Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Then make it easier to institutionalize someone, or use a judicial proceeding to restrict their access to firearms.

The NRA's issue is that most of these "take the guns" laws skip the judicial step and leave it to some bureaucrat to make the decision.

Right, because clearly we should wait until a whole legal process has played out before taking a crazy person's guns.

What's the worst that can happen?

Oh, yeah. What happened today.

You object to due process?

Somehow I'm not surprised
You don’t know what the word, “racist,” means, ya moron. He doesn’t look Muslim.

Remember this gem ya dumb bitch? Care to share anymore of your worldly knowledge with us?

Islamic State takes credit for Las Vegas massacre — says attacker recently convert to Islam
I know it's too soon for firm evidence....but do you think that to be true? or the Islamic State trying to take some credit for something that had nothing to do with them in reality?
Fits the MO... Dan Bernardino, and Orlando...
Oklahoma City.....Sandy Hook....Charleston.....
Indeed. Leftists...
You think McVeigh, the Republican NRA member, was leftist?? :cuckoo:

What kind of machine gun? .30 cal? .50? Foreign?

Screws me. Listen to the tape, the shots were coming out extremely quickly, that's all I can tell you.

You can't hear any separation between the shots.
Just a lengthy burst and then a pause then another lengthy burst

Seems like he had multiple automatic rifles
Automatics are simple enough to trace from day one.They were either registered to the US Nazi regime, another nation or registered to a private owner and stolen( very doubtful) My guess is they were foreign.OR... Maybe the got them from the CIA deal in Mexico, Obamas pals. The girl DID say the people who warned them were short Latinos. It's not hard to make somebody do whatever you want. Old Colombian/CIA trick Female 'Devil's Breath' criminals are blowing drug powder in victim's faces | Daily Mail Online

It doesn’t matter if the guy was a Republican or a Democrat. What he was was crazy and 50 of more people are dead regardless of which political party he may have belonged to. What needs to be done is something to try and prevent nut cases like him from getting their hands on military grade weapons.

Like laws keeping gun out of mentally unstable people? Laws which the NRA opposes.

Back a year or two ago the Republicans introduced a bill to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill and to incorporate that data into the NICS system but the Democrats voted it down with Cloture.

So that pretty well means that the Democrats are against keeping guns out of mentally unstable people, doesn't it?

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

But Democrats resoundingly rejected the GOP background check measure, arguing it would do little to make sure potential criminals or terrorists couldn’t buy a gun.
His brother didn't think he was nuts. It sounds like the guy had a complete personality change in a very short time. (His brother lives in Florida, so obviously he didn't see him on a daily basis.)
The police had no history with the guy, except a citation from years prior. If they knew him, it wasn't things for which he had been arrested.
And I heard a female companion of his jumped on the stage and screamed "You are all going to die." But it wasn't his girlfriend--police say she was out of the country at the time. So was that a rumor that isn't true?

I get the feeling that woman is an operative through and through.

Lots of ISIS in the Phillipines and she wasn't living with her husband. Marriage for citizenship, perhaps?
The complete personality change, a guy that age, maybe it WAS ISIS recruitment. Or he was going through plain old garden variety suicidal/homicidal rage. I'm going out and I'm taking as many people with me as I can. Didn't they say girlfriend was not living with him? 64, relationship washed up, not much hope of a redo on any front at our age. So it will be interesting to know what they come up with for motivation.
I don't recall many mass shootings that ISIS claimed responsibility for that weren't ISIS ideology related; can you?

Some people are just frelling whackjobs.
I know many people personally and know of thousands of people in my county that have easy access to guns and don't kill anyone and never will.

That's what this terrorist's friends and family said also


It's still not proof that easy access to guns makes one more likely to kill.

It's proof that the killer is more likely to kill more people only because they are easily available.

Cars and trucks are as available, and boy do they use them a lot!

So when will you call for the banning of automobiles, planes and bombs!?!

Just not in this case, dope. The preference was for the readily available and easily accessed rifles. They proved to be very effective.

