Laid Off

Agreed, but the problem lies in the execution of your belief. The only way it can happen is by force...government force..and government force is merely giving certain individuals power. When power is granted to humans, they ALWAYS misuse it.

I think that goes back to the old adage ... "Power Corrupts" ... When in reality it is not true.

Power only gives you the tools necessary to corrupt if so choose to.
It is weakness that corrupts ... Fear, deceit, and the inability to do what is correct or responsible.
Desire and greed also corrupt weak people ... Power just allows them the ability to corrupt, use and abuse others.

Then we have a lot of weak capitalists.
Such is the way of the capitalist. I have a backbone, and want everyone to be provided for, tell me, are you Christian?
I don't want you provided for. I want the opportunities you rail against provided for. Whether you use your supposed backbone and do something with it is your choice. and what has religion got to do with it?
What opportunities do I rail against? Please, tell me. Oh, just that Jesus advocated making sure everyone was cared for.
Such is the way of the capitalist. I have a backbone, and want everyone to be provided for, tell me, are you Christian?
I don't want you provided for. I want the opportunities you rail against provided for. Whether you use your supposed backbone and do something with it is your choice. and what has religion got to do with it?
What opportunities do I rail against? Please, tell me. Oh, just that Jesus advocated making sure everyone was cared for.
Well, Jesus wasn't a communist no matter how badly you want it. We don't live in a theocracy and anyone advocating marxism is anti-capitalist and against all capitalism offers. If all that boggles your mind you are even stupider than I thought.
I didn't know you are a Christian.
I'm not, but if you think like I do, apparently your a nut job.
Not a nut job...well unless you think GOVERNMENT should impose your belief by force.
The people would own production and distribution methods, and the workers would own the state, you're an anarchist, so we have a similar goal in the end anyways.
Agreed, but the problem lies in the execution of your belief. The only way it can happen is by force...government force..and government force is merely giving certain individuals power. When power is granted to humans, they ALWAYS misuse it.
I, in the end, want to remove the state completely, but it can't be done immediately, I'm realistic.
I also want to get rid of the state completely.

However I think it is naive to expect the state to terminate itself, which is what communism does. It will never happen and as history shows, trying it leads to unfathomable suffering and death. Because a small elite of men are in control.

We must terminate the state quickly. Not in some slow methodical process.
Such is the way of the capitalist. I have a backbone, and want everyone to be provided for, tell me, are you Christian?
I don't want you provided for. I want the opportunities you rail against provided for. Whether you use your supposed backbone and do something with it is your choice. and what has religion got to do with it?
What opportunities do I rail against? Please, tell me. Oh, just that Jesus advocated making sure everyone was cared for.
Well, Jesus wasn't a communist no matter how badly you want it. We don't live in a theocracy and anyone advocating marxism is anti-capitalist and against all capitalism offers. If all that boggles your mind you are even stupider than I thought.
When did I say Jesus was a communist? You don't apply political ideas to a Man from 2000 years ago. All I know is Jesus wanted everyone cared for. Of course I'm anti capitalist, as everything offered by capitalism can be acquired without it, and to better serve the workers.
I'm not, but if you think like I do, apparently your a nut job.
Not a nut job...well unless you think GOVERNMENT should impose your belief by force.
The people would own production and distribution methods, and the workers would own the state, you're an anarchist, so we have a similar goal in the end anyways.
Agreed, but the problem lies in the execution of your belief. The only way it can happen is by force...government force..and government force is merely giving certain individuals power. When power is granted to humans, they ALWAYS misuse it.
I, in the end, want to remove the state completely, but it can't be done immediately, I'm realistic.
I also want to get rid of the state completely.

However I think it is naive to expect the state to terminate itself, which is what communism does. It will never happen and as history shows, trying it leads to unfathomable suffering and death. Because a small elite of men are in control.

