Latest Panic Porn: Climate crisis has shifted the Earth’s axis

Naval Officers couldn't tell the difference between Sirius and Jupiter, and I showed them at sea with my 2.5 inch refractor..
I thought Climate Changes was the cause of racism. Or is it the other way around? These Moon Bats never seem to get it straight.
Lol..You obviously have not been to the coast lately. The beaches need to be renourished nearly every year in many areas, the water is lapping nearly over the sea walls, and flooding is so common is some coastal cities it is not even news anymore.
I guess that's why there are no credible news reports of flooding in coastal cities.

With all of the propaganda horror, our coastal towns should look like venice now......................but wait.
Sea levels are rising ... 1/8 inch per year ... in just 100 short years from now, LAX will only be a catastrophic 30 feet above sea level ... think of the devastating effects of Houston adding three feet to their existing sea walls ...
Squawk squawk goes the parrot.

Oh, I'm sorry Mike ... I was being facetious here ... you should try to not be so easily whooshed ...
Lol..You obviously have not been to the coast lately. The beaches need to be renourished nearly every year in many areas, the water is lapping nearly over the sea walls, and flooding is so common is some coastal cities it is not even news anymore.
I guess that's why there are no credible news reports of flooding in coastal cities.

Open your eyes. Your political ideology will not save you from ocean rise or coastal flooding.
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When I point out that you're the only one panicking, turning up the panic is probably not your best choice of actions.

He isn't panicking at all, he is MOCKING it!

The article is a pile of scaremongering baloney.
Lol..You obviously have not been to the coast lately. The beaches need to be renourished nearly every year in many areas, the water is lapping nearly over the sea walls, and flooding is so common is some coastal cities it is not even news anymore.

Japan has already replaced about half the 800 miles of 50 foot sea walls that washed out on March 11th, 2011 ... any community with sea water lapping over their existing sea walls has problems unassociated with sea level rise ... anywhere along the Atlantic coast from Nicaragua to Newfoundland is subject to hurricanes, and the 20 foot storm surge ... some communities would rather be washed away then spend one farthing on protecting themselves ...

Your first clue is free:

Oh, and here's an honest-to-God scientific citation:

22 inches by year 2100 ... using actual data ... you know, not just guessing ...
So why are you panicking about it? The article certainly isn't. It's just you.
“Some scientists argue that the scale of this impact means a new geological epoch – the Anthropocene – needs to be declared.”
Why does the Left hate science so much?
Why hasn’t the ocean risen despite envirowhackos declaring it has?
John Kerry insists that all CO2 must be scrubbed from the atmosphere. The crazies are in charge and intend to scrub the country of all knowledge and persecute the intelligent.

The Dark Ages are upon us.
Why hasn’t the ocean risen despite envirowhackos declaring it has?
It has.


Sea levels are rising ... 1/8 inch per year ... in just 100 short years from now, LAX will only be a catastrophic 30 feet above sea level ... think of the devastating effects of Houston adding three feet to their existing sea walls ...
Squawk squawk goes the parrot.

Oh, I'm sorry Mike ... I was being facetious here ... you should try to not be so easily whooshed ...
I left off my laughy face, sorry.
Open your eyes. Your political ideology will not save you from ocean rise or coastal flooding.
Right :rolleyes: . Chicken Little tales of the sky falling are NOT reputable reports of coastal cities flooding
which you called "so pervasive it's not even news anymore"!

Why don't you and Greta Thunberg get a room somewhere and watch the world drown together?
Let us know how this long awaited calamity turns out.
Naval Officers couldn't tell the difference between Sirius and Jupiter, and I showed them at sea with my 2.5 inch refractor..
They were likely not responsible for navigation nor would one responsible for navigation be much interested in either heavenly body you described as they are not stationary in the night sky. Lol
Thread summary:

Some normal people pointed out that the earth's axis had shifted about 4 meters since 1980, much of it due to global warming.

The deniers immediately all chimed in and declared they were saying the earth's axis had massively shifted. That is, they all lied.

Deniers, the usual question. Are you all just cult imbeciles, or are you lying deliberately? It's not a question that you're lying. You are. The only issue to be settled is _why_ you're lying.
Maybe step back, take a breather and consider going to the source the Guardian is getting this from (???)...

Geophysical Research Letters

Research Letter
Free Access
Polar Drift in the 1990s Explained by Terrestrial Water Storage Changes

S. Deng

S. Liu

X. Mo

L. Jiang

P. Bauer‐Gottwein

First published: 22 March 2021

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Secular polar drift underwent a directional change in the 1990s, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. In this study, polar motion observations are compared with geophysical excitations from the atmosphere, oceans, solid Earth, and terrestrial water storage (TWS) during the period of 1981–2020 to determine major drivers. When contributions from the atmosphere, oceans, and solid Earth are removed, the residual dominates the change in the 1990s. The contribution of TWS to the residual is quantified by comparing the hydrological excitations from modeled TWS changes in two different scenarios. One scenario assumes that the TWS change is stationary over the entire study period, and another scenario corrects the stationary result with actual glacier mass change. The accelerated ice melting over major glacial areas drives the polar drift toward 26°E for 3.28 mas/yr after the 1990s. The findings offer a clue for studying past climate‐driven polar motion.
Plain Language Summary
The Earth's pole, the point where the Earth's rotational axis intersects its crust in the Northern Hemisphere, drifted in a new eastward direction in the 1990s, as observed by space geodetic observations. Generally, polar motion is caused by changes in the hydrosphere, atmosphere, oceans, or solid Earth. However, short‐term observational records of key information in the hydrosphere (i.e., changes in terrestrial water storage) limit a better understanding of new polar drift in the 1990s. This study introduces a novel approach to quantify the contribution from changes in terrestrial water storage by comparing its drift path under two different scenarios. One scenario assumes that the terrestrial water storage change throughout the entire study period (1981–2020) is similar to that observed recently (2002–2020). The second scenario assumes that it changed from observed glacier ice melting. Only the latter scenario, along with the atmosphere, oceans, and solid Earth, agrees with the polar motion during the period of 1981–2020. The accelerated terrestrial water storage decline resulting from glacial ice melting is thus the main driver of the rapid polar drift toward the east after the 1990s. This new finding indicates that a close relationship existed between polar motion and climate change in the past.
Because melting glaciers and you spitting in the ocean!

We can’t measure it, just trust us this threat is REAL and never happened since the earth was formed!

SPOILER ALERT - we’ve known the axis rotates for centuries.

No way! The Earth is flat
Thread summary:

Some normal people pointed out that the earth's axis had shifted about 4 meters since 1980, much of it due to global warming.

The deniers immediately all chimed in and declared they were saying the earth's axis had massively shifted. That is, they all lied.

Deniers, the usual question. Are you all just cult imbeciles, or are you lying deliberately? It's not a question that you're lying. You are. The only issue to be settled is _why_ you're lying.
Fuckhead, we’ve known the earth wobbles for CENTURIES.

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