Larry Correia....where are all the biden voters....with link....

Nobody could prove anything to an idiot, such as yourself who doesn't care about facts, so I won't try.
I have several times linked to year 2020 death counts world wide and in the USA there is no way according to the proven deaths that 4 million worldwide died and no wat 400000 died in the US to Covid.
They probably stopped talking to him because he was a crazy person.

let's get real here. Trump was perfectly fine with turning over Afghanistan to the Taliban, he signed the agreement.

Biden just refused to throw away more lives on a failed war... Good on him.

Only a Bleach-Drinker can claim 500,000 dead from Covid is no big deal, but 13 dead Marines (on top of the 10,000 already lost in the Forever War(TM) is suddenly this great national tragedy.
These 13 (10 marines btw)....didn't have to die. They die solely because of BIDEN incompetence and corrupt deals......Biden is solely responsible for their deaths. AND brace yourself, it is going to get worse...terror attacks coming to the US and Europe because JOE just encourage and told the muslims that allah wants them to attack the west by doing what he did.

TRump wanted an airwar to continue were insured that the fucking Taliban was stuck in the middle ages instead marching across open desserts un opposed to attack everyone.
Please post a link to HIS ACTUAL WORDS or else be shown for the idiot you are.

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They have no clue, they can't even count their votes in Iowa.”

“This is their new hoax,” Trump continued, adding that attacking the White House’s response to the coronavirus had become the Democratic Party’s “single talking point.”

So how many millions of people died from drinking bleach and fish tank cleaner, as opposed to your CHICOM virus? We have a little thing called "personal responsibility." I can see Biden-supporters lining to drink cyanide-laced Kool Aid because Biden said to, but who in their right mind would do something, just because Trump made a joke about it?

Uh, wasn't my Chicom virus, buddy, it was the virus Trump ignored for months because he didn't want to spook the markets...

Oh, yeah, and some Trump Supporters really did drink the bleach.

As for the Taliban, who didn't think they weren't going to take control of Afghanistan, after we left? It was an eventuality. Of course they knew we were leaving. But they weren't carrying out attacks on our bases because of the threat of retaliation Trump had promised them. Had he been reelected and his withdrawal plan taken place, 13 more American soldiers would not have died. There would not be American citizens trapped in Afghanistan, and the Taliban would not have taken control of weapons left lying around. The Biden administration fucked that up royally, and you people who supported him must share the blame.

Actually, they didn't attack because Trump gave them EVERYTHING THEY WANTED.

If they had followed Trump's plan, the troops would have been out in May, the Afghan Government would have still fallen in August, and then we'd have 10,000 Americans and no way to get them out.

But Trump would get on Twitter and blame them for it.
These 13 (10 marines btw)....didn't have to die. They die solely because of BIDEN incompetence and corrupt deals......Biden is solely responsible for their deaths. AND brace yourself, it is going to get worse...terror attacks coming to the US and Europe because JOE just encourage and told the muslims that allah wants them to attack the west by doing what he did.

TRump wanted an airwar to continue were insured that the fucking Taliban was stuck in the middle ages instead marching across open desserts un opposed to attack everyone.

Trump wanted this, Trump wanted that... pay attention to what he did, not what he said he wanted when he was dropping a deuce on twitter.

Trump sold out the Afghan Government, released 5000 Taliban prisoners and reduced the troop presense to 2500 to 13,600.

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They have no clue, they can't even count their votes in Iowa.”

“This is their new hoax,” Trump continued, adding that attacking the White House’s response to the coronavirus had become the Democratic Party’s “single talking point.”

Uh, wasn't my Chicom virus, buddy, it was the virus Trump ignored for months because he didn't want to spook the markets...

Oh, yeah, and some Trump Supporters really did drink the bleach.

Actually, they didn't attack because Trump gave them EVERYTHING THEY WANTED.

If they had followed Trump's plan, the troops would have been out in May, the Afghan Government would have still fallen in August, and then we'd have 10,000 Americans and no way to get them out.

But Trump would get on Twitter and blame them for it.

Unless you're an idiot, you'd know that the Democruds did in fact weaponize the Communist Chinese Murder Virus for their own political, purposes. The main purpose being to get rid of Trump, which is exactly what those murderous communist Chinese bastard friends of yours wanted. And you useful (Or should I say "fucking useless") idiots went along with the CHICOMS every step of the way. Now don't you feel like a total fool? Between you and I, you should. That is, unless you're totally devoid of anything remotely resembling a human conscience.

Now as for drinking bleach, you probably do that every day, Mr. Urban Apartment Dweller. Chlorinated drinking water is your friend, so go drink a gallon or two. Or three. Or four. Hope you don't choke from the lead in the water pipes. That would be a shame. As for myself, I'll take the water that comes out of my well, on my 100 acres of property. Or maybe even the cool clear spring water that flows through the creek on my land. Sucks to be an urban apartment dweller, don't it?

