Latest version of 'I'd like to buy the world a Coke ad

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I got lucky with my BP because just as my doctor was thinking about putting me on meds they came out with new guidelines and that saved me. :lol:

As far as cholesterol goes I don't believe the recommended values because they don't make any sense. Putting a woman in her 70's who goes hiking on mountains on a regular basis on cholesterol meds seemed just plain silly.

My own cholesterol was always within the "limits" even though I have dangerously low "good cholesterol" according to the recommended values.

I don't think they know enough about it yet. They just latched onto it as a means to sell expensive drugs IMO.

I guess I'm just lucky, my sister and brother both are diabetics, but I have never had that problem. I also have low BP....from the time I was very young, I loved all kinds of vegetables and fruits and I don't crave sweets like cookies/cakes/pies. I can enjoy a piece of cake or pie once in a while, but I can't even eat a whole serving....I don't like stuff that is too sweet, I have a negative reaction to it.

My cholesterol was up about 5 years ago and the doctor I was seeing at that time put me on Lipitor. I developed severe muscle pains in my I had been beat with a two by four, so she switched me to Succor. I started having the same thing with that medicine so I quit taking it. Soon after, I switched doctors and after relating my experience he suggested I try using Fish oil pills on a daily basis. His PA claims that Fish oil doesn't help lower cholesterol, but it kept mine in check. Now, I own a Nutri-Bullet and I am able to create some smoothies that have lots of cholesterol lowering Kale, Spinach, almonds, walnuts...all in quantities that you probably wouldn't get otherwise, so I probably won't have to worry about my cholesterol going up even though I don't take the Fish oil regularly. I hate taking medicines of any kind unless I really, really need them. Right now I'm only one daily medication, thyroid medicine and I hope I can keep it at that.
My BP skyrockets when I have a stone, other than that it is low.

That is understandable because you are in pain when you are passing a stone, considerable pain.

My BP ranges between 120/70 to 140/80 depending on what I am doing. As I mentioned earlier that 140/80 was supposed to be where they wanted to put me on BP meds but now it is considered "normal".

I was in the ER a couple of weeks ago for something completed unrelated but the kept me overnight for observation and both my BP and pulse were strong and normal the entire time.

As far as processed foods go, especially meats, I avoid those as much as possible. Way too much salt and other preservatives.

I love deli meats but I avoid them. I will have uncured bacon a couple times a month.

Yeah, bacon is one of my weaknesses too. :D
Free country...

No, its not.

If you are fat, diabetic, have heart disease/cancer and if you smoke, eat meat, eat sugar and indulge in other choices that cost you your health and if you don't have the money to pay for your bills, it costs the rest of us to care for you.

A very small percentage of our population pays the medical bills for the rest.
Some people are so fucking ignorant that they think eating meat is bad for your health. And they can't even comprehend that because malnutrition has damaged their brains.
My BP skyrockets when I have a stone, other than that it is low.

That is understandable because you are in pain when you are passing a stone, considerable pain.

My BP ranges between 120/70 to 140/80 depending on what I am doing. As I mentioned earlier that 140/80 was supposed to be where they wanted to put me on BP meds but now it is considered "normal".

I was in the ER a couple of weeks ago for something completed unrelated but the kept me overnight for observation and both my BP and pulse were strong and normal the entire time.

As far as processed foods go, especially meats, I avoid those as much as possible. Way too much salt and other preservatives.

I love deli meats but I avoid them. I will have uncured bacon a couple times a month.

Yeah, bacon is one of my weaknesses too. :D
Eating bacon is not a "weakness". Bacon is very nutritious and that's why it tastes so good.
My BP skyrockets when I have a stone, other than that it is low.

That is understandable because you are in pain when you are passing a stone, considerable pain.

My BP ranges between 120/70 to 140/80 depending on what I am doing. As I mentioned earlier that 140/80 was supposed to be where they wanted to put me on BP meds but now it is considered "normal".

I was in the ER a couple of weeks ago for something completed unrelated but the kept me overnight for observation and both my BP and pulse were strong and normal the entire time.

As far as processed foods go, especially meats, I avoid those as much as possible. Way too much salt and other preservatives.

