Latest 'Document Dump' Exposes FBI as Threat To Nation & Citizens


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The FBI has already been exposed as a threat to the American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, betraying America's trust by trampling both the US Constitution and Rule of Law for DECADES.

Criminal FISA Court abuses go, as proven, all the way back to Robert Mueller's time as FBI Director and continued under his protege James Comey.

It has been proven through an undeniable wealth of evidence the FBI has been engaged in / guilty of:

Illegally spying on Americans, working with enemies of the United States to manufacture known false accusations and charges, Conspiracy, obstruction, altering official documents, altering witness testimony after the fact, entrapment, violating Miranda rights, intimidation, extortion, manufacturing evidence, espionage, sedition, and even treason by participating in and facilitating a failed political coup against a newly elected President...

Recently it has been confirmed that new FBI Director Christopher Wray has been very illegally withholding criminal evidence regarding many of these crimes in an attempt to protect the FBI and Deep State criminal syndicate's leaders, which he has proven he is a card-carrying member.

The latest 'bombshell' is the release of documents proving the FBI has evidence of crimes committed by some of the HIGHEST ranking officials and powerful people in the world...and have done nothing about it in an attempt to keep the information from being released IOT PROTECT THESE DESPICABLE MONSTERS.

KNOWING and PROVING are 2 very different things...

For example, literally EVERYONE knows career sex offender, pedophile, and former President Clinton was great friends with Epstein, flew on Epstein's private jet, Lolita Express - aka 'Pedeophile Force One' when Slick Willy was aboard, and partied with Epstein on his private pedo island on numerous occasions. Flight logs and other documents prove that....

...but through it all Clinton staunchly denied all accusations and evidence-based fact. The liberal media always had his back, and snowflakes would defend him to the death even if he was having sex with a child right behind them...

Maxwell, the 'Monster Madam' responsible for luring / acquiring children for Epstein and his pedo pals, kept documents, too...documents that have been released.

The FBI stayed deathly quiet after they raided pedo island and seized all of Epstein's files, records, and meticulous notes on all the children, dates / times, and ELITE list of Pecos who visited the island to 'party'...

Everyone KNEW the FBI had all of it, all the evidence they needed to bring the long list of world-renowned pedophiles to justice...but they were content to sit back and allow the liberal media try to convince the world that all evidence was lost to the world when Epstein was 'suicided'.

And then Maxwell was caught... Talk about 'laying waste to plans'...

Epstein's little black book went missing? The FBI knows where it is, I'll bet...but who cares?! Maxwell IS the living, breathing Epstein 'little black book'!

...and she kept her own documents / records, too.

Unless the world's most powerful pedophiles are willing to see Maxwell suffer the same fate as Epstein AND unless the FBI is going to act VERY soon to ensure no more documents come out and ALL existing records are again 'lost', the proverbial fecal matter is going to hit the rotating oscillator....

In fact, it already has...

Don't look now, Slick Willy, but you are covered in SHIT....

The bright side of this for Bill, however, is that the world now knows THE FBI HAS KNOWN / KNOWS WHO THESE PEDOS ARE, HID THE EVIDENCE, PROTECTED THESE MONSTERS, AND CONTINUES TO DO SO...

Wray should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY ... investigated, and charged with obstruction, aiding and abetting, and as many other charges as can be legally filed.

Can you believe the fate of American citizen's Constitutional & civil rights was placed in this criminal traitor's hands?

The FISA Court allowed Wray to be the GUARDIAN protector over FISA Court warrant applications so the FISA Court process can continue to exist and be used against Americans by this POS & his crime syndicate...

HE and the FBI - who victimized millions of Americans, facilitated a coup attempt, and have knowingly railroaded innocent people into jail for DECADES (Mueller did it, Comey did it...) - get to 'assure' the FISA Court that from now on every warrant they submit is 100% legitimate / accurate / honest...

...meanwhile they are colluding with our nation's enemies against our own govt / Presidents, victimizing citizens, and protecting spies, pedophiles, and traitors...

...facilitating the despicable enslavement, captivity, sexual abuse, and use of children as sexual 'toys' for powerful elitists / Deep State monstrous pedophiles...

The FBI needs to be ordered to stand down, a full ransacking of records / files for thorough review and then be placed under outside TRULY objective non-insider supervision / control...

There should be a news crew outside of Wray's house as his electronics, files, records, etc are taken and he is placed into custody...

The FBI has already been exposed as a threat to the American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, betraying America's trust by trampling both the US Constitution and Rule of Law for DECADES.