And be damned sure that President Trump would have followed the proper protocol for a full military withdrawal:

1. Remove all American citizens and Afghani assets.

2. Close the Military bases.

3. Destroy in place all US military assets.

4. Pull the fuck out of that shithole.

5. Continue turning terrorist planners into greasy spots on the road, by way of drone strikes that actually hit the intended targets. Unlike Biden's drone strike that killed some children.

6. Put the screws on whatever "government" is formed in Afghanistan, through harsh economic sanctions, maybe even refusing to give them cookies and ice cream on President Trump's birthday.

Now you see? This is why we folks prefer real leaders like Donald J. Trump, as opposed to that lying, cowardly, scumbag POS you voted for.

Why am I even wasting my time and effort on you? Idiots like yourself could have taught those WW2 Imperialist Japanese soldiers some valuable life's lessons: Like maximizing the amount of time they could have hidden out in those caves after the war was over. Drinking their own piss to keep from dehydrating. Sniping at American troops, even though Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been utterly destroyed.

Or better yet, those last few remaining hardcore Nazi fuckers who held out in the Berlin bunkers, after Hitler blew his brains out. Those whose solemn duty was to fight to the last drop of their blood.

You and they seem to have much in common. But at least they have become a useful, productive society since then. As for yourself, I have very little doubt that you ever will amount to anything other than what you are now.

Sad, ain't it?
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So how many millions of people died from drinking bleach and fish tank cleaner, as opposed to your CHICOM virus? We have a little thing called "personal responsibility." I can see Biden-supporters lining to drink cyanide-laced Kool Aid because Biden said to, but who in their right mind would do something, just because Trump made a joke about it?

Come on, really? Seriously?

You have no proof that anyone ever contacted coronavirus, as a result of attending a Trump rally. Of course we all know how many people died as a result of the policies of leftist idiots like Coumo, right? Even Obama recently had what could be called a "super spreader event", where nobody was wearing masks.

As for the Taliban, who didn't think they weren't going to take control of Afghanistan, after we left? It was an eventuality. Of course they knew we were leaving. But they weren't carrying out attacks on our bases because of the threat of retaliation Trump had promised them. Had he been reelected and his withdrawal plan taken place, 13 more American soldiers would not have died. There would not be American citizens trapped in Afghanistan, and the Taliban would not have taken control of weapons left lying around. The Biden administration fucked that up royally, and you people who supported him must share the blame.
What a complete idiot. Stop crying, pussy. You don't even care about this. You are an 'political activist' looking to score magaturd political points.

Go fuck yourself.
Unless you're an idiot, you'd know that the Democruds did in fact weaponize the Communist Chinese Murder Virus for their own political, purposes. The main purpose being to get rid of Trump, which is exactly what those murderous communist Chinese bastard friends of yours wanted. And you useful (Or should I say "fucking useless") idiots went along with the CHICOMS every step of the way. Now don't you feel like a total fool? Between you and I, you should. That is, unless you're totally devoid of anything remotely resembling a human conscience.

Uh, actually, we aren't the ones who made Trump fumble the response to Covid... he did that all on his own.

Covid COULD have been Trump's moment to shine, kind of like 9/11 was Bush's moment to shine (even if you forget he ignored warnings about the attacks and did nothing to tighten up security before them.) All he had to do was show leadership and empathy, but he wasn't capable of that.

The reason why the Dem Governors ended up leading the charge was a LACK of leadership from Washington.

Now as for drinking bleach, you probably do that every day, Mr. Urban Apartment Dweller. Chlorinated drinking water is your friend, so go drink a gallon or two. Or three. Or four. Hope you don't choke from the lead in the water pipes. That would be a shame. As for myself, I'll take the water that comes out of my well, on my 100 acres of property. Or maybe even the cool clear spring water that flows through the creek on my land. Sucks to be an urban apartment dweller, don't it?
Um, yeah, my guess.. you drink well water that is probably contaminated by seepage from septic tanks and insecticides, Cleetus.

And be damned sure that President Trump would have followed the proper protocol for a full military withdrawal:
He had four years to do that.. He didn't do any of those things. Instead he signed the country over to the Taliban and hoped the next guy would have to deal with the consequences.

Why am I even wasting my time and effort on you? Idiots like yourself could have taught those WW2 Imperialist Japanese soldiers some valuable life's lessons: Like maximizing the amount of time they could have hidden out in those caves after the war was over. Drinking their own piss to keep from dehydrating. Sniping at American troops, even though Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been utterly destroyed.

