Latino Americans supporting AZ law


Apr 22, 2007
Don't let the libtards fool you, Latinos are some of the most Patriotic Americans and many of them don't like illegal immigration either!

Are mexican-americans, who support Arizona's illegal immigration law, racists? - Yahoo! Answers
I'm Latino, Democrat, Gay, and I support this Arizona law!

The fact is, illegal aliens have “more” rights than gay people. Illegal aliens can see their opposite sex partners in hospitals, and up until just 2 weeks ago when Obama signed an executive order allowing same-sex couples to see one another in hospitals, same sex couples would have been continually barred from seeing one another.

Chamot’s "Round up of Usual Suspects": Hispanic/Latino Americans Coming OUT in Support of Arizona’s Anti-Illegal Immigration Bill SB 1070; American Hispanics Don’t Want Illegal Immigrants
Just as I thought, did you think EVERY Hispanic/Latino in this country supported illegal immigration? Well, YOU better think again?

Warning: Oops! This didn't come from “White” me, it’s Latinos saying it.

“Schwartz, a retired USPS worker, says undocumented workers are taking jobs from citizens like her teenage granddaughter, who hasn't been able to find a job since she began looking after she turned 15.

"She can't even work at the Hometown Buffet if she doesn't speak Spanish. How fair is that?" she said.

But Schwartz and some other Americans with Hispanic backgrounds who spoke with CNN say the problem with illegal immigrants isn't just the jobs they take. It's how they're overrunning towns like Phoenix, turning them into "mini-Mexicos" with their trash-filled streets and loud music, according to Schwartz.

Of equal concern to her friend, Martha Payan, is how she claims illegal immigrants "fleece" government coffers by collecting welfare on multiple children, or vanish without a trace after an arrest or a hospital visit."

The two women, who became acquainted through various demonstrations in the metro Phoenix area, met Thursday to discuss their views outside the Maricopa County Municipal building, as more backlash against the controversial immigration law continued to flood the city.

Latin pop star Shakira arrived in town Thursday to discuss SB 1070 with Mayor Phil Gordon, who has vowed to fight the law. This comes a day after Mexico urged its citizens not to travel to Arizona.

Sporting a white baseball cap that that reads, "100% American Citizen," Schwartz says she believes that SB 1070 came about because law enforcement in Phoenix was fed up over not being able to ask suspects about their immigration status.

"Any time an American does something wrong or breaks the law they're going to pay the consequences. Whenever an illegal does something wrong they get a new ID and become a new person," she says. "I want the laws same for everybody here, not bent for them.”

Some Hispanic Americans hope law deters illegal immigration -
Phoenix, Arizona (CNN) -- Sue Schwartz says she's been called a racist so many times she doesn't mind the label anymore. If wanting immigrants to enter the country legally, like her great-grandparents from Mexico, and obey the laws of the land makes her racist, then so be it, she says firmly.

"I'm getting to the point I wear it with pride," says Schwartz, a lifelong Arizonan who has warily watched the growth of the illegal immigrant population in the state over the course of her life.

About 500,000 unauthorized immigrants were believed to live in Arizona in 2008, and 11.9 million nationwide, up from 3.5 million nationwide in 1990, according to a Pew Hispanic Center report published in 2009.

This year, the tide is finally turning in her favor, she says, with the passage of SB 1070, aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration.

The new law requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect they're in the United States illegally.

Read the full text of Senate Bill 1070 (PDF)

"I hope it makes a lot of them leave on their own, self-deportation. Hopefully that'll open up more jobs. There's a lot of people here who will do menial jobs -- maybe not pick lettuce, but these people aren't just picking lettuce any more," says Schwartz.
The new group You Don't Speak for Me! formed when Col. Al Rodriguez became fed up watching media coverage of the mass protests of April. "Their leaders were saying it was a march for immigrant rights and a Latino/Hispanic movement," says Rodriguez. "I thought to myself, 'Hey, those are illegal aliens, not immigrants!'" Col. Rodriguez began speaking out to others saying, "I'm of Hispanic ancestry and those people are acting like they speak for me. Well, you don't speak for me!"
A new organization is receiving attention for its bold stance against the motivations behind this week's immigrant demonstrations. You Don't Speak For Me is a Hispanic-American coalition that soundly rejects the media myth that the vast majority of Hispanics support the protests and calls for immigration laws to be properly enforced.

The organization rejects the false framed debate that illegal immigration can only be solved by mass deportation or mass amnesty and proposes the third way which is simply to enforce immigration laws that are already on the books, something that the Bush administration has failed to do in its embrace of an open border policy.

Colonel Al Rodriguez, a highly decorated member of the organization, joined the Alex Jones Show to discuss the groups aims and highlighted the racist and violent vision of the Mexican race hate fifth columnists whose openly stated goal is to ethnically cleanse the southern and western states of whites and blacks and erect the mythical kingdom of Atzlan.

"I don't think it will ever come to fruition but there's a lot that really do believe that's where they are going and consequently that's why they're so many illegals over here bringing more and more every day because eventually they believe that all the south west and north west will again belong to Mexico," said Rodriguez.

