Last Night's Laughable Panderfest

They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses...

you do not recognize a scripted play act when you see one? too bad, because that was played to the script almost to, as they say, to a "T" :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
Whether the debate was as you say "scripted" or not isn't the topic. Was there collusion between campaign staff and and overall strategy discussed or agreed upon? One would be naive to think there wasn't some degree of that that went on. However, the result is the topic, not how the result was achieved. If the purpose was to present a series of topics that represented a general Democratic platform in a mature and civil way, the goal was accomplished. It fits with the current branding of Republicans as being mean spirited, crude and unable to govern.

of course being the self-deluding nutjob you are you fail to acknolwedge it was the liberals at CNN that purposely tried to pit the Republicans debating each other against each other in some sort of food fight with the questions they asked not about the topics themselves but what one candidate said about the other one.

ALSO; if you think the same tired eat the rich torch and pitchfork rhetoric is what passes for civil debate then you are as deluded as i referred to above
THIS is the best Democrats have???

i cant wait for the election! the people on stage are a bunch of panderers preaching to each other's choir. There is no difference between them whatsoever, and Republicans are afraid of none of them. Good luck Democrats, you will need it!!!
Jim Webb was the only one to stand out. Poor guy never even gets mentioned. I guess the media and the DNC don't like him because he isn't rhetorical, partisan and actually might fix something. Democrats are fuckin pathetic.

exactly. he's the only one even remotely not a far-left, pandering, progressive nutjob
how come none of them brought up the success of Obama-Care? the fact that we can all afford health-care now?
did they even mention the notion of as budget

how about the deficit any word
Not a fuckin one. Money doesn't matter. How in the fuck does Bernie plan on paying for all that shit? nationalize this, make this free. How you fuckin Marxist? HOW?

that is why i didnt bother to tune into the debate
They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses...

you do not recognize a scripted play act when you see one? too bad, because that was played to the script almost to, as they say, to a "T" :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
Whether the debate was as you say "scripted" or not isn't the topic. Was there collusion between campaign staff and and overall strategy discussed or agreed upon? One would be naive to think there wasn't some degree of that that went on. However, the result is the topic, not how the result was achieved. If the purpose was to present a series of topics that represented a general Democratic platform in a mature and civil way, the goal was accomplished. It fits with the current branding of Republicans as being mean spirited, crude and unable to govern.

of course being the self-deluding nutjob you are you fail to acknolwedge it was the liberals at CNN that purposely tried to pit the Republicans debating each other against each other in some sort of food fight with the questions they asked not about the topics themselves but what one candidate said about the other one.

ALSO; if you think the same tired eat the rich torch and pitchfork rhetoric is what passes for civil debate then you are as deluded as i referred to above


well put
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Trump has caused such uncivil behavior and negativity on the Republican stage that many in that party simply no longer recognize or respond to civility. They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses instead of crude insults and school yard style attacks on their opponents.
Yeah.....Trump is attacked....called a asshole......accused of attacking women.

He calls his attackers losers in return

How uncivil of him.
They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses...

you do not recognize a scripted play act when you see one? too bad, because that was played to the script almost to, as they say, to a "T" :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
Whether the debate was as you say "scripted" or not isn't the topic. Was there collusion between campaign staff and and overall strategy discussed or agreed upon? One would be naive to think there wasn't some degree of that that went on. However, the result is the topic, not how the result was achieved. If the purpose was to present a series of topics that represented a general Democratic platform in a mature and civil way, the goal was accomplished. It fits with the current branding of Republicans as being mean spirited, crude and unable to govern.

of course being the self-deluding nutjob you are you fail to acknolwedge it was the liberals at CNN that purposely tried to pit the Republicans debating each other against each other in some sort of food fight with the questions they asked not about the topics themselves but what one candidate said about the other one.

ALSO; if you think the same tired eat the rich torch and pitchfork rhetoric is what passes for civil debate then you are as deluded as i referred to above
You are suggesting that the Republican field of Presidential candidates were easy to manipulate and appear as mean spirited and crude individuals. Those are the folks you think would be acceptable dealing on the world state with experienced leaders. You want people who are so weak and out of touch and easy to manipulate as your leaders.
The topics of the debate have absolutely nothing to do with whether to debaters were civil with each other or the overall civility of the debate.
THIS is the best Democrats have???

i cant wait for the election! the people on stage are a bunch of panderers preaching to each other's choir. There is no difference between them whatsoever, and Republicans are afraid of none of them. Good luck Democrats, you will need it!!!

A Republican partisan hack thinks the Democrats did poorly last night.

