Latest Panic Porn: Climate crisis has shifted the Earth’s axis

The Earth's pole, the point where the Earth's rotational axis intersects its crust in the Northern Hemisphere, drifted in a new eastward direction in the 1990s,
It drifted South. Don't these overeducated idiots know that South is the only possible direction from the North Pole?
Don't you know the magnetic north pole is not sitting at the geographical north pole? Magvar can very easily move north.
Fuckhead, we’ve known the earth wobbles for CENTURIES.

What does that tantrum have to do with the fact that you and your whole side here are off on another lying-jihad?

Again, the article was a few normal people pointing out how the earth's axis had shifted about 4 meters since 1980, much of it due to global warming.

In response, your side organized a mass-dishonesty campaign, by pretending that the normal people were really saying the earth's axis had massively shifted, and that the normal people didn't even know the axis shifts.

You. Are. Lying. That's not in question.

The only question is _why_ you party apparatchiks are all lying. Is it because you're just 'effin morons, or are you deliberatetly lying out of butthurt and fascist devotion?
Scientific data confirms that the Fukashima earthquake actually shifted the earth slightly on it's axis but the data was ignored because there is no money in a natural event. Wouldn't you know the extortionist warmers would invent a scenario based on fake data about glaciers.
The only question is _why_ you party apparatchiks are all lying. Is it because you're just 'effin morons, or are you deliberatetly lying out of butthurt and fascist devotion?
Well if they weren't party apparatchiks there would be no way on earth they'd have the college degrees for all that geophysics and astronomy whatever, and they made it through college without becoming registered sex offenders on a preponderance of evidence which consists only of cum on the frat house couch rather than a proof beyond a reasonable doubt which would require the testimony of witnesses in court to prosecute.
Scientific data confirms that the Fukashima earthquake actually shifted the earth slightly on it's axis but the data was ignored

Where do you get such nonsense? The shift was in inches. Do you understand the difference between a few inches and 4 meters?
Where's the data? What data? These scientists never publish any. All they ever publish of their "peer-reviewed research" is a non-technical popular magazine article.
Where's the data? What data? These scientists never publish any. All they ever publish of their "peer-reviewed research" is a non-technical popular magazine article.

It took me 3 whole mouse clicks to reach the research paper.

I understand your laziness. If you looked at the data, it would contradict your beliefs, and that would cause you momentary pain, before you settled the issue by deciding that all of the data must be faked.
Where's the data? What data? These scientists never publish any. All they ever publish of their "peer-reviewed research" is a non-technical popular magazine article.

It took me 3 whole mouse clicks to reach the research paper.

I understand your laziness. If you looked at the data, it would contradict your beliefs, and that would cause you momentary pain, before you settled the issue by deciding that all of the data must be faked.
Which appears to be the same research paper I mentioned and linked to in post #38 of this thread.
(IIRC, found it in 2 clicks, FWIW)
I understand your laziness. If you looked at the data, it would contradict your beliefs, and that would cause you momentary pain, before you settled the issue by deciding that all of the data must be faked.
If the scientists are it drifted eastward, that's because that's the way the whole earth is always turning to face the sun each morning, so they didn't really discover anything new we didn't know already.
Don't you know the magnetic north pole is not sitting at the geographical north pole? Magvar can very easily move north.
Don't you know/understand that the thread topic, OP and Guardian article all this is based upon is referring to the rotational axis pole and not the magnetic ???

BTW, implied is that if the rotational aixs of the north pole has shifted, so has the southern one.
Something else not given enough consideration;
Milankovitch cycles describe the collective effects of changes in the Earth's movements on its climate over thousands of years. The term is named for Serbian geophysicist and astronomer Milutin Milanković. In the 1920s, he hypothesized that variations in eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession resulted in cyclical variation in the solar radiation reaching the Earth, and that this orbital forcing strongly influenced the Earth's climatic patterns.

Similar astronomical hypotheses had been advanced in the 19th century by Joseph Adhemar, James Croll and others, but verification was difficult because there was no reliably dated evidence, and because it was unclear which periods were important.

