Latino Trump Supporter Angelo Gomez Explains Why He is Voting for DONALD TRUMP!

At least the democrats don't have a complete lock on the latino vote.

There's one, only 22,999,000 more Latino's to convince.

I want all Latino Americans, African Americans, Japanese Americans, Chinese Americans and on and on and on to know that I love you all, but criminal illegals who are here commiting violent acts, thugs, American haters, extremist radicals, anti-Americans, jihadist, and so on and so forth, well I got no use for you here, and it is my hopes that everyone of you are deported or end up in jail soon.
These people standing up for America, and are caring for America, are just my kind of people and are my kind of Americans.
I want all Latino Americans, African Americans, Japanese Americans, Chinese Americans and on and on and on to know that I love you all, but criminal illegals who are here commiting violent acts, thugs, American haters, extremist radicals, anti-Americans, jihadist, and so on and so forth, well I got no use for you here, and it is my hopes that everyone of you are deported or end up in jail soon.
These people standing up for America, and are caring for America, are just my kind of people and are my kind of Americans.

Well, Trump isn't going to get "all" Americans he can't even get a majority of Republicans to vote for him.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
Republicans for Hillary? -

I want all Latino Americans, African Americans, Japanese Americans, Chinese Americans and on and on and on to know that I love you all, but criminal illegals who are here commiting violent acts, thugs, American haters, extremist radicals, anti-Americans, jihadist, and so on and so forth, well I got no use for you here, and it is my hopes that everyone of you are deported or end up in jail soon.
These people standing up for America, and are caring for America, are just my kind of people and are my kind of Americans.

Well, Trump isn't going to get "all" Americans he can't even get a majority of Republicans to vote for him.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
Republicans for Hillary? -

. Hillary is absolutely not the person for President. Just like the people had chose Obama against Hillary, they best do it again IMHO. The woman is a socialist/communist/liar/anti-constitutional/trained in corruption by the best out there (her husband). The mere fact that she was involved in a cover up over Benghazi, and lies about sniper fire, along with her husband's affairs, kissing butt to every group she can, and then lying to them in order to get their vote, and on and on and on it all goes... It best put that big ole flag up for everyone that should say "Hillary go home". No way is Hillary in a position to throw her weight around as she comes with way to much baggage.
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At least the democrats don't have a complete lock on the latino vote.

Smart people in the video. Is that Bergersen there in the background... great taste in music.

Same can't be said of... libs.
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