Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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He was probably a white NRA member working on a castle doctrine case.
It doesn’t matter if the guy was a Republican or a Democrat. What he was was crazy and 50 of more people are dead regardless of which political party he may have belonged to. What needs to be done is something to try and prevent nut cases like him from getting their hands on military grade weapons.

Like laws keeping gun out of mentally unstable people? Laws which the NRA opposes.

Back a year or two ago the Republicans introduced a bill to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill and to incorporate that data into the NICS system but the Democrats voted it down with Cloture.

So that pretty well means that the Democrats are against keeping guns out of mentally unstable people, doesn't it?

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

But Democrats resoundingly rejected the GOP background check measure, arguing it would do little to make sure potential criminals or terrorists couldn’t buy a gun.

So you post an article that doesn't prove your point?

The point is that Democrats opposed an improvement in the mental health accountability to the NICS system so don't blame the NRA.
"The 1938 Regulations Against Jews' Possession of Weapons, which came into force the day after Kristallnacht,[10][11] effectively deprived all Jews living under the Third Reich of the right to possess any form

Okay, here's the thing. Hitler came into power in 1933. SO this was not "one of the first things he did", like you said.

The thing was, even if the Jews had guns, the Nazis had Tanks.

Tank beats gun.
One of the first actions of Hitler was confiscate the guns from Jews.
How'd that work out?

1) Not true. Hitler actually loosened the gun laws the Weimar Republic had imposed.
2) If you were a German Jew, you had a 75% chance of surviving the war. Most of the Jews who were killed in the Holocaust were in countries the Nazis conquered or had allied themselves with Germany.

Bullshit. The facts are they were tightened to where you had to be a member of the nazi Party to obtain a gun permit.
So you're saying the firearms control people?
Nope. This guy used a machine gun to carry out his task. A Super Soaker probably wouldn't have cut it.
What kind of machine gun? .30 cal? .50? Foreign?

Screws me. Listen to the tape, the shots were coming out extremely quickly, that's all I can tell you.

You can't hear any separation between the shots.
Just a lengthy burst and then a pause then another lengthy burst

Seems like he had multiple automatic rifles
Automatics are simple enough to trace from day one.They were either registered to the US Nazi regime, another nation or registered to a private owner and stolen( very doubtful) My guess is they were foreign.OR... Maybe the got them from the CIA deal in Mexico, Obamas pals. The girl DID say the people who warned them were short Latinos. It's not hard to make somebody do whatever you want. Old Colombian/CIA trick Female 'Devil's Breath' criminals are blowing drug powder in victim's faces | Daily Mail Online

He was probably a white NRA member working on a castle doctrine case.
It doesn’t matter if the guy was a Republican or a Democrat. What he was was crazy and 50 of more people are dead regardless of which political party he may have belonged to. What needs to be done is something to try and prevent nut cases like him from getting their hands on military grade weapons.

Like laws keeping gun out of mentally unstable people? Laws which the NRA opposes.

Back a year or two ago the Republicans introduced a bill to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill and to incorporate that data into the NICS system but the Democrats voted it down with Cloture.

So that pretty well means that the Democrats are against keeping guns out of mentally unstable people, doesn't it?

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

But Democrats resoundingly rejected the GOP background check measure, arguing it would do little to make sure potential criminals or terrorists couldn’t buy a gun.
His brother didn't think he was nuts. It sounds like the guy had a complete personality change in a very short time. (His brother lives in Florida, so obviously he didn't see him on a daily basis.)
The police had no history with the guy, except a citation from years prior. If they knew him, it wasn't things for which he had been arrested.
And I heard a female companion of his jumped on the stage and screamed "You are all going to die." But it wasn't his girlfriend--police say she was out of the country at the time. So was that a rumor that isn't true?

I get the feeling that woman is an operative through and through.

Lots of ISIS in the Phillipines and she wasn't living with her husband. Marriage for citizenship, perhaps?
He was probably a white NRA member working on a castle doctrine case.
It doesn’t matter if the guy was a Republican or a Democrat. What he was was crazy and 50 of more people are dead regardless of which political party he may have belonged to. What needs to be done is something to try and prevent nut cases like him from getting their hands on military grade weapons.

Like laws keeping gun out of mentally unstable people? Laws which the NRA opposes.

Back a year or two ago the Republicans introduced a bill to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill and to incorporate that data into the NICS system but the Democrats voted it down with Cloture.

