Larry Correia, when challenged to explain why Desantis is better than Trump.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Larry Corriea, a writer of novels, former accountant, shooting instructor.....when challenged to explain why Desantis is better than Trump.....goes through the list...

Though it is always hilarious to hear a Trump shill whine about someone else attacking and belittling others! Bitch ass hypocrites love to dish it out, but they sure can’t take it. Everybody reading for the last couple days is onto you guys’ scam. Revise history, make shit up, play innocent, then try to change the topic. Us normal Americans are tired of you trying to force us to play pretend in your goofy revenge fantasies.

But you want some reasons RDS is the better pick?

Okay. Far less stupid narcissistic baggage.
He isn’t the world champion of stepping on his own dick.
More conservative than Trump on pretty much every issue.
Doesn’t let democrats continually manipulate and roll him.
Actually electable to moderates and independents.
Flipped a purple state twenty points red and everybody other Trump world is sick of losing.
Supported Dhillon instead of Ronna Romney.
Sent illegal aliens to hang out with rich New Yorkers until they cried, which I’m sorry, is fucking hilarious.
Better Covid record. Like FAR better Covid record, while Trump turned the country over to malignant dwarf Fauci, Florida was the least stupid state.
Middle class dude who got to where he is off his own brains and work ethic.
Hasn’t had to pay off any porn stars as far as we know. One of the guys who started the Freedom caucus.
Great record as a governor.
Told Disney to get fucked.
Actually understands the culture war, while Trump has a boomer grasp of it, and sent his boy to tell us to leave poor Bud Lite alone because they are donors.
Gets the culture war enough he’s working with Rufo.
Told the teachers Union to get fucked. Doesn’t give a fuck about placating the media, while Trump is continually manipulated by them.
By the record he’s the better executive, and it would pretty much be impossible to be worse than Trump at hiring assholes.
And a super gigantic big glaring one shallow assholes love to ignore, he’s not 78.
America is sick of electing tired old senile men who look like they are gonna die soon.

This is all obvious shit which MAGA knew and loved about DeSantis until you fucking NPCs got your latest talking points downloaded and he magically turned into a RINO globalist. Trumps old, tired, and coasting on fame and victim points. Ron actually has to work for us and earn our votes rather than some entitled fucking bullshit about how we owe him, like you shit birds have been barking at me for days. So there you go,
I got to say, that was a brilliant DeSantis move - Sent illegal aliens to hang out with rich New Yorkers until they cried, which I’m sorry, is fucking hilarious.

And debating gruesome newsom was as is the quiet part of the primary cycle, nothing is happening, and he grabs the spotlight taking on the biggest leftists in the country, and bitch slapping him in front of 4.8 million interference from the other idiot republican candidates. this is why Trump is still attacking him constantly, Desantis is the real threat to both Trump and the democrats.
Too bad it won't make a difference. None of the Republicans running right now has a chance against Trump. He's the nominee, like it or not. Not sure why any of the others are even in the race. After NH and SC, it'll be over.
And let's be honest. No one wants a full blown fascist elected President. Especially not a governor that goes to war with one of his states biggest employers and sources of tax revenue.

Ron is a moron. And I wouldn't count the COVID chickens just yet. He's suppressed the real death toll in his state.
But it will come out...and people won't be happy. :)
I've already voted for DeSantis twice. Once more won't bother me.

Did, have any of you ever looked at who dimocrap FILTH ran against RDS for guvnor back in '18.

Gillum (I call him Gollum). Andrew Gillum was a typical dimocrap scumbag -- Phony. About everything. Married to a nice-looking lady but he had sexually perverted tastes. Very sexually perverted.

He was caught in a Hotel room with a White (Gollum is black) Male escort and what they found in that room, what they did to and in that room is seriously disgusting. I won't repeat it in here because I have too much respect for it.

You gotta look for it. The DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media has done its best to scrub it from the internet. But it can be found with some digging. Don't fall for the sanitized, homogenized and pasteurized garbage the FILTH In the LSM is trying to push. Look for it in the local papers.
Larry Corriea, a writer of novels, former accountant, shooting instructor.....when challenged to explain why Desantis is better than Trump.....goes through the list...

Flipped a purple state twenty points red and everybody other Trump world is sick of losing.
This is because of stronger voting security, not because DeeeSantis is any kind of political juggernaut.
Larry Corriea, a writer of novels, former accountant, shooting instructor.....when challenged to explain why Desantis is better than Trump.....goes through the list...

Though it is always hilarious to hear a Trump shill whine about someone else attacking and belittling others! Bitch ass hypocrites love to dish it out, but they sure can’t take it. Everybody reading for the last couple days is onto you guys’ scam. Revise history, make shit up, play innocent, then try to change the topic. Us normal Americans are tired of you trying to force us to play pretend in your goofy revenge fantasies.