Well fucktard McVeigh used a truck to blow up kids, and did you call for the banning of trucks?

Of course not.

Trucks have been used in terrorist attacks but you just shrug it off but let a gun be used and you call for repealing the Second Amendment.

So let cut the shit and admit you ignore the fact the gun is just one tool for terrorists.

A truck isn't a gun. A gun cannot destroy a multi story building. A truck cannot be used from a 32nd floor window. This guy used what he had in the manner he was comfortable with. It was very simple and very effective. So much so that he now holds the record.
Okay. That would be the gun manufacturers of America, but I don't see that happening. Or are you talking about the trickle of guns that were used to try to catch gun runners?

So you're blaming GM because someone uses a car they manufactured, to plow into and kill others?

I could be snarky and say, "Let's start in USMB", but the fact is, those places were cruel and didn't do much to help the people in them.

So could I have been. Nice that you followed my lead and refrained.

Again, not seeing how any of these prevents a crazy person like the guy today from going on a mass shooting. It seems like you are trying to point to everything else in the room to deflect.

And you apparently have already decided that this guy has no criminal record or terrorist affiliations. Why not wait and see?
The police have already said the murderer has no criminal record.
Just read he had 10 rifles, not hand guns, rifles. Lawyers will be going after some of that $1 billion of that bottom line. Excuse me while I buy some leap puts on MGM Resorts.

It's too bad we can't sue the gun industry as easily.

IF that were allowed, I assure you the Auto Industry and hammer industry and knife industry would be next

Such a stupid argument. Cars are replete with safety features, many mandated by law. Roads have rules for safety and are patrolled by police. If guns were regulated as well there would be fewer problems.

Guns aren't regulated? Silly wabbit!

Gun laws in the United States by state - Wikipedia

I can not believe that individual is still believing that guns are not regulated. I bet you the poster also believe cars are driven legally and never used in a illegal manner that causes deaths!?!

I long ago ceased being amazed at the galactic ignorance of most progs.

It's proof that the killer is more likely to kill more people only because they are easily available.

Ten years ago I had about 25 firearms. Now I have 50 firearms.

So according to you I am now twice as likely to kill people than I was ten years ago??

Is that the convoluted way that you idiot Moon Bats think?

That's not what I said at all. If a guy chooses firearms to kill, their availability makes it very easy to do so. It's a very effective option as we have seen.

So is a truck and car...

Just not in this case.
He was probably a white NRA member working on a castle doctrine case.
It doesn’t matter if the guy was a Republican or a Democrat. What he was was crazy and 50 of more people are dead regardless of which political party he may have belonged to. What needs to be done is something to try and prevent nut cases like him from getting their hands on military grade weapons.

Like laws keeping gun out of mentally unstable people? Laws which the NRA opposes.

Back a year or two ago the Republicans introduced a bill to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill and to incorporate that data into the NICS system but the Democrats voted it down with Cloture.

So that pretty well means that the Democrats are against keeping guns out of mentally unstable people, doesn't it?

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

But Democrats resoundingly rejected the GOP background check measure, arguing it would do little to make sure potential criminals or terrorists couldn’t buy a gun.

So you post an article that doesn't prove your point?

The point is that Democrats opposed an improvement in the mental health accountability to the NICS system so don't blame the NRA.
Within his first two months as president, Donald Trump repealed without public display an Obama administration gun regulation that prevented certain individuals with mental health conditions from buying firearms.
Just read he had 10 rifles, not hand guns, rifles. Lawyers will be going after some of that $1 billion of that bottom line. Excuse me while I buy some leap puts on MGM Resorts.

It's too bad we can't sue the gun industry as easily.

IF that were allowed, I assure you the Auto Industry and hammer industry and knife industry would be next

Such a stupid argument. Cars are replete with safety features, many mandated by law. Roads have rules for safety and are patrolled by police. If guns were regulated as well there would be fewer problems.

Guns aren't regulated? Silly wabbit!