Rodriguez challenged the stereotype that people who oppose this week's protests are racists, in light of how the Associated Press characterized the demonstrations, in the words of their organizers, as a "day without gringos."

"They start calling you racist, how about Mexico? Mexico is one of the most racist countries in the world in case you don't know it," said Rodriguez.

Hispanic Americans are the most highly decorated veterans since world war two and are incredibly patriotic about America, not Mexico, which is why polls consistently show that anti-illegal immigration sentiment is strongest amongst Hispanics. They know how different America is (or used to be) in comparison to the corrupt Calcutta-like police state of Mexico.

Illinois Minuteman President - An America of Mexican dissent Patriot
Most polls show more americans are in favor of Arizona's immigration law, than against it. Rosanna Pulido is Director of the Illinois Minuteman Project. She joined us live.
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Of course no response from any of the usual mentally deranged supporters of Illegals here. ~BH

It is interesting, because I listen to Medved on the way home and occasionly when I am driving in the car to place other conservative radio. They are constantly getting calls from Latinos, many who say they are Mexican American, and they say they support the Arizona Law and are strongly against illegal immigration.

One Mexican American from LA (3rd generation) who is a carpenter, stated illegals aliens are hired over him, since they will work for slave wages, don't demand benefits and the wages are not on the books. He stated they flood the schools and require a lot resources (in which funding is down year after year) taking away from other place. He stated they are hospital killers.

So I got to thinking, there has to be more. See, usually the people who are unhappy with something scream, shout and make a lot of noise (precisely why Ron Paul seemed like he had so much support, but won nothing). While the people who don't care or are happy with it, do nothing. That is the case here.

More people support than oppose he law, yet the vocal minority is only heard!
I see many American patriots and veterans at the VA that are Hispanic. They are proud to be American veterans and Hispanic. I have never met one who backs illegal immigration in any way. I truly believe that the majority of Hispanic people legally in the United States whether citizens or not do not support illegal immigration in anyway.

If they ever decided to march to show how many Hispanic voters are actually against illegal immigration and amnesty their numbers would make the pro-immigration reform marches look pathetic. The liberal politicians pushing another amnesty would mess themselves. Amnesty does not work and that was proven by the 1986 Reagan Amnesty.
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Of course no response from any of the usual mentally deranged supporters of Illegals here. ~BH

It is interesting, because I listen to Medved on the way home and occasionly when I am driving in the car to place other conservative radio. They are constantly getting calls from Latinos, many who say they are Mexican American, and they say they support the Arizona Law and are strongly against illegal immigration.

One Mexican American from LA (3rd generation) who is a carpenter, stated illegals aliens are hired over him, since they will work for slave wages, don't demand benefits and the wages are not on the books. He stated they flood the schools and require a lot resources (in which funding is down year after year) taking away from other place. He stated they are hospital killers.

So I got to thinking, there has to be more. See, usually the people who are unhappy with something scream, shout and make a lot of noise (precisely why Ron Paul seemed like he had so much support, but won nothing). While the people who don't care or are happy with it, do nothing. That is the case here.

More people support than oppose he law, yet the vocal minority is only heard!

Exactly. That Mexican American probably has worked hard to get to where he is and then all of a sudden illegal aliens come on in and steal his job because they will work cheaper. Felony prosecution for anyone who hires illegals is what we need. ~BH
My wife's family is 100% against illegals. Mrs O is at least 5th generation American.
Of course no response from any of the usual mentally deranged supporters of Illegals here. ~BH

It is interesting, because I listen to Medved on the way home and occasionly when I am driving in the car to place other conservative radio. They are constantly getting calls from Latinos, many who say they are Mexican American, and they say they support the Arizona Law and are strongly against illegal immigration.

One Mexican American from LA (3rd generation) who is a carpenter, stated illegals aliens are hired over him, since they will work for slave wages, don't demand benefits and the wages are not on the books. He stated they flood the schools and require a lot resources (in which funding is down year after year) taking away from other place. He stated they are hospital killers.

So I got to thinking, there has to be more. See, usually the people who are unhappy with something scream, shout and make a lot of noise (precisely why Ron Paul seemed like he had so much support, but won nothing). While the people who don't care or are happy with it, do nothing. That is the case here.

More people support than oppose he law, yet the vocal minority is only heard!

Exactly. That Mexican American probably has worked hard to get to where he is and then all of a sudden illegal aliens come on in and steal his job because they will work cheaper. Felony prosecution for anyone who hires illegals is what we need. ~BH
They should also have their business licenses permantly revoked, and never have the ability to ever attain one again!

They should also have all assets obtained during their time in business seized.

It's time to send a very clear message to the illegals and those who hire them. Enough is enough!
It is interesting, because I listen to Medved on the way home and occasionly when I am driving in the car to place other conservative radio. They are constantly getting calls from Latinos, many who say they are Mexican American, and they say they support the Arizona Law and are strongly against illegal immigration.

One Mexican American from LA (3rd generation) who is a carpenter, stated illegals aliens are hired over him, since they will work for slave wages, don't demand benefits and the wages are not on the books. He stated they flood the schools and require a lot resources (in which funding is down year after year) taking away from other place. He stated they are hospital killers.