So that pretty well means that the Democrats are against keeping guns out of mentally unstable people, doesn't it?

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

But Democrats resoundingly rejected the GOP background check measure, arguing it would do little to make sure potential criminals or terrorists couldn’t buy a gun.


From YOUR link

Instead, Democrats largely backed a measure from Sens. Chuck Schumer(D-N.Y.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Murphy that would require a background check for most sales or transfers of guns.

But that measure, which also needed 60 votes, failed in a 44-56 vote.
"The 1938 Regulations Against Jews' Possession of Weapons, which came into force the day after Kristallnacht,[10][11] effectively deprived all Jews living under the Third Reich of the right to possess any form

Okay, here's the thing. Hitler came into power in 1933. SO this was not "one of the first things he did", like you said.

The thing was, even if the Jews had guns, the Nazis had Tanks.

Tank beats gun.

Tell that to the camp guards at Sobibor.
Okay, here's the thing. Hitler came into power in 1933. SO this was not "one of the first things he did", like you said.
The thing was, even if the Jews had guns, the Nazis had Tanks.
Tank beats gun.

Maybe, but enough guns in enough Jews hands sure would have slowed down their slaughter and given the allies more time to save some of them
He was probably a white NRA member working on a castle doctrine case.
It doesn’t matter if the guy was a Republican or a Democrat. What he was was crazy and 50 of more people are dead regardless of which political party he may have belonged to. What needs to be done is something to try and prevent nut cases like him from getting their hands on military grade weapons.

Like laws keeping gun out of mentally unstable people? Laws which the NRA opposes.

Back a year or two ago the Republicans introduced a bill to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill and to incorporate that data into the NICS system but the Democrats voted it down with Cloture.

So that pretty well means that the Democrats are against keeping guns out of mentally unstable people, doesn't it?

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

But Democrats resoundingly rejected the GOP background check measure, arguing it would do little to make sure potential criminals or terrorists couldn’t buy a gun.

Read your link : Too many slip through the cracks using only mental heath data the republicans proposed.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) urged support for the Democrats’ proposal ahead of Monday’s vote, saying it would let the background check system work “in the only rational way it should, requiring everyone purchasing a firearm to undergo a background check.”

Thanks to the NRA, 250,000 guns walk across the border every year. But let's concentrate on the 20 the ATF lost track of in a misguided attempt to track them.

Just like the gun nut, try to change the subject when there's a tragedy.

As stated earlier, the number of gun crimes, accidents, police shootings and so on are not even a noticeable blip against the total numbers of privately owned firearms or the number of gun owners.

Maybe not. But there's no countervailing benefit to having that many guns out there.

For instance, yes, we have a lot of car accidents, but we also have millions of cars getting people to work, to the store, etc. That's a countervailing benefit to car ownership.

The difference is, while the Auto Industry strives to make their product safer, the gun industry strives to make their product more dangerous, and to put them in the hands of some fucking scary people so the rest of us will be scared and want guns, too.
View attachment 152353
View attachment 152354

dude, the government will always have more guns, bigger guns and when a government goes crazy, it's usually because the people have gone crazy.
One of the first actions of Hitler was confiscate the guns from Jews.
How'd that work out?
Are you claiming trump is Hitler?
Answer the question.

You say easy access to guns makes it more likely to kill. More likely than what? I know many people personally and know of thousands of people in my county that have easy access to guns and don't kill anyone and never will.

That would be like me saying you having easy access to your dick makes you more likely to rape

I know many people personally and know of thousands of people in my county that have easy access to guns and don't kill anyone and never will.

That's what this terrorist's friends and family said also


It's still not proof that easy access to guns makes one more likely to kill.

It's proof that the killer is more likely to kill more people only because they are easily available.

Cars and trucks are as available, and boy do they use them a lot!

So when will you call for the banning of automobiles, planes and bombs!?!

Just not in this case, dope. The preference was for the readily available and easily accessed rifles. They proved to be very effective.

Well fucktard McVeigh used a truck to blow up kids, and did you call for the banning of trucks?

Of course not.

Trucks have been used in terrorist attacks but you just shrug it off but let a gun be used and you call for repealing the Second Amendment.

So let cut the shit and admit you ignore the fact the gun is just one tool for terrorists.
He was probably a white NRA member working on a castle doctrine case.
It doesn’t matter if the guy was a Republican or a Democrat. What he was was crazy and 50 of more people are dead regardless of which political party he may have belonged to. What needs to be done is something to try and prevent nut cases like him from getting their hands on military grade weapons.

