Lara Trump’s RNC robocall falsely claims ‘massive fraud’ in 2020 election

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

I wonder if this actually helps their cause. Only nutters actually believe this. But all sentient adults know its a load of bollox.

They would be far better making other attack points

Biden is a crominal but Trump has only lost cicil cases that were rigged anyway..

Biden is virtually a vegetable but our guy is marginally less so.

Trump is on first name terms with Putin and Kim.Literally.

Mandela,Gandhi.Trump. Symbols of oppression.

Hunter Biden. Exactly !!

But it shouldnt really be allowed. Lying is a crime in advertising, Protect the public.

I wonder if this actually helps their cause. Only nutters actually believe this. But all sentient adults know its a load of bollox.

They would be far better making other attack points

Biden is a crominal but Trump has only lost cicil cases that were rigged anyway..

Biden is virtually a vegetable but our guy is marginally less so.

Trump is on first name terms with Putin and Kim.Literally.

Mandela,Gandhi.Trump. Symbols of oppression.

Hunter Biden. Exactly !!

But it shouldnt really be allowed. Lying is a crime in advertising, Protect the public.
Nothing says legitimate election like keeping citizens from seeing you count votes.

I wonder if this actually helps their cause. Only nutters actually believe this. But all sentient adults know its a load of bollox.

They would be far better making other attack points

Biden is a crominal but Trump has only lost cicil cases that were rigged anyway..

Biden is virtually a vegetable but our guy is marginally less so.

Trump is on first name terms with Putin and Kim.Literally.

Mandela,Gandhi.Trump. Symbols of oppression.

Hunter Biden. Exactly !!

But it shouldnt really be allowed. Lying is a crime in advertising, Protect the public.

Who knows, it may work it may not. Both sides lie in campaigns, it’s just how politics are.
"Nothing says legitimate election like keeping citizens from seeing you count votes."

I'm not sure, but I believe the poster W2020 wishes to depict the counting of 2020 ballots at the TCF Center in Detroit. If not the TCF Center then what follows ain't applicable to W20's post.

But, if it is some context:

Detroit allows 'observers' or 'challengers' to roam the counting center (all ballots in Detroit precincts are transported to a central counting room, rather than each precinct doing its own counts). But each party is allowed so many observers in the room.....134 each. That limit had been reached fairly early. But, in fact, more than 268 people came into the counting room and wandered among the counter's tables. And not all of them were polite, respectful, responsible. The counters have a job.....and some observers began being disruptive, harassing and video-taping the counters.
One jackass, a Republican observer, walked around in a full-face Guy Fawkes mask.....until ejected. As the disruptions persisted the authorities ejected the excess number of counters in order to get the numbers back down to a total of 268. Those ejected in that process and now outside the counting room began to bang on the windows and disrupting the process even more. The counters complained it was interfering with their work. Hence the taped-up paper screen on the windows.

Note: there were still 134 Republican observers inside the room, along with 134 Democrat observers.

Now, the poster, Weatheman 2020, simply may not have known of the procedures for the centralized Detroit count. Or, if he did, he is being disingenuous in an attempt to put a MAGA spin on the if the counting, and the count, were intentionally being secretive.
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I'm not sure, but I believe the poster W2020 wishes to depict the counting of 2020 ballots at the TCF Center in Detroit. If not the TCF Center then what follows ain't applicable to W20's post.

But, if it is some context:

Detroit allows 'observers' or 'challengers' to roam the counting center (all ballots in Detroit precincts are transported to a central counting room, rather than each precinct doing its own counts). But each party is allowed so many observers in the room.....134 each. That limit had been reached fairly early. But, in fact, more than 268 people came into the counting room and wandered among the counter's tables. And not all of them were polite, respectful, responsible. The counters have a job.....and some observers began being disruptive, harassing and video-taping the counters.
One jackass, a Republican observer, walked around in a full-face Guy Fawkes mask.....until ejected. As the disruptions persisted the authorities ejected the excess number of counters in order to get the numbers back down to a total of 268. Those ejected in that process and now outside the counting room began to bang on the windows and disrupt the process even more. The counters complained it was interfering with their work. Hence the taped-up paper screen on the windows.

Note: there were still 134 Republican observers inside the room, along with 134 Democrat observers.

Now, the poster, Weatheman 2020, simply may not have known of the procedures for the centralized Detroit count. Or, if he did, he is being disingenuous in an attempt to put a MAGA spin on the if the counting, and the count, were intentionally be secretive.
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