Jesus, stop the presses!
They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses...

you do not recognize a scripted play act when you see one? too bad, because that was played to the script almost to, as they say, to a "T" :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
Whether the debate was as you say "scripted" or not isn't the topic. Was there collusion between campaign staff and and overall strategy discussed or agreed upon? One would be naive to think there wasn't some degree of that that went on. However, the result is the topic, not how the result was achieved. If the purpose was to present a series of topics that represented a general Democratic platform in a mature and civil way, the goal was accomplished. It fits with the current branding of Republicans as being mean spirited, crude and unable to govern.

of course being the self-deluding nutjob you are you fail to acknolwedge it was the liberals at CNN that purposely tried to pit the Republicans debating each other against each other in some sort of food fight with the questions they asked not about the topics themselves but what one candidate said about the other one.

ALSO; if you think the same tired eat the rich torch and pitchfork rhetoric is what passes for civil debate then you are as deluded as i referred to above
You are suggesting that the Republican field of Presidential candidates were easy to manipulate and appear as mean spirited and crude individuals. Those are the folks you think would be acceptable dealing on the world state with experienced leaders. You want people who are so weak and out of touch and easy to manipulate as your leaders.
The topics of the debate have absolutely nothing to do with whether to debaters were civil with each other or the overall civility of the debate.

i'm suggesting no such thing dullard. they had to try to answer the question they were given. then again you may be right and not realize it. they should have all stopped the CNN moderators and demanded they ask real questions, and not the baiting questions they asked. How would you have like those optics on live tv leftard??
THIS is the best Democrats have???

i cant wait for the election! the people on stage are a bunch of panderers preaching to each other's choir. There is no difference between them whatsoever, and Republicans are afraid of none of them. Good luck Democrats, you will need it!!!

A Republican partisan hack thinks the Democrats did poorly last night.

Jesus, stop the presses!

OMG you probably think it wasnt a boring panderfest!!

stop the presses!!

lol find a mirror nutjob
THIS is the best Democrats have???

i cant wait for the election! the people on stage are a bunch of panderers preaching to each other's choir. There is no difference between them whatsoever, and Republicans are afraid of none of them. Good luck Democrats, you will need it!!!

A Republican partisan hack thinks the Democrats did poorly last night.

Jesus, stop the presses!

OMG you probably think it wasnt a boring panderfest!!

stop the presses!!

lol find a mirror nutjob

I didn't watch it.
They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses...

you do not recognize a scripted play act when you see one? too bad, because that was played to the script almost to, as they say, to a "T" :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
Whether the debate was as you say "scripted" or not isn't the topic. Was there collusion between campaign staff and and overall strategy discussed or agreed upon? One would be naive to think there wasn't some degree of that that went on. However, the result is the topic, not how the result was achieved. If the purpose was to present a series of topics that represented a general Democratic platform in a mature and civil way, the goal was accomplished. It fits with the current branding of Republicans as being mean spirited, crude and unable to govern.

of course being the self-deluding nutjob you are you fail to acknolwedge it was the liberals at CNN that purposely tried to pit the Republicans debating each other against each other in some sort of food fight with the questions they asked not about the topics themselves but what one candidate said about the other one.

ALSO; if you think the same tired eat the rich torch and pitchfork rhetoric is what passes for civil debate then you are as deluded as i referred to above
You are suggesting that the Republican field of Presidential candidates were easy to manipulate and appear as mean spirited and crude individuals. Those are the folks you think would be acceptable dealing on the world state with experienced leaders. You want people who are so weak and out of touch and easy to manipulate as your leaders.
The topics of the debate have absolutely nothing to do with whether to debaters were civil with each other or the overall civility of the debate.

the people on stage for last night actually ran away from Black Lives Matter bigots, one even apologized to them.

you are proving yourself, as usual, to be a laughable idiot whose own Party is guilty of exactly what you are projecting onto others, the weakness of character, but on a much larger scale

that's why people like you arent taken seriously
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Trump has caused such uncivil behavior and negativity on the Republican stage that many in that party simply no longer recognize or respond to civility. They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses instead of crude insults and school yard style attacks on their opponents.
Yeah.....Trump is attacked....called a asshole......accused of attacking women.

He calls his attackers losers in return

How uncivil of him.

in some circles they say

that Trump was actually the big winner

in last nights debates
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Trump has caused such uncivil behavior and negativity on the Republican stage that many in that party simply no longer recognize or respond to civility. They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses instead of crude insults and school yard style attacks on their opponents.
Yeah.....Trump is attacked....called a asshole......accused of attacking women.

He calls his attackers losers in return

How uncivil of him.
He could have answered all of the things you allege with dignity and diplomacy. That is what Presidential means. Being able to subdue emotional outburst and put what is important in front of personal emotional feelings.
When was Trump accused of being a rapist. I hadn't heard that one. Everybody gets called an asshole at one time or another. His response just proves the accusation is true. He has a long history of attacking women and did it recently with Kelly. His attacks get very personnel and go all the way to commenting about appearance. He deserves that criticism.
THIS is the best Democrats have???

i cant wait for the election! the people on stage are a bunch of panderers preaching to each other's choir. There is no difference between them whatsoever, and Republicans are afraid of none of them. Good luck Democrats, you will need it!!!

