Latest on the Wagner 'Protest'


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Plasticville U.S.A
Author cites instances where this whole event was staged and Putin was the man behind the curtain.

Prigozhin would have had to be an idiot or suicidal to think that with 8,000 men he could invade Moscow. Yet Prigozhin is very smart man, a juvenile delinquent turned convict, then hot dog salesman, then CEO of a multi-million dollar catering business serving the Kremlin, to finally commander of the world's most formidable mercenary force. It is utterly implausible that Prigozhin thought that he could take on Rosgvardia, Russia's National Guard, a 340,000-strong domestic security force reporting directly Putin.

And then there was the footage of Prigozhin sitting a bench in Rostov-on-Don, bantering amiably with Russia's deputy minister of defense, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov and deputy head of the Russian military intelligence, the GRU, Lt. Gen. Vladimir Alekseyev. It was just too chummy for a true rebellion.
The "coup" was staged. The only question is, why would Putin stage such an elaborate deception?

And the answer is politics. The Russian strongman is up for re-election on March 17, 2024. With no end in sight to the Russia-Ukraine war, Putin has to convince the Russians of the need to bear even more sacrifices in order to maintain popular support for the war in Ukraine. Putin achieved this by appealing to two primordial fears of the Russian people: invasion from the West and chaos.
And the Russian media predictably cheered the dear leader for saving Mother Russia and "chasing away" the traitors.

Of course, what Russians view as strength—Putin was able to squash a major armed mutiny—Western media and Biden's "experts" interpreted as weakness. And this, too, is as Putin wants it. The perception in the West that he is weak and his military is incompetent suggests that the West need not provide so much assistance to Ukraine, a key goal of Putin's.
Meanwhile, the Wagner Group has used its trip to Moscow to land itself in Belarus, which just received a gift of tactical nuclear weapons from Putin. This points to yet another potential goal of the false flag operation: opening a second front to Ukraine's north while directly threatening NATO's eastern flank with the weapons of Armageddon. This time, Putin is doing it with Russia's most effective fighting force.

The Wagner 'Coup' Was Staged by Putin—and the West Fell for It
I suspected it was a False Flag and clearly stated that here immediately . Priggy is not the Wagner big boss but it seemed logical to have him in Belarus to support any Russian breakout now or very soon . Plus -- and I speculate -- it may deflect from other Russian build ups and most notably in Kharkov and maybe Zaporozhye where Kyiv is favourite to try a False Flag attack on the ZZPower Plant .
Author cites instances where this whole event was staged and Putin was the man behind the curtain.

Prigozhin would have had to be an idiot or suicidal to think that with 8,000 men he could invade Moscow. Yet Prigozhin is very smart man, a juvenile delinquent turned convict, then hot dog salesman, then CEO of a multi-million dollar catering business serving the Kremlin, to finally commander of the world's most formidable mercenary force. It is utterly implausible that Prigozhin thought that he could take on Rosgvardia, Russia's National Guard, a 340,000-strong domestic security force reporting directly Putin.

And then there was the footage of Prigozhin sitting a bench in Rostov-on-Don, bantering amiably with Russia's deputy minister of defense, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov and deputy head of the Russian military intelligence, the GRU, Lt. Gen. Vladimir Alekseyev. It was just too chummy for a true rebellion.
The "coup" was staged. The only question is, why would Putin stage such an elaborate deception?

And the answer is politics. The Russian strongman is up for re-election on March 17, 2024. With no end in sight to the Russia-Ukraine war, Putin has to convince the Russians of the need to bear even more sacrifices in order to maintain popular support for the war in Ukraine. Putin achieved this by appealing to two primordial fears of the Russian people: invasion from the West and chaos.
And the Russian media predictably cheered the dear leader for saving Mother Russia and "chasing away" the traitors.