I love deli meats but I avoid them. I will have uncured bacon a couple times a month.

Yeah, bacon is one of my weaknesses too. :D
Eating bacon is not a "weakness". Bacon is very nutritious and that's why it tastes so good.

Sure, in moderation, like everything else, it isn't really going to hurt you.
My BP skyrockets when I have a stone, other than that it is low.

That is understandable because you are in pain when you are passing a stone, considerable pain.

My BP ranges between 120/70 to 140/80 depending on what I am doing. As I mentioned earlier that 140/80 was supposed to be where they wanted to put me on BP meds but now it is considered "normal".

I was in the ER a couple of weeks ago for something completed unrelated but the kept me overnight for observation and both my BP and pulse were strong and normal the entire time.

As far as processed foods go, especially meats, I avoid those as much as possible. Way too much salt and other preservatives.

I love deli meats but I avoid them. I will have uncured bacon a couple times a month.

Yeah, bacon is one of my weaknesses too. :D

I love bacon, but I limit myself to a couple of times in one month.....
My BP skyrockets when I have a stone, other than that it is low.

That is understandable because you are in pain when you are passing a stone, considerable pain.

My BP ranges between 120/70 to 140/80 depending on what I am doing. As I mentioned earlier that 140/80 was supposed to be where they wanted to put me on BP meds but now it is considered "normal".

I was in the ER a couple of weeks ago for something completed unrelated but the kept me overnight for observation and both my BP and pulse were strong and normal the entire time.

As far as processed foods go, especially meats, I avoid those as much as possible. Way too much salt and other preservatives.

I love deli meats but I avoid them. I will have uncured bacon a couple times a month.

Yeah, bacon is one of my weaknesses too. :D

I love bacon, but I limit myself to a couple of times in one month.....

I probably eat it a bit more often than that . . . :D I have a thing for club sandwiches, so that doesn't help. Lol.
We had stuffed jalapeños wrapped in good as a snack for the 4th!
My BP skyrockets when I have a stone, other than that it is low.

That is understandable because you are in pain when you are passing a stone, considerable pain.

My BP ranges between 120/70 to 140/80 depending on what I am doing. As I mentioned earlier that 140/80 was supposed to be where they wanted to put me on BP meds but now it is considered "normal".

I was in the ER a couple of weeks ago for something completed unrelated but the kept me overnight for observation and both my BP and pulse were strong and normal the entire time.

As far as processed foods go, especially meats, I avoid those as much as possible. Way too much salt and other preservatives.

I love deli meats but I avoid them. I will have uncured bacon a couple times a month.

Yeah, bacon is one of my weaknesses too. :D

I love bacon, but I limit myself to a couple of times in one month.....

I probably eat it a bit more often than that . . . :D I have a thing for club sandwiches, so that doesn't help. Lol.

There are times when I have it more often.......but I won't eat it every day.
A watchdog group has put a creepy twist on the iconic "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" ad.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest recreated the 1971 ad with people who have illnesses tied to sugar consumption, such as diabetes, hypertension, tooth decay, and obesity.

Read more: Creepy take on iconic I d like to buy the world a Coke ad - Business Insider

Certainly puts things into perspective considering the obesity and diabetes epidemics in this nation.

We never had these jumbo sized sodas when I was growing up but we did have regular sodas.

Perhaps it is time we stopped thinking that bigger is better.

Your thoughts?

I hate liberals.
My BP skyrockets when I have a stone, other than that it is low.

That is understandable because you are in pain when you are passing a stone, considerable pain.

My BP ranges between 120/70 to 140/80 depending on what I am doing. As I mentioned earlier that 140/80 was supposed to be where they wanted to put me on BP meds but now it is considered "normal".

I was in the ER a couple of weeks ago for something completed unrelated but the kept me overnight for observation and both my BP and pulse were strong and normal the entire time.

As far as processed foods go, especially meats, I avoid those as much as possible. Way too much salt and other preservatives.

I love deli meats but I avoid them. I will have uncured bacon a couple times a month.

Yeah, bacon is one of my weaknesses too. :D
Eating bacon is not a "weakness". Bacon is very nutritious and that's why it tastes so good.