A Republican partisan hack thinks the Democrats did poorly last night.

Jesus, stop the presses!

OMG you probably think it wasnt a boring panderfest!!

stop the presses!!

lol find a mirror nutjob

I didn't watch it.
you dont need too

as long as it has a (D) behind its name

you will pull the lever for that one

that is why debates on the democrat side are not really needed
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Trump has caused such uncivil behavior and negativity on the Republican stage that many in that party simply no longer recognize or respond to civility. They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses instead of crude insults and school yard style attacks on their opponents.
Yeah.....Trump is attacked....called a asshole......accused of attacking women.

He calls his attackers losers in return

How uncivil of him.
He could have answered all of the things you allege with dignity and diplomacy. That is what Presidential means. Being able to subdue emotional outburst and put what is important in front of personal emotional feelings.
When was Trump accused of being a rapist. I hadn't heard that one. Everybody gets called an asshole at one time or another. His response just proves the accusation is true. He has a long history of attacking women and did it recently with Kelly. His attacks get very personnel and go all the way to commenting about appearance. He deserves that criticism.

the current Democrat president actually told the other Party to "sit in the back of the bus" and taunted the representatives of millions of Americans from the other Party with "elections have consequences"

yea real presidential
this is why you arent taken seriously
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Trump has caused such uncivil behavior and negativity on the Republican stage that many in that party simply no longer recognize or respond to civility. They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses instead of crude insults and school yard style attacks on their opponents.
Yeah.....Trump is attacked....called a asshole......accused of attacking women.

He calls his attackers losers in return

How uncivil of him.
He could have answered all of the things you allege with dignity and diplomacy. That is what Presidential means. Being able to subdue emotional outburst and put what is important in front of personal emotional feelings.
When was Trump accused of being a rapist. I hadn't heard that one. Everybody gets called an asshole at one time or another. His response just proves the accusation is true. He has a long history of attacking women and did it recently with Kelly. His attacks get very personnel and go all the way to commenting about appearance. He deserves that criticism.

I believe that in the divorce deposition, Ivana claimed that Donald forced himself on her when she said no, i.e. rape.

Your point is taken though. Trump is too unstable to be President. He doesn't have the temperament. I don't want a guy who erupts like a volcano at every slight with the finger on the button or deciding to send kids off to die in wars.
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Trump has caused such uncivil behavior and negativity on the Republican stage that many in that party simply no longer recognize or respond to civility. They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses instead of crude insults and school yard style attacks on their opponents.
Yeah.....Trump is attacked....called a asshole......accused of attacking women.

He calls his attackers losers in return

How uncivil of him.
He could have answered all of the things you allege with dignity and diplomacy. That is what Presidential means. Being able to subdue emotional outburst and put what is important in front of personal emotional feelings.
When was Trump accused of being a rapist. I hadn't heard that one. Everybody gets called an asshole at one time or another. His response just proves the accusation is true. He has a long history of attacking women and did it recently with Kelly. His attacks get very personnel and go all the way to commenting about appearance. He deserves that criticism.
Depends on what you want to call an attack.

Rosie O'Donnell calls him a bunch of names.....makes fun of his hair....then the rest of the women on The View call beauty contestants a bunch of crackwhores. Trump calls her a fat terrible person. That is his long history of attacking women.

Then there's the list of women Bill Clinton has either waved his prick at, sexually-assaulted...or dropped trou in front of.

I just don't see where you get off frankly.
Honestly, it was kind of refreshing to watch grown ups talk about grown up issues, as opposed to the GOP side, which has devolved into a circus.
Trump has caused such uncivil behavior and negativity on the Republican stage that many in that party simply no longer recognize or respond to civility. They are shocked to see people answer questions with rational reasonable and academic responses instead of crude insults and school yard style attacks on their opponents.
Yeah.....Trump is attacked....called a asshole......accused of attacking women.

He calls his attackers losers in return

How uncivil of him.
He could have answered all of the things you allege with dignity and diplomacy. That is what Presidential means. Being able to subdue emotional outburst and put what is important in front of personal emotional feelings.
When was Trump accused of being a rapist. I hadn't heard that one. Everybody gets called an asshole at one time or another. His response just proves the accusation is true. He has a long history of attacking women and did it recently with Kelly. His attacks get very personnel and go all the way to commenting about appearance. He deserves that criticism.

I believe that in the divorce deposition, Ivana claimed that Donald forced himself on her when she said no, i.e. rape.

Your point is taken though. Trump is too unstable to be President. He doesn't have the temperament. I don't want a guy who erupts like a volcano at every slight with the finger on the button or deciding to send kids off to die in wars.
Trump never erupts like a volcano......unlike Hillary....who was calling Obama a God Damned asshole the other day.....screaming at him to lay-off the FBI investigation.

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