Last Night's Laughable Panderfest

USMB hater dupes need to wait a little bit until some better talking points get tuned up and handed to them. The stuff they are using so far this morning is extremely lame.
USMB hater dupes need to wait a little bit until some better talking points get tuned up and handed to them. The stuff they are using so far this morning is extremely lame.

funny how you sound just like left-wing idiot Franco using that term "hater dupe" even as you try to slur others with talking points label

you're making a fool of yourself this morning; that you think others are is all the more laughable.
One glaring difference between last night debate and the repub clown car show, no one tried to out jebus each other, in fact there was no cross groveling talk, just solid issues

You are delusional. That is typical for Gruberidiot Moon Bats.

Like when that idiot Sanders said that we should give the Hildabeast a pass on the lies, corruption and security breaches connected to her email scandal that is being investigated by the FBI?

CNN did not put on a debate. If they did they would have grilled Sanders on his batshit crazy commie positions and the Hildabeast on her lies, incompetency and corruption.

CNN gave the Party of Moon Bats the opportunity to spout their bullshit. There was no debate to it. That is why it got relatively low ratings.
Keep repeating your talking points 2016 will be much worse then 2012 for you

One glaring difference between last night debate and the repub clown car show, no one tried to out jebus each other, in fact there was no cross groveling talk, just solid issues

You are delusional. That is typical for Gruberidiot Moon Bats.

Like when that idiot Sanders said that we should give the Hildabeast a pass on the lies, corruption and security breaches connected to her email scandal that is being investigated by the FBI?

CNN did not put on a debate. If they did they would have grilled Sanders on his batshit crazy commie positions and the Hildabeast on her lies, incompetency and corruption.

CNN gave the Party of Moon Bats the opportunity to spout their bullshit. There was no debate to it. That is why it got relatively low ratings.
Keep repeating your talking points 2016 will be much worse then 2012 for you


good one leftard; but only one president is elected at a time. I keep asking you morons for a list, even a partial one of all these awesome liberals poised to take back the House and Senate from Republicans and i cant get any of you idiots to answer
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Are you high? I've never seen anything more revolting than those asshole promising stuff on the backs of American taxpayers. Disgusting.
makes me wonder how anyone that pays tax could even consider voting for them.
People who don't work will vote for them. That's why they've worked to get everyone unemployed.
I paid more taxes then you earned working last year
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Are you high? I've never seen anything more revolting than those asshole promising stuff on the backs of American taxpayers. Disgusting.
makes me wonder how anyone that pays tax could even consider voting for them.
People who don't work will vote for them. That's why they've worked to get everyone unemployed.
I paid more taxes then you earned working last year
I doubt it. I live in California. The tax capital.
One glaring difference between last night debate and the repub clown car show, no one tried to out jebus each other, in fact there was no cross groveling talk, just solid issues

You are delusional. That is typical for Gruberidiot Moon Bats.

Like when that idiot Sanders said that we should give the Hildabeast a pass on the lies, corruption and security breaches connected to her email scandal that is being investigated by the FBI?

CNN did not put on a debate. If they did they would have grilled Sanders on his batshit crazy commie positions and the Hildabeast on her lies, incompetency and corruption.

CNN gave the Party of Moon Bats the opportunity to spout their bullshit. There was no debate to it. That is why it got relatively low ratings.
Keep repeating your talking points 2016 will be much worse then 2012 for you


good one leftard; but only one president is elected at a time. I keep asking you morons for a list, even a partial one of all these awesome liberals poised to take back the House and Senate from Republicans and i cant get any of you idiots to answer
The tide has turned cletus, there aren't enough angry rightwing white guys anymore, you are in the minority when it comes to national elections. So keep denigrating women and minorities you are making the job so much easier, cletus
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Are you high? I've never seen anything more revolting than those asshole promising stuff on the backs of American taxpayers. Disgusting.
makes me wonder how anyone that pays tax could even consider voting for them.
People who don't work will vote for them. That's why they've worked to get everyone unemployed.
I paid more taxes then you earned working last year
I doubt it. I live in California. The tax capital.
I paid more federal tax and multiple state taxes where I did work
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Are you high? I've never seen anything more revolting than those asshole promising stuff on the backs of American taxpayers. Disgusting.
makes me wonder how anyone that pays tax could even consider voting for them.
People who don't work will vote for them. That's why they've worked to get everyone unemployed.
I paid more taxes then you earned working last year
And you're happy giving it to the government waste fest? That's sad.
Are you high? I've never seen anything more revolting than those asshole promising stuff on the backs of American taxpayers. Disgusting.
makes me wonder how anyone that pays tax could even consider voting for them.
People who don't work will vote for them. That's why they've worked to get everyone unemployed.
I paid more taxes then you earned working last year
I doubt it. I live in California. The tax capital.
I paid more federal tax and multiple state taxes where I did work
Good for you. I can see you are happy that your hard earned money is being flushed down a rat hole.
THIS is the best Democrats have???

i cant wait for the election! the people on stage are a bunch of panderers preaching to each other's choir. There is no difference between them whatsoever, and Republicans are afraid of none of them. Good luck Democrats, you will need it!!!

