Lara Logan admits liberal media bias

Same strawman argument over and over.

You mean the one you can never answer...

If you guys care so much about babies, why do you keep slashing programs for poor kids?

The whole point of a strawman argument is to create the "gotcha" moment. The issue here is you equate pro-life positions with requiring a government welfare state, which is of course bullshit.

Try harder.
The whole point of a strawman argument is to create the "gotcha" moment. The issue here is you equate pro-life positions with requiring a government welfare state, which is of course bullshit.

No, no, no... If you were "pro-life", you'd give a shit about those kids after the umbilical cord was cut.

The anti-abortion movement has always been about hating women... Shit, the Evangelicals didn't even give a shit until the 70's when they needed a new issue after losing on the segregation things and the gays hadn't come out of the closet yet.

This is how the One Percent controls the stupid. Get them angry about something. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
The whole point of a strawman argument is to create the "gotcha" moment. The issue here is you equate pro-life positions with requiring a government welfare state, which is of course bullshit.

No, no, no... If you were "pro-life", you'd give a shit about those kids after the umbilical cord was cut.

The anti-abortion movement has always been about hating women... Shit, the Evangelicals didn't even give a shit until the 70's when they needed a new issue after losing on the segregation things and the gays hadn't come out of the closet yet.

This is how the One Percent controls the stupid. Get them angry about something. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Sorry, dippy, but you don't get to set the parameters of the argument here. Not believing in expansive government welfare is not the same as "not giving a shit"

And back to the war on women bullshit.
Sorry, dippy, but you don't get to set the parameters of the argument here. Not believing in expansive government welfare is not the same as "not giving a shit"

And back to the war on women bullshit.

Sorry, I totally get to set the parameters. If you are for saving the fetuses and starving the babies, you are a hypocrite of the first order.
Sorry, dippy, but you don't get to set the parameters of the argument here. Not believing in expansive government welfare is not the same as "not giving a shit"

And back to the war on women bullshit.

Sorry, I totally get to set the parameters. If you are for saving the fetuses and starving the babies, you are a hypocrite of the first order.

No, you don't, you egomaniacal ass-twat.
Good for her.

I can think of three (3) people in my 18 years in that business who were conservative. I can picture their faces.

Baby steps. Somebody has to create, and then sustain, a momentum on this stuff.

Has it occurred to you that conservatives are largely too stupid to be journalists? You have to understand Science and History and stuff.

Heck Logan was a liberal until she wandered into the middle of a riot and some brown people copped a feel.

“Science, History and stuff”

What stuff? And you are an asshole for saying that about her. You deserve a punch in the face for that.
Science, History and stuff”

What stuff? And you are an asshole for saying that about her. You deserve a punch in the face for that.

Hey, you know what, when you do something reckless and then something bad happens to you, I don't work up a lot of sympathy. Camera crews refused to work with her because she was so reckless. Also had a bad habit of promoting false stories. And being an Islamophobic racist.

So she gets fired and she's whining about how liberal the press is?
Science, History and stuff”

What stuff? And you are an asshole for saying that about her. You deserve a punch in the face for that.

Hey, you know what, when you do something reckless and then something bad happens to you, I don't work up a lot of sympathy. Camera crews refused to work with her because she was so reckless. Also had a bad habit of promoting false stories. And being an Islamophobic racist.

So she gets fired and she's whining about how liberal the press is?
By a significant margin, the press is indeed liberal, whether she says so or not. You can't counter the weight of her statement, so you cravenly attack her. Misogyny, thy name is JoeB. You are such a slave to your ideology that you can and will attack anyone who dares to say otherwise. You are borderline entertaining, kind of like watching a drunk weaving down the sidewalk that you know will run into something every few feet, and you always find something to run into.
Science, History and stuff”

What stuff? And you are an asshole for saying that about her. You deserve a punch in the face for that.

Hey, you know what, when you do something reckless and then something bad happens to you, I don't work up a lot of sympathy. Camera crews refused to work with her because she was so reckless. Also had a bad habit of promoting false stories. And being an Islamophobic racist.

So she gets fired and she's whining about how liberal the press is?

Hey whatever you never wish sexual assault on a woman. Again you deserve a punch in the face.
By a significant margin, the press is indeed liberal, whether she says so or not. You can't counter the weight of her statement, so you cravenly attack her.

sure I can. She's so bad at her job she got fired from it. That's a counter, just a lot of sour grapes because she didn't follow the basic tenets of professional conduct.

Hey whatever you never wish sexual assault on a woman. Again you deserve a punch in the face.

Again, when it's an Islamophobic liar, it's funny.
By a significant margin, the press is indeed liberal, whether she says so or not. You can't counter the weight of her statement, so you cravenly attack her.

sure I can. She's so bad at her job she got fired from it. That's a counter, just a lot of sour grapes because she didn't follow the basic tenets of professional conduct.