We must terminate the state quickly. Not in some slow methodical process.
I would advocate immediate revolution, but it would just create a massive power vacuum of some sort,
Well, Jesus wasn't a communist no matter how badly you want it. We don't live in a theocracy and anyone advocating marxism is anti-capitalist and against all capitalism offers. If all that boggles your mind you are even stupider than I thought.

That is because communism and a theocracy share the same actual political structure in reality.
Neither is a true form of political structure because they are both just oligarchies with special exceptions to who gets picked by who.

Well, Jesus wasn't a communist no matter how badly you want it. We don't live in a theocracy and anyone advocating marxism is anti-capitalist and against all capitalism offers. If all that boggles your mind you are even stupider than I thought.

That is because communism and a theocracy share the same actual political structure in reality.
Neither is a true form of political structure because they are both just oligarchies with special exceptions to who gets picked by who.

Utter bullshit. Communism calls for a stateless society without classes, you're referring to Marxism-Leninism and the subsequent theories, which are not theocratic.
Agreed, but the problem lies in the execution of your belief. The only way it can happen is by force...government force..and government force is merely giving certain individuals power. When power is granted to humans, they ALWAYS misuse it.

I think that goes back to the old adage ... "Power Corrupts" ... When in reality it is not true.

Power only gives you the tools necessary to corrupt if so choose to.
It is weakness that corrupts ... Fear, deceit, and the inability to do what is correct or responsible.
Desire and greed also corrupt weak people ... Power just allows them the ability to corrupt, use and abuse others.

I think that statement is correct. Nothing is more correct. It is because man is terribly flawed. Giving anyone great power leads to trouble. Man is weak.
Yeah, in reference to greed, capitalists top the charts.

That is an opinion not based in fact ... There are a lot more greedy people who never become successful capitalist.
Using your own assumptions as to the volume of either group ... You would in a sense defeat your own argument there.

Such is the way of the capitalist. I have a backbone, and want everyone to be provided for, tell me, are you Christian?
I don't want you provided for. I want the opportunities you rail against provided for. Whether you use your supposed backbone and do something with it is your choice. and what has religion got to do with it?
What opportunities do I rail against? Please, tell me. Oh, just that Jesus advocated making sure everyone was cared for.
Well, Jesus wasn't a communist no matter how badly you want it. We don't live in a theocracy and anyone advocating marxism is anti-capitalist and against all capitalism offers. If all that boggles your mind you are even stupider than I thought.
When did I say Jesus was a communist? You don't apply political ideas to a Man from 2000 years ago. All I know is Jesus wanted everyone cared for. Of course I'm anti capitalist, as everything offered by capitalism can be acquired without it, and to better serve the workers.
Jesus didn't preach theocracy. His message was to change the inner man, giving without faith was worthless. You are lost if you think he meant the state to do it. The problem is you don't understand the implications of your own words.

And no, everything cannot be acquired by other means. Just move to Venezuela and get your education. The fact is most Americans live in the 1% compared to the rest of the world. You can't see it due to your brainwashing but the rest of us can get a chuckle out of you anyway.

If you were a capitalist you could take your show on the road and have crowds howling in laughter.
Utter bullshit. Communism calls for a stateless society without classes, you're referring to Marxism-Leninism and the subsequent theories, which are not theocratic.

I was talking about communism as it exists ... Not what it is in theory.
You can express whatever desires you may have in regards to fairytales ... But it won't get you any closer to a goal of any kind.

Such is the way of the capitalist. I have a backbone, and want everyone to be provided for, tell me, are you Christian?
I don't want you provided for. I want the opportunities you rail against provided for. Whether you use your supposed backbone and do something with it is your choice. and what has religion got to do with it?
What opportunities do I rail against? Please, tell me. Oh, just that Jesus advocated making sure everyone was cared for.
Well, Jesus wasn't a communist no matter how badly you want it. We don't live in a theocracy and anyone advocating marxism is anti-capitalist and against all capitalism offers. If all that boggles your mind you are even stupider than I thought.
When did I say Jesus was a communist? You don't apply political ideas to a Man from 2000 years ago. All I know is Jesus wanted everyone cared for. Of course I'm anti capitalist, as everything offered by capitalism can be acquired without it, and to better serve the workers.
Jesus didn't preach theocracy. His message was to change the inner man, giving without faith was worthless. You are lost if you think he meant the state to do it. The problem is you don't understand the implications of your own words.

