Last piece of the Russia probe falls in place


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
The 2nd half has begun folks. With Michael Flynn, Allen Weisselberg, Michael Cohen, David Pecker and now Paul Manafort all cooperating with Robert Mueller and his prosecutors, and some with other jurisdictions as well, the Mueller team has most of the major players of Trump's inner circle in his corner. As Mueller's legal victories continue to grow, and the guilty pleas and cooperating witnesses mount, Trump's childish claims of a "witch hunt" sound's more and more ridiculous. Robert Mueller now has not only the bulk of Trump's dealings with Russia nailed down, but the bulk of his financial dealings as well, right down to the last dollar, pound, ruble, franc, deutsche mark, and offshore shell corporation.

I would advise Donald Trump's older sons, his son in law, and his little princess Ivanka get some really good lawyers, because it's looking like they have a lot to answer for as well

Watching this President operate in the political world is like watching a slow motion train wreck, I know how this is going to end, but it's hard to stop watching. :bye1:

Michael Flynn is cooperating with Mueller and eager to have case wrap up, court hears

Paul Manafort pleads guilty and agrees to cooperate with Mueller investigation - CNNPolitics

The Man Who Knows Donald Trump’s Financial Secrets Has Agreed to Become a Coöperating Witness

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

Michael Cohen is talking to Mueller about Trump and Russia

Analysis | Manafort’s verdict and Cohen’s plea gave Trump his worst day of the Russia investigation so far

New York Investigators Subpoena Michael Cohen for Documents Linked to Trump Foundation

Jared Kushner appears to be in trouble

Donald Trump Jr.’s Potential Legal Troubles, Explained

The Inconvenient Legal Troubles That Lie Ahead for the Trump Foundation
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I thought it was pretty entertaining watching Trump throw Jr. under the bus.
Trump eventually turns on everyone he has ever known, even his own children.

This is what I don't get about Trump supporters:
I don't see how tens of millions of Trumpians actually believe Trump will be there for America when Trump shits all over his multiple wives, his friends, his business associates, and even his own kids.
We live in a land rife with delusional minds, no doubt.
The 2nd half has begun folks. With Michael Flynn, Allen Weisselberg, Michael Cohen, David Pecker and now Paul Manafort all cooperating with Robert Mueller and his prosecutors, and some with other jurisdictions as well, the Mueller team has most of the major players of Trump's inner circle in his corner. As Mueller's legal victories continue to grow, and the guilty pleas and cooperating witnesses mount, Trump's childish claims of a "witch hunt" sound's more and more ridiculous. Robert Mueller now has not only the bulk of Trump's dealings with Russia nailed down, but the bulk of his financial dealings as well, right down to the last dollar, pound, ruble, franc, deutsche mark, and offshore shell corporation.

I would advise Donald Trump's older sons, his son in law, and his little princess Ivanka get some really good lawyers, because it's looking like they have a lot to answer for as well

Watching this President operate in the political world is like watching a slow motion train wreck, I know how this is going to end, but it's hard to stop watching. :bye1:

Michael Flynn is cooperating with Mueller and eager to have case wrap up, court hears

Paul Manafort pleads guilty and agrees to cooperate with Mueller investigation - CNNPolitics

The Man Who Knows Donald Trump’s Financial Secrets Has Agreed to Become a Coöperating Witness

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

Michael Cohen is talking to Mueller about Trump and Russia

Analysis | Manafort’s verdict and Cohen’s plea gave Trump his worst day of the Russia investigation so far

New York Investigators Subpoena Michael Cohen for Documents Linked to Trump Foundation

Jared Kushner appears to be in trouble

Donald Trump Jr.’s Potential Legal Troubles, Explained

The Inconvenient Legal Troubles That Lie Ahead for the Trump Foundation

"It was the ROOSKIES that hacked the DNC that showed the corruptness and criminality of my beloved party!!! I just know it and it costed my beloved Hildebeast the election!!!!"

Sincerely, a leftard......
IF Dems were ever successful in removing Trump from office virtually every last Republican in the country would turn out to vote and Dem's will be obliterated.
All this "Russian collusion" has been alleged by Deep State and its servants McCain and Steele to fool brainless people like OP.


BTW, Manafort was colluding with Ukraine, not Russia, dear brainwashed liberals!
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Al Capone was busted for tax evasion, and Trump's tax matters make Al look like a Boy Scout.
The IRS and special counsel Mueller just took a big step forward in the Russia probe

Trump has an army of CPA's who do his taxes you stupid shit, and is audited every year by the IRS. God you people are dumb.
Manafort had accountants doing his taxes, too. He still laundered money, committed bank fraud, and was caught.

Enron had accountants.

Al Capone was busted for tax evasion, and Trump's tax matters make Al look like a Boy Scout.
The IRS and special counsel Mueller just took a big step forward in the Russia probe

Trump has an army of CPA's who do his taxes you stupid shit, and is audited every year by the IRS. God you people are dumb.
Manafort had accountants doing his taxes, too. He still laundered money and was caught.


Is Manafort a multi billionaire you simpleton?
The 2nd half has begun folks. With Michael Flynn, Allen Weisselberg, Michael Cohen, David Pecker and now Paul Manafort all cooperating with Robert Mueller and his prosecutors, and some with other jurisdictions as well, the Mueller team has most of the major players of Trump's inner circle in his corner. As Mueller's legal victories continue to grow, and the guilty pleas and cooperating witnesses mount, Trump's childish claims of a "witch hunt" sound's more and more ridiculous. Robert Mueller now has not only the bulk of Trump's dealings with Russia nailed down, but the bulk of his financial dealings as well, right down to the last dollar, pound, ruble, franc, deutsche mark, and offshore shell corporation.

I would advise Donald Trump's older sons, his son in law, and his little princess Ivanka get some really good lawyers, because it's looking like they have a lot to answer for as well

Watching this President operate in the political world is like watching a slow motion train wreck, I know how this is going to end, but it's hard to stop watching. :bye1:

Michael Flynn is cooperating with Mueller and eager to have case wrap up, court hears

Paul Manafort pleads guilty and agrees to cooperate with Mueller investigation - CNNPolitics

The Man Who Knows Donald Trump’s Financial Secrets Has Agreed to Become a Coöperating Witness

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

Michael Cohen is talking to Mueller about Trump and Russia

Analysis | Manafort’s verdict and Cohen’s plea gave Trump his worst day of the Russia investigation so far

New York Investigators Subpoena Michael Cohen for Documents Linked to Trump Foundation

Jared Kushner appears to be in trouble

Donald Trump Jr.’s Potential Legal Troubles, Explained

The Inconvenient Legal Troubles That Lie Ahead for the Trump Foundation

Ohmygod!!!! Is that really you Jesus? The All Knowing One ? Glad yer back! Now we can really get to work and put Trump's ass in jail. Just think, no more golf for The Donald!!!
Al Capone was busted for tax evasion, and Trump's tax matters make Al look like a Boy Scout.
The IRS and special counsel Mueller just took a big step forward in the Russia probe

Trump has an army of CPA's who do his taxes you stupid shit, and is audited every year by the IRS. God you people are dumb.
Manafort had accountants doing his taxes, too. He still laundered money and was caught.


Is Manafort a multi billionaire you simpleton?
No, and neither is Trump.

Besides, billions of dollars are just that much more to launder and hide.

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