Of course, what Russians view as strength—Putin was able to squash a major armed mutiny—Western media and Biden's "experts" interpreted as weakness. And this, too, is as Putin wants it. The perception in the West that he is weak and his military is incompetent suggests that the West need not provide so much assistance to Ukraine, a key goal of Putin's.
Meanwhile, the Wagner Group has used its trip to Moscow to land itself in Belarus, which just received a gift of tactical nuclear weapons from Putin. This points to yet another potential goal of the false flag operation: opening a second front to Ukraine's north while directly threatening NATO's eastern flank with the weapons of Armageddon. This time, Putin is doing it with Russia's most effective fighting force.

The Wagner 'Coup' Was Staged by Putin—and the West Fell for It
Good for you! You're getting it partially right at least, even though some of the story is wrong.

Col. Macgregor gets it all right and you would do well to listen to a few hours of him talking and then come back and join the discussion.

Do you understand that Prigophin is a hero to the Russian people and that's the reason why Putin couldn't have him whacked? His bullet will still come but it will be at the right time.
and maybe Zaporozhye where Kyiv is favourite to try a False Flag attack on the ZZPower Plant .
America is responsible for decisions being made by Zelensky and so a Ukraine attack on the power plant has already been declared by Putin to be nuclear war.

That makes it very difficult to judge whether or not the Ukraine will do it?

I think it's highly unlikely that America will try to call Putin's possible bluffing on that! It would be America finally throwing out all the rules and limitations on their war against Russia.
Author cites instances where this whole event was staged and Putin was the man behind the curtain.

Prigozhin would have had to be an idiot or suicidal to think that with 8,000 men he could invade Moscow. Yet Prigozhin is very smart man, a juvenile delinquent turned convict, then hot dog salesman, then CEO of a multi-million dollar catering business serving the Kremlin, to finally commander of the world's most formidable mercenary force. It is utterly implausible that Prigozhin thought that he could take on Rosgvardia, Russia's National Guard, a 340,000-strong domestic security force reporting directly Putin.

And then there was the footage of Prigozhin sitting a bench in Rostov-on-Don, bantering amiably with Russia's deputy minister of defense, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov and deputy head of the Russian military intelligence, the GRU, Lt. Gen. Vladimir Alekseyev. It was just too chummy for a true rebellion.
The "coup" was staged. The only question is, why would Putin stage such an elaborate deception?

And the answer is politics. The Russian strongman is up for re-election on March 17, 2024. With no end in sight to the Russia-Ukraine war, Putin has to convince the Russians of the need to bear even more sacrifices in order to maintain popular support for the war in Ukraine. Putin achieved this by appealing to two primordial fears of the Russian people: invasion from the West and chaos.
And the Russian media predictably cheered the dear leader for saving Mother Russia and "chasing away" the traitors.

Of course, what Russians view as strength—Putin was able to squash a major armed mutiny—Western media and Biden's "experts" interpreted as weakness. And this, too, is as Putin wants it. The perception in the West that he is weak and his military is incompetent suggests that the West need not provide so much assistance to Ukraine, a key goal of Putin's.
Meanwhile, the Wagner Group has used its trip to Moscow to land itself in Belarus, which just received a gift of tactical nuclear weapons from Putin. This points to yet another potential goal of the false flag operation: opening a second front to Ukraine's north while directly threatening NATO's eastern flank with the weapons of Armageddon. This time, Putin is doing it with Russia's most effective fighting force.

The Wagner 'Coup' Was Staged by Putin—and the West Fell for It
It may have been staged by Putin, but not likely based on your reasoning.

Most experts know the war is over. The Ukes have nothing left. Putin is moving slowly because he doesn’t want NATO jumping in and escalating this war. He knows US policy is governed by Russia hating fanatical neocons, who want him and Russia destroyed. So he may be going slow to avert this possibility.

His approval rating in Russia is over 90% (compare that to tater in the WH). He has nothing to fear internally, other than his generals who may want to go full Shock and Awe to end this dumb provoked proxy war.
For anyone wanting to keep up with the facts on the war, Macgregor has explained it all.

He understands Putin's/Russia's choice of moving now to take the entire Ukraine right up to Poland's border, or, sit and wait for America to call for peace talks.

