevitable we progress towards socialism.

please list the successful socialist countries in the history of the world.
How are you defining success?

You don't know how to define success? That's pathetic. No wonder you're confused enough to be a Marxist.
No, I'm sorry that you are stuck in your little world where you want to call "socialist countries" which are simply socialist by claim failures. Venezuela has Improved for the people under Hugo, Cuban healthcare and infant mortality..
Because American workers these days are so famous for their company loyalty and willingness to go above and beyond?

In the healthcare industry? Yes. This distributor was part of the disaster relief for Katrina and several other disasters. Customer service , warehouse workers and plenty of others worked around the clock to get supplies out.

Some might not be... But thatwas not the case here.
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?
I didn't know you are a Christian.
I'm not, but if you think like I do, apparently your a nut job.
In the healthcare industry? Yes. This distributor was part of the disaster relief for Katrina and several other disasters. Customer service , warehouse workers and plenty of others worked around the clock to get supplies out.

Some might not be... But thatwas not the case here.
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Oh, good God, the melodramatic feelz! "My boss doesn't care about me! *sob, sob*" When did we start thinking life was about everyone giving us snuggles, for crissakes?
Why can't life be about everyone working together and caring about each other?
I didn't know you are a Christian.
I'm not, but if you think like I do, apparently your a nut job.
Not a nut job...well unless you think GOVERNMENT should impose your belief by force.
Many workers worldwide are not happy at their jobs, and don't feel like they care cared for, why the hell would they be motivated, although this example is a nice thing.

Good thing they are replacing hard working and dedicated Americans with slackers then huh?
What do you mean? The heavily exploited workers in third world countries?

Exploited? America is giving them jobs. They don't have to accept them.
Yeah, giving them jobs that pay barely anything their labor is worth, and taking their resources/not allowing them to rise up with labor reform/etc

Barely anything? For their nations and economies, those jobs pay extremely well. They pay less in real dollars than the same jobs in the US, that's true, but it costs exponentially less to live in those countries than it does here.

Why don't you go ask Japan, or Taiwan, or any of the other nations that were previously in the position that the Philippines is now, how exploited and oppressed and held down they were by those horrible American companies and jobs?

My mother-in-law was one of those "exploited" Third-World people. She was born and raised in Taiwan prior to the influx of American companies. Her family lived in a hut with dirt floors. She had a second-grade education. When she was 12, her parents sent her alone to Taipei to get a job and send money back to help support the family. All of this was quite common in the impoverished country Taiwan was back then. Most girls in that position became prostitutes. My mother-in-law joined a street gang.

Thanks to the industrialization of Taiwan through the advent of American companies looking for cheaper production costs, their economy grew at an average rate of 8% every year between the 1950s and the 1980s. The standard of living rose, and the massive gap between the few wealthy and the many poor shrank. Their average income level is now higher than that of Japan.

On the personal side, all of my MIL's siblings still live in Taiwan and have families. All of my ex's cousins have college degrees and good jobs with successful companies. They own nice homes with amenities comparable to those found in the average American home.

If she were still alive, I'd tell you to go talk to my MIL and tell her how "abused" Third World people are by American outsourcing. She'd have spit in your eye.
I can agree that capitalism can improve living conditions to a point, but it cannot sustain itself as a system, and it literally cannot end poverty. You can pick examples out of anything, and I'll agree with you, but look at the working conditions for Chinese factory workers, Uzbekistan cotton, South Africa.. If something is a little better then what came before, it doesn't make it right. Yeah, they pay way less then what their labor is worth. You can find good examples of anything.

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