Hey whatever you never wish sexual assault on a woman. Again you deserve a punch in the face.

Again, when it's an Islamophobic liar, it's funny.

What is Islamaphobia? Phobia means fear. I do not remotely fear Islam. Doesn’t mean I like or support it. You a Moslem, Joe? You Leftists throw out made up terms that make you look idiotic. You’re as bad as the Alt Right. But you do have one major item that you agree with the Alt Right on. You both hate Jews equally.

Back to your idiotic assertion. If she had a phobia or fear of Islam she would not have been in Egypt. Learn English. You’re embarrassing yourself.
By a significant margin, the press is indeed liberal, whether she says so or not. You can't counter the weight of her statement, so you cravenly attack her.

sure I can. She's so bad at her job she got fired from it. That's a counter, just a lot of sour grapes because she didn't follow the basic tenets of professional conduct.

Hey whatever you never wish sexual assault on a woman. Again you deserve a punch in the face.

Again, when it's an Islamophobic liar, it's funny.

It's not a counter, it's an unrelated attack. Her statement was on the liberalism of the press, not her career. You couldn't deal with that, so you attacked her. Misogynist.
What is Islamaphobia? Phobia means fear. I do not remotely fear Islam. Doesn’t mean I like or support it. You a Moslem, Joe? You Leftists throw out made up terms that make you look idiotic. You’re as bad as the Alt Right. But you do have one major item that you agree with the Alt Right on. You both hate Jews equally.

Buddy, the ONe Percent have you terrified of Muslims.... you are just too dumb to realize it..
What is Islamaphobia? Phobia means fear. I do not remotely fear Islam. Doesn’t mean I like or support it. You a Moslem, Joe? You Leftists throw out made up terms that make you look idiotic. You’re as bad as the Alt Right. But you do have one major item that you agree with the Alt Right on. You both hate Jews equally.

Buddy, the ONe Percent have you terrified of Muslims.... you are just too dumb to realize it..

Trust me. I am far from terrified. But you keep telling yourself that and I am not your buddy.
It's not a counter, it's an unrelated attack. Her statement was on the liberalism of the press, not her career. You couldn't deal with that, so you attacked her. Misogynist.

Well, no the fact she was fired for her massive unprofessional conduct really negates her sour grapes about her industry.
What is Islamaphobia? Phobia means fear. I do not remotely fear Islam. Doesn’t mean I like or support it. You a Moslem, Joe? You Leftists throw out made up terms that make you look idiotic. You’re as bad as the Alt Right. But you do have one major item that you agree with the Alt Right on. You both hate Jews equally.

Buddy, the ONe Percent have you terrified of Muslims.... you are just too dumb to realize it..

Funny how you didn’t answer me nor deny the fact that you hate Jews. You scared bro?
It's not a counter, it's an unrelated attack. Her statement was on the liberalism of the press, not her career. You couldn't deal with that, so you attacked her. Misogynist.

Well, no the fact she was fired for her massive unprofessional conduct really negates her sour grapes about her industry.

Doesn’t excuse you laughing about her sexual assault. You a Moslem?
Funny how you didn’t answer me nor deny the fact that you hate Jews. You scared bro?

I have no problem with Jews. I hope the fucking Zionists are pushed into the sea. The world would be a lot more peaceful if they were.

Doesn’t excuse you laughing about her sexual assault. You a Moslem?

Nope. I'm an atheist.

Our problem with Islam isn't their religion, the same religion they've had for 1000 years. It's our dumb policy of invading their land, and wondering why they get upset about it.
It's not a counter, it's an unrelated attack. Her statement was on the liberalism of the press, not her career. You couldn't deal with that, so you attacked her. Misogynist.

Well, no the fact she was fired for her massive unprofessional conduct really negates her sour grapes about her industry.

No it doesn't. The two are far from synonymous. It only does when you're desperate for a reason to discount what she says because you can't refute it. She has far more credibility on the subject than you do.
Funny how you didn’t answer me nor deny the fact that you hate Jews. You scared bro?

I have no problem with Jews. I hope the fucking Zionists are pushed into the sea. The world would be a lot more peaceful if they were.

Doesn’t excuse you laughing about her sexual assault. You a Moslem?

Nope. I'm an atheist.

Our problem with Islam isn't their religion, the same religion they've had for 1000 years. It's our dumb policy of invading their land, and wondering why they get upset about it.

These may be the two stupidest posts of all time. 99% of Jews are Zionists. Islam is not a religion but an evil ideology. You be dumb. He he he. Stupid little man. Let’s debate some more. Pick any topic you like. This is fun. I love Debating idiots.

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