Large number of Austria MPs walk out on Zelensky

And what's the percentage of ETHNIC RUSSIANS in those areas and what was the vote tally to join Russia?
In Zaporizhzhia oblast not more than 30 percent. In Kherson oblast even fewer, by far.

There wasn't the vote tally, because there weren't any voting there.
And what's the percentage of ETHNIC RUSSIANS in those areas and what was the vote tally to join Russia?
What makes you think ethnic Russians would want to live under Putin's rule? And how can anything that happened after the Russian conquest of these areas be legal since the conquest, itself, is not?
What makes you think ethnic Russians would want to live under Putin's rule? And how can anything that happened after the Russian conquest of these areas be legal since the conquest, itself, is not?
Why would ethnic russians prefer Russia over Ukraine who has been bombing them for 8 years? Gee I wonder
Why would ethnic russians prefer Russia over Ukraine who has been bombing them for 8 years? Gee I wonder
Now you are again just repeating another one of Putin' lies. In the whole, only two countries, North Korea and Syria, accept Putin" claims about the annexed areas. Too the rest of the world they remain parts occupied Ukraine.
I think they're just tried of the Beggar King flying around the world with his hand out
The Austrian MPs are pretty dumb if they dont understand that they are opposing russian aggression for the sake of Austria as much as for Ukraine

Is the tide finally turning on this Grifting Beggar King? Time to negotiate peace?

What is this? Austrians speak German - but nothing in this video is German - although this might sound German in the ears of foreigners. If I interpret the pictures without text in the right way then the political Austrian party "FPÖ" placed cards with the text "Place for peace" on their places in a parliament. The FPÖ is an extreme right wing (=Nazi-like) political party.

I have by the way to warn the Austrians. Some time ago I had to do with a very strange interpretation of history which localised Austria in the Slawic area of Europe. I fear this means very clear that Russia plans in longer term to assimilate Austria. It could be a good idea for Austria to try to become a member of the NATO if she likes to stay independent and free.
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What is this? Austrians speak German - but nothing in this video is German - although this might sound German in the ears of foreigners. If I interpret the pictures without text in the right way then the political Austrian party "FPÖ" placed cards with the text "Place for peace" on their places in a parliament. The FPÖ is an extreme right wing (=Nazi-like) political party.
LOL everything you all don't like is far right Nazi party
LOL everything you all don't like is far right Nazi party

With other words: The FPÖ is anything else than a trustworthy political party. The Nazis always had been pragmatists. They say everything and nothing what brings them votes.

And "don't like" is not this what I see in Nazis. I remember a demonstration which crossed my way so I had been 2 yards far from a Nazi. What to say? He is still alive. What a lucky idiot. And my psychotherapist is proud on me.
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With other words: The FPÖ is anything else than a trustworthy political party. The Nazis always had been pragmatists. They say everything and nothing what brings them votes.

With other words: The FPÖ is anything else than a trustworthy political party. The Nazis always had been pragmatists. They say everything and nothing what brings them votes.
How many Nazis you know want Peace?
How many Nazis you know want Peace?

Idiot. I'm easily able to see that many Nazis support Putin. And it died more Ukrainians than Russians in the Donbass region in this "fake-racist-civil-war" made by Putin and his combatants from Russia. More simple: The problem there not had been the Ukrainians who lived there - and I guess also not the Russians who really lived there - the problem had been Putin and his criminals.
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Idiot. I'm easily able to see that many Nazis support Putin. And it died more Ukrainians than Russians in the Donbass region and this "fake-racist-civil-war" made by Putin and his combatants from Russia.
The Azov battalion fights for UKRAINE idiot

The Azov battalion fights for UKRAINE idiot

I am a much greater idiot than you are able to imagine. I do not have any light idea about what an Azov battalion could be and I fear when we Germans will really grow angry and we'll leave the NATO and the EU and will attack Russia then the Canadians will stop us with the words "Boys, you are here in Canada - not in Russia any longer!" and afterwards we will have to excuse us in Washington that we errorneorus also had conquered Alaska.

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