So I got to thinking, there has to be more. See, usually the people who are unhappy with something scream, shout and make a lot of noise (precisely why Ron Paul seemed like he had so much support, but won nothing). While the people who don't care or are happy with it, do nothing. That is the case here.

More people support than oppose he law, yet the vocal minority is only heard!

Exactly. That Mexican American probably has worked hard to get to where he is and then all of a sudden illegal aliens come on in and steal his job because they will work cheaper. Felony prosecution for anyone who hires illegals is what we need. ~BH
They should also have their business licenses permantly revoked, and never have the ability to ever attain one again!

They should also have all assets obtained during their time in business seized.

It's time to send a very clear message to the illegals and those who hire them. Enough is enough!

This is madness I tell yuh. Lawless madness. What the hell has happened to this Country? These people who support these law breakers need to be put in straight jackets. ~BH
Exactly. That Mexican American probably has worked hard to get to where he is and then all of a sudden illegal aliens come on in and steal his job because they will work cheaper. Felony prosecution for anyone who hires illegals is what we need. ~BH
They should also have their business licenses permantly revoked, and never have the ability to ever attain one again!

They should also have all assets obtained during their time in business seized.

It's time to send a very clear message to the illegals and those who hire them. Enough is enough!

This is madness I tell yuh. Lawless madness. What the hell has happened to this Country? These people who support these law breakers need to be put in straight jackets. ~BH
No argument there!

What the hell has happened to this country?.....Gutless leadership!

But it appears we have at least one leader in this country who has plenty of guts, her name is Jan Brewer!....All Arizonans should be extremely proud to have a leader like her who is actually looking out for their best interests.....That's the kind of leadership we need occupying the oval office.
They should also have their business licenses permantly revoked, and never have the ability to ever attain one again!

They should also have all assets obtained during their time in business seized.

It's time to send a very clear message to the illegals and those who hire them. Enough is enough!

This is madness I tell yuh. Lawless madness. What the hell has happened to this Country? These people who support these law breakers need to be put in straight jackets. ~BH
No argument there!

What the hell has happened to this country?.....Gutless leadership!

But it appears we have at least one leader in this country who has plenty of guts, her name is Jan Brewer!....All Arizonans should be extremely proud to have a leader like her who is actually looking out for their best interests.....That's the kind of leadership we need occupying the oval office.

I agree. She is a hero and a true Patriot in my opinion. ~BH
I see many American patriots and veterans at the VA that are Hispanic. They are proud to be American veterans and Hispanic. I have never met one who backs illegal immigration in any way. I truly believe that the majority of Hispanic people legally in the United States whether citizens or not do not support illegal immigration in anyway.

If they ever decided to march to show how many Hispanic voters are actually against illegal immigration and amnesty their numbers would make the pro-immigration reform marches look pathetic. The liberal politicians pushing another amnesty would mess themselves. Amnesty does not work and that was proven by the 1986 Reagan Amnesty.

They are not loud because they are not the complaining liberal side. The complaining liberal side always yell loudest and is usually the minority!
More Americans of Latino/Hispanic descendents in support of the justified AZ bill.

Burleson Tea Party schedules Hispanic speakers who support Arizona law | Local News | Ne...
Three weeks after nationwide protests showed that many Hispanics oppose Arizona's new immigration law, a local Tea Party group hopes to provide a different perspective.

The Burleson Tea Party is hosting a "Keep America Free" town-hall meeting featuring Hispanic speakers who support the law, which allows officers to ask people for documents to prove that they are in this country legally.

Among the speakers Sunday will be Bert Hernandez, vice president of the Hispanic Republican Club of McLennan County.

"As a Hispanic, as a Mexican-American and as an immigrant, I am not alone in saying that I support Arizona," Hernandez said. "I think Arizona did the right thing."

Hernandez, general manager of a Ford dealership in Waco, said his family entered the country legally when he was young. He didn't become politically active until last year, when he grew concerned about President Barack Obama's plans for healthcare reform.

"I can understand why the citizens of Arizona want to take the law into their hands and do those things that the federal government won't do," Hernandez said. "They don't want the culture of corruption that's in Mexico to infect our states."

Two Cuban refugees are also scheduled to participate.

Juan Baldor, head of the Spanish department at Dallas Baptist University, and Dr. Irma Aguirre, a family practice physician in Central Texas, will speak about life under the Fidel Castro regime. Polatik, a Hispanic political rapper who has appeared at other Tea Party events, is scheduled to attend.

"I'm of Mexican descent, and I openly say to all that the governor and legislators of Arizona responsible for passing SB1070 are symbols of hope in my eyes," Polatik wrote recently on his website.

Angela Cox, a leader of the Burleson Tea Party, said the roster of mostly Hispanic speakers for Sunday's event was not planned and is "just a coincidence." Her group and others are expected to lobby the Texas Legislature to pass a law similar to Arizona's next year.

Read more: Burleson Tea Party schedules Hispanic speakers who support Arizona law | Local News | Ne...

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