Criminal FISA Court abuses go, as proven, all the way back to Robert Mueller's time as FBI Director and continued under his protege James Comey.

It has been proven through an undeniable wealth of evidence the FBI has been engaged in / guilty of:

Illegally spying on Americans, working with enemies of the United States to manufacture known false accusations and charges, Conspiracy, obstruction, altering official documents, altering witness testimony after the fact, entrapment, violating Miranda rights, intimidation, extortion, manufacturing evidence, espionage, sedition, and even treason by participating in and facilitating a failed political coup against a newly elected President...

Recently it has been confirmed that new FBI Director Christopher Wray has been very illegally withholding criminal evidence regarding many of these crimes in an attempt to protect the FBI and Deep State criminal syndicate's leaders, which he has proven he is a card-carrying member.

The latest 'bombshell' is the release of documents proving the FBI has evidence of crimes committed by some of the HIGHEST ranking officials and powerful people in the world...and have done nothing about it in an attempt to keep the information from being released IOT PROTECT THESE DESPICABLE MONSTERS.

Like Truman disbanding the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Trump should dissolve and disband the FBI then rehire only the most trusted and honest agents rebuilding the agency.
Here's a little know point of fact. Former NSA Director Mike Rogers is working closely with John Dunham in the criminal investigation requested by the DoJ.

Can a mod tell me how the official Deep State crime syndicate - aka FBI - who attempted to help Barry affect a political coup, who protected Hillary, and has and still is protecting Slick Willy's fat pasty pedophile ass ... and others using our tax money to hide evidence, facilitate crimes, and help politicians like Pedo Bill NOT 'political' in some shape or form?

The FBI became / was used as a political protecting politicians while trying to take down others...

...and they were just exposed for hiding evidence of crimes committed by former President Bill Clinton...


Inquiring minds would like to know...

This time is totally unlike all the hundreds of others times.

This time, all of the enemies of DearLeaderTrump will be arrested for sure!

You just wait! Any day now! Gulags for all the liberals!
Wray should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY ... investigated, and charged with obstruction, aiding and abetting, and as many other charges as can be legally filed.

Can you believe the fate of American citizen's Constitutional & civil rights was placed in this criminal traitor's hands?
Can you believe....

There is absolutely no reasonable or rational explanation to explain why
people have simply rolled over and slipped into a comatose state...

allowing our employees to dictate what we can and can not buy,
(seriously, banning the sale of American flags and seeds)

who has to follow social distancing guidelines and what is not permissible
(protesting is fine, church is not)

who has to wear masks and who doesn't
(D.C. citizens have to wear masks, but shall not be applied to persons in the judicial or legislative branches of the District government while those persons are on duty; and shall not apply to any employees of the federal government while they are on duty.)

I still do not understand how re opening the country is being blamed for 'spikes'
and not massive protesting and rioting

allowing criminals to destroy property, terrorize law abiding citizens,
and not only tell police to stand down but defund law enforcement
(until shit is on their doorstep then it's a different story)

You've got Nadler blatantly abusing hearing proceedings
with such audacious arrogance it is mind boggling to say the least
(Jim Jordan exercises a great deal of restraint...Nadler needs a good crack upside his head
Seriously...who the fuck does he think he is)

You've got the Democratic Senator from Georgia asking Barr
questions pertaining to mail in ballots, and because she doesn't like his answer,
states he is avoiding the question and doesn't want to provide an answer
(I would have rolled my eyes too)

There is absolutely no reasonable or rational explanation to explain why
people have simply rolled over and slipped into a comatose state...
other than, God is creating and allowing the circumstances
to bring about what He planned

Stability in government is essential to national character and to the advantages annexed to it,
as well as to that repose and confidence in the minds of the people,
which are among the chief blessings of civil society.

James Madison, Federalist No. 37, January 11, 1788

The ultimate arbiter is the people of the Union.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Johnson, 1823

To restore... harmony,... to render us again one people acting as one nation
should be the object of every man really a patriot.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to Thomas McKean, 1801

My confidence is that there will for a long time
be virtue and good sense enough in our countrymen to correct abuses.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to Edward Rutledge, 1788

On every unauthoritative exercise of power by the legislature must the people rise in rebellion or their silence be construed into a surrender of that power to them? If so, how many rebellions should we have had already?

Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, Query 12, 1782

It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor.
A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.

Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia Query 19, 1781

A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.

Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, February 12, 1779

Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.

