Laser Guns On The Border


Sep 23, 2010
Just once I’d like to hear “pathway to citizenship” phonies drop the B.S. and flat out defend America’s sovereignty. If they need help they might turn to former congressman, Tom Tancredo, who at least understands amnesty in relation to sovereignty:

The reason conservatives are losing the amnesty debate is that the issue has been successfully framed by the open-borders lobby as a matter of “fairness.” In reality, the question that will be decided by the enactment of one more amnesty is quite different.

What is at stake in the current amnesty debate is nothing less than our nation’s sovereignty. This is demonstrably and undeniably true. Democratic sponsors of amnesty understand this and think it is fine and dandy. Republicans continue to whistle past the graveyard.

National sovereignty: Casualty in amnesty debate
Exclusive: Tom Tancredo says U.S. trading soldiers' blood for 'a colorful but empty piñata'
Published: 1 day ago

National sovereignty: Casualty in amnesty debate

Tancredo, whose heart is in the right place, is putting a lot of faith in secure borders. Assuming Democrats can be trusted for the first time in history the borders can never be secured physically. Frankly, I would not give illegal aliens amnesty if laser guns programmed to shoot everything that moves were positioned every ten feet along the entire length of the border. Before a liberal jumps on my view let me say that I am talking about stopping illegal immigrants not people who come here legally.

Revenge ain’t so sweet to those on the receiving end

I have long thought the usual American Communist venom is also in play. Congressional Democrats are as bitter as all hell because the Soviet Union imploded. The accepted view is that Democrats obstruct voter ID laws, deportation, securing the border, etc. because of the voting bloc illegals represent. My guess is that there is more to it than voters. I believe congressional Democrats are punishing Americans for working throughout the Cold War to free hundreds of millions from communism. Open-borders is simple revenge if I’m right about this. Here’s how it works: The Soviets couldn’t keep people in so Americans are not going to keep them out.

Don’t ask me to explain why RINO put in with revengeful Democrats. “Republicans” will never get the Latino vote no matter how many Marco Rubios join up with the same crowd that sold out in 2007. The voters Republicans lose with amnesty will more than cancel out the few voters they get.


Back in 2007 backlash forced McCain and Bush the Younger to backdown when they were pushing amnesty by swearing it wasn’t amnesty. Six years later the same amnesty doublespeak is back with most of the same players; only this time sovereignty is never mentioned except to say it is a minor concern to a small band of extreme Right-wingers. Of course, expecting the media to take a poll is too much to ask for. I mean a poll on sovereignty not amnesty. They take polls on everything except finding out how Americans feel about retaining the country’s independence.


Latino-Americans in Congress like Louis Gutiérrez (Puerto Rican descent) and Marco Rubio (Cuban descent) might not realize it, but when they spout all of the double-talk about amnesty they only show they have no love for America’s independence. Not only do they show where their loyalties lie they reflect badly on Latino-Americans who do NOT want to surrender America’s sovereignty.

The real joke with Gutiérrez is that he is a leading advocate for Puerto Rico’s independence at the same time he is working full-time to wipe out America’s sovereignty. It’s no wonder he and others want to keep sovereignty out of the amnesty debate.

And have you noticed that only in America is illegal immigration a serious threat. If you put America’s illegal population at 18 million, which is closer to the truth, there are only 60 countries in the world with a larger population than the number of illegals in this country. See the list:

Nobody wants to emigrate to many of the countries on the list, but that’s not the point. The fact is that no other country’s sovereignty is being betrayed from within.

Last word on illegal immigrants: Democrats have no choice but to keep the borders open. Anything less threatens their global government agenda.
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The video at this link covers a lot that is already common knowledge; nevertheless, Dr. Steven Camorata is most informative:

Several things Dr. Camorata did not mention stand out like nuns in a cathouse. First, he never mentioned sovereignty in relation to amnesty. He seems to have accepted the collectivist worldview; i.e. Americans must consider the International communities blueprint for incremental socialism in the area of immigration. Giving consideration to anything the International community espouses is the first step in admitting sovereignty is no longer in the hands of Americans.

The most important thing Camorata ignores is the parasite class. He said a lot about the things legal and illegal immigrants want; how they influence policy, and so on, but he failed to connect their demands to the eternal parasite personality. Here’s is an example:

He said some of the conflict comes because immigrants try to reproduce the country they left.

“Why do immigrants leave countries with big government and then try to re-create that here? Because it’s what they’re used to, they’re used to the idea of an activist government,” he said.

No, it’s not what they are used to. It’s what parasites cannot get in their native lands; so they come here and exploit weaknesses in the system in order to get what they couldn’t get from the governments they left behind. Working towards making their native lands like America never occurs to parasites. Historically, whenever parasites do revolt they do so for communism —— never for limited government.

Finally, Camorata says a lot about the Republican party and what it must do. He does mention the split between average Americans and their leaders, but he fails to point out that establishment Republican are ELITISTS ——NOT ELITES. They do not speak for conservative Americans on any level although they paint themselves as conservative. Come election time nobody fights harder than Karl Rove’s Republicans trying to prove they are more conservative than the other guy, yet, somehow the candidates turn out to be Bob Dole, (the tax collector for the welfare state) George “I’m Easy” Bush, Amnesty John McCain, and Mitt Who?

Instead of worrying about Rove’s Republican party, conservative Americans must get enough seats in both Houses of Congress to stop everything Republicans and Democrats are doing.
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We should just have the same fence line and Immigration Policies that Mexico has on it's Southern Border.

That's all I'm askin' for.
Gold coating could laser-proof pilots' glasses...
Scientist may have golden solution for pilots hit by laser pointers
March 11, 2013 — Most people see gold as a high-end sign of wealth. Jayan Thomas sees it as a high-tech remedy for a safety threat that has worried the aviation industry for years.
The University of Central Florida scientist envisions his research in gold nanotechnology could one day produce "laser-proof" glasses coated with gold to protect airline pilots from being temporarily blinded by a laser shot from the ground. "Are we working on a bulletproof vest for the eyes? Yes, that's probably a pretty good analogy for what we're developing here," said Thomas, an assistant professor of chemistry in UCF's NanoScience Technology Center. With nearly 3,500 such "laser incidents" having occurred in the U.S. last year — including 298 in Florida and 58 in Metro Orlando — experts say there's a fertile market for such a product if it works.

But Thomas and his collaborators at Carnegie Mellon Institute in Pittsburgh face some serious hurdles before the idea becomes a reality — not the least of which are the federal government's new deficit-reduction budget cuts. If those "sequester" budget cuts remain in place, nearly $9 billion will be eliminated from scientific research this year alone, according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

That means competition for grants will become more intense than ever, said Thomas, who plans to apply for money from the Air Force and the National Science Foundation for his latest project. "It's going to be very difficult, very difficult," said the laser researcher, who has won hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants since coming to UCF two years ago from the University of Arizona. So far, his laser-proof-eyewear project has been financed solely by UCF and Carnegie Mellon. Through atomic engineering, they have created "gold nanoclusters" — more than 200,000 times smaller than the tip of a pen — that have "optical limiting" qualities. That means the tiny gold particles can block and extinguish high-energy laser beams while allowing harmless visible light to pass through.

If the lab work eventually translates into a commercial product, it could be a breakthrough in laser-safe eyewear, said Dan Macchiarella, a professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. Although he is not familiar with UCF's specific research, Macchiarella said military pilots have used gold-tinted laser-safe eyewear for a long time, though it is effective only against certain frequencies of laser beams. "If there is a solution they're developing that could be applied to lasers of all strengths and wavelengths, that would certainly be a big advancement," he said.


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