Latina councilmember's Zoom chat about racism interrupted by people laughing over her accent

The problem isn't the employees making jokes at her poor speaking ability, but her not running the county's health department correctly and her then blaming some other race who have nothing to do with the incompetency.

That IS the problem. Nothing else is heard because of that.
Actually Maryland is among the worst States according to the recent NYT study. Many factors involved. Much to be learned and done.
The NYT is no place to go for factual information. Especially one that pushes the notion there is a lack of access to the internet to obtain the vaccine.
Your comparable study.. including its superior reasoning and methodology please..
Actually Maryland is among the worst States according to the recent NYT study. Many factors involved. Much to be learned and done.
The NYT is no place to go for factual information. Especially one that pushes the notion there is a lack of access to the internet to obtain the vaccine.
Your comparable study.. including its superior reasoning and methodology please..
Not necessary. The NYT is not a place to go for facts. It's comparable to Fox.

In my state alone they have only been vaccinating those over 65 and are just now getting ready for those under. You simply don't have the data available to even begin analyzing.
Actually Maryland is among the worst States according to the recent NYT study. Many factors involved. Much to be learned and done.
The NYT is no place to go for factual information. Especially one that pushes the notion there is a lack of access to the internet to obtain the vaccine.
Your comparable study.. including its superior reasoning and methodology please..
Not necessary. The NYT is not a place to go for facts. It's comparable to Fox.

In my state alone they have only been vaccinating those over 65 and are just now getting ready for those under. You simply don't have the data available to even begin analyzing.
So you "simply" have no data nor study comparable to that of the NYT. It's a big country fur sur, not just one county in Maryland.
well really who takes maryland seriously...and a latina on the council? LOLOL what is MCM. And it seems her colleagues are the ones doing this? The article doesn't seem to want to be clear. Zoom call so i;m sure they know who the 'culprits' are. They don't seem to take her seriously either. SO Miss Thang wants to tie racism in with the vax does she. LOLOL Dems. They never sleep, they never's push that agenda 24/7. Marylanders. you vote for this crap...then you get what you deserve.
Actually Maryland is among the worst States according to the recent NYT study. Many factors involved. Much to be learned and done.
The NYT is no place to go for factual information. Especially one that pushes the notion there is a lack of access to the internet to obtain the vaccine.
Your comparable study.. including its superior reasoning and methodology please..
Not necessary. The NYT is not a place to go for facts. It's comparable to Fox.

In my state alone they have only been vaccinating those over 65 and are just now getting ready for those under. You simply don't have the data available to even begin analyzing.
So you "simply" have no data nor study comparable to that of the NYT. It's a big country fur sur, not just one county in Maryland.
You don't have enough data to make a comparable analysis. Even Brookings called it preliminary data.
Even Brookings, eh? LOL.

Like it or not, it's a goddamned published scientific study. Admit it. You've got bupkis for comparison.
Even Brookings, eh? LOL.

Like it or not, it's a goddamned published scientific study. Admit it. You've got bupkis for comparison.
FFS. No. It's an analysis.
Teehee! So

Scientific? √
Published? √
Study? They say "Analysis." Okay.
And you still have no other source to point at? √
Let alone a better source √
Complaining about the works of others remains easy √
While discussing racial disparities amid the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, a Latina councilmember in Maryland was interrupted by two people — as they giggled and mocked her accent.

"I love how her accent comes out and pronounces words like she thinks they're pronounced," one person said, specifically calling out the way Navarro pronounced the words "represent" and "hologram."

....Chuckling, another responded, "I heard 'hologram,' and I was like, 'That's kind of interesting.'"

"So cute," the first replied, still laughing.

WTF is wrong with people? Really.
I agree--the IDIOTS discussing RACISM are fkd up in the head
jesus fkn christ!!!!!!!!!
RACE RACE RACE---you people are out of your minds
You could have gone to another thread. You weak minded fool that was incapable of reading another thread.
again--I've ask MANY times for you people to PROVE your racial crap===and you people never have!!!!!!!!!
Shut the fuck up. Identify a prior post of mine that is touting "racial crap" or STFU and sit down.
you have no proof---as USUAL with all this racial bullshit
.....mods, can I ask for proof??? and if they don't give proof, can I call BULLSHIT?
I just posted stating that I'm not seeing it where I am at. But, please continue to act like a deranged tweaker.
your quote:
''''WTF is wrong with people? Really.'''''
Yep. WTF could you possibly be thinking ridiculing someone's accent that is giving a speech on racism? What level of stupid do you have to be?
At least you asked an expert~
Even Brookings, eh? LOL.

Like it or not, it's a goddamned published scientific study. Admit it. You've got bupkis for comparison.
FFS. No. It's an analysis.
Teehee! So

Scientific? √
Published? √
Study? They say "Analysis." Okay.
And you still have no other source to point at? √
Let alone a better source √
Complaining about the works of others remains easy √
Ok. So, your primary problem is intellectual. An analysis is not a study. It's not scientific. Start there.
WTF is wrong with people? Really.
STUPID is the answer I'd give to your question- some are naturally STUPID, others work hard at being that way, and many are working on a PhD for it-
Even so what?

now you want to regulate our private opinions?

I agree that its bad manners to laugh at someone’s accent to their face in a public forum

even if they are a refugee from a failed foreign country telling us how to run ours

but what county in America needs one third of its citizens to be immigrants?

what need does that serve?
Even so what?

now you want to regulate our private opinions?

I agree that its bad manners to laugh at someone’s accent

even if they are a refugee from a failed foreign country telling us how to run ours

but what county in America needs one third of its citizens to be immigrants?

what need does that serve?
It is bad manners. It adds fuel to the fire.

The only need it serves is to drive down wages.

I don't give two shits about whether or not you have an opinion.
Even Brookings, eh? LOL.

Like it or not, it's a goddamned published scientific study. Admit it. You've got bupkis for comparison.
FFS. No. It's an analysis.
Teehee! So

Scientific? √
Published? √
Study? They say "Analysis." Okay.
And you still have no other source to point at? √
Let alone a better source √
Complaining about the works of others remains easy √
Ok. So, your primary problem is intellectual. An analysis is not a study. It's not scientific. Start there.
Ok. So, you feel analysis somehow can't be scientific, but your primary problem is still having nothing remotely comparable to offer, learn from, or stand upon, let alone anything to crow about.
I understand. When at a loss simply complaining can supply relief. :yapyapyapf::itsok:
Even Brookings, eh? LOL.

Like it or not, it's a goddamned published scientific study. Admit it. You've got bupkis for comparison.
FFS. No. It's an analysis.
Teehee! So

Scientific? √
Published? √
Study? They say "Analysis." Okay.
And you still have no other source to point at? √
Let alone a better source √
Complaining about the works of others remains easy √
Ok. So, your primary problem is intellectual. An analysis is not a study. It's not scientific. Start there.
Ok. So, you feel analysis somehow can't be scientific, but your primary problem is still having nothing remotely comparable to offer, learn from, or stand upon, let alone anything to crow about.
I understand. When at a loss simply complaining can supply relief. :yapyapyapf::itsok:
Ok sad little man. You don't have anything. I can see you're struggling here.

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