Latest Liberal Insanity. Colleges Give You Special Treatment If Your Family Language Is Not English


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Blacks, hispanics, indians, homos, women, disabled, and now we must include people whose family language is non-english as deserving of favoritism. The persecution of straight healthy white males continues to grow.

Affirmative Action Granted for Non-English University Students

sep 13, 2014
Applicants to the University of Texas (UT), among potentially many other schools, can benefit from affirmative action if English is not spoken in the applicant’s home.

This little-noticed feature of the UT admissions program was buried in last year’s Supreme Court decision, Fisher v. University of Texas. As the Fisher majority explained, students can reap the rewards of preferences for “speaking a language other than English at home.”

Several legal experts find this form of preference questionable, if not unconstitutional.

“It discourages assimilation,” Gail Heriot, a University of San Diego law professor, says. By potentially rewarding applicants from families that do not speak English precisely because they have not linguistically assimilated, the preference seems to run against the grain of the American immigration ethos.

The non-English preference has largely escaped scrutiny, even following the recent Fisher case. As the Supreme Court majority described UT’s admissions program in Fisher, there are “special circumstances that give insight into a student’s background” such as “growing up in a single-parent home, speaking a language other than English at home, significant family responsibilities assumed by the applicant, and the general socioeconomic condition of the student’s family.” In addition, membership in certain specific racial minority groups can, of course, be a basis for preferences.
All affirmative action conflicts with the 14th amendment requirement for equal protection under the law but of course, none of that matters anymore. Liberals just do whatever they want.
All affirmative action conflicts with the 14th amendment requirement for equal protection under the law but of course, none of that matters anymore. Liberals just do whatever they want.

Everyone is equally protected under the law. As long as you're African-American, Asian-American, etc., of course.

To be outraged at this would be truly ridiculous. Do you get butthurt when other people get a larger tax return than you do? After all "hurr durr equal," right?

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