Latest Casualty of BLM Word Police?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Yep, you guessed it. Now beauty product companies are removing and changing words from beauty products deemed "racially insensitive" such as the word "whitening" on products that lighten your skin or brighten your teeth, or other words such as "fair." Can't say "fair" anymore.

For now on, there is no such thing as getting your teeth whitened, but you can get them darkened, there can't be any more a "fair" complexion. Debate still rages what to replace them with---- maybe a "privileged" complexion.

Yep, you guessed it. Now beauty product companies are removing and changing words from beauty products deemed "racially insensitive" such as the word "whitening" on products that lighten your skin or brighten your teeth, or other words such as "fair." Can't say "fair" anymore.

For now on, there is no such thing as getting your teeth whitened, but you can get them darkened, there can't be any more a "fair" complexion. Debate still rages what to replace them with---- maybe a "privileged" complexion.

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If they want to be fair, this will be their new product.


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