Gun laws in the United States by state - Wikipedia

I can not believe that individual is still believing that guns are not regulated. I bet you the poster also believe cars are driven legally and never used in a illegal manner that causes deaths!?!
Firearms are manufactured for killing people, cars are not.

The Newsweek article mentions false claims by ISIS, yes.

Right now we don't know the motivation of the shooter.

We don't know if he was simply nuts or had a specific agenda.

Both ANTIFA and ISIS have taken credit for the shooting. Either one could be correct or both could be false.

We will see where it goes.
Trump supporter?
How did you confirm he wasn't Muslim, with only a picture? You forgot to reply to your racist comment.
You don’t know what the word, “racist,” means, ya moron. He doesn’t look Muslim.

Remember this gem ya dumb bitch? Care to share anymore of your worldly knowledge with us?

Islamic State takes credit for Las Vegas massacre — says attacker recently convert to Islam
You poor dumbfuck. That hasn’t been confirmed. Just a few minutes ago, I saw another one of you cult members showing a tweet where Antifa claimed responsibility.

But keep your hopes and prayers alive
Someone's hoping, and praying... And it's not this guy. Don't worry. I'll never let you forget.
Yes, it’s you who’s hoping and praying. You want him to be a Muslim because that fits your political agenda.
I do not believe repealing the 2nd Amendment would be easy.
It’s impossible, unrealistic, and wouldn’t solve this problem.
I agree with the first two parts of your statement but not the third.
Firearm confiscation would result in millions of people on both sides dying… Dip shit
Watch your language or your arguments will not be refuted by me. Turning in firearms did not result in mass murders in Australia.

So what!

Australia population is a hell of a lot smaller than the U.S. and you are still allow to hunt down there, so you did not solve your damn problem still.

Also educate yourself because your argument is based on your ignorance of the law here in the states!

You don't like being called a moron then stop acting like one you wannabe dictator!
Americans seem unable to learn from modern democracies.

It's still not proof that easy access to guns makes one more likely to kill.

It's proof that the killer is more likely to kill more people only because they are easily available.

Cars and trucks are as available, and boy do they use them a lot!

So when will you call for the banning of automobiles, planes and bombs!?!

Just not in this case, dope. The preference was for the readily available and easily accessed rifles. They proved to be very effective.

Well fucktard McVeigh used a truck to blow up kids, and did you call for the banning of trucks?

Of course not.

Trucks have been used in terrorist attacks but you just shrug it off but let a gun be used and you call for repealing the Second Amendment.

So let cut the shit and admit you ignore the fact the gun is just one tool for terrorists.

A truck isn't a gun. A gun cannot destroy a multi story building. A truck cannot be used from a 32nd floor window. This guy used what he had in the manner he was comfortable with. It was very simple and very effective. So much so that he now holds the record.

McVeigh was comfortable with a firearm, so why didn't he use one?

Also the 9/11 terrorists killed more people with planes and all they needed to do was use guns because according to you it is easier.
Okay. That would be the gun manufacturers of America, but I don't see that happening. Or are you talking about the trickle of guns that were used to try to catch gun runners?

So you're blaming GM because someone uses a car they manufactured, to plow into and kill others?

I could be snarky and say, "Let's start in USMB", but the fact is, those places were cruel and didn't do much to help the people in them.

So could I have been. Nice that you followed my lead and refrained.

Again, not seeing how any of these prevents a crazy person like the guy today from going on a mass shooting. It seems like you are trying to point to everything else in the room to deflect.

And you apparently have already decided that this guy has no criminal record or terrorist affiliations. Why not wait and see?
The Sheriff did a press briefing this a.m. saying he had no criminal record. FBI had no terrorist affiliations on their list. What are we supposed to wait and see about?
Well Hillary and Pocahontas are bitching about the NRA and gun control....what about Chicago? Hell there are 50 killed every weekend
Well Hillary and Pocahontas are bitching about the NRA and gun control....what about Chicago? Hell there are 50 killed every weekend
I know many people personally and know of thousands of people in my county that have easy access to guns and don't kill anyone and never will.