But you want some reasons RDS is the better pick?

Okay. Far less stupid narcissistic baggage.
He isn’t the world champion of stepping on his own dick.
More conservative than Trump on pretty much every issue.
Doesn’t let democrats continually manipulate and roll him.

Actually electable to moderates and independents.
Flipped a purple state twenty points red and everybody other Trump world is sick of losing.
Supported Dhillon instead of Ronna Romney.
Sent illegal aliens to hang out with rich New Yorkers until they cried, which I’m sorry, is fucking hilarious.
Better Covid record. Like FAR better Covid record, while Trump turned the country over to malignant dwarf Fauci, Florida was the least stupid state.

Middle class dude who got to where he is off his own brains and work ethic.

Hasn’t had to pay off any porn stars as far as we know. One of the guys who started the Freedom caucus.
Great record as a governor.

Told Disney to get fucked.
Actually understands the culture war, while Trump has a boomer grasp of it, and sent his boy to tell us to leave poor Bud Lite alone because they are donors.

Gets the culture war enough he’s working with Rufo.
Told the teachers Union to get fucked. Doesn’t give a fuck about placating the media, while Trump is continually manipulated by them.
By the record he’s the better executive, and it would pretty much be impossible to be worse than Trump at hiring assholes.
And a super gigantic big glaring one shallow assholes love to ignore, he’s not 78.
America is sick of electing tired old senile men who look like they are gonna die soon.

This is all obvious shit which MAGA knew and loved about DeSantis until you fucking NPCs got your latest talking points downloaded and he magically turned into a RINO globalist. Trumps old, tired, and coasting on fame and victim points. Ron actually has to work for us and earn our votes rather than some entitled fucking bullshit about how we owe him, like you shit birds have been barking at me for days. So there you go,
He forgot one.

While cutting taxes, I balanced the budget and paid down 25% of Florida's debt. All in four years. <-- That should lead off every conversation regarding DeSantis.

The rest of it is spot on, except that Trump actively participated with Fauci to shut down our economy.
Too bad it won't make a difference. None of the Republicans running right now has a chance against Trump. He's the nominee, like it or not. Not sure why any of the others are even in the race. After NH and SC, it'll be over.
And let's be honest. No one wants a full blown fascist elected President. Especially not a governor that goes to war with one of his states biggest employers and sources of tax revenue.

Ron is a moron. And I wouldn't count the COVID chickens just yet. He's suppressed the real death toll in his state.
But it will come out...and people won't be happy. :)
That isn't true. The left loves their full-blown fascists. They elected Biden and continue to support him.

The charge of fascists against DeSantis is nothing more than lies and political character assassination.
Larry Corriea, a writer of novels, former accountant, shooting instructor.....when challenged to explain why Desantis is better than Trump.....goes through the list...

Though it is always hilarious to hear a Trump shill whine about someone else attacking and belittling others! Bitch ass hypocrites love to dish it out, but they sure can’t take it. Everybody reading for the last couple days is onto you guys’ scam. Revise history, make shit up, play innocent, then try to change the topic. Us normal Americans are tired of you trying to force us to play pretend in your goofy revenge fantasies.

But you want some reasons RDS is the better pick?

Okay. Far less stupid narcissistic baggage.
He isn’t the world champion of stepping on his own dick.
More conservative than Trump on pretty much every issue.
Doesn’t let democrats continually manipulate and roll him.

Actually electable to moderates and independents.
Flipped a purple state twenty points red and everybody other Trump world is sick of losing.
Supported Dhillon instead of Ronna Romney.
Sent illegal aliens to hang out with rich New Yorkers until they cried, which I’m sorry, is fucking hilarious.
Better Covid record. Like FAR better Covid record, while Trump turned the country over to malignant dwarf Fauci, Florida was the least stupid state.

Middle class dude who got to where he is off his own brains and work ethic.

Hasn’t had to pay off any porn stars as far as we know. One of the guys who started the Freedom caucus.
Great record as a governor.

Told Disney to get fucked.
Actually understands the culture war, while Trump has a boomer grasp of it, and sent his boy to tell us to leave poor Bud Lite alone because they are donors.

Gets the culture war enough he’s working with Rufo.
Told the teachers Union to get fucked. Doesn’t give a fuck about placating the media, while Trump is continually manipulated by them.
By the record he’s the better executive, and it would pretty much be impossible to be worse than Trump at hiring assholes.
And a super gigantic big glaring one shallow assholes love to ignore, he’s not 78.
America is sick of electing tired old senile men who look like they are gonna die soon.

This is all obvious shit which MAGA knew and loved about DeSantis until you fucking NPCs got your latest talking points downloaded and he magically turned into a RINO globalist. Trumps old, tired, and coasting on fame and victim points. Ron actually has to work for us and earn our votes rather than some entitled fucking bullshit about how we owe him, like you shit birds have been barking at me for days. So there you go,
He left out the fascism and racism. Not a surprise considering who he is.

