Last Night's Laughable Panderfest

Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Trump has caused such uncivil behavior and negativity on the Republican stage that many in that party simply no longer recognize or respond to civility. They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses instead of crude insults and school yard style attacks on their opponents.
Yeah.....Trump is attacked....called a asshole......accused of attacking women.

He calls his attackers losers in return

How uncivil of him.
He could have answered all of the things you allege with dignity and diplomacy. That is what Presidential means. Being able to subdue emotional outburst and put what is important in front of personal emotional feelings.
When was Trump accused of being a rapist. I hadn't heard that one. Everybody gets called an asshole at one time or another. His response just proves the accusation is true. He has a long history of attacking women and did it recently with Kelly. His attacks get very personnel and go all the way to commenting about appearance. He deserves that criticism.
Depends on what you want to call an attack.

Rosie O'Donnell calls him a bunch of names.....makes fun of his hair....then the rest of the women on The View call beauty contestants a bunch of crackwhores. Trump calls her a fat terrible person. That is his long history of attacking women.

Then there's the list of women Bill Clinton has either waved his prick at, sexually-assaulted...or dropped trou in front of.

I just don't see where you get off frankly.

and his ol lady called em bitches and whores

Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.

Talk about a circus did you see the opening?
The very first thing they did was pander to the peoples emotions.
They did not do that with the Republicans.
There was so many lies from all of them it was pathetic.
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Trump has caused such uncivil behavior and negativity on the Republican stage that many in that party simply no longer recognize or respond to civility. They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses instead of crude insults and school yard style attacks on their opponents.
Yeah.....Trump is attacked....called a asshole......accused of attacking women.

He calls his attackers losers in return

How uncivil of him.
He could have answered all of the things you allege with dignity and diplomacy. That is what Presidential means. Being able to subdue emotional outburst and put what is important in front of personal emotional feelings.
When was Trump accused of being a rapist. I hadn't heard that one. Everybody gets called an asshole at one time or another. His response just proves the accusation is true. He has a long history of attacking women and did it recently with Kelly. His attacks get very personnel and go all the way to commenting about appearance. He deserves that criticism.

I believe that in the divorce deposition, Ivana claimed that Donald forced himself on her when she said no, i.e. rape.

Your point is taken though. Trump is too unstable to be President. He doesn't have the temperament. I don't want a guy who erupts like a volcano at every slight with the finger on the button or deciding to send kids off to die in wars.
So it was his wife that made the rape accusation. Interesting that now his fan club wants to imply it was and is the left or whatever making the allegation.
dont you mean ex-wife?

and then you're saying nobody on the Left picked that up and used it?

that's why you idiots arent taken seriously
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Trump has caused such uncivil behavior and negativity on the Republican stage that many in that party simply no longer recognize or respond to civility. They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses instead of crude insults and school yard style attacks on their opponents.
Yeah.....Trump is attacked....called a asshole......accused of attacking women.

He calls his attackers losers in return

How uncivil of him.
He could have answered all of the things you allege with dignity and diplomacy. That is what Presidential means. Being able to subdue emotional outburst and put what is important in front of personal emotional feelings.
When was Trump accused of being a rapist. I hadn't heard that one. Everybody gets called an asshole at one time or another. His response just proves the accusation is true. He has a long history of attacking women and did it recently with Kelly. His attacks get very personnel and go all the way to commenting about appearance. He deserves that criticism.

the current Democrat president actually told the other Party to "sit in the back of the bus" and taunted the representatives of millions of Americans from the other Party with "elections have consequences"

yea real presidential
this is why you arent taken seriously
You think you are taken seriously?
dont you mean ex-wife?

and then you're saying nobody on the Left picked that up and used it?

that's why you idiots arent taken seriously
At the time the accusation was made, the woman was still his wife. Hence, his wife made the accusation.
dont you mean ex-wife?

and then you're saying nobody on the Left picked that up and used it?

that's why you idiots arent taken seriously
At the time the accusation was made, the woman was still his wife. Hence, his wife made the accusation.

then obviously you are talking about something that happened before they divorced more than 20 YEARS AGO and has been rehashed by liberals now; like i said earlier idiot

thanks! ;)
It all comes down to Sanders and Clinton, the one that offers the most free stuff and the fastest road to destroying the country wins.
dont you mean ex-wife?

and then you're saying nobody on the Left picked that up and used it?

that's why you idiots arent taken seriously
At the time the accusation was made, the woman was still his wife. Hence, his wife made the accusation.

here is the neat part

his wife/ex wife says folks like you saying such

are full of bologna

in other words bs
One glaring difference between last night debate and the repub clown car show, no one tried to out jebus each other, in fact there was no cross groveling talk, just solid issues

You are delusional. That is typical for Gruberidiot Moon Bats.

Like when that idiot Sanders said that we should give the Hildabeast a pass on the lies, corruption and security breaches connected to her email scandal that is being investigated by the FBI?

CNN did not put on a debate. If they did they would have grilled Sanders on his batshit crazy commie positions and the Hildabeast on her lies, incompetency and corruption.

CNN gave the Party of Moon Bats the opportunity to spout their bullshit. There was no debate to it. That is why it got relatively low ratings.
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Are you high? I've never seen anything more revolting than those asshole promising stuff on the backs of American taxpayers. Disgusting.
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Isn't that the truth. It was refreshing to have adults on stage instead of a KKKlown KKKar full of children on Ritalin.
So it's adult to use kkklown kkkar? Lolol idiot.
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Are you high? I've never seen anything more revolting than those asshole promising stuff on the backs of American taxpayers. Disgusting.
makes me wonder how anyone that pays tax could even consider voting for them.
dont you mean ex-wife?

and then you're saying nobody on the Left picked that up and used it?

that's why you idiots arent taken seriously
At the time the accusation was made, the woman was still his wife. Hence, his wife made the accusation.

then obviously you are talking about something that happened before they divorced more than 20 YEARS AGO and has been rehashed by liberals now; like i said earlier idiot

thanks! ;)
I never considered it and had actually forgotten about it. I probably didn't even know about it when it was happening. I just saw a post where someone claimed the accusation was being used against him. Drew a blank. Once the wife was mentioned I remembered a little about it from recent reports. Seems to be a legitimate allegation. Blame the wife or ex wife if you prefer. The accusation has as much validity if not even more validity that most of the crap you guys put out about Bill Clinton.
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Isn't that the truth. It was refreshing to have adults on stage instead of a KKKlown KKKar full of children on Ritalin.
So it's adult to use kkklown kkkar? Lolol idiot.

this is just how mindlessly hypocritical the moronic Left is. they actually believe they are the adults in the room.
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Are you high? I've never seen anything more revolting than those asshole promising stuff on the backs of American taxpayers. Disgusting.
makes me wonder how anyone that pays tax could even consider voting for them.
People who don't work will vote for them. That's why they've worked to get everyone unemployed.
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Isn't that the truth. It was refreshing to have adults on stage instead of a KKKlown KKKar full of children on Ritalin.
So it's adult to use kkklown kkkar? Lolol idiot.

this is just how mindlessly hypocritical the moronic Left is. they actually believe they are the adults in the room.
They are not.

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