Latin American Clown Hugo Chavez condemns Libya airstrikes as ‘imperial madness’


Feb 20, 2011
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez condemned what he called “indiscriminate bombing” by the U.S. and its allies in Libya, saying Sunday that the assault is unjustified and will only unleash more bloodshed.

Chavez said the U.S. is after Libya’s oil, and warned President Barack Obama not to try any similar intervention in the South American country. “With Venezuela, don’t even think about it, Mr. Obama,” he said.

Chavez, who has long-standing ties to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, demanded the airstrikes be halted and echoed claims of civilian casualties by Libya’s government, which said 48 people were killed.

“Civilian victims have now begun to appear because some bombs are launched — 200, 400 bombs from out there at sea — and those bombs fall where they fall,” Chavez said during his weekly television and radio program.

In Washington, however, the Pentagon said there were no reports of civilian casualties in the air assault. U.S. Navy Vice Adm. William E. Gortney, staff director for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the strikes had inflicted heavy damage and largely silenced Gadhafi’s air defenses.

“Libya is under imperial fire. Nothing justifies this,” Chavez said, holding up a newspaper showing an explosion on the front page.

“Indiscriminate bombing,” he said. “Who gave those countries the right? Neither the United States, nor France, nor England, nor any country has the right to be dropping bombs.”

Chavez said African Union leaders were meeting in Mauritania to discuss the conflict.

“That’s what must be done, and going there to talk with the parties in the conflict, but not launching bombs, more bombs, more death,” Chavez said.
“Let’s try to help, to intercede between the parties,” he said. “A cease-fire, sitting down at a table. That’s the path when facing conflicts of this sort.”

The Venezuelan president and several other Latin American leaders who have friendly relations with Gadhafi have strongly opposed the military intervention in Libya.

On Saturday, delegates at a meeting in Bolivia of the left-leaning ALBA bloc condemned the airstrikes of the U.S. and its allies. The group includes Venezuela and seven other Latin American and Caribbean nations.
“We repeat our message from Venezuela, from the ALBA: We demand a halt to the attack against Libya,” Chavez said Sunday. “What madness. ... It’s imperial madness.”

Chavez used his customary term “the empire” for the United States, accusing it of trying to overthrow Gadhafi simply to seize control of Libya’s oil. “They don’t care about the lives of the Libyan people,” he said.
Chavez mocked U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for expressing support for popular uprisings in the Arab world. “Man, what cynicism,” Chavez said.

“I hope a revolution blows up on them in the United States. Let’s see what they’re going to do,” he said.

Chavez has suggested that reports of atrocities by Gadhafi’s troops have been overblown or unproven as the Libyan government has sought to crush the uprising by rebels.

Chavez’s criticisms were echoed by some non-ALBA nations, including Paraguay, where President Fernando Lugo said: “I regret that the United Nations has legitimized those attacks.”

But Peruvian President Alan Garcia praised the U.S. and its allies for defending Libyans against a regime that has attacked opponents to try to cling to power.

“I think it’s very important that the world’s nations unite to prevent this type of butchery and massacres that aim to silence people’s just protests,” Garcia said in Lima.

Hugo Chavez condemns Libya airstrikes as


It's always nice to hear from Latin American jackasses who can't run their own countries, but criticize others for stepping up to fight evil. That why these delicate darlings didn't do shit to help in WW2 or rather World minus Latin America War 2 as it should be correctly called.

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