Last Night's Laughable Panderfest

Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Boring tho....I wonder if we've come to love the GOP clown car performances.

of course you do leftard; even a left-wing loser in clownface recognizes a panderfest when he sees one
Bernie wants to break up he banks. So does O'Malley. Hillary doesn't. Is that significant?
Bedowin is an idiot who is at a loss right now as to what to think or say. That will change later on today when rush and the rest of the hosts of nutter radio give him his instructions on how to think and what to say.

another one who cant handle me

thanks moron; all i see is a white flag from you!!'
Not everyone has a desire to be a elementary grade teacher to a crude child of a pronounced low intelligence level. It can be very frustrating and takes a person with great patience and a strong motivation and dedication to help a child overcome what easily becomes a negative life altering situation when not addressed. It is difficult to find people who will perform this function for a subject with an added hateful loser condition as an adult. Good luck.
Bernie wants to break up he banks. So does O'Malley. Hillary doesn't. Is that significant?
Bedowin is an idiot who is at a loss right now as to what to think or say. That will change later on today when rush and the rest of the hosts of nutter radio give him his instructions on how to think and what to say.

another one who cant handle me

thanks moron; all i see is a white flag from you!!'
Not everyone has a desire to be a elementary grade teacher to a crude child of a pronounced low intelligence level. It can be very frustrating and takes a person with great patience and a strong motivation and dedication to help a child overcome what easily becomes a negative life altering situation when not addressed. It is difficult to find people who will perform this function for a subject with an added hateful loser condition as an adult. Good luck.

in other words you have nothing but personal attacks??

lol; that's called projection dummy; but your therapist already told you didnt she/???
you listed exactly one you moron; and most of them are for it; ONE is against it. the Iran deal

the other one it was shown to you is something all of them are for, breaking up big banks

ur a joke

You said no differences whatsoever. That means none. There are some. You lose. Again.
webb isnt in a position not being in congress to change obama's iran deal.

if not then there really isnt any difference right??
What's really going on here is the people dumping on the debates above and beyond being political opposition, can't believe they surrendered 3 hours of their lives instead of just waiting for next-day highlights like most intelligent people. :)
What's really going on here is the people dumping on the debates above and beyond being political opposition, can't believe they surrendered 3 hours of their lives instead of just waiting for next-day highlights like most intelligent people. :)
Most people don't jerk off for three hours.
They orally pleasured each other nicely... The little tranny that is Anderson was happy as a pig in sh!t...

Hashtag soft ball debate
They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses...

you do not recognize a scripted play act when you see one? too bad, because that was played to the script almost to, as they say, to a "T" :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
Whether the debate was as you say "scripted" or not isn't the topic. Was there collusion between campaign staff and and overall strategy discussed or agreed upon? One would be naive to think there wasn't some degree of that that went on. However, the result is the topic, not how the result was achieved. If the purpose was to present a series of topics that represented a general Democratic platform in a mature and civil way, the goal was accomplished. It fits with the current branding of Republicans as being mean spirited, crude and unable to govern.
THIS is the best Democrats have???

i cant wait for the election! the people on stage are a bunch of panderers preaching to each other's choir. There is no difference between them whatsoever, and Republicans are afraid of none of them. Good luck Democrats, you will need it!!!
Jim Webb was the only one to stand out. Poor guy never even gets mentioned. I guess the media and the DNC don't like him because he isn't rhetorical, partisan and actually might fix something. Democrats are fuckin pathetic.
how come none of them brought up the success of Obama-Care? the fact that we can all afford health-care now?
did they even mention the notion of as budget

how about the deficit any word
Not a fuckin one. Money doesn't matter. How in the fuck does Bernie plan on paying for all that shit? nationalize this, make this free. How you fuckin Marxist? HOW?

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