And no, everything cannot be acquired by other means. Just move to Venezuela and get your education. The fact is most Americans live in the 1% compared to the rest of the world. You can't see it due to your brainwashing but the rest of us can get a chuckle out of you anyway.

If you were a capitalist you could take your show on the road and have crowds howling in laughter.
When did I say that Jesus advocated for any of what you're saying? I simply said he wanted everyone to be cared for. Yes, it can, and Venezuela is socialist by claim, not not by actions. Yeah, America is a first world imperialist country, this is expected. I do see it, genius.
Utter bullshit. Communism calls for a stateless society without classes, you're referring to Marxism-Leninism and the subsequent theories, which are not theocratic.

I was talking about communism as it exists ... Not what it is in theory.
You can express whatever desires you may have in regards to fairytales ... But it won't get you any closer to a goal of any kind.

It doesn't exist at all, these countries don't even claim to be communist. Ok, keep spewing bile. They refer to themselves as socialist states or Marxist-Leninist states..
Of course, but when the system becomes so perverted and stacked in favor of the wealthy and connected, along with big government's terribly corrupt influences, we all don't get a fair shot.

There is no such thing as fair ... Life is not fair and never will be.
There are people who have made the extra sacrifices necessary to overcome obstacles that others never have to worry about.
People who sell their car to make their first investment in a business are not the same as people born into wealth ... But they can end up at the same place.

That's not fair ... But it is equitable ... And if you are not born with a silver spoon in your mouth, the more sacrifices you will have to make.
Of course some people are better connected ... And most likely because they did what was necessary to make those connections.
To sustain those connections and opportunities takes effort no matter whether or not your born into it ... And some people are more responsible than others.

I just don't waste what time I do have thinking about the way people doing the wrong things are screwing up.
I think of better processes to provide better products and services with the appropriate amount of accountability and responsibility.
I am not going to let some big-wig half assed jack-off tell me what I can or cannot do ... I am going to come in and slice the top off of the market for myself and let the jack-offs fight over the dregs at the bottom of the barrel.

If they want to make their millions screwing the people ... That is not how I run my business and not my problem.

I know it is just a stupid Nike commercial ... But whatever it takes ... People need to start dreaming, then buckle down and do what it takes to get there.
There will be pain and sacrifice ... And better yet, in business when you get the gold medal ... Some jack-ass will come along and say you don't deserve it.

Screw Them!

. is unfair no matter the system in effect.

However life becomes more and more unfair and unjust, when government becomes bigger and more powerful. This causes great dissatisfaction among the people and likely leads to bloodshed.
I think that statement is correct. Nothing is more correct. It is because man is terribly flawed. Giving anyone great power leads to trouble. Man is weak.

To the best of my knowledge that is why our Founding Fathers supported states rights over a stronger federal government.
The closer you make the accountability responsive to the people ... The more say-so the people have ... And the more limits the people can put on power.
That is even more evident at the local level.

I think that statement is correct. Nothing is more correct. It is because man is terribly flawed. Giving anyone great power leads to trouble. Man is weak.

To the best of my knowledge that is why our Founding Fathers supported states rights over a stronger federal government.
The closer you make the accountability responsive to the people ... The more say-so the people have ... And the more limits the people can put on power.
That is even more evident at the local level.

I agree, which is why we need the people to make decisions without a state. is unfair no matter the system in effect.

However life becomes more and more unfair and unjust, when government becomes bigger and more powerful. This causes great dissatisfaction among the people and likely leads to bloodshed.
You think in absolutes. Eliminating government will lead to more bloodshed, not less. If someone wants your shit they'll just kill you and take it.

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