Like laws keeping gun out of mentally unstable people? Laws which the NRA opposes.

Back a year or two ago the Republicans introduced a bill to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill and to incorporate that data into the NICS system but the Democrats voted it down with Cloture.

So that pretty well means that the Democrats are against keeping guns out of mentally unstable people, doesn't it?

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

But Democrats resoundingly rejected the GOP background check measure, arguing it would do little to make sure potential criminals or terrorists couldn’t buy a gun.
His brother didn't think he was nuts. It sounds like the guy had a complete personality change in a very short time. (His brother lives in Florida, so obviously he didn't see him on a daily basis.)
The police had no history with the guy, except a citation from years prior. If they knew him, it wasn't things for which he had been arrested.
And I heard a female companion of his jumped on the stage and screamed "You are all going to die." But it wasn't his girlfriend--police say she was out of the country at the time. So was that a rumor that isn't true?

AFAIK That did happen. Why didn't she go to the police and tell them where he was, though?

It's proof that the killer is more likely to kill more people only because they are easily available.

Ten years ago I had about 25 firearms. Now I have 50 firearms.

So according to you I am now twice as likely to kill people than I was ten years ago??

Is that the convoluted way that you idiot Moon Bats think?

That's not what I said at all. If a guy chooses firearms to kill, their availability makes it very easy to do so. It's a very effective option as we have seen.

So is a truck and car...
Not a Muslim, ya bigot.

Bernie Sanders supporter?
Trump supporter?
How did you confirm he wasn't Muslim, with only a picture? You forgot to reply to your racist comment.
You don’t know what the word, “racist,” means, ya moron. He doesn’t look Muslim.

Remember this gem ya dumb bitch? Care to share anymore of your worldly knowledge with us?

Islamic State takes credit for Las Vegas massacre — says attacker recently convert to Islam
I know it's too soon for firm evidence....but do you think that to be true? or the Islamic State trying to take some credit for something that had nothing to do with them in reality?
Look...This is America

We do everything possible to ensure that someone planning a massacre has access to the best weapons and ammo possible. We don't want to inconvenience mass shooters

As to arming crazy people? We did nothing after the Sandy Hook shooter gunned down six year olds. Background checks? Sharing information on the mentally unstable? Restricting high capacity magazines?

Too inconvenient for gun owners

You conveniently omit that Adam Lanza killed his mother and stole her guns but hey why be truthful.

As far as I know Lanza didn't buy any guns himself.

Adam Lanza was freak'n crazy and everyone knew it. Our laws do nothing to try to prevent crazy people from gaining access to guns with large firing capacity. Holmes was crazy, Loughner was crazy, the gunman at Virginia Tech was crazy....this guy in Vegas was probably crazy

We don't care...God forbid a crazy person be blocked from access the weapons of his choice
I read on that this guy has a pilots license and access to two planes. Take away the guns and he'd have flown a plane into 22,000 people. Or. Driven a truck though them...or who knows what. Blame the guy...don't use a maniac to push your anti-gun agenda.

Bull Shit

No reason this monster should have access to automatic weapons....None
No reason we should tolerate leftist ideology... Guns are protected by the Constitution. Leftist ideology isn't...
Machine guns are illegal, even republicans admit that

It's proof that the killer is more likely to kill more people only because they are easily available.

Ten years ago I had about 25 firearms. Now I have 50 firearms.

So according to you I am now twice as likely to kill people than I was ten years ago??

Is that the convoluted way that you idiot Moon Bats think?

That's not what I said at all. If a guy chooses firearms to kill, their availability makes it very easy to do so. It's a very effective option as we have seen.

So is a truck and car...

And a brain and free will.

Government can NEVER protect us from every malignant act by a disturbed individual or group that is determined to cause harm.
Bernie Sanders supporter?
Trump supporter?
How did you confirm he wasn't Muslim, with only a picture? You forgot to reply to your racist comment.
You don’t know what the word, “racist,” means, ya moron. He doesn’t look Muslim.

Remember this gem ya dumb bitch? Care to share anymore of your worldly knowledge with us?

Islamic State takes credit for Las Vegas massacre — says attacker recently convert to Islam
I know it's too soon for firm evidence....but do you think that to be true? or the Islamic State trying to take some credit for something that had nothing to do with them in reality?
Fits the MO... Dan Bernardino, and Orlando...
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