Land of the Free

USA leads modern world in rich/poor gap, poverty, incarceration, and executions. And stupid voters lol...

u are wrong about the executuions. if china didnt execute 2000(versus the us with like 45) plus people their incarcerated rate would be higher, too. rat dupe

China is not the modern world, Pub dupe MORON. Think original EU, Canada, Japan, NZ, Oz. Arguing with Pub dupes, stupidest voters in the modern world. Just love being screwed by fast talking con men Pubs.

u r a fuckin idiot. plain and simple
china not part of the modern world LOL
The crime rate rocketed with Reaganism, like homelessness, poverty, middle class ruin, rich people's wealth, STUPID WARS, infrastucture falling apart, BS hateful propaganda, moron loudmouth GOP voters, corrupt bubbles, recessions, and real scandals etc. A disaster, hater dupes.

so basically his amnesty? LOL
dumb ignorant rat dupe HACK

You might think it would be China (with 1+ billion people and a restrictive government) or former Soviets still imprisoned in Russia.

Wrong. The United States has the most people in prison by far of any country in the world. With 5% of the world’s population, we have 25% of the world’s prisoners – 2.3 million criminals. China with a population 4 times our size is second with 1.6 million people in prison.

In 1972, 350,000 Americans were in imprisoned. In 2010, this number had grown to 2.3 million. Yet from 1988 – 2008, crime rates have declined by 25%.

Isn't anyone in the liberal media interested in why so many people are in prison when crime has dropped? WTF "liberal media"?

File:US incarceration timeline-clean-fixed-timescale.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you seriously gonna avoid the fact that this is largely the result of the Republican "get tough on crime" mantra that has engulfed the nation these last few decades?

The Republican answer to crime is always the same--longer, harsher sentencing guidelines, and bigger and more prisons. This is what it brought you.

The Republican mantra maybe longer and harsher sentences, but the Democratic mantra is making those long sentences as happy and comfortable as possible, so much so that the possibility of a prison term is not a threat but a promise, where one gets all the comforts of home without having to lift a finger to earn it, unless that finger was lifted in order to get that promotion from the gutter.
#22-RW idiocy^^ LOL

China is a highly developped, modern country, and the incarceration rate jumped under Reagan because of Mexicans! Ay caramba!
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#23- Sure, prison is great, and thanks to Pubs they aren't rehabbed and they just learn to be better criminals...BRILLIANT! Poverty and stupid cruelty, the Pub way. and angry white hater dupes rant all the way to the poorhouse lol.
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No, I'm telling you that prison terms in the U.S. are extremely excessive and counterproductive. Here's an example:

Some guy comes home to find out his wife is cheating on him. He gets mad and knocks out the other guy with a bat. He gets 15-25 years for assault with a deadly weapon, reckless endangerment, terroristic threats, domestic abuse, and cheating at cards (j/k). At a fiscal cost of $30k per year per inmate, and an immeasurable human cost, why wouldn't a prison term of 18 months be just as effective? Prison is prison. We have turned prison into a cultural subset.

This is sheer insanity.

In Europe, the crime of murder might bring a 15 year sentence. And their homicide rate is far, far lower.

You forgot attempted murder.

What would you suggest, a slap on the wrist?

My suggestion would be anyone who commits a violent crime is banished from society.
#22-RW idiocy^^ LOL

China is a highly developped, modern country, and the incarceration rate jumped under Reagan because of Mexicans! Ay caramba!

that is why u have 0 rep. even ur fellow bedwetters think ur a dumbass
I see the uptrend started in 1980. Therefore it must be Reagan's fault. Right?

Actually 1980 saw an increase in cocaine usage, followed by crack, followed by meth. Anyone who thinks drugs are a victimless crime has his head up his ass.
#23- Sure, prison is great, and thanks to Pubs they aren't rehabbed and they just learn to be better criminals...BRILLIANT! Poverty and stupid cruelty, the Pub way. and angry white hater dupes rant all the way to the poorhouse lol.

Rehabilitation is NOT the primary goal of prisons, and it should not be. It should be punishment first, and then if the prisoner demonstrated willingness to reform, be given a chance for rehabilitation.

Much as I hate the Bolsheviks, they did a few things right. Getting rid of the Russian royalty. Securing borders so that it was referred to as the Iron Curtain. Making prisoners work for their food.

If American prisoners had to earn their meals by working 12 hour days at hard labor, they would not be so anxious and eager to get back in prison for three square meals a day, comfortable and private accomodation and taxpayer provided TV and phone and internet access.

BTW, francoHFW, get a dictionary, enroll in basic English classes, learn English grammar, buy some brains, post as little as possible and when you do, try to avoid the words and ideas that made you the laughing stock of this forum.
Other countries have no problems killing people that deserve to die, check and see what the life expectancy of a drug dealer in China is. We just lock up most of our hardened criminals for life, as the population grows the prison populations will grow also because there are a certain percentage that will break the law.

Not to mention how hard we work to protect prisoners from each other. In some countries prisoners do not even get fed unless their families supply their food.

the local jail charges inmates for:
Jail uniforms
Interesting thread. I don't know if they still do so or not, but once upon a time in China if you were sentenced to death they would set you free, than sometime within the coming year they would sneak up from behind you and shoot you in the head. They were only out the cost of a bullet, and freed up prison space all at the same time.

To understand the increased prison population in America you simply have to follow the money just like anything else. The private prison industrial complex is booming, and means billions of dollars for the company's who gain the government contracts to build, secure, and maintain private prisons. Once built, than greedy politicians are happy to except campaign contributions to keep the new prisons full. It really is as simple as that.
Just asked G4S (formally Wakenhut)
Private prisons are a GOP and their cronies deal, like the scam private online colleges, the 2008 meltdown, S+L crisis, etc etc...a disgrace.
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#22-RW idiocy^^ LOL

China is a highly developped, modern country, and the incarceration rate jumped under Reagan because of Mexicans! Ay caramba!

that is why u have 0 rep. even ur fellow bedwetters think ur a dumbass

I disabled that, because only idiot RWers are obsessed with their circle jerk respect, just like their Pub Propaganda machine heroes. Useless hypocrite bought off charlatans and their ignorant loudmouth dupes...

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