Larry Correia's Monster hunter novels aren't terrible if you can get past the obvious RWNJisms and misogyny. A lot like a less mature David Drake but with a smaller vocabulary.
That isn't true. The left loves their full-blown fascists. They elected Biden and continue to support him.

The charge of fascists against DeSantis is nothing more than lies and political character assassination.
Biden isn't a fascist. Never has been.
On the other hand, DeSantis has openly waged war against one of his state's biggest employers for stating an opinion, taken part in banning books, and silencing prosecutors and state officials that don't agree with this policies.
That's about as fascist as you can get. Mussolini would be proud. It's also one of the big reasons (besides the fact he isn't Trump) he's not going to be the nominee for President. :)
Too bad it won't make a difference. None of the Republicans running right now has a chance against Trump. He's the nominee, like it or not. Not sure why any of the others are even in the race. After NH and SC, it'll be over.
And let's be honest. No one wants a full blown fascist elected President. Especially not a governor that goes to war with one of his states biggest employers and sources of tax revenue.

Ron is a moron. And I wouldn't count the COVID chickens just yet. He's suppressed the real death toll in his state.
But it will come out...and people won't be happy. :)

You can thank the Trump Cancel Culture for that. And almost all of the BS conspiracies they created about DeSantis.
Biden isn't a fascist. Never has been.
On the other hand, DeSantis has openly waged war against one of his state's biggest employers for stating an opinion, taken part in banning books, and silencing prosecutors and state officials that don't agree with this policies.
That's about as fascist as you can get. Mussolini would be proud. It's also one of the big reasons (besides the fact he isn't Trump) he's not going to be the nominee for President. :)
Biden IS a Fascist. He actively participates in silencing the masses and violates the First Amendment on a regular basis, all in the name of a centralized government.

DeSantis has openly PROTECTED children from an employer who was exploiting them while keeping their parents out of their right to control what they learn. He has not banned one single book, ever.

He FIRED prosecutors who deliberately and willfully refused to enforce Florida laws in direct violation of their Oaths to the Florida Constitution.

He is nothing like a Fascist and in fact, has worked tirelessly for the people of Florida.

You've to nothing.
Biden isn't a fascist. Never has been.
On the other hand, DeSantis has openly waged war against one of his state's biggest employers for stating an opinion, taken part in banning books, and silencing prosecutors and state officials that don't agree with this policies.
That's about as fascist as you can get. Mussolini would be proud. It's also one of the big reasons (besides the fact he isn't Trump) he's not going to be the nominee for President. :)

No, biden is an empty leftist suit, filling up with whatever will get him re-elected. The guys handling biden are the actual fascists....the true believers, the racists and anti-semites.
Biden IS a Fascist. He actively participates in silencing the masses and violates the First Amendment on a regular basis, all in the name of a centralized government.

DeSantis has openly PROTECTED children from an employer who was exploiting them while keeping their parents out of their right to control what they learn. He has not banned one single book, ever.

He FIRED prosecutors who deliberately and willfully refused to enforce Florida laws in direct violation of their Oaths to the Florida Constitution.

He is nothing like a Fascist and in fact, has worked tirelessly for the people of Florida.

You've to nothing.
I don't need to have anything. DeSantis behavior is out there for everyone to see. If his actions really resonated with voters, he'd be doing better in the polls.
But, again, he isn't Trump and people can smell a fascist a mile away. And that's why he's going to be out by Super Tuesday. You can cry all you'd like.

I don't need to have anything. DeSantis behavior is out there for everyone to see. If his actions really resonated with voters, he'd be doing better in the polls.
But, again, he isn't Trump and people can smell a fascist a mile away. And that's why he's going to be out by Super Tuesday. You can cry all you'd like.

Desantis is the exact opposite of a fascist.....if you want to know anything about democrats, listen to what they say about their political enemies...the democrats are doing the thing they accuse their enemies of doing.
Desantis is the exact opposite of a fascist.....if you want to know anything about democrats, listen to what they say about their political enemies...the democrats are doing the thing they accuse their enemies of doing.
Except I don't see any Democrat being a fascist. And sorry, asking major social media companies to enforce their own TOS is not censorship.

There are plenty of alt-right outlets that seem to be unencumbered by your claims of Democrat fascism. They print just about whatever they want.
Unless they are dumb enough to cross the line like they did with Dominion...and get their asses sued into oblivion. :)
This is because of stronger voting security, not because DeeeSantis is any kind of political juggernaut.

It's speaks volumes of DeSantis's ability to get the votes, under normal conditions. It doesn't seem like it now, because of Trumps cancel culture warriors.

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