John Adams, Thoughts on Government, 1776

The fabric of American empire ought to rest on the solid basis of THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE.
The streams of national power ought to flow from that pure, original fountain of all legitimate authority.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 22, December 14, 1787

The republican principle demands that the deliberate sense of the community should govern the conduct of those to whom they entrust the management of their affairs; but it does not require an unqualified complaisance to every sudden breeze of passion or to every transient impulse which the people may receive from the arts of men, who flatter their prejudices to betray their interests.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 71, March 18, 1788

Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone.
The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories.

Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, Query 14, 1781

I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Charles Jarvis, September 28, 1820

If a nation expects to be ignorant — and free — in a state of civilization,
it expects what never was and never will be.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to Colonel Charles Yancey, January 6, 1816

Wherever the real power in a Government lies, there is the danger of oppression.

James Madison, letter to Thomas Jefferson, October 17, 1788
KNOWING and PROVING are 2 very different things...

For example, literally EVERYONE knows career sex offender, pedophile, and former President Clinton was great friends with Epstein, flew on Epstein's private jet, Lolita Express - aka 'Pedeophile Force One' when Slick Willy was aboard, and partied with Epstein on his private pedo island on numerous occasions. Flight logs and other documents prove that....

...but through it all Clinton staunchly denied all accusations and evidence-based fact. The liberal media always had his back, and snowflakes would defend him to the death even if he was having sex with a child right behind them...

Maxwell, the 'Monster Madam' responsible for luring / acquiring children for Epstein and his pedo pals, kept documents, too...documents that have been released.

The FBI stayed deathly quiet after they raided pedo island and seized all of Epstein's files, records, and meticulous notes on all the children, dates / times, and ELITE list of Pecos who visited the island to 'party'...

Everyone KNEW the FBI had all of it, all the evidence they needed to bring the long list of world-renowned pedophiles to justice...but they were content to sit back and allow the liberal media try to convince the world that all evidence was lost to the world when Epstein was 'suicided'.

And then Maxwell was caught... Talk about 'laying waste to plans'...

Epstein's little black book went missing? The FBI knows where it is, I'll bet...but who cares?! Maxwell IS the living, breathing Epstein 'little black book'!

...and she kept her own documents / records, too.

Unless the world's most powerful pedophiles are willing to see Maxwell suffer the same fate as Epstein AND unless the FBI is going to act VERY soon to ensure no more documents come out and ALL existing records are again 'lost', the proverbial fecal matter is going to hit the rotating oscillator....

In fact, it already has...

Don't look now, Slick Willy, but you are covered in SHIT....

The bright side of this for Bill, however, is that the world now knows THE FBI HAS KNOWN / KNOWS WHO THESE PEDOS ARE, HID THE EVIDENCE, PROTECTED THESE MONSTERS, AND CONTINUES TO DO SO...

If half of what you say is true, why is the orange calf not disclosing the information?
KNOWING and PROVING are 2 very different things...

For example, literally EVERYONE knows career sex offender, pedophile, and former President Clinton was great friends with Epstein, flew on Epstein's private jet, Lolita Express - aka 'Pedeophile Force One' when Slick Willy was aboard, and partied with Epstein on his private pedo island on numerous occasions. Flight logs and other documents prove that....

...but through it all Clinton staunchly denied all accusations and evidence-based fact. The liberal media always had his back, and snowflakes would defend him to the death even if he was having sex with a child right behind them...

Maxwell, the 'Monster Madam' responsible for luring / acquiring children for Epstein and his pedo pals, kept documents, too...documents that have been released.

The FBI stayed deathly quiet after they raided pedo island and seized all of Epstein's files, records, and meticulous notes on all the children, dates / times, and ELITE list of Pecos who visited the island to 'party'...

Everyone KNEW the FBI had all of it, all the evidence they needed to bring the long list of world-renowned pedophiles to justice...but they were content to sit back and allow the liberal media try to convince the world that all evidence was lost to the world when Epstein was 'suicided'.

And then Maxwell was caught... Talk about 'laying waste to plans'...

Epstein's little black book went missing? The FBI knows where it is, I'll bet...but who cares?! Maxwell IS the living, breathing Epstein 'little black book'!

...and she kept her own documents / records, too.

Unless the world's most powerful pedophiles are willing to see Maxwell suffer the same fate as Epstein AND unless the FBI is going to act VERY soon to ensure no more documents come out and ALL existing records are again 'lost', the proverbial fecal matter is going to hit the rotating oscillator....

In fact, it already has...

Don't look now, Slick Willy, but you are covered in SHIT....

The bright side of this for Bill, however, is that the world now knows THE FBI HAS KNOWN / KNOWS WHO THESE PEDOS ARE, HID THE EVIDENCE, PROTECTED THESE MONSTERS, AND CONTINUES TO DO SO...