There's too much detail to be heard for me to try to explain it completely.

Macgregor is the most credible source of information that's available and he's been willing to tell it all, regardless of the compromise to his country, for the higher cause.
For anyone wanting to keep up with the facts on the war, Macgregor has explained it all.

He understands Putin's/Russia's choice of moving now to take the entire Ukraine right up to Poland's border, or, sit and wait for America to call for peace talks.

There's too much detail to be heard for me to try to explain it completely.

Macgregor is the most credible source of information that's available and he's been willing to tell it all, regardless of the compromise to his country, for the higher cause.
He mentioned in a recent interview that Putin fears Poland and Lithuania may enter the war, as the Ukes falter. This may explain why Putin is being so cautious. The US media and idiot politicians seem to think Russia is weak, when they’re being cautious. This could backfire on Putin.
Author cites instances where this whole event was staged and Putin was the man behind the curtain.

Prigozhin would have had to be an idiot or suicidal to think that with 8,000 men he could invade Moscow. Yet Prigozhin is very smart man, a juvenile delinquent turned convict, then hot dog salesman, then CEO of a multi-million dollar catering business serving the Kremlin, to finally commander of the world's most formidable mercenary force. It is utterly implausible that Prigozhin thought that he could take on Rosgvardia, Russia's National Guard, a 340,000-strong domestic security force reporting directly Putin.

And then there was the footage of Prigozhin sitting a bench in Rostov-on-Don, bantering amiably with Russia's deputy minister of defense, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov and deputy head of the Russian military intelligence, the GRU, Lt. Gen. Vladimir Alekseyev. It was just too chummy for a true rebellion.
The "coup" was staged. The only question is, why would Putin stage such an elaborate deception?

And the answer is politics. The Russian strongman is up for re-election on March 17, 2024. With no end in sight to the Russia-Ukraine war, Putin has to convince the Russians of the need to bear even more sacrifices in order to maintain popular support for the war in Ukraine. Putin achieved this by appealing to two primordial fears of the Russian people: invasion from the West and chaos.
And the Russian media predictably cheered the dear leader for saving Mother Russia and "chasing away" the traitors.

Of course, what Russians view as strength—Putin was able to squash a major armed mutiny—Western media and Biden's "experts" interpreted as weakness. And this, too, is as Putin wants it. The perception in the West that he is weak and his military is incompetent suggests that the West need not provide so much assistance to Ukraine, a key goal of Putin's.
Meanwhile, the Wagner Group has used its trip to Moscow to land itself in Belarus, which just received a gift of tactical nuclear weapons from Putin. This points to yet another potential goal of the false flag operation: opening a second front to Ukraine's north while directly threatening NATO's eastern flank with the weapons of Armageddon. This time, Putin is doing it with Russia's most effective fighting force.

The Wagner 'Coup' Was Staged by Putin—and the West Fell for It

The West even paid $6.2B for it
Many of your friends on the left call him a crackpot.
That's true for the 'American' left my friend.
And the majority of the American right are afraid to commit to accepting his truth.
Now back to choosing what flavour and how many scoops.
He mentioned in a recent interview that Putin fears Poland and Lithuania may enter the war, as the Ukes falter. This may explain why Putin is being so cautious. The US media and idiot politicians seem to think Russia is weak, when they’re being cautious. This could backfire on Putin.
Right! and good for you!
To put your understanding in its proper context, that's a part of the reason why Putin might make his move very soon.

And no, the Russians aren't weak! Macgregor also speculates that America would lose a war against Russia, and he doesn't include China in the mix.

He talks of the America fleet being destroyed before it even reaches the shores, or the range required to deploy air power.
The war in Ukraine has become a stagnant infantry/artillery war like the Western front in WW I. Tanks & Aircraft have been neutralized. Missiles and drones are the only new tech - and their not making much difference.

