Latest from Obama pal Gruber - Aborting marginal children is a social good


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Hate to admit it but i think the grubster is right about this. The value of abortion is keeping down the numbers of poor people.

Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber Abortion of Marginal Children a Social Good

dec 7 2014
Embattled MIT professor Jonathan Gruber has not only gotten in trouble for bragging about helping President Obama put one over on the American people with Obamacare, he’s also been uncovered as an abortion advocate—but not a run-of-the-mill advocate of “women’s rights.”
No, Gruber’s abortion advocacy is of a particularly pungent eugenics variety. He’s on record repeatedly making the case from social science that abortion is a “social good” because it reduces the number of “marginal children,” by which he means urban poor—those he says can be counted on to commit crimes if they were ever born.

Gruber co-authored a paper during the Clinton years which argued that legal abortion had saved the U.S. taxpayer upwards of $14 billion in welfare benefits and that it also lowered crime.
Obama pal my ass- a media idiot. Free birth control with ACA is a helluva lot better idea. YES FREE- saves EVERYONE money, hater dupe.
How long before Gruber also says burning them for fuel (like in Oregon) is a pro-environment policy?

I think Gruber has been to the Bohemian Grove for the child sacrifice ceremony too.

these are the people tapped by you President to help in writing that POS called, OsCamcare

Are you ashamed YET?
Gruber represents mainstream liberalism. This is how they think. I'm thankful that Gruber (as disgusting as he is) has a big mouth and is showing the world just what kind of monsters run the Democratic Party.
How long before Gruber also says burning them for fuel (like in Oregon) is a pro-environment policy?

I think Gruber has been to the Bohemian Grove for the child sacrifice ceremony too.

You never told us, what should be done with aborted fetuses?
Democrats are Eugenicists. FDR early work at Tuskegee would later prove to be a big influence on Mengele and the Nazis

Listen to Zeke Emmanuel talking about "Untermenschen" Good times!
How long before Gruber also says burning them for fuel (like in Oregon) is a pro-environment policy?

I think Gruber has been to the Bohemian Grove for the child sacrifice ceremony too.

You never told us, what should be done with aborted fetuses?

How about expounding on what should be done when the 'aborted fetus' is so uncooperative as to continue living after the 'abortion'?

Senator Obama had a plan you might agree with: let them die.

  1. In 2002, was the only member of the Illinois state Senate to speak on the floor against a bill protecting premature infants born alive in the course of failed abortions. He had argued that to give such legal recognition to the humanity of a baby born so prematurely would threaten the right to legal abortion: [W]hat we’re really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided a- a child a nine-month old- child that was delivered to term. That determination then, essentially if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortion to take place.” OBAMA Senate Bill 1093 Illinois
Gruber should be taken out back and shot. I no, I don't mean that figuratively. It would cut down the number of wretched assholes, if only by one.
Is it wrong for a married woman to use birth control because she believes they can't afford a child, or another child?

Is it wrong for the same woman to have an abortion, for the same reason, if in fact the birth control plan failed?
Obama pal my ass- a media idiot. Free birth control with ACA is a helluva lot better idea. YES FREE- saves EVERYONE money, hater dupe.
I totally agree from a purely pragmatic POV.

Abortion and BC should be free and available at every possible outlet.
Obama pal my ass- a media idiot. Free birth control with ACA is a helluva lot better idea. YES FREE- saves EVERYONE money, hater dupe.
Idiot libtard. Someone has to pay for it. You are so stupid.
The cost of unwanted children being born to unwanted children who were born to other unwanted children is becoming too great of a burden for any nation to bare, despite the moral issue of whether abortion is right or wrong.
Democrats are Eugenicists. FDR early work at Tuskegee would later prove to be a big influence on Mengele and the Nazis

Listen to Zeke Emmanuel talking about "Untermenschen" Good times!

Pretty sad chapter in american history when hitler and the nazi party were learning of various methods on how to kill and sterilize from our democrat progs of the early 1900's.
Is it wrong for a married woman to use birth control because she believes they can't afford a child, or another child?

Is it wrong for the same woman to have an abortion, for the same reason, if in fact the birth control plan failed?

Hey einstein. Same argument for killing kids can be made when the kid is a year or two old. THINK
The cost of unwanted children being born to unwanted children who were born to other unwanted children is becoming too great of a burden for any nation to bare, despite the moral issue of whether abortion is right or wrong.

A better solution is to tell poor women - You want welfare for you and your family, then you must be sterilized.
Is it wrong for a married woman to use birth control because she believes they can't afford a child, or another child?

Is it wrong for the same woman to have an abortion, for the same reason, if in fact the birth control plan failed?

Hey einstein. Same argument for killing kids can be made when the kid is a year or two old. THINK

Okay, then from your perspective a woman who uses RU486 should get the same penalty as a woman who murders a 2 year old.

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