Now, materials on Earth that have been unchanged for millennia (obtained via ice, rock, and deep ocean cores) are being studied to indicate the history of Earth's climate. Though they are consistent with the Milankovitch hypothesis, there are still several observations that the hypothesis does not explain.
Maybe step back, take a breather and consider going to the source the Guardian is getting this from (???)...

Geophysical Research Letters

Research Letter
Free Access
Polar Drift in the 1990s Explained by Terrestrial Water Storage Changes

S. Deng

S. Liu

X. Mo

L. Jiang

P. Bauer‐Gottwein

First published: 22 March 2021

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Secular polar drift underwent a directional change in the 1990s, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. In this study, polar motion observations are compared with geophysical excitations from the atmosphere, oceans, solid Earth, and terrestrial water storage (TWS) during the period of 1981–2020 to determine major drivers. When contributions from the atmosphere, oceans, and solid Earth are removed, the residual dominates the change in the 1990s. The contribution of TWS to the residual is quantified by comparing the hydrological excitations from modeled TWS changes in two different scenarios. One scenario assumes that the TWS change is stationary over the entire study period, and another scenario corrects the stationary result with actual glacier mass change. The accelerated ice melting over major glacial areas drives the polar drift toward 26°E for 3.28 mas/yr after the 1990s. The findings offer a clue for studying past climate‐driven polar motion.
Plain Language Summary
The Earth's pole, the point where the Earth's rotational axis intersects its crust in the Northern Hemisphere, drifted in a new eastward direction in the 1990s, as observed by space geodetic observations. Generally, polar motion is caused by changes in the hydrosphere, atmosphere, oceans, or solid Earth. However, short‐term observational records of key information in the hydrosphere (i.e., changes in terrestrial water storage) limit a better understanding of new polar drift in the 1990s. This study introduces a novel approach to quantify the contribution from changes in terrestrial water storage by comparing its drift path under two different scenarios. One scenario assumes that the terrestrial water storage change throughout the entire study period (1981–2020) is similar to that observed recently (2002–2020). The second scenario assumes that it changed from observed glacier ice melting. Only the latter scenario, along with the atmosphere, oceans, and solid Earth, agrees with the polar motion during the period of 1981–2020. The accelerated terrestrial water storage decline resulting from glacial ice melting is thus the main driver of the rapid polar drift toward the east after the 1990s. This new finding indicates that a close relationship existed between polar motion and climate change in the past.
Interesting visual from the above article link;

Because melting glaciers and you spitting in the ocean!

We can’t measure it, just trust us this threat is REAL and never happened since the earth was formed!

SPOILER ALERT - we’ve known the axis rotates for centuries.

The models show that is was AGW, who can argue that????

Uranus is tilted on its side.....cuz manmade Global warming!!!
When I point out that you're the only one panicking, turning up the panic is probably not your best choice of actions.

You cancelled your vacation to Guam because you feared it was going to tip over, right?
Don't you know the magnetic north pole is not sitting at the geographical north pole? Magvar can very easily move north.
Don't you know/understand that the thread topic, OP and Guardian article all this is based upon is referring to the rotational axis pole and not the magnetic ???

BTW, implied is that if the rotational aixs of the north pole has shifted, so has the southern one.

You are correct. I jumped in without reading the lead post. Mea culpa.

I realized what I'd done later, but it was too late to delete it.
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The Earth's pole, the point where the Earth's rotational axis intersects its crust in the Northern Hemisphere, drifted in a new eastward direction in the 1990s,
It drifted South. Don't these overeducated idiots know that South is the only possible direction from the North Pole?
It drifted towards 28 degrees east longitude; ie, towards the Eastern Hemisphere.
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It drifted towards 28 degrees east longitude; ie, towards the Eastern Hemisphere.
But when the earth rotates on its axis 12 hours that is West. They don't even know what they're talking about.
The Eastern and Western Hemispheres are fixed to the Earth. They do not change as the Earth rotates. Look at the GPS in your phone. If you aren't moving, it's not going to change. If what you're thinking were true, it would show you traveling about 1,000 mph.

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