The Russians tried massive infantry attacks in Bahkmut, but just set tens of thousands to the slaughter - that's why the Russian military & Wagner had their issues. The regular Russian military knows that sending thousands of soldiers to their deaths against hardened defensive positions doesn't work now any better than it did in 1915.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainians tried launching an offensive - and found the same thing. They've stopped before sacrificing thousands.

So the Russians put on a bit of theater and tried to make it look like the transfer of Wagner to Belarus was due to a phony uprising. Russia wants to use Belarus as it's surrogate for launching another attack against Kyiv. I doubt it will work. At best it will cause the Ukrainians to relocate troops to Kyiv and end any Ukrainian offensive in the east.

This looks like it's gonna be a long, long stagnant war.

The question is whether the Russian or the Western economies can sustain the war the longest.

China is laughing at us all!!!
The war in Ukraine has become a stagnant infantry/artillery war like the Western front in WW I. Tanks & Aircraft have been neutralized. Missiles and drones are the only new tech - and their not making much difference.
No, in fact Russia has triumphed and according to Macgregor is weighing the losses expected if they decide to take the entire Ukraine. You need a 5 or 6 hour dose of Macgregor. He's the one who's spilt the beans to the greatest effect.
China is laughing at us all!!!
China isn't laughing. They still understand that there's a remote possibility of having to face America without a military alliance with Russia.

Although now it's very hard to imagine how America can defeat Russia? America understands that US/Nato boots on the ground will only lead to nuclear.
No, in fact Russia has triumphed and according to Macgregor is weighing the losses expected if they decide to take the entire Ukraine. You need a 5 or 6 hour dose of Macgregor. He's the one who's spilt the beans to the greatest effect.

China isn't laughing. They still understand that there's a remote possibility of having to face America without a military alliance with Russia.

Although now it's very hard to imagine how America can defeat Russia? America understands that US/Nato boots on the ground will only lead to nuclear.

MacGregor is an idiot.

Russia has been trying to take all of Ukraine for over a year now. If they could they would have done so already.

China has no intention of getting into a conflict with the U.S. The U.S. and Chinese economies are merged. China has no love for Russia and is happy to see Russia depleted in this war against Ukraine. China may take back outer Manchuria when the time is right.

The U.S. & NATO have no intention of defeating Russia. If we did we would have attacked in the 1990s. We want Russia to behave like a civilized country - not the barbaric behavior of the past year.

This war in Ukraine will eventually wear down Russia. The Russian people will remember how good peace was and get rid of the lunatic in the Kremlin.
MacGregor is an idiot.

Russia has been trying to take all of Ukraine for over a year now. If they could they would have done so already.

China has no intention of getting into a conflict with the U.S. The U.S. and Chinese economies are merged. China has no love for Russia and is happy to see Russia depleted in this war against Ukraine. China may take back outer Manchuria when the time is right.

The U.S. & NATO have no intention of defeating Russia. If we did we would have attacked in the 1990s. We want Russia to behave like a civilized country - not the barbaric behavior of the past year.

This war in Ukraine will eventually wear down Russia. The Russian people will remember how good peace was and get rid of the lunatic in the Kremlin.
Yeah o.k. Richard.

A high threat to the Nuclear power plant?

A very hard sell for the Ukraine to pin it on Russia?

And Europe takes the hit square on the nose if it happens!

And too, Putin will call it nuclear war and could react accordingly.ll

What do Americans think?
MacGregor is an idiot.

Russia has been trying to take all of Ukraine for over a year now. If they could they would have done so already.

China has no intention of getting into a conflict with the U.S. The U.S. and Chinese economies are merged. China has no love for Russia and is happy to see Russia depleted in this war against Ukraine. China may take back outer Manchuria when the time is right.

The U.S. & NATO have no intention of defeating Russia. If we did we would have attacked in the 1990s. We want Russia to behave like a civilized country - not the barbaric behavior of the past year.

This war in Ukraine will eventually wear down Russia. The Russian people will remember how good peace was and get rid of the lunatic in the Kremlin.
Most of what you posted is incorrect.

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