If half of what you say is true, why is the orange calf not disclosing the information?
After decades of FBI corruption & after the last 4 years, do you think the FBI answers to / shares the truth with President Trump. The FBI has kept its dirty little secrets from the President as well as the people....IMHO...
KNOWING and PROVING are 2 very different things...

For example, literally EVERYONE knows career sex offender, pedophile, and former President Clinton was great friends with Epstein, flew on Epstein's private jet, Lolita Express - aka 'Pedeophile Force One' when Slick Willy was aboard, and partied with Epstein on his private pedo island on numerous occasions. Flight logs and other documents prove that....

...but through it all Clinton staunchly denied all accusations and evidence-based fact. The liberal media always had his back, and snowflakes would defend him to the death even if he was having sex with a child right behind them...

Maxwell, the 'Monster Madam' responsible for luring / acquiring children for Epstein and his pedo pals, kept documents, too...documents that have been released.

The FBI stayed deathly quiet after they raided pedo island and seized all of Epstein's files, records, and meticulous notes on all the children, dates / times, and ELITE list of Pecos who visited the island to 'party'...

Everyone KNEW the FBI had all of it, all the evidence they needed to bring the long list of world-renowned pedophiles to justice...but they were content to sit back and allow the liberal media try to convince the world that all evidence was lost to the world when Epstein was 'suicided'.

And then Maxwell was caught... Talk about 'laying waste to plans'...

Epstein's little black book went missing? The FBI knows where it is, I'll bet...but who cares?! Maxwell IS the living, breathing Epstein 'little black book'!

...and she kept her own documents / records, too.

Unless the world's most powerful pedophiles are willing to see Maxwell suffer the same fate as Epstein AND unless the FBI is going to act VERY soon to ensure no more documents come out and ALL existing records are again 'lost', the proverbial fecal matter is going to hit the rotating oscillator....

In fact, it already has...

Don't look now, Slick Willy, but you are covered in SHIT....

The bright side of this for Bill, however, is that the world now knows THE FBI HAS KNOWN / KNOWS WHO THESE PEDOS ARE, HID THE EVIDENCE, PROTECTED THESE MONSTERS, AND CONTINUES TO DO SO...

If half of what you say is true, why is the orange calf not disclosing the information?
After decades of FBI corruption & after the last 4 years, do you think the FBI answers to / shares the truth with President Trump. The FBI has kept its dirty little secrets from the President as well as the people....IMHO...

Donald Trump is corrupt and he's a moron. He made all of his own issues. If we had a functioning government and a Republican Party with any honor or integrity left, he'd be long gone.
And all of your jerking off and misdirection won't change that fact.
Psst....No one cares.
Just click your heels together and say...Any...Day...Now....

And THERE is the problem with the world!

That was the sickest fucking thing I've read all day!

OK, maybe I said that in haste. What I meant was, no one who is dealing with the pandemic or the resulting economic carnage brought on by the inaction and incompetence of the current administration cares. No one who saw that Obama run a clean ship for 8 years cares. The only people who care about this are the members of the alt-right. The ones who lost their shit the day Obama was elected. The ones like the GWP that publish bullshit like this and get away without charges of libel and slander. The ones that just can't bring themselves to admit that the guy they backed is corrupt and dumb. It's easier to go looking for conspiracies under rocks.

The authorities will deal with Maxwell. And whomever was involved with her.
The GWP is NOT a credible source of information...on anything. Just red meat for you lemmings.
Donald Trump is corrupt and he's a moron. He made all of his own issues.

President Trump did not rig the DNC primary ... Did not protect Hillary from going to prison....did not collude with foreign spies and Russians to try to affect the outcome of an election...did not commit FISA Court abuses...did not illegally spy on people...did not attempt to affect a treasonous political coup...did not go back on his promise to accept the outcome of an election...did not become so butthurt after losing that he spent 4 years attempting to undermine / overthrow the US government and remove its leader...did not perpetrate Conspiracy, perjury, espionage, obstruction, sedition, etc...

Like Barry, the Dems, & FBI have done and continue to do.
The GWP is NOT a credible source of information...on anything. Just red meat for you lemmings.
Thanks for the biased OPINION.....but the fact remains - losers attempt to discredit sources when they can not debunk what is being reported...
Donald Trump is corrupt and he's a moron. He made all of his own issues.