Sure, in moderation, like everything else, it isn't really going to hurt you.
I eat bacon practically every day, several pounds/week and I've never suffered any ill effects from it.

The misconception that saturated fat is bad for your health derives from a junk science article by Ancil Keyes back in the 50s that sort of went viral.
That is understandable because you are in pain when you are passing a stone, considerable pain.

My BP ranges between 120/70 to 140/80 depending on what I am doing. As I mentioned earlier that 140/80 was supposed to be where they wanted to put me on BP meds but now it is considered "normal".

I was in the ER a couple of weeks ago for something completed unrelated but the kept me overnight for observation and both my BP and pulse were strong and normal the entire time.

As far as processed foods go, especially meats, I avoid those as much as possible. Way too much salt and other preservatives.

I love deli meats but I avoid them. I will have uncured bacon a couple times a month.

Yeah, bacon is one of my weaknesses too. :D
Eating bacon is not a "weakness". Bacon is very nutritious and that's why it tastes so good.

Sure, in moderation, like everything else, it isn't really going to hurt you.
I eat bacon practically every day, several pounds/week and I've never suffered any ill effects from it.

The misconception that saturated fat is bad for your health derives from a junk science article by Ancil Keyes back in the 50s that sort of went viral.

I agree that fat is not anywhere near as bad as they claim. We actually need a certain amount to remain healthy.

My problem with bacon is the preservatives. Without those it is awesome but since it is virtually impossible to avoid the preservatives I limit my own consumption to about once a month. Instead I eat just regular pork in various dishes ranging from chops to pulled pork in chili.

And yes, I eat beef, chicken and a whole range of fish too. As with all of these things the portion size matters.
I love deli meats but I avoid them. I will have uncured bacon a couple times a month.

Yeah, bacon is one of my weaknesses too. :D
Eating bacon is not a "weakness". Bacon is very nutritious and that's why it tastes so good.

Sure, in moderation, like everything else, it isn't really going to hurt you.
I eat bacon practically every day, several pounds/week and I've never suffered any ill effects from it.

The misconception that saturated fat is bad for your health derives from a junk science article by Ancil Keyes back in the 50s that sort of went viral.

I agree that fat is not anywhere near as bad as they claim. We actually need a certain amount to remain healthy.

My problem with bacon is the preservatives. Without those it is awesome but since it is virtually impossible to avoid the preservatives I limit my own consumption to about once a month. Instead I eat just regular pork in various dishes ranging from chops to pulled pork in chili.

And yes, I eat beef, chicken and a whole range of fish too. As with all of these things the portion size matters.
Preservatives are not a problem in bacon.
A watchdog group has put a creepy twist on the iconic "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" ad.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest recreated the 1971 ad with people who have illnesses tied to sugar consumption, such as diabetes, hypertension, tooth decay, and obesity.

Read more: Creepy take on iconic I d like to buy the world a Coke ad - Business Insider

Certainly puts things into perspective considering the obesity and diabetes epidemics in this nation.

We never had these jumbo sized sodas when I was growing up but we did have regular sodas.

Perhaps it is time we stopped thinking that bigger is better.

Your thoughts?

Doesn't soda usually have GMO corn syrup, instead of sugar?

Diet soda has aspartame, and I don't care what the FDA says, that crap is nasty.

Pure unprocessed cane sugar is not the problem. Neither is honey, barley malt syrup, agave syrup and molasses. That should be basic common sense.
I got lucky with my BP because just as my doctor was thinking about putting me on meds they came out with new guidelines and that saved me. :lol:

You got lucky? Hopefully you're totally joking. Your doctor (who barely knows you) is a consultant, not an absolute authority.
By the way, it's easy to check your own blood pressure. I don't use the medical system for anything, but I have a BP cuff and check my own pressure.

As far as cholesterol goes, statin drugs are way over-prescribed. The statins are worse than the high cholesterol usually. And half of all heart attacks happen to people with normal cholesterol. Best thing to do is to maintain a low-carb diet, don't eat a lot of frankenstein GMO wheat products, and your body will stop producing cholesterol. Eat like a caveman, like humans co-evolved with food sources... common sense.
I got lucky with my BP because just as my doctor was thinking about putting me on meds they came out with new guidelines and that saved me. :lol:

You got lucky? Hopefully you're totally joking. Your doctor (who barely knows you) is a consultant, not an absolute authority.
By the way, it's easy to check your own blood pressure. I don't use the medical system for anything, but I have a BP cuff and check my own pressure.