That's what this terrorist's friends and family said also


It's still not proof that easy access to guns makes one more likely to kill.

It's proof that the killer is more likely to kill more people only because they are easily available.

Cars and trucks are as available, and boy do they use them a lot!

So when will you call for the banning of automobiles, planes and bombs!?!

Just not in this case, dope. The preference was for the readily available and easily accessed rifles. They proved to be very effective.

Well fucktard McVeigh used a truck to blow up kids, and did you call for the banning of trucks?

Of course not.

Trucks have been used in terrorist attacks but you just shrug it off but let a gun be used and you call for repealing the Second Amendment.

So let cut the shit and admit you ignore the fact the gun is just one tool for terrorists.

Stupid argument.

Trucks serve a purpose.

Guns have but one.
You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.
I've never seen a rifle semi or not chase anyone down the street and kill anybody… Have you?
People with rifles kill innocent American people.
It doesn’t matter if the guy was a Republican or a Democrat. What he was was crazy and 50 of more people are dead regardless of which political party he may have belonged to. What needs to be done is something to try and prevent nut cases like him from getting their hands on military grade weapons.

Like laws keeping gun out of mentally unstable people? Laws which the NRA opposes.

Back a year or two ago the Republicans introduced a bill to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill and to incorporate that data into the NICS system but the Democrats voted it down with Cloture.

So that pretty well means that the Democrats are against keeping guns out of mentally unstable people, doesn't it?

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

But Democrats resoundingly rejected the GOP background check measure, arguing it would do little to make sure potential criminals or terrorists couldn’t buy a gun.

So you post an article that doesn't prove your point?

The point is that Democrats opposed an improvement in the mental health accountability to the NICS system so don't blame the NRA.
Within his first two months as president, Donald Trump repealed without public display an Obama administration gun regulation that prevented certain individuals with mental health conditions from buying firearms.
Indeed he did

Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions
You conveniently omit that Adam Lanza killed his mother and stole her guns but hey why be truthful.

As far as I know Lanza didn't buy any guns himself.

Adam Lanza was freak'n crazy and everyone knew it. Our laws do nothing to try to prevent crazy people from gaining access to guns with large firing capacity. Holmes was crazy, Loughner was crazy, the gunman at Virginia Tech was crazy....this guy in Vegas was probably crazy

We don't care...God forbid a crazy person be blocked from access the weapons of his choice
I read on that this guy has a pilots license and access to two planes. Take away the guns and he'd have flown a plane into 22,000 people. Or. Driven a truck though them...or who knows what. Blame the guy...don't use a maniac to push your anti-gun agenda.

Bull Shit

No reason this monster should have access to automatic weapons....None
No reason we should tolerate leftist ideology... Guns are protected by the Constitution. Leftist ideology isn't...
Machine guns are illegal, even republicans admit that

illegal, no

but the requirements for owning one is almost prohibitive for most buyers

It's proof that the killer is more likely to kill more people only because they are easily available.

Ten years ago I had about 25 firearms. Now I have 50 firearms.

So according to you I am now twice as likely to kill people than I was ten years ago??

Is that the convoluted way that you idiot Moon Bats think?

That's not what I said at all. If a guy chooses firearms to kill, their availability makes it very easy to do so. It's a very effective option as we have seen.

So is a truck and car...

Just not in this case.

So in this case let repeal the second amendment but when trucks are used let blame the individual instead, right?
Just read he had 10 rifles, not hand guns, rifles. Lawyers will be going after some of that $1 billion of that bottom line. Excuse me while I buy some leap puts on MGM Resorts.

It's too bad we can't sue the gun industry as easily.

IF that were allowed, I assure you the Auto Industry and hammer industry and knife industry would be next

Such a stupid argument. Cars are replete with safety features, many mandated by law. Roads have rules for safety and are patrolled by police. If guns were regulated as well there would be fewer problems.

Guns aren't regulated? Silly wabbit!

Gun laws in the United States by state - Wikipedia

Regulated as well as cars, dope. I swear you're all functionally illiterate. Either that or you're not native speakers.
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