Or better yet, those last few remaining hardcore Nazi fuckers who held out in the Berlin bunkers, after Hitler blew his brains out. Those whose solemn duty was to fight to the last drop of their blood.

Here's the thing. Those wars and their aftermaths were done by Democrats... And unlike Republican, they didn't think, 'How can we drag this thing out for years so our Corporate Buddies at Halliburton can make a profit?"

Instead, they called for a draft. They made the rich pay for the war. They rationed commodities to fight the war effort. And after the war, instead of just finding corrupt quislings like Maliki and Karzai who quickly came to be hated by their own people, we actually built real democracy and put into place the kinds of New Deal reforms that elevated this country. As a result, Germany and Japan were back as major economic powers by the 1960s....

As opposed to Afghanistan and Iraq that are still shitholes 20 years after we invaded them.
Trump wanted this, Trump wanted that... pay attention to what he did, not what he said he wanted when he was dropping a deuce on twitter.

Trump sold out the Afghan Government, released 5000 Taliban prisoners and reduced the troop presense to 2500 to 13,600.
Yes, when you are pulling troops out, you reduce their numbers in an orderly fashion working your way down.
Yes, when you are pulling troops out, you reduce their numbers in an orderly fashion working your way down.

Except that wasn't an orderly fashion. An orderly fashion would have been making sure the Afghan Army could stand up when we stood down.

And then we acted all surprised when Afghans were unwilling to die on our behalf.
Except that wasn't an orderly fashion. An orderly fashion would have been making sure the Afghan Army could stand up when we stood down.

And then we acted all surprised when Afghans were unwilling to die on our behalf.
How you gonna do that beyond training them and giving them everything they need? We did make sure they could stand up. Don't know how we could have made them stand up.
Uh, actually, we aren't the ones who made Trump fumble the response to Covid... he did that all on his own.

Covid COULD have been Trump's moment to shine, kind of like 9/11 was Bush's moment to shine (even if you forget he ignored warnings about the attacks and did nothing to tighten up security before them.) All he had to do was show leadership and empathy, but he wasn't capable of that.

The reason why the Dem Governors ended up leading the charge was a LACK of leadership from Washington.

Um, yeah, my guess.. you drink well water that is probably contaminated by seepage from septic tanks and insecticides, Cleetus.

He had four years to do that.. He didn't do any of those things. Instead he signed the country over to the Taliban and hoped the next guy would have to deal with the consequences.

Here's the thing. Those wars and their aftermaths were done by Democrats... And unlike Republican, they didn't think, 'How can we drag this thing out for years so our Corporate Buddies at Halliburton can make a profit?"

Instead, they called for a draft. They made the rich pay for the war. They rationed commodities to fight the war effort. And after the war, instead of just finding corrupt quislings like Maliki and Karzai who quickly came to be hated by their own people, we actually built real democracy and put into place the kinds of New Deal reforms that elevated this country. As a result, Germany and Japan were back as major economic powers by the 1960s....

As opposed to Afghanistan and Iraq that are still shitholes 20 years after we invaded them.
The US was able to rebuild Germany and Japan because liberals weren’t able to interfere with the conduct of the war and make the people who were fighting and dying be nice to the ene,it’s of the USA. We destroyed their societies and rebuilt them in our image. That wouldn’t have happened under modern liberals.
The US was able to rebuild Germany and Japan because liberals weren’t able to interfere with the conduct of the war and make the people who were fighting and dying be nice to the ene,it’s of the USA. We destroyed their societies and rebuilt them in our image. That wouldn’t have happened under modern liberals.

I can't imagine what World War 2 would have been like with democrats like the ones we have today......
The US was able to rebuild Germany and Japan because liberals weren’t able to interfere with the conduct of the war and make the people who were fighting and dying be nice to the ene,it’s of the USA. We destroyed their societies and rebuilt them in our image. That wouldn’t have happened under modern liberals.

Actually, FDR was far more liberal than today's Democrats.

I can't imagine what World War 2 would have been like with democrats like the ones we have today......

You don't have to imagine... WW2 was actually run by Democrats...

They did exactly what you need to do to win a war. They taxed the rich (instead of putting the war on a credit card) took over key industries vital to the war effort, instituted conscription, etc.

As opposed to the Republicans who just saw the Forever War as a way to make profits for Haliburton and the defense contractors.
They did exactly what you need to do to win a war. They taxed the rich (instead of putting the war on a credit card) took over key industries vital to the war effort, instituted conscription, etc.

FDR turned the US Socialist
He took over all resources, the workforce, wages and price of goods. He even told manufacturers what they could build.

Conservatives would have run the war on a for profit basis with manufacturers building whatever they want and critical resources going to the highest bidder

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