President Trump did not rig the DNC primary ... Did not protect Hillary from going to prison....did not collude with foreign spies and Russians to try to affect the outcome of an election...did not commit FISA Court abuses...did not illegally spy on people...did not attempt to affect a treasonous political coup...did not go back on his promise to accept the outcome of an election...did not become so butthurt after losing that he spent 4 years attempting to undermine / overthrow the US government and remove its leader...did not perpetrate Conspiracy, perjury, espionage, obstruction, sedition, etc...

Like Barry, the Dems, & FBI have done and continue to do.

Again, Trump made all of his own issues. From Russia, to immigration, to Comey, to Charlottesville, to healthcare, to Ukraine and impeachment..and finally to the blown response to the pandemic. He's a narcissistic moron. No self awareness. As an example, just think, if he doesn't fire Comey, the investigation goes on for another few months...and most likely ends right there in the FBI. The same organization your are ranting against now. Jeff Sessions doesn't recuse, no Special Counsel is appointed, no Russia investigation. And also, perhaps no investigations referred such as Michael Cohen or Roger Stone. See how that works?

But, as I said, he creates all of his own problems. I do love that you willing baby birds open your mouths for his regurgitated crap and then sing his praises to the highest mountain.
It'll make what's coming in November even sweeter. :)
Donald Trump is corrupt and he's a moron. He made all of his own issues.

President Trump did not rig the DNC primary ... Did not protect Hillary from going to prison....did not collude with foreign spies and Russians to try to affect the outcome of an election...did not commit FISA Court abuses...did not illegally spy on people...did not attempt to affect a treasonous political coup...did not go back on his promise to accept the outcome of an election...did not become so butthurt after losing that he spent 4 years attempting to undermine / overthrow the US government and remove its leader...did not perpetrate Conspiracy, perjury, espionage, obstruction, sedition, etc...

Like Barry, the Dems, & FBI have done and continue to do.

Again, Trump made all of his own issues. From Russia, to immigration, to Comey, to Charlottesville, to healthcare, to Ukraine and impeachment..and finally to the blown response to the pandemic. He's a narcissistic moron. No self awareness. As an example, just think, if he doesn't fire Comey, the investigation goes on for another few months...and most likely ends right there in the FBI. The same organization your are ranting against now. Jeff Sessions doesn't recuse, no Special Counsel is appointed, no Russia investigation. And also, perhaps no investigations referred such as Michael Cohen or Roger Stone. See how that works?

But, as I said, he creates all of his own problems. I do love that you willing baby birds open your mouths for his regurgitated crap and then sing his praises to the highest mountain.
It'll make what's coming in November even sweeter. :)
Sorry, but I already destroyed your childish 'Trump is responsible for Obama's & Democrats' coup attempts, etc....' BS.

You are so Triggered & partisan you can not acknowledge the crimes of your puppet masters.
Donald Trump is corrupt and he's a moron. He made all of his own issues.

President Trump did not rig the DNC primary ... Did not protect Hillary from going to prison....did not collude with foreign spies and Russians to try to affect the outcome of an election...did not commit FISA Court abuses...did not illegally spy on people...did not attempt to affect a treasonous political coup...did not go back on his promise to accept the outcome of an election...did not become so butthurt after losing that he spent 4 years attempting to undermine / overthrow the US government and remove its leader...did not perpetrate Conspiracy, perjury, espionage, obstruction, sedition, etc...

Like Barry, the Dems, & FBI have done and continue to do.

Again, Trump made all of his own issues. From Russia, to immigration, to Comey, to Charlottesville, to healthcare, to Ukraine and impeachment..and finally to the blown response to the pandemic. He's a narcissistic moron. No self awareness. As an example, just think, if he doesn't fire Comey, the investigation goes on for another few months...and most likely ends right there in the FBI. The same organization your are ranting against now. Jeff Sessions doesn't recuse, no Special Counsel is appointed, no Russia investigation. And also, perhaps no investigations referred such as Michael Cohen or Roger Stone. See how that works?

But, as I said, he creates all of his own problems. I do love that you willing baby birds open your mouths for his regurgitated crap and then sing his praises to the highest mountain.
It'll make what's coming in November even sweeter. :)
Sorry, but I already destroyed your childish 'Trump is responsible for Obama's & Democrats' coup attempts, etc....' BS.

You are so Triggered & partisan you can not acknowledge the crimes of your puppet masters.

No you didn't. You just sidestepped it and deflected. Like you usually do. You didn't present any evidence (beyond your alt-right sources) of anything.
Even the most partisan hack in Trump's administration isn't going to put their necks on the chopping block to manufacture evidence of a "crime".
You've got nothing. Just bile and screed.

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