You didn't see any differences between the candidates?

That's interesting in a clinical sort of way.

In the end, one left wing piece of shit is no different than another.

Keep repeating your talking points 2016 will be much worse then 2012 for you

You would think that after the Democrats got their asses kicked so bad in 2014 that would come up with somebody better than a batshit crazy communist and a corrupt lying incompetent bitch, wouldn't you? The Moon Bats are trying to put up the most extreme Left Wing idiots possible to run for President.

The only semi sane person on the Moon Bat debate team was Web.

That shithead Obama was able to put together a coalition of all the greedy stupid scumbags in America when he ran. It remains to be seen if the Corrupt Lying Bitch or the Communist can put to get the same coalition of uneducated greedy low information imbeciles . We know for sure that there won't be the same turnout of Negroes to vote for the Mean Rich White Woman or the Old White Communist. The unions are already breaking against The Hildabeast because they want their Cadillac health care plans protected.

You Moon Bats are in serious trouble but since you are delusional you have no clue.
My, my, my! The republicans have been stirred up this morning! It is going to take at least three major Trump insults against other candidates just to get them to stop hyperventilating!

Keep repeating your talking points 2016 will be much worse then 2012 for you

You would think that after the Democrats got their asses kicked so bad in 2014 that would come up with somebody better than a batshit crazy communist and a corrupt lying incompetent bitch, wouldn't you? The Moon Bats are trying to put up the most extreme Left Wing idiots possible to run for President.

The only semi sane person on the Moon Bat debate team was Web.

That shithead Obama was able to put together a coalition of all the greedy stupid scumbags in America when he ran. It remains to be seen if the Corrupt Lying Bitch or the Communist can put to get the same coalition of uneducated greedy low information imbeciles . We know for sure that there won't be the same turnout of Negroes to vote for the Mean Rich White Woman or the Old White Communist. The unions are already breaking against The Hildabeast because they want their Cadillac health care plans protected.

You Moon Bats are in serious trouble but since you are delusional you have no clue.

Get a brown paper bag, and breath deeply into it for about 3 or 4 minutes!
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Are you high? I've never seen anything more revolting than those asshole promising stuff on the backs of American taxpayers. Disgusting.
makes me wonder how anyone that pays tax could even consider voting for them.
People who don't work will vote for them. That's why they've worked to get everyone unemployed.
I paid more taxes then you earned working last year
I always have to laugh at these comments.
how do you know how much she made last year? can you tell me what my household income was?
Trust me, nobody Is sitting back thinking you are doing well just because you made that comment.
For all we know, you made over a million, then again, your most active days might include picking up the government check from your government supplied mailbox and making a trip to walmart for the end of month spandex sale.
Its shaping up very well for Clinton. She will likely not lose a debate and have the nomination sewn up by the Spring. The downside of course is that the GOP will likely have a brokered convention so interest (from the standpoint of media following it) will be on the GOP side. The good news is that media attention to the hateful, intolerant, and moronic policies is likely to not help the GOP on free media.

Nothing on the GOP side is appealing outside of the same need one has to smell rotten milk before throwing it out.

Keep repeating your talking points 2016 will be much worse then 2012 for you

You would think that after the Democrats got their asses kicked so bad in 2014 that would come up with somebody better than a batshit crazy communist and a corrupt lying incompetent bitch, wouldn't you? The Moon Bats are trying to put up the most extreme Left Wing idiots possible to run for President.

The only semi sane person on the Moon Bat debate team was Web.

That shithead Obama was able to put together a coalition of all the greedy stupid scumbags in America when he ran. It remains to be seen if the Corrupt Lying Bitch or the Communist can put to get the same coalition of uneducated greedy low information imbeciles . We know for sure that there won't be the same turnout of Negroes to vote for the Mean Rich White Woman or the Old White Communist. The unions are already breaking against The Hildabeast because they want their Cadillac health care plans protected.

You Moon Bats are in serious trouble but since you are delusional you have no clue.

Get a brown paper bag, and breath deeply into it for about 3 or 4 minutes!
The RWNJ's are having strokes and foaming at the mouth and barking like loons

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