As far as cholesterol goes, statin drugs are way over-prescribed. The statins are worse than the high cholesterol usually. And half of all heart attacks happen to people with normal cholesterol. Best thing to do is to maintain a low-carb diet, don't eat a lot of frankenstein GMO wheat products, and your body will stop producing cholesterol. Eat like a caveman, like humans co-evolved with food sources... common sense.

I had a physical exam a couple years ago and they checked all my blood work and everything was normal. I don't ever follow any special diet and sometimes I eat some really crappy things. I just make sure that I keep it in moderation. Some people just go overboard with the junk food, fast food and really fatty foods, I think. Home cooking really helps because then you get to control what and how much goes into your meals. Also, a well balanced diet is important.

I've always wondered about that government food pyramid thingy too. It seems like they recommend an awful lot of food for you to consume in one day.

If you notice, you see the fattest people eating at the fast food places. :D I'm sure those people probably eat there every single day or at least multiple times a week. For me, fast food is a very occasional thing, only if I'm out and really hungry and there happens to be a fast food place nearby.

Myself, I eat like a bird anyway, so that probably helps. :D
Yeah, bacon is one of my weaknesses too. :D
Eating bacon is not a "weakness". Bacon is very nutritious and that's why it tastes so good.

Sure, in moderation, like everything else, it isn't really going to hurt you.
I eat bacon practically every day, several pounds/week and I've never suffered any ill effects from it.

The misconception that saturated fat is bad for your health derives from a junk science article by Ancil Keyes back in the 50s that sort of went viral.

I agree that fat is not anywhere near as bad as they claim. We actually need a certain amount to remain healthy.

My problem with bacon is the preservatives. Without those it is awesome but since it is virtually impossible to avoid the preservatives I limit my own consumption to about once a month. Instead I eat just regular pork in various dishes ranging from chops to pulled pork in chili.

And yes, I eat beef, chicken and a whole range of fish too. As with all of these things the portion size matters.
Preservatives are not a problem in bacon.

The heat from cooking bacon causes the preservatives to form nitrosamines that are a problem.
I got lucky with my BP because just as my doctor was thinking about putting me on meds they came out with new guidelines and that saved me. :lol:

You got lucky? Hopefully you're totally joking. Your doctor (who barely knows you) is a consultant, not an absolute authority.
By the way, it's easy to check your own blood pressure. I don't use the medical system for anything, but I have a BP cuff and check my own pressure.

As far as cholesterol goes, statin drugs are way over-prescribed. The statins are worse than the high cholesterol usually. And half of all heart attacks happen to people with normal cholesterol. Best thing to do is to maintain a low-carb diet, don't eat a lot of frankenstein GMO wheat products, and your body will stop producing cholesterol. Eat like a caveman, like humans co-evolved with food sources... common sense.

I don't eat any wheat products because I am celiac.
Eating bacon is not a "weakness". Bacon is very nutritious and that's why it tastes so good.

Sure, in moderation, like everything else, it isn't really going to hurt you.
I eat bacon practically every day, several pounds/week and I've never suffered any ill effects from it.

The misconception that saturated fat is bad for your health derives from a junk science article by Ancil Keyes back in the 50s that sort of went viral.

I agree that fat is not anywhere near as bad as they claim. We actually need a certain amount to remain healthy.

My problem with bacon is the preservatives. Without those it is awesome but since it is virtually impossible to avoid the preservatives I limit my own consumption to about once a month. Instead I eat just regular pork in various dishes ranging from chops to pulled pork in chili.

And yes, I eat beef, chicken and a whole range of fish too. As with all of these things the portion size matters.
Preservatives are not a problem in bacon.

The heat from cooking bacon causes the preservatives to form nitrosamines that are a problem.
1) I don't burn my bacon.

2) In the USA bacon contains anti-oxidants that prevent nitrites and nitrates from forming nitrosamines.

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